Chapter 168: Type Earth : Green Earth Zack
All eyes were on the giant mark that was beating like a heart in the sky. The appearance of the mark eclipsed even the moon that appeared larger because of Brunestud's Reality Marble.
The red energy that came from the horizon began gathering at the centre of the mark and forming something. As they did, the mark got smaller and smaller while leaning towards where the energy was. The mark stopped shrinking when the energy finally solidified and formed a body.
It was Zack's body but different.
The mark of the planet Earth no longer pulsed in his chest. Instead, it seemed to hover upright behind him with the lower half of the circle going into his back.
Another notable thing was that Zack's body was not made up of any of his previous elements. His hands up until halfway to his elbows, his feet up to his knees, and face seemed to be made of scorched, pitch-black stone. The rest of his body, and claws and teeth, was made up of bright red energy.
When Zack's body finished forming, the world split in two.
One half remained in the appearance of Brunestud's Reality Marble. The other half, however, looked incredibly different.
The skies were bright blue and light was shinning but no sun was in the sky. The ground was covered in a beautiful forest filled with trees and plants of all kinds. Beyond the forest was was calm ocean that stretched all across the horizon with a mountain visible at each end. One mountain appeared normal and completely made of stone with the top covered in ice. The other mountain was actually a volcano and had lava running down the sides with smoke coming from the top, showing it was active.
When the world finished changing, Zack flew downwards but did not touch the ground. The air around him seem to break apart, causing his body to be covered in a black outline.
First POV: Zack
"I will give you the last piece of me that remains pure. If you can defeat the Moon's avatar, I will believe that you can help me and bring me and Alaya together again. If you fail, then I will not only keep supporting the Moon's Avatar, but I will cry for the Cloud's Avatar to awake as well."
That was what Gaia told me as it gave me a piece of something that didn't exist in millions upon millions of years. What Gaia gave me was a piece of itself when it was first born.
This new element represents Earth in its truest form. A pure Celestial Body of the universe formed from chaotic elements mixed together to create a planet.
"Hahaha! So you've ascended!" Crimson Moon said, completely ignoring Zelretch and Ainzel now.
"You seem happy," I commented.
"I have been lacking a good challenge since I came to this planet. Your previous form was entertaining, but it lacked the power to back it up," he explained.
"How flattering," I commented before looking at the two Magicians. "You two. On my side. Now," I commanded. They broke out of their shock in jumped into my side.
Where my Reality Marble was. An environment that perfectly represents Earth.
As soon as they stepped foot in it, Ainzel's glowing weapons vanished and the glow of Zelretch's vanished. They looked surprised but I really didn't have time to explain what happened.
"You say that I over stayed my welcome, but I did not receive any orders to leave," Brunestud hummed as he looked over me. "Which means... You're being tested. This is your chance to prove you can be an Ultimate One. Hehe, Earth must be honored. It is the first planet on this solar system to have three Ultimate Ones at the same time."
"Three?" Zelretch asked.
"That number will not last," I said, glaring at the Vampire King.
"You're right," he raised his hand and his claws sharpened. "I'll be killing you soon."
He charged at me in great speed. A few moments ago, I wouldn't have been able to even to notice that he moved. But, this new form represents an element that was before the concept of time even registered to Earth.
So, his movement was easy for me to follow, so was catching his hand before his claws touched me.
Brunestud's eyes went wide. His shock doubled when smoke began coming off my grip and an wince actually took over his expression.
"My turn," I said, reeling my fist back, and punching him straight in the face.
When I did, a crack appeared in the air alongside the sound of shattering glass. This was the world itself, or at least the current world, breaking from my new element.
Crimson Moon was sent skidding backwards to his Reality Marble. When he stopped and stood straight again, he revealed that his face had small cracks in it.
This form will reduce everything to how it was when the Earth was first born and it was a chaotic mixture of elements. Nothing but the other planets existed back then.
