Guild Wars

Chapter 1080 A Tale Of Two Boys 2

Many times in life, you will meet a person. You will interact with said person and form a type of bond with them. Depending on the bond, you'll act according in the way you perceive to be the best for that type of situation. 

However, most often your perception of the situation will turn out to be wrong, or more accurately, you'll have a one-sided opinion regarding your interaction. 

Two people can have two entirely different opinions on something and how it would work, despite not knowing that the other had a different opinion from theirs. Each one usually just assumes that the other person is either thinking the same thing or has guessed your own thoughts. Naturally, when the difference gets discovered at some point in the future, it can lead to extreme reactions. 

In the case of Connor, it was quite simple. Having been approached by Maria, being treated so lovingly and with affection, even having his first time taken, he naturally assumed their relationship to be that of boyfriend and girlfriend. 

Connor was not a prude despite being a good lad. If Maria had made it clear she was just in for the sex bluntly, he might have agreed to be her sexfriend since the experience was great and he would not have invested so much into it. 

If she had made it clear that it was to be a one-time thing, he would have been conflicted about giving away his first time so casually, but after a few years he would have shed all negative feelings and perhaps even boast about it. Besides, the experience taught to him by Maria was something that he could always use to conquer his next girlfriend, most likely one was around his own age. 

However, things were not that convenient. To Maria, her relationship with Connor was not official but one that was sexual with a hint of affection. After all, at the end of the day, he was so much younger than her. She just had a fetish for defiling young men of their first time, not that she loved only boys of their age and could not like anyone else. 

She was just a sick fuck, nothing complex. 

And so, exactly three months after their first time, young Connor had come to her apartment unannounced. He had bought her something nice to surprise her with, only to find his supposed girlfriend on top of another underage pretty boy who looked like he was in heaven. 

Blessed with this sight, Connor was naturally devastated and could not even speak for a while. The truly killer part was that after she had noticed him Maria remained nonchalant about it, not understanding why Connor was bothered. She never said they were in a relationship yet she always did everything he liked. 

When he called upon her, she would always obey. She cooked for him, soothed his heart when he had problems and gave him advice that helped him mature fast. Why should he be devastated and angry after all that? 

You know, it was kinda funny. Draco and Connor were so alike in that they shared a painful moment like this when they were still naive and vulnerable young men, and it changed them forever. 

While Draco's awoke his inner devil and warped his nature due to a mixture of his suppressed bloodline and his various traumas exploding forth, Connor was the exact opposite. Maybe if Maria had been guilty and explained, he might have chosen a different path, but seeing her look of 'stop being childish', Connor was shaken. 

He thought about everything from the beginning and his logical capabilities exploded. He took off the rose-tinted glasses and looked at everything rationally from the start and came to the conclusion that Maria was not truly interested in him for who he was, but how old he was. 

In truth, she would have dumped him in a few years anyway when he got older and outlived his usefulness. This knowledge filled him with sadness that he had truly been tied to such a worthless slut like this for so long, but it also comforted him that he found out before he spend even more of his time with her. 

As such, he calmed down and nodded. Connor apologized to Maria for interrupting her session and left the gift he bought for her with a smile before leaving. Maria felt like something was wrong, but she still had a young boy to finish devouring so she got back to her 'work'. 

Unfortunately, Maria was still a 16-year-old, far too foolish and ignorant compared to the current her to understand the terrible mistake she had made. Over the next few weeks, the chats she had with Connor only lessened. Even if she was dumb, she could sense something was wrong. 

Naturally, she quickly asked him what was wrong and if it had to do with the previous matter. Connor naturally denied and told her he was just busy with a lot of school stuff. How could Maria not tell she was being brushed off. 

Immediately, she was filled with regret. That young boy did not have the same feeling of sublimation Connor gave her each time that made her whole body tingle and feel better. It was just average like all the boys she had met before. 

Losing a golden goose for a mere duck filled Maria with so much regret she couldn't breathe. She quickly tried to reassure him that it would never happen again and she only did it to reaffirm her feelings for him and whatnot. 

Connor simply listened to it all and responded positively, but he never truly opened his heart to Maria. Rather, he made it feel like Maria was overextending and getting too attached, which left her speechless. 

How could the tables turn so quickly? Just a few weeks ago Connor was so smitten with her that he would whine in their texts if she left him on read for too long, now she was the one anxiously waiting for his replies. 

Maria tried to set up another date and to her surprise, Connor actually agreed. He did come over and maintain a calm smile, but he was not as open or touchy as before. They did not chat lovingly nor did he place her head on his lap. 

