Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 267: Demise boundary

  Chapter 267 Demise Border

  It's getting harder and harder to find a pure-blooded cat raccoon. Even the cat raccoon applied by the Ministry of Magic is mixed with cat blood.

  The cat that Hannah carried was a hybrid like Mrs. Lorice and Crookshanks.

Hermione’s cat, Crookshank, was bought from a pet store. Its ugly face is second. Some people still think it is ugly and distinctive, mainly because its shin bones are curved and it looks like it has a disability. Even though its fur is thick and fluffy, no one is willing to buy it, and only sympathetic Hermione is willing to buy a disabled cat back to raise it.

It is a clever cat, just like its owner. From the outside it looks like a Persian longhair cat. This cat will become docile when it grows up and should not be as lively and active as Crookshanks. , Hermione, who thought it was a problem, hugged it and asked Hagrid. Hagrid recognized its pedigree, and then told Hermione to go to the Ministry of Magic to apply for the obfuscation curse test, so Hermione learned Confusion spell.

She also used this spell on McCaun once, as if he was in a Quidditch selection or something. Ron’s performance was described as terrible. Girls would always subconsciously help their boyfriends, so they would repeat the grade. In 1988, McCaun, who had been racing on the Quidditch court, became a substitute goalkeeper.

  Mrs. Lorris does not have any disability, except that it is skinny and dark-gray, with bulging eyes like Filch's bulb. Filch is a dumb gun, he can't use the Confusion Curse, and if Mrs. Lorice wants to attack him, he can't do anything. But he was very, very good to Mrs. Lorice, and he could never find anyone better than him. So Mrs. Lorice abandoned its original owner and became Filch’s accomplice, catching those all day long. A mischievous student.

The cat raccoon that Hannah carried back was slightly fat, with a blue-gray coat, big and bright golden eyes, and was at an age when he was curious about everything. When he saw the cockroaches in Draco's pocket, he kept peeping his head. The pile of cockroaches spit out letters towards it vigilantly, making a hissing warning sound.

   "It looks like an ordinary cat." Pomona was a little disappointed. She thought that this time Hannah could also bring back a little monster.

   "Its nose is ugly." Hannah pointed to the cat's face and said, "It turned it up. It looks like a pig nose."

"It's still much better than Hermione's cat." Pomona stroked the smooth fur of the cat tanuki. The cat tanuki application from the Ministry of Magic is much better than the pet shop. If Crookshanks I'm afraid I'll be in the pet store without encountering Hermione.

   "I heard that there are many cats and raccoons in Scamander's family, why don't you adopt one?" Hannah asked.

   "How was Hermione's first day at work?"

   "Oh, it's a disaster." Hanna rolled her eyes. "Other departments use her as a maid."

  "On the first day of work, we have to clean up. The elves will be very popular." Pomona poured Hannah a cup of black tea. "What did you do?"

"Do you remember the ranting letters you received in the third grade?" Hannah stroked the cat and said, "It should have been more. I intercepted some for you with Ernie, and Neville Longbottom. , He asked his grandmother to explain to everyone that it was the Ministry of Magic that was at fault. They allowed the dementors to enter the school. They also entered the Hogsmeade search, and the businesses of many businesses were affected by them."

  "Guess why I made you two prefects in fifth grade?" Pomona said with a smile, "Justin wanted Ernie's position for a long time."

"And Susan, she also wants my position." Hannah said with a smug look. "This time I intercepted those paper airplanes like that time. She is a witch, not a maid. The resettlement office works to improve the treatment of the house elves, and she can refuse those things that are not related to her work."

   "I knew it was a good idea to let you accompany Hermione." Pomona patted her godson, "How about shaking hands?"

  Hannah’s face stretched.

  "You are all people who can distinguish between primary and secondary. Do you need me to remind you who your primary enemy is now?"

   "Do you expect us to make peace by saying that?" Slytherin's little snake said with disgusting expression, "You really don't understand the art of speaking, Hefpaff."

"Well, I tried to make peace. Slytherin doesn't accept it, then we will talk about war." Pomona smiled and said to Hannah. "Call everyone you can find, Hogwarts Forest See you at the venue."

  Draco could not sit still immediately.

  Mrs. Hefpa has many influences, this is something everyone knows.

