Guild Wars

Chapter 972 Livestream Goddess 1

Meanwhile, the ship Draco and co were on was making steady progress on the sea. Its speed was a freaking 20 knots per second. (Author's Note: For all ye landlubbers, 20 knots = 37 km/h! Converted their speed was a whooping 133,200 kilometers per hour!)

The sailors enjoyed their cruise bordering on Mach 108!

Yes, you read that right, not Mach,1, not Mach 2, but 108 times the speed of sound!

But hehe, it was truly a pittance when considering the size of Boundless seas. After all, you should have known better. No matter how good the craftsmanship, this was only a Rare Rank ship, and it definitely couldn't display OP speed in comparison to the reality of the world.

And more importantly, this speed was nothing to sea monsters who were attracted by the life force on the ship. They could easily catch up and keep pace with the ship, from Rank 3 going up.

They were mostly dealt with by the weapons on the ship which were automated, but it definitely opened the eyes of the core members as to the dangers of the sea. Trying to open their lucrative sea route without the Destruction Ball Draco and Eva had used proved to be a Herculean task full of losses and investments.

It was no wonder that Umbra and Vita could enjoy such wealth from just one sea route between two continents.

However, though they had traveled a long distance in terms of kilometers from Cario Continent, they were about 0.0001% on their way towards their destination despite a few hours passing at this crazy speed.

Sheesh, Boundless and its love for exaggerating sizes and distances. Could the AI be compensating for something?

After a few hours, it was to be expected that that the novelty had worn off and the only thing the core members were battling was their boredom. They were idly about on deck when someone notorious suddenly exclaimed.

"Ayoo, check it out! Elle is streaming some crazy shit right now!" RamButt shouted.

The core members jolted and opened their streaming service in-game and saw that one stream was currently pinned at the top by the AI, and its viewership had reached 100 million and was climbing fast.

In a matter of minutes 70% of the entire concurrent playerbase was watching her! (If you want to check out the real one, you can do so over on , without the _ )

Seeing this, the core members became curious and wondered what this sister of theirs was up to. When they opened her stream, they were immediately dazzled.

"Hey everyone, it's me your favorite streamer, Elle Leone and today I have a very special treat for y'all! I'm going to show you guys how to raid the Demon Realm!" Elle introduced herself with a soft smile and a calm tone.

The comments went crazy in response to this.

[Big Booty Girls Are life: Goddess Elle, please abandon that handsome freak and settle for ugly old me, boohoo!]

[Fergie's Left Tit: Upstairs, have some decency. You should at least kowtow to that Shadowheart fellow 100 times in order to facilitate your dreams!]

[Leaf Soup: Nowadays, people have no standards. How can you lie about being in the Demon Realm like this? The Great War event itself is years away!]

[Retard Spotter: Retard spotted.]

[Normal Dude in a Crazy World: Hey buddy, you blow in from stupid town?]

[Ulysses and Carrots: Ikr, like seriously. Even the fucking AI has pinned the stream, so it definitely wants us to see something from this. Even if it's not the Demon Realm, which let's be real, given that she is an Umbra core member it might actually be, it's gotta be at least something important nonetheless.]

[Hublot's Whore: Tsk, tsk, you see, your first mistake was using FACTS and LOGIC on a RETARD.]

[Leaf Soup: Man, I'm not gonna lie, I'm getting COOKED.]

[Perseus' Heel: Hey, at least you're chill about it.]

While the responses continued on and increased in fury, Elle finally turned the camera around to show the rest of the Golden Savages and the wasteland like Demon Realm.

"With me is my beloved Shadowheart. Here babe, say hi to my viewers." Elle prompted Shadowheart beside her.

Shadow smiled and gave his mostly gentlemanly nod. "Thank you all for subscribing and supporting my beautiful Elle. I owe each of you a deep gratitude."

[Mbappe is Goat: Sigh, just look at that face, that drip, that posture… how can we compete?!]

[Lotto King: I can sorta understand why she likes him, such a gentleman.]

[Ignit Litmus: Hmph, I bet he can't do a wheelie while 360° no scoping 3 noobs on 'Call of Duty 76: World At War… Again' like me!]

Elle then turned the camera to Nightwalker who was riding atop Jormungandr.

"Also my fellow Golden Savage, Nightwalker." Elle introduced with a smile.

Nightwalker turned to Elle, then the camera and smiled. He had found himself a glass and was currently swirling some cognac within.

"Hmm, I see you. Witness our journey if you wish." Nightwalker said calmly, not even looking into the camera anymore as he sipped his alcohol.

[Cookie Anon: Damn, how sophisticated and manly!]

[Telem Ware: Sigh, this is what a realm man should be like, stoic, calm and with a glass in hand.]

[Rekted Dinosaur: Err, why do I feel like this fellow is a lecherous bastard who likes 'fixing' troubled women?]

[Red Sosa: Sigh, this is why there needs to be an age filter for chatting online. If you're jealous, just insult him directly and not make such pathetic assumptions?]

[Vintage Human: I know right. Like, what part of him gives such an feel? Do you know him personally? The lengths kids would go to nowadays to discredit someone!]

[Sis Wonder: Tell me you are a loser incel without saying it.]

Elle then turned to Misery who was casually flying while sipping from his flask. He gave an earthly aura of awareness and amiability.

"This is Misery, another Golden Savage who is also a Prince of England." Elle giggled.

Misery turned to the camera and nodded slightly, then focused ahead. He couldn't be bothered to greet these fellows when there was booty to be found.

