Guild Wars

Chapter 1079 A Tale Of Two Boys 1

Immediately, the room was filled with the smell of gunpowder. Eva and Shuangtian had severe expressions as they resolutely blocked Draco who had a cold look on his face. Given how close these three were as people, as Soulmates and even ordained by the universe, one would have never have thought to see such a scene. 

But it was impossible for there to be anything perfect and unbreakable in this world, only that it had yet to meet something that could challenge it's solidity! 

In this case, it was the unconscious Maria who limply hung over Shadowheart's shoulder. The man himself stared at Draco with confusion, not understand why their Guildmaster was reacting this way. 

Was it because of Maria's sexiness? Even draped over his shoulder like this, her fat and perfectly shaped peach was practically about to tear her skirt to pieces, and parts of her luscious chest could be seen through her blouse. 

However, Shadowheart denied this possibility the next moment. What a joke, Maria was definitely hot, a tier above Bella who had already reached the peak of human beauty, but she was nothing compared to the likes of Zaine or Shuangtian in terms of physical sensuality and size of assets. 

Despite being a Royal Succubus, Zaine was forced to admit defeat when compared with Shuangtian, albeit slightly, and with the woman herself standing before Draco, how could a mere Maria excite him? 

Really, the only thing Shadowheart could think of was that… Draco somehow knew Maria. Upon guessing this, Shadowheart wanted to deny this as well, but looking at the confrontation going on, it became apparent that this had to be the case. 

Not only that, but Eva and Shuangtian also knew Maria, and given the origins of the 3, Shadowheart was absolutely floored in trying to compute how they could even be remotely linked. While he had heard about Draco's dealings with the Cartel from the Five Generals, that was only a one time thing. 

Draco above and Shadowheart below. A King and his General, two cousins, a Guildmaster and his core member as well as a bloodline progenitor and a bloodline descendant. 

The two shared many connections, but there was one they both shared that neither knew of, and that was Maria. Shadowheart had once confided in Draco's Avatar about his history with Maria. 

At the time, the original had still been busy in the Tower, climbing the floors so the connection between them had been cut. The moment Draco came out, his Avatar had rushed into the Unmapped Zones with the Divine Airforce One airship and Rila in hand. 

As such, there had been no flow of information regarding this except the basics and was why Draco had to personally meet and subdue the God Serpent Inheritors when he came out of the Tower. Draco's Avatar had also only expressed to Shadowheart that he knew of Maria's backing in the form of one of the World Council's Nine Councilors. 

At the time, he had not even insinuated that he personally had any relation to Maria. This led to this current scene of confusion between all parties, and its resolution would not be easy. 

However before looking at the problems of the present, let us explore the murky waters of the past. 

It was 2056, 10 years ago from today. The now 22-year-old Shadowheart had merely been a young 12-year-old, just beginning to go through puberty and experience the highs and lows that came with such a fundamental transition. 

His height shot up, his voice broke and his shoulders broadened. Most importantly, his boyish cuteness was replaced by a budding manly handsomeness that caused all the girls in his school at the time to become interested as they too were experiencing important changes. 

Due to his upbringing, Connor Baines maintained an elegant and calm demeanor which made him seem more mature than he was at the time. Some found him introverted because he was slightly soft spoken and reclusive while others felt his was ahead of the curve. 

Life was mostly normal for him until one day. He was traveling with a few boys in his class to enter the nearest game center to their school during recess to play some VR games when they saw Maria seated at the bench nearby. 

The 16-year-old Maria was wearing her school uniform from her high school and sipping on some milkshake wile watching short videos on her holotab. Even at her age, her voluptuous nature was already fully developed and her uniform could barely contain her explosive chest while her skirt could only half-cover her mountainous backside. 

The young boys going through puberty all gulped and stopped to stare like idiots. Of course, they weren't the only ones looking, both men and women passing by were also doing their best to stay discreet as they enjoyed short looks. 

However, these young brats were there with their snot noses and gaping like idiots. Some of the weak-minded brats among them even pitched tents, causing them to attract the amusement of the passersby. 

Connor saw this and smiled helplessly. 

Before he could alert his friends to their gaffe, Maria raised her head and noticed their group. Immediately, she smiled beautifully, causing the crush that most of the love struck lads had developed to further devolve into an obsession. Even Connor himself couldn't help but be moved, after all, he was just a well mannered young man, not some indifferent, emotionless fellow. 

Maria called his group over and began chatting with them. She asked their names and their school, and her eyes roved through each of the boys slowly. Eventually they fell on the taciturn Connor where they seemed to lock-on. 

She made a few complement to all the boys and made them swoon over her even more, then allowed them to leave. Before she did, she allowed them to add her on social media so they could continue their chat. 