   "You haven't heard of it, right?" Hannah said blankly, "because you only care about wizards."

  Pomona and Draco watched her together.

"On December 26, 2004, a tsunami occurred in Indonesia. This is the strongest earthquake since the Good Friday earthquake in Alaska in 1964, and the second largest earthquake since 1900, with a magnitude of 9.3. As of today, there have been ten Ninety thousand people died, and this number is still being updated. This may be the world’s most devastating tsunami disaster in the past 200 years. The incident was located near a tourist hotspot. In addition, it was the peak tourist season of Christmas, and the disaster-stricken areas gathered. A large number of local residents and tourists, many tourists have become the victims of this disaster. Justin contacted me yesterday to make sure I have gone to Indonesia for a holiday. What were you busy doing at the time?"

   "Hunting the werewolves." Draco Malfoy replied blankly, "I don't care how many people died in Muggles. I only know that werewolves pose a threat to wizards. They are our biggest threat right now."

"Oh, I can't believe it, Malfoy, your eyes are so short-sighted. Human power is limited in the face of natural disasters, even if you are a wizard." Hannah said not to be outdone. Didn’t all grades except Ernie take Slughorn’s potions class? Because we only admit that the potions professor is Professor Snape, he is not as arrogant as Slughorn, and treats us as his servants. The same thing, when he asks us for materials, he will tell us what he wants to do with these things, and also tell us what role he plays in potions, let alone treat us as fools. I look at Professor Snape and the Dean. You just come to your house for Halloween and Christmas. When will you be less arrogant?"

  "Is it affected by Dominica?" Pomona asked with concern. That was where Hermione's biological parents were.

   "I have never heard that the tsunami only affected Asia, and that other countries suffered heavy losses. Hermione asked me to thank you for helping her find the whereabouts of her parents, otherwise she would not be able to concentrate on work."

"Draco, I like you very much, but your attitude really provokes you a lot of enemies. Are your lessons in the past six years not enough? You have to broaden your horizons. The world of pure blood wizards is indeed too closed. By the way, how did the Ministry of Magic respond this time?"

"Responding to the Muggle Prime Minister's call to provide support, countries around the world have sent disaster relief teams. This is a disaster for all mankind. You can't act as if you are too far away and don't feel it." "The Ministry of Magic went to work early because of this incident. Now the Broken Cauldron Bar has been destroyed. A lot of news about the Muggle world has not circulated. Tom can't run the bar in St Mungo's recovery. Can you help me? Dean?"

   "Let him help you." Pomona pointed to Draco's face and said, "It looks like you will be busy next time. What is Ernie doing now?"

   "He is playing Auror, and he is treating Harry as a competitor."

   "Damn it, no one else is doing nothing?"

   "Yes, Justin will be fine." Hannah said, "He returned to the Muggle world after graduation. Now he regrets it and wants to return to the wizarding world. What do you want to do as the dean?"

   "There are too many eight-eyed spiders in the forbidden forest. I organized a Slytherin match with the other three houses. The winner can get a box ticket for the Quidditch World Cup next year."

   "Really?" Draco was surprised, but Hannah was lacking in interest. She was more interested in chocolate frog pictures.

"We lack a therapist here. Draco belongs to Slytherin." Pomona pointed to Draco Malfoy and said, "If you win him, I will give you my treasured chocolate frog picture. One sheet."

   "Deal." The ruddy-faced Miss Albert looked at the pale Master Malfoy maliciously, "You will definitely lose miserably."

   "How to compare?" Draco asked coldly.

  "Whoever saves more people?"

   "Do you think I am a fool, Hefpaff?"

   "Then how do you compare?"

   "You continue to discuss, and I don't want any casualties in this operation, remember?" Pomona stood up, and it seemed that she was looking for someone to visit Diagon Alley.

   "Yes, Dean (Godmother)." The two answered together.

"Honey, are you ready for lunch?" Pomona asked loudly, ending her Auror life and being a housewife for several years. Now she started working again. Hermione must have encountered so many things on the first day of work Very busy, but she didn't plan to visit Hermione.

  Anyway, she was going to Diagon Alley. She was going to a Weasley trick shop. It was time to talk to George about his father.

  (End of this chapter)

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