Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 266: Hidden goodness

  Chapter 266 Hidden Goodness

Draco Malfoy and his father had the same virtue and could not hold back the pressure, and he was still a coward, stupid and arrogant, and he left the mark of the Dark Demon on his arm at a young age, which represented "sin". mark.

  His father is considered a loyal believer of the Dark Lord, he should be imprisoned in Azkaban like other Death Eaters, and he was saved by a Dementor. Hell, the Dementor will also save people? Don't they just kill people?

This is the way of life of people who have messed up their lives. No matter where they go, they are suspected and discriminated against. To make matters worse, Draco was abandoned by Pansy Parkinson. When he needed support most, Because she couldn't bear the pressure from the outside world, she didn't continue to be with her "beloved" Draco.

Pan Xi usually looks very arrogant, domineering and domineering, and quarreling with all the girls, Pomona thought she lived a real life, but she turned out to be a woman who is strong and unreliable at critical moments. Voldemort used it and didn’t know what. Magic, whispering in the ears of the whole school, asking them to hand over Harry Potter, Pansy was the first to yell out to catch Harry.

  All the children in Gryffindor stood in front of Harry Potter, followed by Hefpaff and Ravenclaw. She aroused public outrage, even though she was a girl.

  Because of the "hunting" of witches in the fourteenth century, all wizards treat women with special preference, respect and love women, but this kind of respect and love does not mean that they can do anything wrong. Pansy broke Draco's heart, and if Astonia were like this, then Draco might become distrustful of women.

  If he becomes that kind of game world, the rich son who plays with women is her education failure. She will never allow this to happen.

  53 of the Slytherin Code: Treat love with care.

  Article 70: Find someone who is worth defending with your entire life.

  This is why those pure-bloods are liked by so many women.

  Men will never understand, they will laugh at women for their stupidity behind their backs, how can those mudbloods be so whimsical that they want the favor of pure-blooded nobles.

  McCorn is handsomer, taller, richer, taller, and better at home than Ron Weasley, and he was also dumped by Hermione Granger. Even if Ron Weasley spit out slugs again, as long as he was willing to leave home to save Hermione when he knew he was facing death threats, those twenty McCorn would not be as good as one Ronway. Sly.

The pure-blooded nobles and Muggle girls have happened not only once, but also in all colleges. If Hermione Granger agrees to McCowan’s pursuit, then she will become another trophy for that kid. ", he will boast and show off in his own small circle, and Pomona can't help but want to throw a curse when he meets this kind of person.

In Ollivander’s memory, only the owner of the Sorbet wand has never done anything evil, because Sorbet usually chooses a wizard with a pure heart. This kind of wood is suitable for duels and even better than other wands. The heart is pure and not pure. It means nothing is hurt, even unicorns sometimes attack dark creatures.

  The Dharma Tree is a variant of Sorbus. There are many Dharma Trees in the Forbidden Forest. If what Draco Malfoy said is correct, she will not be protected when approaching the Dharma Tree. On the contrary, her life will be in danger.

  Healing speeds up death, and letting it die without treatment. No wonder the doctor of St. Mungo will be at a loss. Unless he finds what is parasitic on her, the curse will always exist.

  There are still many undiscovered magical animals in this world, and only some of them are known to humans. Silent is a magical creature directly related to dark power, and Pomona doesn’t know whether it has anything to do with the unbreakable oath, but Draco’s discovery reminds her, otherwise this time Action" will have another accident.

It is the wand who chooses the owner, not the master who chooses the wand. Draco's earliest wand is made of hawthorn. This is a peculiar paradoxical material, suitable for healing magic but also good at curses. He obtained it with the disarming curse. Dumbledore’s wand—the old wand’s approval.

  Being able to become a wizard with the use of a magic wand is only the first awakening. The second awakening is much more difficult than the first, and this power is called "talent" by Grindelwald.

Who can believe that Draco wasn't even a man at the time, he was just a boy, but the old wand chose him because he awakened his pedigree talent, and he also possessed the eyesight of the Malfoy family-like cat and the Black family. The power of the curse.

This awakening process took place in his sixth grade. After Arthur Weasley ransacked his home and Lucius Malfoy was arrested, the first half of his life was colored, and the second half became as gloomy as Severus. At least, Severus still had Harry justified him, and used his actions to clean up his charge, but Draco Malfoy could not do it, because he was still alive, and his being alive was guilty for some people. .

  Pancey saw that she wasted 7 years of youth on Draco and gave him her pure body. She seemed to be Mrs. Malfoy.

  Unfortunately, she is a person who can share ups and downs, and Pomona sees no advantages in her. The same woman, Pomona, understands her feeling of making investment but no return, but the choice is more important than hard work. She chose the wrong one at a critical moment. Just like the Dark Lord, he thought Severus was the owner of the old magic wand. As a result, At the last minute it fell short.

  Unwilling to be reconciled to any solution, unless you go back and start again, the time converter has a rule, that is, you cannot change your own destiny, and it is yourself who made the wrong choice. This problem is unsolvable.

  Although the chances are slim, Hannah’s Muggle mother married her 28th pure-blood father.

   Sirius once said that many so-called pure-blood aristocrats are actually not pure in blood. Wolfgar and Orion are cousins. In order to maintain the purity of blood, the Black family and the Gunter family are also married as close relatives.

