Guild Wars

Chapter 971 Blood Vine Apocalypse

"Whatever the case, we still need to gather more of this stuff for our own uses. My Nanna stated that the method of energy fusion is worthy of research, but she requieres higher grade versions." Misery revealed with a nod towards Shadowheart.

"Well, we sure as hell ain't getting that from some starter-level Demon village. We probably have to head closer to the center of this realm and their seat of power to achieve this." AP commented while casually kicking a building nearby out of boredom.

"Alright, let's get a move on then. Elle has gotten to stretch her legs and I too want to see what the fearsome Demons are made of." Nightwalker chuckled.

The group left the village, each using their own methods to move around the place. Elle placed two pieces of cardboard on her shoulder blades, which she warped into strong wings.

Shadowheart was easily capable of flight by pulling the Wind Energy in the atmosphere within his range of control and using it to form a propeller around his body that would use the expulsion method where necessary to ensure a fast and successful flight.

Nightwalker directly summoned a house-sized version of Jormungandr and rode him. Misery simply used a 5th Order flight spell while AP resorted to his good old legs which were moving fast enough to make Sonic look like a snail.

The five fellows moved towards the western edge of the horizon at abhorrently fast speeds. They didn't have to stop for anything because the entire bloody realm was made of utter waste.

In fact while traveling, rather than study the Demon Crystal in his hands, Shadowheart was more intrigued by the energy present in the air. There were many various types at various concentrations, but the strongest and most dominating one was a grayish-black energy similar to the ground below them, and Shadow could feel its composition.

He named this energy 'Desolate Energy' because it gave off the aura of passive decay, poor vitality and timelessness. Right now, he was studying ways to incorporate this energy into combat.

He named it Desolate rather than Decay Energy because its aspect or characteristic of decay was passive and controlled by time and other indirect factors, rather than pure decay which was active and would break down or eat away at something until it was decrepit.

So obviously, it did not have much combat use on the surface. Even if you hit someone with this energy, apart from the physical force, you'd probably have to wait for years for the energy to evaporate their life force.

However, Shadowheart refused to give up. He did not truly believe that there was anything that was so naturally limited in the world. Everything could be applied to everything, one just had to find out a proper method.

For example, one might say that Death Energy would have great combat use but poor defensive use and supportive use. However, it was theoretically possible to construct worthwhile defenses from Death Energy or even heal a person with the energy.

Right now, Shadowheart was pursuing it from the angle of instantaneous action. In other words, rather than hit a person with Desolate Energy and watch them decay at a slow speed, when hit by the energy, they would immediately become 'desolate'.

This was a great idea and possibly the best way to use the energy effectively, but it was almost impossible for the current Shadowheart to achieve this.

The reason was because he could not alter the fundamentals of the various energies at his beginner stage of Magic Perfection, only gather then and shape them up.

In fact, what he was doing was no different from what True Gods of various elements would do in terms of moving with Laws rather than Energy or Concepts at the mortal level.

Shadowheart realized this problem with a frown. However, he did not stop, deciding to research as much as he could for the research value.

After all, the more he learned and discovered, the more 'exp' he and the Source of Magic would gain, in turn the more power he could mobilize as its controller.

Unfortunately, he couldn't study it much longer as they soon arrived at another nearby Demon village, though this was was a lot larger. Alas, they had come too late, this place was already a mess of broke buildings, dead bodies and blood.

The group came just in time to see the remnants of the Demons here currently ganging up on a male Angel. The fellow was roaring and trying to break free of his bonds, wanting to kill every demon as if he was a retarded version of Eren Yaeger.

However, the Demons clearly weren't going to allow him, as the females among them were red-eyed with hate and malice. They took turns to strip naked and bounce upon the fellow's lower body, doing what you're obviously thinking they're doing.

Hey, they were Demons and their literal race motto was literally "Kill, Torture, Rape, Slaughter!" so what did you expect? They would start with the rape bit and then get to torturing then slaughtering.

That was usually how they rolled and why they were so hated and feared, even more so than the rapey Orcs. At least Orcs were just there for the breeding and would not necessarily cut your head off and torture you and your family to death.

Upon seeing this activity, Elle became speechless and disgusted. Misery and AP scanned the females here to see if any of them were good and noticed that there were a few goods one, but their current state and their actions were a serious turn off.

Most men didn't mind an opposite sex partner having some history, especially if it was just casual sex, but no self-respecting man was gonna put his dong in a hole that was full of another dude's goo.

"Hmm, let me handle this one. I've always wanted to try this here, but I haven't been given a reason to." Nightwalker requested from the others, none of whom saw any need to fight him over this.