The Ultimate Ones, including Brunestud, did not exist back then.
Third POV:
The wound on Crimson Moon's face healed as he chuckled. "That might be the first actual wound I ever received."
"You'll have far more to worry about," Zack commented.
"We'll see," Brunestud replied.
They both moved at the same time. Their clash created a powerful shock-wave that sent Ainzel and Zelretch away while blowing anything else off the ground.
The two Magicians watched as the Ultimate Ones flew into the air and began trading blows in the sky, their eyes unable to keep up with their movement.
"Do you know what exactly happened?" Zelretch asked as he picked himself up.
Ainzel looked at her fellow Magician but her response died in her throat as her eyes widened. "Zelretch... your eyes..."
Zelretch looked in confusion before looking at his reflection in his sword that lost it's light since they entered Zack's Reality Marple. His expression turned to shock when he noticed something off.
His eyes were no longer red.
Back with the Ultimate Ones, Zack and Brunestud had their hands interlocked and were pushing each other. Smoke would come off their joined limbs as Brunestud's body was being destroyed from coming in contact with Zack's.
Crimson Moon pulled back one of his hands slashed at Zack's chest. Unlike before where one of his attacks was enough to completely destroy Zack's body, the attack only managed to create a cut across Zack's chest.
The cuts vanished almost instantly. Using the hand he was holding, Zack spun himself and Brunestud around before kicking his opponent towards his towards his Reality Marble.
After a crack in the air and the sound of shattering glass, Crimson Moon was sent crashing into the forest.
Following close by, Zack watched as Crimson Moon stood back up and opened his eyes widely at him in a glare. Zack didn't move and nothing happened, which caused Brunestud to look confused.
The Elemental chuckled. "Yeah, that won't work here," he said, motioning to the area around them.
"Hmm, does that mean this Reality Marble counter anomalies?" Crimson Moon commented.
"Something like that. Only natural things work here. Sadly for you, that doesn't include your mystic eyes," Zack stated before charging forward.
The Vampire King bent down to dodge being struck in the face again before grabbing Zack's own. "Then I guess we'll have to go somewhere else," he commented as he, despite his hand burning, threw Zack back into the area which was between the two Reality Marbles.
Zack managed to stop himself before entering the airspace of Crimson Moon's domain. Looking at his opponent, he saw that he had vanished and immediately noticed his presence was no longer within his own domain, meaning he was in the other side.
Turning around, Zack saw a giant version of Brunestud made of light swinging his claws at him. The Elemental's body vanished in a flash of red light and he reappeared after Crimson Moon's attack failed.
Joining his hands, Zack created a sword made of his new element. Reeling the sword back, Zack swung forward and the world along with Crimson Moon's body was torn apart, as if the sky was a sheet of paper being cut with a knife.
Brunestud's body regenerated within seconds and he charged forward at Zack. The Elemental attempted to swing his sword at the Vampire King again but the latter grabbed the blade and crushed it at the expense of most of his arm being completely destroyed.
The arm regenerated within seconds but Brunestud didn't wait for it to do so. Swinging the other arm while coating it in magical energy, the Vampire King sent Zack flying backwards and nearly hitting the ground before he recovered.
(Incredible,) Zack thought as he flew back at Crimson Moon and started trading blows again. (Nothing should survive just touching me now and he's not only doing that but actually keeping up. In fact...) Zack mentally groaned as another of his attacks was dodged and he had to dodge the claws that nearly took his head off. (... he's actually gaining the upper hand. He's not an Ultimate One for nothing. I'm seriously new to this form and I'm inexperienced in fighting with it. Soon, he'll know how to fight it and I'll be on the run again. Not to mention that I don't think the world can take on two Ultimate Ones fighting it out.)
Suddenly, Zack remembered that there was others in this war.
Back with Ainzel and Zelretch, they managed to leave Zack's Reality Marble and walk back into the barren, battle destroyed field. As soon as they did, Ainzel's crown and Zelretch's sword began glowing again.