He just came, took his clothes off and did what he had to do. Normally he would ask Maria during the session if she enjoyed it and tried to help her reach climax, but this time he just focused on himself. Once he finished, he got off her and went to wash up, leaving a satisfied Maria on the bed who was twitching. 

What Connor did not know was that somewhat like Draco - and for all bloodline holders of all bloodline who had high purities - their body fluids of this nature could easily make a normal person reach climax even if it was poured directly in without penetration. 

It didn't matter anyway. Connor finished washing up, wore his clothes and left without waiting for Maria to come down from her high. Normally he would wait for her to cook for him and they would do some lovey dovey stuff before Connor reluctantly left. 

When Maria came to, she was in her bedroom which was dark as the lights were off, alone and in a mess of fluids from the two of them. For the first time in her life, Maria felt like she had been used, and that was the truth. 

Since Maria had made it clear to him, they were not in a relationship, Connor took it literally and treated her like what she was, a sex friend. He didn't hate her or anything, he had just changed his views towards her and towards romance in general. 

This was a big blow for Maria. One ugly thing about human nature was that no one liked to lose something that favored them. A girl would not give the nerd who had a crush on her attention and even bully him, but the day he manned up and stopped showing interest because of another girl, the first girl would panic and try to coax the nerd back to her feet. 

Likewise, a boy who was using an 'ugly' or low self.esteem girl to sort himself out while he chased higher end babes would be extremely uncomfortable when that ugly girl who used to fawn over him and do anything he asked now entered a relationship with another boy and left him. 

'Absence makes the heart grow fonder'. People usually did not understand the sinister meaning behind this saying and used it affectionately. 

For the next few weeks, Connor and Maria maintained this cold relationship. Maria did everything, trying to act just as cold to trigger Connor's guilt, acting extremely clingy, acting lovingly, being annoying and even being a bitch. 

Nothing seemed to work as he would either ignore or just brush it off casually with a pleasant smile. With each passing day, Maria felt like she was growing crazy as her desire to have Connor go back to the way he was ate her up from the inside. 

She wasn't sleeping well nor was she eating well and she even skipped classes for days in a row. It didn't matter anyway as her backing was the Cartel and the school she went to was owned by them, so the principal covered everything up for her. 

Luckily, she was able to remain stable as long as she got her 'fix' which was a fully serving of Connor's stuff. 

However, as you could expect, that too was slowly denied her. Maria noticed that the number of times they had sex reduced drastically week by week until Connor no longer made any invitations and ignored hers. 

He also thoroughly ignored her and never explained why. Normally, Maria would have simply rolled her eyes and moved on, but she was currently not in the right state of mind, and neither she nor Connor understood the effects of his expunged stuff had on her. 

So Maria dressed up and went to Connor's school, to meet the lad himself and find out why. Lo and behold, Connor came out with a flock of girls surrounding him, their faces full of affection and interest while he smiled and laughed elegantly. 

Connor had always been a hotcake among the girls of his age group, but he did not even give them a look since he had the far superior Maria. After that day, he had learned his lesson and was naturally shocked to realize that some of these girls were truly not bad. 

Now that almost a year had passed, most of them were hitting the age of 14 and their womanly features were beginning to develop. Connor did not engage any of them sexually because he wanted to be careful and not put any of them through what he had experienced. 

Maria just stood there stupidly. She was used to being the most desirable thing in the entire city, and any of her uploaded photos to social media had hundreds of thousands of likes, with endless simps of all ages commenting their 'love' for her. 

The boys she defiled were always pining for her after she lost interest in them and she always gently brushed them away while thy slunk away in sadness. This was the first time in her life that something she desperately wanted did not seem to want her and wanted something else. 

What killed Maria is that Connor happened to see her. Rather than show remorse, as she had hoped, he smiled and nodded towards her like a friend, but did not leave his group to talk to her. The five or so girls around him glanced at Maria with coldness in their eyes wondering if she was trying to steal their beloved first crush. 

After seeing this, Maria did not know how she got home, she just sat on her bed while staring into the sky in a daze. Her ceiling which was patterned with her favorite designs looked so ugly to her now and her heart was in turmoil. 

This was also a turning point for Maria in how she handled these things. She brutally understood how Connor must have felt at that time, and that made it even more painful. 

No one in this world liked the taste of their own medicine, it was the most bitter taste ever. 

Alas, unlike a normal girl who would cry and be depressed for days, Maria only spent a few hours in a daze before her eyes condensed with madness and flames as she came to a terrifying conclusion. 

'If I can't have him, no one can!!!'" 

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