Harvesting The Witch Queen

Chapter 47: The Venom In My Veins

Chapter 47: The Venom In My Veins

The tower was in a poor state, to say the least. But that didn't matter at all because the only thing that truly mattered was April. She was the one who was left alone in the tower during the attack. She was the one who had been affected by Araknar's venom. She was still fighting for her life. As soon as the battle was over outside, the Minotaur could be heard running inside the tower. Making it back to April was primordial to him. What if she had been assaulted by one of the spider demon followers during the invasion? Sure, Junk had done his best to brutally murder anything and anyone he met in the tower during his quest to fetch the bronze battle axe from the crypt, but they're so many of them that it was highly possible that one of them got through and found the elvish beauty. 

Deep inside, the Minotaur prayed it wasn't the case. He was closely followed by September. The witch wasn't anywhere as worried as he was, but she was definitely concerned. Running on a dangerously low amount of energy, vitality and mana milk, she couldn't teleport, therefore, she couldn't blink into her bedroom in the tower to make sure she was alright. Therefore, she had to run. As fast as she possibly could. She obviously couldn't keep up with the horned beast. He was just that much faster than her. Especially while wearing this set of armor given by the ancient Minotaur. The magical armor transformed a slow and heavy and lumbering mountain of a beast into a fast and more agile bird of prey. 

"To say that you were dying before you took the ax from the crypt. The weapon truly gave you a rebirth," the witch told him while desperately attempting to keep up with him as she ran up to the stairs of the old Autumn tower. She was panting. Her big tits kept bouncing up and down as she ran and followed her new Minotaur. 

"I have no idea how to explain it. I literally felt like I was going to die before I finally found it. But then… Everything was much better. Sort of the same thing I felt when I first found this armor. It changed me. For the better," he replied to her. The mystical bronze battle ax could be seen, hanging in the back of his armor. The item was the main thing the Autumn witch was seeing as she was running behind him. She couldn't look at anything else, and she didn't want to look at anything else. It had been so long since the last time she had seen this battleax. All the memories that came with it. The legends. 

"Finally, something that can substitute the effects of my mana milk," September brought up to him. Pointing out the fact that there had been absolutely nothing that could replace her mana milk in terms of keeping Junk alive. The only things that had given a bit of vitality back to the Minotaur was that armor and that weapon. Nothing else could do anything good to him. Nothing was working. 

It's not good. It's not good at all. I was hoping that there was nothing that could substitute for my mana milk. Keeping him dependent on my milk is capital for my plan to work, September thought to herself. She bit her lower lip as she thought about this.

"No. I wouldn't go as far as saying that, witch," he replied.

"Huh? What do you mean, then?" she asked him, curious.

"The effects I felt when I first obtained the armor set eventually vanished. The effects I'm feeling because of this weapon are slowly leaving me as well. It's not permanent. And it never gave me anywhere near as much life as your precious mana milk does."

"Um… How about that?" she whispered to herself as she continued running in the stairs right behind the devoted Minotaur.

"Uh? What did you just say?" he asked her as he didn't understand her. Which was absolutely normal, she whispered, after all. Something that Junk wasn't supposed to hear at all in the end.

"I said: It's good to know. It means that I'll have to give you more milk as soon as my body cultivates some more. I'm still feeling drained because of how much mana and magical abilities I used earlier during the fight with Araknar. It shouldn't be too long before I am back to full speed. I need to rest, of course, first," the Autumn witch explained to him as they both continued running. Never stopping for anything. There was no time to stop. April's life was still in danger. Junk couldn't wait to get back to the top of the tower. In her bedroom. Guarding her. Helping her recover from the venom. 

"Well, that can wait right now anyway. We have to reunite with April as soon as possible. That's the only thing I'm focusing on right now," the Minotaur quickly cut her short and sped up.

Later, when Junk finally made it high enough in the tower and found April's bedroom again, he came in like a hurricane and kicked the door open. The door was immediately broken and came undone. Sent flying in the air. Landed on the floor. Thankfully not anywhere near close to April's bed. The horned beast entered the bedroom. It was dark here. It was still the middle of the night, after all. The Minotaur made it deeper into the room and rushed himself toward the bed. Stomping on the broken remains of the door he just destroyed in the process. A bit of light peeked through the window, a blue light that was cast by the moon. 

"April!" Junk called out her name as he stepped closer to her bed and saw the beautiful and voluptuous shape of her body through the blanket she had been swallowed by. "April! Are you awake?" not hearing any replies from her, he decided to pull on the blanket and uncover her. Then, when he did it, Junk realized that he was too late. Both of them were too late. The Minotaur squinted his eyes.

