Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 268: Ghost tour

  Chapter 268 Ghost Journey

   People have limited memory and energy to process information. Whoever remembers things more than ten years ago, even if it is a painful lesson, a historical event that has left a deep impression, will forget, let alone some small details.

Although Draco’s spoiled little villain spoiled himself in trivial matters, he never committed life-threatening deeds in major matters. For example, he tried to murder Dumbledore and was unsuccessful, but everyone remembered that he had a Death Eater. Father, and he himself is also a Death Eater.

Although he was only ranked 30th in Hefpaff’s dating rankings, there were still many girls who had a crush on him, such as Astonia, but Pansy Parkinson was there at the time, and the only place that could provide him with a thigh pillow It could be Pansy's. Pomona had a lot of her own problems at the time. How could there be time to pay attention to the thoughts of other girls. Later, Draco was unlucky. Pansy broke up by herself. Astonia became Draco’s fiancée. Winclaw's brain is just good.

  Hermione's evaluation of Pansy is that she is very stupid, this stupidity is not stupid in grades, she is a girl's public enemy, and boys don't like her. Although it is a very strange way, the students of Hefpaff like the Dean of Slytherin very much. The professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts is cursed. They hope that Severus Snape can continue to be a potion class. Professor, in order to protest, except Ernie Macmillan, the whole school did not take Slughorn's potions class.

No one blames Ernie for betraying everyone, because Ernie wants to be an Auror. He thinks he is doing the right thing, do the right thing, and he likes Hermione Granger, she Lucius Malfoy also knew that she was the smartest girl in the year. He often taught Draco that "you can't even test a witch from a non-wizard family".

  When a girl is good enough and has a very good brain, even if she is a mudblood, the noble young master of the twenty-eight holy pure blood family wants to marry her home. The son’s IQ is directly related to the mother’s IQ. No one wants an heir who is as stupid as Gregory Gore. Hermione chose Ron Weasley to make many people embarrassed, even Victor Krum. Labeled by the boys as a Quidditch fool, Hermione is smart and compassionate, and is willing to teach and take care of others. This is her strength and weakness, because many people will take advantage of this opportunity to take advantage of her. Cheap.

  Yes, house elves are doing housework, but the Ministry of Magic is where they work, not at home. If their windows are dirty, they clean themselves, and their desks are messed up by themselves. These are not within the scope of the elves’ relocation office.

Pomona knew that Hermione would be in a frantic situation at work the first day, and she would be prone to messing up in an emergency, and she could not tolerate anything wrong with herself, so she deliberately asked Hanna to go with her to the Department of Fantastic Animal Management . Hannah did a good job as expected, she shut the door with a "poof", the whole world was clean, and Hermione could deal with it calmly after she recovered her calm. Pomona believes that Hermione can do a good job, those offices Several of the men competed head-to-head with Voldemort.

The Battle of the North Sea started on December 24 and was stopped by the Ministry of Magic on December 26. It was not because of the kindness of the Kingsley woman, but because of the tsunami in Indonesia, which killed hundreds of thousands of people. The increase, even the Muggles with a large population is not a small number, and there are also British citizens traveling there.

Kingsley made a choice between pursuing the werewolves and saving people. He is a humanitarian minister of magic. The Muggle Prime Minister asked him to help him. The witch trials and the Inquisition were centuries ago. Muggles today are not as savage and ignorant as in ancient times, provided that electricity can be continuously supplied.

Panic can make people do unexpected things. Muggle school teaches children knowledge, but does not teach them how to face fear and solve problems. Just like Umbridge, they are theoretical and have no practice. , The learned knowledge is not used for a long time, not only will be forgotten, but also worthless.

  Justin returned to the Muggle world. The knowledge he learned at the magic school is definitely not the same as the Eton School. He is a very good young man with a strong ambition. He just wants to be the prefect.

  It's not just him, Ernie McMillan and Zacharias Smith also want this position. Dumbledore and the Dark Lord Tom Riddle have been prefects. Hefpaff’s former prefect Cedric Diggory was already in the seventh grade when he participated in the Triwizard Tournament. The prefect selection is usually recommended by the dean, and the principal chooses it. Justin’s method is to fight hard. Mona's flattery, Zacharias develops in Quidditch. Quidditch is a sport that most people like, but Pomona doesn’t like it very much, and the other two boys have forgotten the importance of female prefects. Ernie and Hannah had a good time working together, so in the end they both They became the male and female prefects of Hefpaff.

  Due to this sudden tsunami, the Chinese Quidditch national team withdrew from the World Cup qualifiers. This sport has never been promoted in Asia because wizards in the East prefer flying carpets as a flying tool. Only Japan has achieved popularity. The most successful Japanese team is Toyohashi Tengu. They finally defeated in the 1994 professional league. The Gorodok Monsters of Lithuania won the championship, but the International Wizarding Federation was dissatisfied with the Japanese’s failure to burn the broomstick. Chinese wizards have always been closed and conservative, and they rarely communicate with foreign wizards. Now they communicate with the outside world through Quidditch. Everyone is looking forward to their performance. Nowadays, their early departure has made many people feel embarrassed. The sports section of the Daily Prophet reported on this. Apart from this, there is not much information related to the tsunami.

