Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 269: Villain or saint

  Chapter 269 A villain or a saint

  Even the old fool Hagrid disappeared for a while after the report of Leta Kist was published in the newspaper. The discrimination against hybrid creatures born from the hybridization of magical creatures and humans in his time was much more serious than Pomona's time.

  It is not the same era that people can never understand the influence of Fleur’s appearance in Hogwarts as a mixed-blood Veeva, and the influence caused by the crazy pursuit of boys.

  That feeling is hard to describe in words. The only thing to describe is that the sky has fallen and the world is crazy. The appearance of Furong has subverted her cognition. She has never thought that she can be noticed like Furong.

  Harry, who was abused by the Desley family since childhood, may also feel this way. He never felt that he was a big celebrity. As a result, he was regarded as a savior when he stepped into the wizarding world, and her brain stopped thinking.

There are ninety-nine rules of Hefpaff. Don’t think about it if you don’t understand it. If someone knows it, then she gave Severus Snape everything she thought about. She did what he asked her to do. At that time, the principal was doing Dealing with Fudge and the other guests who came to the game was very busy. Dumbledore had always trusted Snape in major matters, and the end result was that he messed up everything.

  Pomona asked him, what was he thinking at that time?

  He said that he didn't think about anything, he just did what he wanted, even if he almost lost his life.

  The street is full of Aurors. Due to the damage to the public fireplace exit of the Broken Cauldron Bar, the nearest store to the Broken Cauldron Bar, Partage Crucible Shop, has become a temporary public exit. Diagon Alley used to be a butcher shop street long ago, and the meat will quickly deteriorate under the sun, so the buildings on both sides of the street are repaired very close to ensure that the shade of each other can cover each other’s meat.

The streets are so narrow and apparitions are very dangerous. There are fewer people coming to shop, and mail orders have obviously increased. Owls flap their wings and fly over their heads. The benefits of wearing a hat are now obvious. Astonia needs time. Be careful that your blonde hair doesn't stick to bird droppings. She and Platinum Malfoy really match, standing together is like a beautiful painting.

  The Malfoy’s villa lacked stationery. After purchasing a large amount of ink, parchment and quill pens from the Ink Stationery Store, Pomona finally found a little rational brilliance.

  She can't stay home for five days like the last time he came back from Beihai. She didn't know what happened in the Muggle world, and she would go to **** in the long run.

The head office of the Daily Prophet is on this street, not far from Lihen Bookstore. After the Second Wizarding War, Litaskitte published a new book called "Severus Snape: A villain or a saint? ", it was co-written by Lockhart and she, just like her upper book "The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore", which contained a lot of false information, but she wouldn’t doubt it no matter what she thought. Dumbledore's sexual orientation.

  The profession of a teacher seems to be insulated from sex, let alone a principal. As for Severus, his appearance in black clothes is very ascetic, just like the thorny guy she used to give him. He is covered with thorns and he is very guarded. If he is unhappy, he will mess up other people’s gardens. , But also planted the blame on others.

  The person who says that he no longer needs a lover can never fool the lonely beating heart in the middle of the night.

Some people’s abstinence is because they dare not face their desires. For example, Albus Dumbledore. Same-sex love is a “sin”. Dumbledore didn’t want to do wrong. He imprisoned Grindelwald who wanted to make a mistake and asked him to talk to himself. keep distance.

Severus is not the same as him. He is a seeker. He has to hold the Snitch firmly with his own hands, and he is affected by Malfoy very realistically. He wants him to live in a holy way like the Puritans. Hahaha, that's so funny.

The White Wizard was so sure that Harry Potter was the last Horcrux that Severus forced Harry to die. Now Pomona wants to overturn his hypothesis and prove that Harry is not a Horcrux, and there is a soul treasure. Without knowing where, she is tantamount to challenging authority.

  The Dark Lord is gone, everyone is convinced of this to enjoy peace without distraction.

Now that Harry’s scar hurts again, some people may suspect that he is sensationalizing and wants to attract everyone’s attention like Lockhart. This is the same as the summer vacation after the Triwizard Tournament. The Daily Prophet said that Harry was a liar, Deng Bliddo became a fool, but she went on a trip to Ireland with the man, she didn't even have to face Amos Diggory, the old fool protected her very well, and everything was resolved when she came back.

The kids in the college were busy questioning Harry Potter. No one cared about Cedric. He was about to graduate. He seemed to be forgotten. Only Amos Diggory, his old father still remembers he. His appearance in that cemetery was unnecessary. His body seemed to prove to Dumbledore that Harry Potter did not lie. The "warm body" gradually cooled down as life passed, and the ruddy Hefpuff beauty The man was as pale as Draco Malfoy in the end.

She felt very cold, it was the bitter cold of death, just like the last time in the valley of Tibet, she did not dare to live, one person would definitely be frozen to death, two people hugged and felt very warm, she just wanted to live , Does not become a corpse as cold as Lily Potter.

  In the Eastern calendar, January 5, 2005 is Osamu, which represents the official start of winter and is the coldest day of the year.

  At the winter solstice, the sun has the shortest sunshine duration and the northern hemisphere receives the least sunshine, but the temperature is not directly related to the sunshine duration. It only affects the growth rings of trees. The growth rings in winter are always narrower than in summer. Darkness and coldness are not suitable for plants to survive.

  The only exception is the magical plant like Devil's Net, which strangles the passing animals to death. When it gives up struggling and relaxes, it is allowed to decompose. The nourishment produced in the decomposition process can be used for its survival.

  In addition to memorizing the solar calendar, Pomona has also developed the habit of memorizing the monthly calendar. The same is true for the potion professor. His potions sometimes need to be combined with the moon phases. They ran into a wizard from Mongolia in the permanent residence of the International Federation of Wizards.

  Kaba is originally a lot of animals in Japan, but Mongolia has gradually increased. This is not consistent with what is written in the book of magical animals. Harry Potter questioned him in class, thinking that he hadn't read the book Where Fantastic Beasts are, and the old bat was almost **** off by the kid who looked like James Potter.

  Because Severus couldn't explain it, he was treated as a fool, and Pomona would be laughed at if she couldn't explain what Harry's snakelike voice was.

  It’s not so easy to challenge the public knowledge. It requires immense courage. Pomona doesn’t want to be on the torture rack like Bruno.

  Astonia insists on being with Death Eater Draco Malfoy without caring about others' eyes. She is much better than many people in the world whose thinking is influenced by public opinion.

You can’t control the mouths of others. Sirius has been rumored to have escaped from Azkaban for the murder of Harry. Arthur also told his children this kind of news. Did he discern the authenticity of these rumors before spreading the message? ?

  After buying what Draco should need, Pomona took Miss Greengrass to the Weasley trick shop.

She likes to be friends with Arthur, but doesn't like to work with him. "Work" or a clear-headed person like Severus is more trustworthy, provided that he does not bring personal feelings to work, otherwise he will Like Arthur, he is a "dumb" who makes trouble everywhere.

  (End of this chapter)

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