Then, September finally arrived. Catching up with Junk. She saw it as well. There was no one in the bed. April was nowhere to be seen. The bumps in the bed underneath the blanket were nothing but pillows. They resembled the shape of the young elvish woman when lined up under the blanket. The witch was panting more than ever. Both of them were obviously highly disappointed that April wasn't anywhere to be found.  The witch had to lean against the beast, so she could fully stand in the room. She was about to puke her guts. 

"Where is she?" the Minotaur asked out loud. 

"Don't worry. We will find her," September reassured him.

"They probably took her before I was able to cut the neck of the spider demon," Junk pointed out. He was right after all. It was only logical that this had been the moment during which the demonic followers stuck and came for her. During the battle. While both Junk and September were much too busy to be guarding April. It was a logical assumption. The Minotaur hated himself for it.

"Don't be so sure, Junk," his witch Queen interrupted him.

"What do you mean?" he grew confused and irritated. 

"Look around us. There is no sign of any destruction or battling here. Even with April infected by the venom, she still would have been able to fight them off. Probably not win against them in her state, but she would have definitely been able to fight back at it, but the room is just fine. Exactly the same way it was before we left her alone earlier," she was making a great point. She managed to open the eyes of the horned beast. He knelt down on his knees on the edge of what used to be April's bed. Looked down. Almost knelt down next to the bed in the honor of April. Almost as if she was gone forever. 

"Do you really think so?" the Minotaur asked her. 

"Yes. She must be somewhere in the tower. We can find her."

"Then, if this is truly the case, I will leave no stones unturned. Let's find her. I want to make sure she is okay," he said.

"Alright. Perhaps you can go on your own for a bit," she proposed as she finally sat down on April's bed after using Junk as a crotch for so long to help her stand. She sighed. 

"What do you mean? I can't leave you alone. You can't defend yourself with no mana milk inside of your titties. What if more of the spiders come here and get you?" Junk tried to reason with her. Losing April was one thing, but if he ever lost September as well, this would mean the absolute end of this Minotaur. He would no longer be able to go on living. No September meant no mana milk, which also meant that this was going to be the last day for Junk. After obtaining this set of armor and this magical battle ax, he didn't want today to be his last day. He desperately desired to show off to people and to look badass while fighting and guarding his witch Queen. 

"Did you see any on our way up here?" the witch asked him as she continued panting. Her face was all red and blushing. She was overheating. Women with magical powers such as September and April were both always extremely warm as their mana was flowing through their veins, but this was something completely different. Something else was wrong with her and Junk didn't know what.

"No. I didn't," he admitted to her, realizing it just now. 

"Well, that's your answer. I'll just be fine. Sensing the death of their master, his followers most likely ran away by now," she said.

"September. Why is your skin so red like this? You weren't like this before we climbed up the tower? What happened?" he asked.

"We ran a lot. It accelerated the mana milk production in my body. My body is heating up because of a severe lack of mana. This happens to me when my body is automatically making more mana milk. I should be able to lactate sooner rather than later," she said. 

"Very well. So, are you sure about me leaving you alone?"

"Yes. Go find her. Find her and bring us back to us while I'm getting ready to feed you again, Minotaur. Go on. Go on!" she commanded him to do it. Meanwhile, as he listened to her and prepared himself to step out of the room, the Autumn witch pulled on her jack-o-lantern breastplates, removing them. 

Plock! Plock!

It was only natural. Her breasts desperately needed to loosen up a bit after spending so much time inside of the cups of her breastplates. 


Junk ran and ran from one side of the tower to the other. Searching every single room for April. There was no time to be wasted here. Finding her and making sure she was okay was so important to him that he didn't mind having to turn all the rooms of the tower upside down. Finding her was well worth it. 

"April! April! April! April!" he kept calling her name over and over for the next hour that he spent searching for her on every level of the tower. He would not stop until he had found her.

The only thing he didn't expect was the fact that Junk wasn't going to find her inside the tower, but instead outside of it. 

After searching for hours inside the tower without any good results, the Minotaur decided to go outside after finding strange footsteps near the entrance of the tower. Footsteps that were not there before when Junk and September originally came back inside. The strange footsteps were of a dark violet color. Not blood-red, dark violet. The Minotaur smelled the footsteps. It was venom. The same venom that April had sadly been infected with. 

Junk rushed himself outside. 

Followed the venom footsteps into the woods surrounding the tower. The, unfortunately, burning woods. 

Then, he found her…

"They made me their new master, Junk…" he heard in the woods.

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