"Looks like our magic works again," Zelretch commented as he looked at his sword.
"That was a rather unpleasant experience. I would still like to understand why it stopped working in the first place," Ainzel commented before she noticed something. "Zelretch, your eyes."
"I know," the Magician said as he already noticed his eyes returned to being red. "So much for hoping that the bite was a fluke."
"Hey, can you hear me?" Both Magicians tenses and looked down to see a tiny speaker made of wood coming out of the ground.
"Yeah. Listen, I'm not gonna be able to keep the upper hand for long. I'm gonna need help and I have a plan," the speaker said to them. "Zelretch, how fast can you convert the Kaleidoscope Mystic Codes you used to power up the barrier into doing something else."
Zelretch narrowed his eyes. "I'll need an hour."
"Too bad because you have less than ten minutes," the speaker said back and Zelretch's eye twitched.
Back to the battle, Zack was trading blows with Brunestud. Though, unlike before, Brunestud wasn't taking damage from coming in contact with Zack's body as he coated himself and especially whis claws with layers of magical energy.
Zack groaned as he tanked another strike from Brunestud before delivering one himself. The attack didn't do as much damage as they previously did because of the layers of magical energy taking the burnt of the damage.
The Elemental grunted. Brunestud was beginning to understand how to counter his new form and he wasn't experienced enough to get around that.
Instead of trying to dodge the next strike, Zack moved right into it and allowed Crimson Moon's claws to cut into him. Taking hold of the hand, Zack used it to pull Brunestud closer as he stabbed his own hand through. His claws ripped through the layers of magical energy and tore through the flesh and suit of the Vampire King.
Brunestud cut off the arm Zack was holding with the claws of the other one while flying backwards. The arm regenerated almost instantly and Brunestud slashed with both his hands while sending dozens of incredibly powerful magical blasts from his claws.
Zack moved back and slashed forward with his own claws. The attack tore through the world itself and created a whole which Brunestud's attack fell into before closing up.
Zack charged forward and tackled Crimson Moon. The body of the Vampire King began breaking apart and burning from the contact as they plummeted at high speed into the ground and landed in the large field of flowers that covered Brunestud's Reality Marble.
After they crashed, Brunestud threw away his opponent and glared at him. "This is odd. You finally gained your own Reality Marble yet you take both of us to my own. Did you forget that my laws are absolute here."
"Oh, I didn't forget," Zack chuckled. "However, what I have planned doesn't work in my Reality Marble."
"Oh, so you do have some semblance of a plan?" Brunestud seemed amused. "Does it have to do with the instructions that you gave to those two humans?"
"I'm not even gonna pretend to be surprised you noticed," Zack shrugged his shoulders, uncaring that his opponent knew of his plan.
"You are truly foolish if you believe humans have a method of assisting you or harming me," Brunestud seemed absolutely confident that what he said was the truth.
"I guess we'll have to see," Zack said back before charging forward.
The Vampire King readied himself as the Elemental came charging in. He was expecting an attack only for Zack to give a faint and take hold of him instead. The smoke and cracks appearing on Crimson Mood did not draw more of a grunt from him as he glared at his opponent.
"Now!" Zack cried out.
Suddenly, Zelretch appeared in a flash of light along with five large crystals that surrounded the two Ultimate Ones. Holding his Kaleidoscope sword, Zelretch stabbed it in the bottom of the circle that the Mystic Codes created and they all lit up.
The area around Zack and Brunestud was covered in light before it started shooting at the sky with pure magical energy, covering both Ultimate Ones.
"Really? You truly think any human can have enough magical energy to harm me?" Brunestud laughed, unaffected by the attack.
"That's exactly why you'll lose, Brunestud," Zack replied as the light around them intensified. "You greatly underestimate humans!"