None of them found this weird and were even flattered, Connor included. After they went to the game center, their conversation for the entire week revolved around Maria, and what they would do with her if she were their girlfriend, who she was dating, etc 

Connor too couldn't help but wonder what it would be like, as he was at that age and he was beginning to experience certain changes and strange desires that had never crossed his mind before. 

It was to his surprise then, that Maria was the one to text him first. They began to chat daily. Connor did not think this was strange as Maria was a great conversationalist and seemed extremely extroverted and outspoken, so she probably spoke to a lot of people like this every day. 

His friends also boasted about having Maria chat with them, so he thought more that this was the case. Because of his taciturn nature, he never really shared what he was talking about with Maria to them, and they in turn seemed to hesitate as well when asked what they talked about with Maria. 

However, the eyes would always unintentionally rove towards Connor with a hint of confusion and envy. This was because what Maria spoke to them about mostly revolved around young Connor, like his likes, did he have a girlfriend, what kind of girl they thought he liked, etc. 

After getting the information she wanted, she didn't ignore these other boys and chatted with them occasionally, but it was clearly distant and drew the line, not allowing any of them to make any progress. 

Solely her chat with Connor was extremely intimate, with her giving him life advice, and also building up his confidence as a man by reassuring him of his growing changes. 

Maria soon saw her chance to strike when Connor began to confide in her deeply about his physical changes. She offered to check him up and make sure everything was fine. Connor was a bit shy and skeptical at first, but he had a really good impression of Maria after so long. 

Besides, who was he? Look at him, a young teen not even out of Junior High and look at the beautiful Maria who could even make adults go crazy, why would she have any evil designs on him? 

As such, Connor laughed at himself and followed Maria to her house one weekend. Due to his mature and steady nature, his parents trusted him greatly and gave him great freedom as long as he did not go too overboard. 

When he entered Maria's den, nothing untoward really happened. Maria first stated that she was in the shower when he arrived and made him wait in her bedroom. Connor was naturally nervous and had varying thought while in the neat and well decorated room. 

When she came out, barely covering her important places with a flimsy towel, Connor naturally had a reaction. He tried to cover it up in embarrassment, but Maria only laughed and encouraged him, saying it was normal and that he should never feel ashamed. 

She coaxed and coaxed him the entire time, eventually getting to do her 'checkup'. You could be sure that once she tricked young Connor into getting naked and showing his developing self, she struck like a spider that had been patiently observing its prey. 

Before Connor could even comprehend, he had been taken through all the forms of foreplay available, taught carefully and slowly by Maria as she convinced him that everything was alright. In the end, she stole the young man's first time that day and 'turned him into a man' if you could call it that. 

Connor was not Maria's first prey and she had started this path recently, but she never used the main entrance for her hunts. Even to the current day, Maria always maintained her virginity for a strange reason, and it came to play of immense value with Nathan Rothschild. 

After marrying her in the previous timeline, he discovered on the bed that she was a virgin, which made him go crazy. It was why her value to him had never diminished and had remained steady even up until Draco died. 

It was also why the Nathan of this timeline could stand behind Maria despite knowing what he was up against. 

Afterward, Connor did not feel disgusted. That was because Maria cooked a sumptuous meal for him and spend the day with him, showering him with attention and care. She normally did this to all the boys she defiled, but Connor's was a bit special. 

After all, he was a God Serpent bloodline inheritor. While Ouroboros had not yet awakened, it did not mean his bloodline did not exist. As such, his Vital Yang was like Draco's, extremely potent and addictive for normal people. 

Despite doing it in the alternative way, Maria still gained many benefits like an increased lifespan, extreme beautification and immunity to many defects and diseases. She did not realize it at the time but she could feel the effect right after they were done. 

Her instincts told her to cling to this boy, as he could give her benefits. Her conscious mind did not understand, but her subconscious realized he was a higher form of life, and by taking in his body juices, she could also slowly increase her level of life. 

90% of the reason why Maria was the way she was today, looking so seductive beyond human limits,could be attributed to her tryst with Connor. 

Maria kept in touch with Connor and the young man's ideal life started. Whenever he felt the urge, Maria was always there to use various means to relieve it for him. While his buddies were using lotion and socks to manage their problems, Connor was using a S-grade booty to relieve his! 

It sounded idyllic to some extent, but it was not. The early days of this flourishing 'relationship' were very benign and sweet for Connor, and sometimes too for Maria, who felt herself becoming more and more attached to Connor where she began to crave his body fluids crazily. 

The problems did not manifest themselves until about 3 months into their 'relationship'. On that day, Connor had an experience that would change his demeanor for life. 

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