The front page of the headline was a social review about Azkaban Prison. After the dementors were removed as guards, they moved around the world to commit crimes, arousing international attention, and even Mongolia found their tracks. Kingsley Shaker’s agent , Robert Shaker’s photo was published in the newspaper. He looks a lot like Fudge and loves taking pictures.

   "Godmother, are you looking for me?"

  Pomona put down her newspaper in the cafe and looked at Astonia, who was as beautiful as a fairy. She looked so weak and needed care, as slender as Draco.

This shop is located diagonally opposite the Horror Journey Wizard Travel Agency. You can see tourists from all over the world passing by. The Harry Potter Salvation Journey is a new project of this travel agency, and the Broken Cauldron Bar is a must-pass place , But now its first floor has been destroyed, the bustling Diagon Alley is not as crowded as it used to be, and the business has been deserted a lot.

   "Sit down, dear, what would you like to drink?"

  "You asked me to meet outside on purpose, not to invite me to drink." Astonia sat opposite Pomona.

"Tell me, what makes you think you should get along with Muggles." Pomona asked, looking at her blue eyes. Her eyelashes are very long, she has a pair of cute dimples, and her manners are elegant and standard. Miss Noble "I need your true thoughts, don't pretend to be innocent with me, Miss Greengrass."

"My last year of Muggle studies was taught by Professor Carlo. She proclaimed that pure blood is superior to Muggles all day long, and she forced us to use a curse on students in confinement, whether as a curse or punished. I don’t like the other side. What's more, I don’t think a magic wand can stop a nuclear bomb. Times have changed. Godmother, Muggles are not ants. Violence can’t solve all problems. I don’t want to get along with someone as foolish as her."

   "Your future mother in law, Narcissa Malfoy also thinks Muggles are disgusting."

   "She is different from Professor Carlo. She will compromise for Draco."

   "Oh, my god, do you think Draco is easy to control?" Pomona sighed and looked at the little girl. The little girl now is really amazing.

"No, he is just lonely. He wants someone to accompany him, understand him, and share the difficulties with him." Astonia said with a smile, "I'm glad he has that sign on his arm, so I can Don't worry about him dumping me after the storm."


"The competition is fierce, Pomona. Opportunities can only be called opportunities if they are seized. Pansy Parkinson loses that position because he cares too much about public opinion. I like Draco. He is a very good person. It doesn't seem to be the case. Pansy cares too much about the opinions of unrelated people."

In those eyes, Pomona saw a determined soul. She looked feminine but she made very accurate decisions at critical moments, but she was also shy and shy, especially when facing Draco, the lovely pair of dimples. It's more likable than Pansy's sharp laughter.

   "When are you going to tell Draco about the blood curse on you?"

  Miss Greengrass was surprised.

   "Blood Curse?"

"Not everyone in your family has it, it just happens that you have it." Pomona said cruelly. "The Malfoy family has been passed down from generation to generation. Draco intends to fall out with the family for you. If you are the same as Pansy Parkinson Retreat, I can't spare you. You may not care about fame, but no one will marry a ruined woman. I promise to let you live with the cat for the rest of your life."

   "Do you have any evidence that I have a blood curse?" Astonia frowned her delicate eyebrows.

"Compared with other sisters, you are too weak. How can you give birth to strong children with such a weak body? Narcissa can compromise with others. She will never compromise on the issue of children. Her grandson will inevitably inherit the Malfoy family. My husband is being stupid. He told me that I didn’t want to give birth to the child. Maybe the Prince’s family would end here. If Draco told you the same thing, what would you do? Can you meet such a man? Luckily, you have to be cruel to see the facts clearly. Will you risk your life to give birth to a child for Draco?"

"I will." Astonia replied without thinking about it, seemingly self-willed. "Malfoy will get what he wants. I will become Mrs. Malfoy. Nothing can stop me from reaching this goal. It will be mine. The greatest success in my life."

  Pomona sees Astonia from a new perspective.

   "Why didn't Liwei choose you as the prefect?"

   "I'm not old enough, and Pansy is around Draco like a mad dog. I don't want to be bitten by her."

   "What if Pansy didn't break up with Draco?"

"How can she not make mistakes when she is so stupid? And I think she might still think she is very smart, and she is the first to speak out every time, as if she is afraid that others will not know her own point of view." Astonia With a mysterious smile, "How did you know that I like Draco? I know you encouraged him to pursue me."

   "His godfather told me." Pomona had to sigh. How did Severus see it? Astonia didn't chase Victor around like Hefpaff's silly girls.

  Astonia's eyes rolled around, as if thinking of something, she smiled clearly.

   "Godmother, can I ask you a favor?"

   "Go ahead, kid, what do you want to do?"

   "If Draco runs away from home, he will have no income. I want to take advantage of the resources now to do some business to ensure that he will have to spend it after he leaves home."

  "What business do you want to do?"

   "Candy." Astonia said with a sweet smile, "Every morning, when the owl flies into the restaurant with candy, it is the only time I can look at him openly. I thought no one saw him."

   "Oh, Severus." Pomona said sourly, how could he find such small details.

   "I can't believe that you are actually a pair with Professor Snape. How did you do it?"

"Believe it or not, I can't believe it myself." Pomona took a sip of cold coffee, then put on a witch hat, covered her wing-like hair, and stood up. "Let's go, honey, let's shop." go with."

  (End of this chapter)

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