Guild Wars

Chapter 970 Demon Crystals

On the other side, they saw that the world they had entered was extremely barren. The typical Hell-like scene of fire and brimstone, with Demons torturing evil souls with glee was not present.

After all, that was the spiritual type of Hell, and this one was more of a physical Hell. Demons were not evil beings meant to punish souls, but just another race who had adapted to their surroundings.

Hell here was just a barren world with scarce resources, forcing its residents to adapt and become ferocious in order to survive on the little that was left.

So the place they had appeared in was the plaza or town square of a Demon village, which had a weird style of architecture. The buildings were shaped like a mimicry of human style medieval architecture, just that the black material used, which was likely obsidian, caused the aesthetic to become far more sinister.

Around the Golden Savages group, there were a few hundred male Demons who were staring at them with shock and incomprehension, both male and female.

When Misery and AP saw the female Demons, their eyes lit up as they roved around them, but soon their eyes dimmed.

I mean what did you expect? Just like how not every man was handsome or every woman was beautiful in the human race, how could every Demon female turn out to be a stunning beauty?

Granted, they had well built bodies, but even then, their shapes varied greatly. Some had nice asses but bad postures that ruined their sex appeal while some had poor assets but good posture, but it did not appeal as well.

Some had orc-like faces, some had elfin features, some had human features and more. As a viking-like race in the sense that they practically raped anything with a hole to bear their spawn, it was natural that the ancestors of these Demons were mixed.

To the Demons, looking at the five or so humans before them was like a normal person seeing a flying pig that was speaking French. That level of shock and inability to compute, as something they believed was truly impossible had happened.

To Demons, they did the invading of the human realm and killed those weak humans as well as the other races, and did what they wanted to their men and women!

Since when were they counter invaded? The very thought had never occurred to them, not even as a joke. Not even in their wildest dreams could their mind imagine such a scene.

Even in the previous timeline, the player presence had greatly changed the outcome of the millennial Great War, allowing the Main Plane to survive without being wiped out due to the crazy nature of the players and their ability to revive.

However, even then, the players had merely been able to provide a never ending line of defense without changing the outcome. The mere idea of entering the Hell Realm for revenge would have been ludicrous, especially given that nobody in the player base had surpassed Rank 4 back then.

(Authors Note: Don't forget, the Great War was set to occur about 2-4 years later from now, so naturally the current player base will rise higher in power. Without Draco's interference and Umbra helping out the player base as a whole, the game had been far more difficult during that timeline.)

So where did these five humans think they could get off by jumping in here? Even if all the Demons in the village were to split them, they wouldn't be able to last 3 seconds, not even satisfying their destructive desires for a slight bit.

"Well, well, it seems like they're looking down on us." Nightwalker laughed with folded arms.

Elle's eyes flashed darkly. "I do NOT like how those shitty male Demons are looking at me. Y'all can continue to pose, but I am going to dig out their eyes now!"

Shadow smiled and gave her space. He was not an immature youth who would try to stop her, stand in front of her nor fight on her behalf. That would be disrespecting her autonomy and her power, which is something he would never do.

Rather, he was excited to see how she would lay waste to them. After all, to any man, his girl was the most beautiful when she went on a killing spree! (Editor's Note: Pretty sure, that only applies to yanderes, but given that our author made Eva the FMC nobody should be surprised.)

Elle's hair floated as Chaos Energy emerged around her body like a mist. This mist converged around her, and when she waved her hands out, it exploded like ring-style shockwave, enveloping all the demons in the area.

It passed through the other Golden Savages, but they showed no reaction. Not only did Elle exclude them, but they also knew how to avoid being warped by Chaos Energy, as taught by Elle in case she lost control.

However, they were greatly impressed by her. This new move showed that her control over Chaos Energy had greatly improved. While everyone had been off doing their thing, she too hadn't skimped out on her training!

As for the Demons, they weren't as impressed because once they were hit with the Chaos Energy, they began screaming as they twisted and warped on the spot.

Rather than shift into random things, they began to grow white wings and their red skin became pale. Their features became uniform and their auras went from destructive to peaceful.

That's right, Elle had warped them to be the opposite of what they were, transforming those Demons into Angels!

However, she didn't stop there. Despite having peaceful auras, the Angels' eyes radiated the will to kill and bloodlust as they roared. They then flapped their wings and rushed out of the village, heading out in different directions in the Demon Realm of Hell.

The Golden Savages seemed to understand something as they glanced at Elle with trepidation.

Shadow blinked and directly asked. "Babe, did you just program them to hate their own kind?"

Elle smiled at Shadow. "I want you to have free time to practice your magic using this world's rules, so we can't be disturbed at every turn. Those Angels are not too strong, but they counter Demons. With them spreading out to attack any Demon they find, we should have some peace of mind to explore."