[Jolyne Hoestar: My gawd, that beard, those eyes… I want his face as my chair ASAP!]

[Hoetite Booty: Hello, a Prince? Tell him to message me NOW!]

[Fake Woman: Welp, im wet. What to do now?]

[Extella June: Im planning to sue him for not being in my life earlier. Anyone wanna join?]

Elle rolled her eyes at the comments and then turned to AP who was coasting lazily, occasionally punching downwards to use the fist force push him upward.

"And this one is AP_Berzerker, the final member of our group." Elle concluded lightly.

[Biggie Smallz: Man, look at that bod. He must be roided out.]

[Swoll King: Nonsense, upstairs. He must've gotten those gains through hard work and perseverance!]

[Muscles are life: Tell this man to contact me. Me and my gym bros wanna meet up and chat.]

[Kevin's Dad: Damn, no girls fawning over this guy? Only burly dudes? Sucks to be him, kek.]

After the introduction, Elle turned the camera to pan around the Demon Realm to show the level of desolation and lifelessness of the place. The chat was still moving at this time, with many exclaiming about how dead the place looked.

After all, even if one weren't religious, thanks to various ideologies and media, one would expect the place where Demons lived to be a fiery hell with brimstone, and screaming.

But this was just sad.

[Killer King: Man, I think I understand why the Demons raid the Main Plane.]

[Average Thigh Lover: Like seriously. If it were me, forget raiding, I'd practically squeeze them out and occupy the place myself.]

[Chaoshi Huan: Upstairs, are you Central Country?]

[Average Thigh Lover: I'm whatever your mom wants me to be when we roleplay.]

Elle then began to explain what they were doing here and how they got there. When the players heard they too could enter through space cracks, many began to make plans to look for one around.

As for Elle's warning that it was dangerous and only those above Rank 3 with a Semi-Epic Class should attempt to do so, they directly ignored that. It sounded more like she wanted to hog the fun experience for herself with such a flimsy excuse.

However, simple logic would tell you that if so was the case, why on earth would she tell you how to get here then?

Still, the human race, despite all its advancements, was not known for its ability of critical thinking, especially when considering the masses. Otherwise, how would a place like Reddit even exist?

Some fellows might actually find small gateways to the Demon Realm, but hehe. What they would encounter when they entered might not be what they were looking for!

As it were, Elle continued to explain some interesting things about the Demon Realm like the Demon Crystals, the weird architecture and the strange balance of energies.

Luckily before the audience could get bored, they encountered a patrol of Demons. This was a well-disciplined Demon unit and it likely meant that they were near a Demon town, rather than a mere village.

Elle's eyes lit up. "And here we have a random Demon patrol! This is our first time encountering one, so we shall proceed to slaughter, traumatize and then interrogate them, not precisely in that order."

The other Golden Savages smiled with a malicious intent as they looked down, making the demons feel a chill in their bones.

[Lifer Slifer: Oh no! The innocent Demons have been spotted. Run, fools, run for you lives!]

[Gay Away: Run little demon boy!! Oh no, he can't hear us because of the screen, oh god, oh fuck!]

[Lopunny is Totally Furbait: I want to see BLOOD and GUTS and hear SCREAMS and WAILS!]

[Geriatric Farmer: Young man above, you need Jesus.]

The chat turned lively seeing that a slaughter was about to unfold. As for queasiness or complaints, please. These were players of Boundless, in order to level up, they had bathed in volumes of blood that would drown a country in the real world.

This time, Misery and AP charged for, each taking one side. Misery manifested his spear while AP also manifested his Divine Axes.

The Demons they were facing demanded this level of seriousness as they weren't the common rabble.

「Name: Demon Warrior – Sergeant Rank monster

Level: 100

HP: 12,000,000/12,000,000」

「Name: Demon Elite Warrior – Lieutenant Rank monster

Level: 145

HP: 25,000,000/25,000,000」

「Name: Demon Squad Captain– Captain Rank monster

Level: 165

HP: 98,000,000/98,000,000」

These fellows were actually super strong, and there were 7 Demon Warriors, 3 Demon Elite Warriors and 1 Demon Captain in this patrol group.

Misery and AP shared a look and grinned right before they dove into them. They decided to hide their bloodlines and stick to their classes for now since they were on air.

Misery first attacked with one of his most powerful AOE skills, Spear Shadows!

「Spear Shadows – Active skill

Effect: Thrust your spear outwards many times within a second, creating 300 spear shadows that strike all enemies within a 1 kilometer range. Each spear shadow deals 30% spear damage.

Note: The number of spear shadows that strikes each enemy has to do with their remaining HP, with spear shadows prioritizing those with lower HP.

Cooldown: 3 minutes.」

Immediately, the entire sky was filled with these spear shadows that struck at the Demons from all angles possible. Since the targeting was based on the weakest first, the 7 Demon Warriors alone took 80% of the attacks, which was 240 of them!

So each Demon Warrior took 34 Spear Shadow attacks which dealt 30% of Misery's spear related damage and calculated based on his stats and passives, as well as the opposite Demon race stats and passives, each spear Shadow deal 300,000 damage!

Times 34 meant that each Demon Warrior took a total of 10,200,000 damage! This left them with barely 1,800,000 HP!

With merely one casual attack, with just one skill, Misery had reduced powerful Rank 3 Demons that would slaughter anyone of the same Rank in the Main Plane to near-death!

And this was just using his class, no bloodline included!

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