Guild Wars

Chapter 1081 A Tale Of Two Boys 3

With that in mind, a shackle seemed to be released from Maria as madness filled her mind and cruelty was radiating from her eyes. For the first time in a long time, she picked up her phone and called a certain number. 

"Hello? Young Miss, what do you need of me?" A thick male voice filled with callousness and violence responded at the first ring with respect in his tone. 

Maria's eyes sharpened. "Jackson, I need you to gather some of your best men and kidnap some people for me." 

Jackson on the other side smiled. "Of course, Young Miss, just tell me the targets and their details and I will have it done. Even if they live overseas, we can capture and smuggle them here for you." 

Maria did not care about this and gave the details. Jackson acknowledged this and cut the call, moving to accomplish the task Maria gave him while the girl herself hesitated after the call was made. 

Once she went through with this, there was no going back… but her expression firmed when she realized that going back would not change anything. Only by seeing this to the end would everything fall in line with what she wanted! 


Maria entered a warehouse that the Cartel used to store their drugs. Inside, she heard screams, as well as mocking laughter. With a cold expression, she walked into a room and saw a very violent scene. 

The five young beauties who had surrounded Connor during the day and had given her those disdainful looks were now all bloodied and crying with despair as some burly men took turns to brutally rape them. 

Maria's heart trembled at the sight of their struggle and their screams for the horror to stop, while the men didn't care and continued to enjoy these half-ripe bodies with relish. When Maria entered, Jackson came over with a casual smile. 

"As you can see, we've made them experience a fate worse than death. Do you have any further orders?" 

Maria glanced at them. "Record it and then inject them with aphrodisiac. I want them to stop crying from sadness and drool at the mouth from joy. We'll keep it in case any one of them dares to contact the authorities." 

The faces of the thugs who weren't busy defiling young girls changed slightly and they looked away. Meanwhile, Jackson's expression became awkward but he tried to suppress it quickly. Unfortunately, Maria still saw it and her eyes narrowed. 

"What? Did I say something wrong? Spit it out, Jackson." She demanded. 

Jackson rubbed the back of his head ans sighed. "Young Miss, you don't interact with the Cartel much and don't often use our resources, so its normal you don't know." 

"Every superintendent of the police in every station across this state is a low level members of our organization. Even if one of them reports anything later on, it will first be suppressed and they will be passed into ours hands for round 2." Jackson explained with a casual glance at the girls who didn't understand why their lives had to be ruined like this. 

Maria blushed with embarrassment. She finally understood why everyone had strange look, it was because her concerns were irrelevant and full of ignorance, yet they didn't dare laugh because she was the boss' beloved daughter! 

She then waved a hand. "Make them stop, I want to say something to these girls." 

Jackson glared at the men having fun and their happy expressions changed to fear. They quickly paused their actions and dragged the girls who were mostly limp with despair and lack of will to live to face Maria. 

Looking at the sweet youthful faces that many boys would crush over filled with paleness and unwillingness to accept the reality, Maria was silent for a while, however she knew there was no way back and her eyes filled with the cruelty that had been festering for the past few weeks. 

"Ha, you little girls, you must not remember me. When you were happily walking with my Connor, you looked at me like I was some wannabe. Now that you are ruined like this, will Connor even look at you again?" Maria revealed with a sneer. 

Hearing this, the bodies of the girls shook greatly. Their despair filled eyes looked up at Maria with disbelief and utter confusion. 

Just… that? Just because of that, this girl had men capture and rape them? She had them experience the worst fate and ruined their dreams for the future forever? 

Even the men who had engaged in these acts had been unaware of the reason, not that they had cared too much. Nevertheless, bastards they may be, but even their hearts couldn't help but chill at the pettiness of the young miss. Jackson by the side glanced at Maria askance as his expression became solemn. 

Yup, in the end, she may have run away from home and fought with the boss that she didn't want that life, but she was still the boss' daughter. The cruelty and pettiness carved into her bones had only been suppressed until now. 

"It's enough, you can send them home or wherever they want to go. Anymore and you will damage their bodies which is not what I want. I just want them to lose their purity and be soiled." Maria stated as her expression returned to coldness and she turned to leave. 

As she left, the girls began to laugh one by one, their eyes wide and tears flowing as despair and madness coursed through them. It would have been better for their mental states if Maria had never shared her reason for doing this to them. Now, their young minds shattered and they would likely need extensive therapy to have any hope of a normal life in the future. 

Jackson followed Maria out and glanced at her, wondering if she said those things intentionally to traumatize the girls. However, he saw that Maria was confused by the sound and laughter and slightly chilled by it, leaving him speechless. 

That's right, at the end of the day, the boss daughter was a sheltered 16-year-old who had been pampered throughout her life. How could she possibly understand such things? She didn't even know the basics of the Cartel and her original orders had been filled with so many flaws. 