Bella married Lestrange, Narcissa had dated Lucius Malfoy early, and the second daughter, Andomida, had not yet arrived. Walburga once moved Sirius to marry herself like his parents. Sister's thoughts.

   Sirius is very repulsive of this kind of close relative marriage, which is one of the reasons why he has to run away from home anyway.

  Walbuga is an absolute pure-blood, and she is very strong at home, O'rain is the only one who listens to her, the relationship between the two of them is not very good, and the husband and wife sleep in separate rooms.

  In the 21st century, some pure-blooded wizards seem to be still alive in the 19th century. The master bedroom sleeps alone by the male host, and the hostess sleeps in her own room. This is the pattern at 12 Grimmauld Place.

There are many couples who keep this habit and do not sleep separately. In addition to the master bedroom, the Malfoy’s villa has a bedroom next to the study, where the Slytherin decoration is still maintained, green and silver everywhere, and gorgeous. Accessories.

  She now lives with the two Slytherins, and keeping Hefpaff’s yellow and black looks too strong, she doesn’t want to be a mother like Walburga.

  Adaptation is also a kind of conquest. Besides, if there is no green plant cover on the loess, it will become a desert. She has to adjust her mentality and accept that there are things she doesn't like in this house.

  "Why is there no second floor in this place?" After placing the glorious hand in the study, Master Draco looked at his room with disgust, as if disgusting it was too small.

"Your mother bought this house and forgot its existence. It was originally prepared for you." After Pomona helped Draco organize his room, she looked around and felt that a lot of things were missing. She is going shopping in Diagon Alley. "Are you going back to the hospital today?"

  " Charlotte and I took time off, so I don’t have to go back this afternoon."

   "Did your father cut off funding?" Pomona asked.

"We didn't make it to that point." Draco rubbed his nose and said with no aristocratic temperament. "My dad is very ambitious about power. He has always wanted me to join the Ministry of Magic, but my ambition is not here. In addition, I also want them to be able to untie the knot. I know my mother has been disappointed with my father after the war. Just now I went home to pick up things and heard them discussing about the return of the Dark Lord. Scarhead said again. He has a headache."

   "Then do you think your arm hurts?"

  Draco silently stuffed the empty suitcase under the bed.

"I think he's very cool, desperate for a living woman, not for a scarred mother." Draco stroked the pile of birds, snakes and cockroaches in his jacket pocket. It looked like a gorgeous brooch." When I heard Charlotte tell me that you were forced to come back because of a curse, I felt completely miserable. Yesterday I ran into McGonagall when I went back to school. She asked me how your condition was. It's a death curse. Katie Bell shouldn't be alive. She flew up at the time, and so did you. I thought it was a coincidence."

  "How did you know the unbreakable vow?"

   "I asked the godfather, the way men treat men." Draco stood up and said with sternness and arrogance, "He told me the content of the oath."

   "Then you ran to me and cried and made a lot of noise?"

   "You have no evidence that your curse is related to the godfather's oath." Draco said fiercely, "but it does have to do with the power of the Black family. I will take care of you because I am your doctor."

   "You are a trainee doctor!" Pomona reminded him expressionlessly.

   "Who do you think I am? I am Malfoy."

  If Pomona was the same year as him, she must have felt that the young man in front of her was very arrogant.

   But she thinks he is very cute at the moment. She is now in the same group with the bully, and he will take care of her. Narcissa will definitely be jealous of her.

  "You have a disagreement with your dad, what about mom?"

   "That's why I asked you for help. If you think Astonia is worthy of my investment, I will mediate their relationship."

   "What if I think it's not worth it?"

  Draco was silent again.

"Never let others tell you what you should not do, and remember Malfoy's family motto." Pomona stroked Xiaolong's pale face, looked into his eyes and said, "Don't believe everything you hear, don't spend Take everything you have so that you won’t get hurt."

   "But you obviously defended Astonia more last time." He complained.

"I was a woman at the time, of course I wanted to help women speak, but now I am your godmother, if Astonia dares to hurt you, I will show her a good look!" Pomona waved her fist over him. "Remember when she was in fourth grade What happened to Harry Potter? I will leave the entire social world without her foothold."

  Draco laughed.

   "You don't need to do this to her, I don't want to cause family feuds and make wizards bleed for this matter."

  Yes, even the Dark Lord has one or two advantages, Pansy Parkinson has none of the same, except for being pretty.

   "Oh, Draco." Pomona kissed his face as passionately as the French, "Pansy is not good enough for you, don't think about her."

   "That's why I don't live in a dormitory. She often goes to Zabini's bedroom to play." Draco said coldly, "So I have to disturb you."

   "Our door is always open for you." Pomona's impression of Pansy diminished again, and she was thinking about something.

  At this moment, the honey suddenly appeared with a "pop".

   "Mistress, Miss Albert is here."

  Draco's face suddenly turned ugly, obviously he still remembered Hannah turning him into a slug.

   "I want to see DA members, do you want to overhear our conversation? Leader of the special operations investigation team?"

  He snorted with disgust on his face, and the goldfish rolled his eyes upwards, then hooked Pomona's shoulders and went to the living room together.

  (End of this chapter)

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