Shadowheart nodded with a look of affection. "Hahaha, my Elle is the best!"

Misery, AP, and Nightwalker shared a look. "What about the big booty Demon girls?"

Elle rolled her eyes. "I left a command for them to spare the beauties with big butts. Happy?"

Misery, AP, and Nightwalker cheered. "Our Elle is the best!"

The group laughed and moved out of the plaza. Of course, this ominous laughter preceded one of the worst calamities in Demon history. Years later, their historians or whatever equivalent would record the advent of the five Harbingers of Destruction.

As it were right now, the group was slowly searching through the various buildings in the Demon village for anything useful. After all, just as the Demons invaded the human world to gain benefits, there had to be benefits for invading their world.

The AI was always fair in this regard.

Misery did find something, and he held it up to eye level.

「Corrupted Demon Crystal – Consumable

Rank: Common (2% effectiveness)

Effect: A Demon Crystal used to store Demonic Energy. It is created through filling Aether Crystals with Demon Energy and mixing the two, causing the resulting substance to be corrupt and deadly.」

Misery, upon identifying that this stuff was dangerous, naturally shook it and put it near his nose to sniff. He grimaced and pushed it away, then looked around to see that there were some more of these crystals.

He sighed and tossed it away, but at this moment, the crystal was caught in midair by Scathach's soul. This surprised the fellow who hadn't seen his Nanna since she claimed she was going into seclusion to fortify her existence.

"Nanna, is there something special about these things?" Misery asked smartly, knowing that Scathach only cared about poignant questions.

"Indeed there is, Nicholas. This thing has two powerful energies of different natures mixed in forcefully and crudely, in turn giving birth to a new energy that is volatile and corruptive. If this thing had hit the ground, it would have led to a small-scale explosion." Scathach replied as she gave him a chiding look.

Misery shrunk his neck and quickly moved on. "Does this new energy have a special use for our purposes? Or can we adapt it into some form of mobile explosive?"

Scathach shook her head. "Using it as an explosive would be a waste. The new energy is extremely unique and worth studying. I feel like if I can find a use for it, it can be adapted to our bloodlines."

"Oh? By merging two different bloodlines?" Misery pondered while stroking his beard.

"No, that's way too complex even for the Progenitors and might even be impossible. The only aberrant of this nature is Kiran, but he is unique in this regard." Scathach replied slowly.

She held the murky crystal that was orange-black up to eye level and stared at it curiously. "I was talking more about Inheritances. Those like you in the various Linages born with two Unheritances in the same bloodline often have to use them interchangeably."

She then lowered the crystal and turned to Misery. "However, this method of merging energies presents a means for us to also merge the Inheritances into one consolidated thing."

Scathach then tossed the crystal back to Misery. "However, such low-quality versions are useless because the merger is crude and the energies are impure. Find me the equivalent of a Legendary or Divine version of this and I should be able to do something with it."

Misery hastily caught it and then looked at Scathach who disappeared into his body after listing her demands. He scratched his head and then shrugged.

His Nanna had always given him missions and requests like these growing up and he was practically programmed to prioritize and fulfill them lest she frowns at him with dissatisfaction.

Misery glanced at the Demon Crystal and smiled. Even if Scathach thought it wasn't very useful, he could still throw it out as a bomb at the last second and surprise his foes.

Misery was about to step out when he heard a huge BOOM sound, and sensed danger. Immediately, he leapt back just in time to see a humanoid shape whizzing past him as it crashed through four houses in a row, finally sticking onto the last one and crumbling it down.

Misery was shook and rushed out to check on the one who got sent flying, and noticed that the other Golden Savages had stopped their search and were converging too.

Before they got there the entire place trembled crazily, and then the one who got sent flying exploded the building and rose to his feet with a loud laugh.

Who else could it be but AP Berzerker?

Forget four buildings, even if he was blown through 50, his power and high defense would leave him unscathed. As such, the fellow was rather more amused than in pain, especially since everyone came over.

Shadowheart frowned and walked over. "AP, what happened?"

"Found something called a Demon Crystal, inspected it, realized it had little use to me, and tossed it to the side. Who knew it would explode the next moment like a small missile and send me all the way here?" AP recounted while shrugging.

The group shared a strange look. Shadowheart took out a Demon Crystal and inspected it, and so did Night. Elle also held one while Misery still had the one he showed his Nanna.

"Strange. I kept it because I felt like the new energy was calling to me, and if I could master the means to control it, the source of magic's power would increase significantly, so I kept it." Shadow muttered thoughtfully.

"For me, it feels like this energy is calamitous, and Jormungandr has been crying for more of it. If I can grasp it core functionality and substance, I can reproduce it endlessly in my Apocalypse Realm." Nightwalker also explained with excitement on his face.

"Err. I just feel like this energy was chaotically put together and is of some value." Elle shrugged.

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