As such, the fellow smiled and opened a small Calamity Portal. He then placed his hand in and pulled something out.

In his hand was a large seed about the size of a tennis ball. Nightwalker placed it in between his thumb and index finger like he was about to flick a coin, and then launched the seed at shocking speeds down.

It plunged into the body of an unsuspecting male Demon who was watching the show with cold eyes, forcing him to bend over in pain as he suddenly cried out. Since the other Demons had just survived a slaughter, they were very jittery and sensitive, so they immediately turned to the fellow who was making that noise.

While they glanced at him questioning, the fellow's body began to pulsate and roll, as if there were hundreds of beetles crawling under his skin. He groaned weakly and took two hunched steps forward before exploding into blood mist, releasing hundreds of thin blood red vines that reached out like lightning.

Before any of the Demons could move, each had been pierced by a vine, and their skin also began to shake and bubble like a balloon as they explode, doubling the amount of vines and passing it on.

By the time, they could react, half of the surviving Demons had already been turned into hosts and nutrients, and there were enough vines to make moving around impossible.

Some took up weapons and began hacking at the vines to try and escape or fight back to rescue loved ones, but it was futile. It didn't matter if they were Demons or Gods, an apocalypse was an apocalypse, and it was one of the forces of nature.

"Which one is this? Blood Vine Apocalypse?" Misery asked with interest, watching the horror below.

"Yes, something like that. It's a subset of the Plant based apocalypses that focuses on parasitism, rapid regeneration, rapid promulgation and devouring. It also has a tenacious lifeforce and can survive on even the barest of nutrients for a long time, but cannot grow without flesh and blood." Nightwalker explained with his arms behind his back while the manifestation of Jormungandr recorded the developments with intrigue.

"A very fitting type of the Demon Realm and these Demons. They claim that one of the reason for their invasion is to cull their high population, so this apocalypse should be able to grow very well here." Shadowheart noted with a smile.

AP scratched his chin and looked around. "Eh, but this village is so secluded. Where will it get more nutrients from? Should we slaughter other villages and dump the bodies here?"

"Oh don't worry too much about it, I just wanted to test some things. It doesn't matter to me if this one withers and dies, it has already provided valuable testing data." Nightwalker laughed carefreely.

AP smiled and nodded while Elle asked: "So what about our search? How are we gonna go down there and find anything useful with those things in the way?"

Nightwalker smiled and snapped a finger. "That's another useful thing about these types of apocalypses, with enough authority and control, they can easily do misc tasks for you."

As he said this, the idle vines wobbled for a bit as if communicating with something before rushing into the various houses and rummaging around. Soon, they pulled out hundreds of Demon Crystals, some special items and some strange books.

These items were lifted upwards to Nightwalker who collected them all with a smile. The others looked on with shining eyes. They could let Nightwalker use his methods to clear these low-level areas and ransack them, then focus on higher level areas.

As for the aftermath... who cared?

They certainly didn't care that they were leaving severe hidden dangers in the Demon Realm, and they also didn't care that they were killing hundreds of Demons.

In fact, they might not know this now, but the various apocalypses and things they would leave in the Demon Realm would grow out of proportion and become calamitous for the Demon Realm to face.

Hundreds of talented youths would be born under the Heavenly Dao and become protagonists who would fight against these apocalypses to save their realm.

Whether these youths succeeded or not, that was for the future to tell. In fact, they ones who brought the calamity were called the Harbingers of Destruction, and they would erect statues of them later on for the Demon race members to curse and spit on.

However, all of this would occurred decades later at best, and by that time, these fellows who caused it would have long migrated to the Sci-fi world and have forgotten everything about what happened here.

After all, to them, this was just a random stroll to relax, cause trouble and plunder. As players, and as bloodline holders, and especially as Golden Savages, how could they take something like this to heart?

It was like asking a politician to feel bad for exploiting your life, work, and resources to fill his own pockets and secure his own dynasty.

You might as well ask for a girlfriend, because while less likely that you'd get one, it was at least theoretically possible!

After looting this place, the fellows were like locusts who had sensed innocent planets and crops, or like piranha that had smelled blood and flesh. The rampaged throughout the demon realm from the point where they entered, heading towards the place Misery determined was the center through magic.

On their way, countless Demons were forced to weep, mourn and gnash their teeth in anger, regret and hatred. What was it like to be beaten down by a species you considered as prey without even being able to fight back?


Just imagine if one day a chicken got up, kicked down your door and beat you and your family up while laughing wretchedly? How would you feel?

This was just the beginning of the nightmare for the Demons of Hell!

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