If it wasn't for him adjusting them, who knew what kind of trouble the young miss would have caused? Anyway, that was why the boss appointed him to handle any of the young miss' orders. He would take her immature and illogical orders and make them work somehow using his expertise. 

"What's next, Young Miss? What about the Connor fellow?" Jackson asked astutely. 

Maria paused and hesitated greatly. Her expression changed many times and her eyes flickered. She thought about Connor's treatment towards her and his ignorance towards her feelings and felt a surge of irrational anger. 

However, now that these little bitches were ruined, Connor would no longer be besieged by little sluts and would naturally come crawling back to her feet. Thinking like this, Maria was extremely satisfied, but she still felt a need for some petty revenge. 

"Bring a full squad of armed men and let's raid his house! We'll break all their stuff, scare them terribly and then burn the house down! After teaching his family a lesson, he won't dare go against me again!" Maria declared with a vicious look. 

Jackson nodded his head with satisfaction and praised. "The Young Miss is wise. You must hold a man by the balls and let him understand who has the metaphorical donger in the relationship, otherwise he will have endless ideas." 

Maria seemed to be enlightened by this and agreed. Soon Jackson called a contingent of men in black tundras who skidded to a halt beside them. Maria got in the main vehicle and the group of about 50 men moved out through the night, rushing to the suburb where Connor's house was located. 

Their cars made a lot of noise and alerted people, but no one involved themselves. Some 'concerned' citizens had called the police, but obviously they had already been given orders not to move out, so they could only lie to pacify these people. 

The cars came to a stop outside the house of a middle-income earning family, which was just one of the many in this suburb. Apart from a yard and two cars outside, the house had a lovely tended lawn that filled the area with vitality. 

The men disembarked form the cars in an orderly manner and surrounded the house, each of them armed to the teeth. Maria was initially hesitant to go this far in case an accident happened, but Jackson insisted. 

Personally, he'd rather risk an accident happen than something unfavorable occurring to the young miss, because he wouldn't be able to walk scot-free from that. Surprisingly, despite the noise the man made when deploying, the people within the house did not panic. 

Jackson's eyes narrowed and he felt something was wrong. He was about to call his men to retreat when he caught a shadow behind Maria from the corner of his eye. With shock, he quickly pulled Maria back, only to see a giant snake with black scales swoop at where she was standing, aiming to swallow her. 

Jackson was horrified by the monster before him, not understanding how, where, or why such a thing appeared while Maria screamed in fear. The men heard this and panicked, and then opened fire crazily upon the serpent. 

It simply coiled around and covered its eyes with its tail, the bullets striking the scales but ricocheting off like they were metal hitting metal. When the magazines eventually emptied and they began to reload, the serpent struck forward and smashed three men to death while they screamed. 

The others felt immense fear and jumped back, scattering so that they would die while they reloaded. Jackson with Maria was shocked and then glanced towards the house, he saw a man and woman standing on the porch and chatting leisurely while they were being attacked. 

He could not get a good look at their features but assumed them to be the parents of their target, Connor Baines. Judging by their calmness, Jackson surmised that they had something to do with this attack, so he made a split second decision. 

"Fire upon the house!" He roared with malice in his eyes. 

The men obeyed and began opening fire on the building. The posture of the man and woman changed as the serpent that was attacking the armed men rushed back to the house and coiled around it, defending the building dearly. 

Another serpent, this one dark yellow in color, emerged and coiled around the upper part where Connor's room. Seeing this, Jackson was doubly sure of his guess and felt his heart chill. 

"You, bring out the flamethrowers, rocket launchers and any heavy weapons we have! Also, pour all the gasoline on them already and light it up, burn this demonic shit to hell!" Jackson ordered as he glanced at his remaining men. 

Some stopped firring and did as he said, taking up heavy weapons and unloading their contents on the house while gasoline, molotoves, grenades and even RPGs were fired at the house's area in general. 

Jackson glanced at Maria to see that she was still trembling on the ground unable to move. He tsked and then saw that his idea worked and the giant snakes were wailing with grief and pain as they were continually bombarded. 

Bullets they could ignore but not hot weapons of a higher tier. As soon as the gasoline was in place, Jackson lit it up personally, turning the entire place into a giant bonfire in seconds. The snakes wailed in the flames and tried to save their masters, but were too big to fit inside the house. 

There were sirens in the distance as the attacks had grown too large for the police to ignore. The number of calls was in the hundreds, not to mention the now bright bonfire that called for the fire department. 

Jackson cursed and grabbed Maria before ordering his remaining men to carry the corpse and weapons back into the cars as they drove away. 

Maria stared through the tinted window at the burning house and wondered where Connor was. 

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