The smile on Brunestud face began vanishing as he noticed that the magical energy was not letting up. In fact, it was getting stronger and stronger.
The energy kept intensifying. With a final cry from Zelretch, the blast burst with incredible strength and turned to rainbow colors. Inside, both Zack and Brunestud's body began breaking apart before they were slowly completely destroyed.
When Zelretch was sure nothing was left, he stopped powering up his sword and turned off the Mystic Codes. There were no longer any traces of either Ultimate Ones.
"You destroyed them both?" Ainzel appeared in a flash of light.
"That was Zack's plan," Zelretch said back as he panted. The endeavour had taken a great toll on him.
"I'm not gone," both Magicians nearly jumped out of their skin as something burst from the ground.
It was a tree branch. It kept getting bigger and twisting in shape until it eventually formed into Zack's body in his wood form. When he finished reforming, the mark of the planet Earth appeared above his back again.
"And considering Crimson Moon's Reality Marble is around, I don't believe he's completely gone either," Zack said as he looked around.
"You are correct," Brunestud's voice echoed through the entire area, making them look around. "I praise you, Type Earth. I do not even remember the last time I had to use this power!"
Looking up at the sky, Zack and the Magicians saw a shocking sight. There was a second moon. It looked exactly the same as the normal moon except for one detail.
The second moon was falling towards them.
"He's planning to drop the moon on Earth?!" Ainzel cried out.
"Dammit! I'll have to push it back! Both of you-"
"There's no need," Zack cut off Zelretch as he turned to his new Element that represented Earth's true form. "The moon won't fall... There was no falling moon back then, and there isn't one now."
Suddenly, the whole world, the Reality Marbles, Magicians, Ancestors, and Magus all vanished. Even the two Moons. Only Zack remained.
Zack was now standing in a barren land of crimson fire. Earth at its birth. In this world and time, there was no falling moon.
The world returned to normal in an instant, only this time, there was no second moon, and Brunestud's Reality Marble began vanishing before it completely disappeared and Zack's Reality Marble took over.
"What just... happened?" Ainzel asked in confusion.
"I told you," Zack turned back to his wood form. "There was no falling moon back when Earth was born, and there shouldn't be one now,"
Zelretch's eyes widened. "Are you saying... you removed a concept because it didn't exist in the past?"
"We're lucky this fight happened on Earth. This trick and many of our advantages would not have worked otherwise," Zack stated before turning to his wind element and floating away. He could not leave the Reality Marble as he was its center, but he can reach the edge. Looking over the battlefield that the Magus and Ancestors were fighting in, he began shouting. "Your King is dead!" His voice caused all fighting to
stop and for every Vampire to look at him in disbelief. "You have two choices. Keep fighting and lose, or run with your lives intact. What is it gonna be?"
There was absolute silence for minutes. Then, one of the Ancestors turned around and fled. That seemed to break the damn as all other vampires scattered and began fleeing.
As the Ancestors ran away, Zack landed at the very edge of the Reality Marble where Brishisan walked up to him.
"What happened?" The leader of the Magus asked. "Everyone just saw a second moon vanish. I need an explanation on-"
"La-ter!" Zack repeated slowly to make sure he's understood. "I have some work to do now. I'll be meeting up with you in three to four days. Make sure to gather every important figure in the Magus world by then. We have a LOT to discuss."
"You expect me to gather people from around the whole world in three days?" Brishisan asked.
"You have a user of second magic that can teleport anywhere he wants. Figure it out," Zack said back with a deadpan look. "I have to go and fix the damage done by the fight. Me and Brunestud really went all out."
Before Brishisan can say anything else, Zack flew away. He kept going higher and higher until he could see the curve of the horizon.
He looked around and saw the damage from the battle had reshaped the map. Mountains, forest, and rivers were all gone and his Reality Marble was the sole spot of color in a barren wasteland.
"This is really gonna take a while to fix."
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Title :- One with Nature
All credits to XanaShadow
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