Fate/One with Nature

Chapter 167: Type Moon : Crimson Moon Brunsted


That was the only thing going over my head. The absolute last thing I wanted to ever happen had happened and its standing in front of me right now.

Crimson Moon Brunestud. Type Moon. An actual Ultimate One.

The entire battle stopped as he stood at the other side of the road right across of me. He was just standing there letting his mere presence scare everyone.

He looked like an older, male version of Arcueid. Long, blond hair. Pale skin. His eyes were pale red with the pupils being pure white. He was wearing a white suit with a red undershirt and golden outlines.

"M-My King!" The Ancestors all dropped on their knees. "We apologise for our shameful appearance. We-"

"It's alright. I never had any expectations for you to win against him anyway," Brunestud cut them off. His eyes stayed on me and he had an easy going smile.

"That's not very nice to say to your children," I commented while tilting my head.

"I know their limits. If any of them can match you in power, Gaia would have achieved its desire from our deal by now," he commented.

"What deal?" Brishisan asked as he walked besides me.

"You REALLY think now is the time?" I whispered to him. "Listen very carefully, when I move, just run. Don't look back, don't try attacking him, and don't even think of coming back for me. Got it?"

"Do you believe these mere human can escape me if I wanted to kill them?" Brunestud seemed amused as he heard what I said.

"I'm more wondering why you bothered to personally come for these 'mere humans'," I commented, trying to see what went wrong with the plan.

"Oh, I'm here for you. Ever since I got a report saying that Archetype Earth is now helping humans, I've been very interested in this war," he replied.

Crap. He's here for me! He's been watching since I showed up! All because I spared those idiots that ran away when I first met Brishisan and Zelretch.

"Brishisan, did you hear what I said? Tell the other Magus to do the same," I said aggressively and he nodded slowly.

Okay, let's get this shit show over with.

Third POV:

The whole battle stood still as Zack stared intensely at the smiling Crimson Moon.

Then Zack moved. The ground under him exploded as his body changed into wind instantly crossing the distance and reaching the Ultimate One, his claws raised.

There was a very small flick from Brunestud's hand, and Zack's body just exploded.

There was absolute silence for a few seconds before the Ancestors began cheering. As they did, Brishisan turned around and began running as quickly as his Mage-craft can let him while informing all the Magus to do the same.

"Amazing, my lord! I knew that pathetic creature stood no chance against you!" One of the Ancestors praised.

Brunestud scoffed. "You fools. If killing him was that easy, he would have never been recognised as the Archetype," he stated, causing the cheering Ancestors to stop their cheers as he looked at the top of one of the castles.

Air began gathering and reforming into Zack's body.

When it was finished, he turned to his stone element and glared at the Vampire King. "You know, I've never really tried to reach this far with my element control, but I guess there's a first time for everything," Zack raised his hand to the sky and clinched.

He looked as if he was struggling to pull down something.

Suddenly, something was seen in the sky. Several objects coming at great speed from space were heading straight towards the city. The Ancestors' eyes widen as they began following the Magus' example of evacuating. Brunestud stood his ground with his smile never leaving his face.

The meteors struck. The whole ground exploded and bathed in fire as whatever Magus and Ancestor unfortunate enough to still be close was completely obliterated.

Crimson Moon rose from the fire, floating gently on the air despite the surrounding destruction. "You know I come from the Moon, right? Asteroids and meteors are a daily basis."

Giant hands of fire burst from the blazing fields under him and smacked together at the Vampire King. The rest of Zack's body rose from the flames and kept his hands firmly shut.

Only for them to be suddenly ripped to shreds. Crimson Moon was right where he used to be, completely unharmed. He raised his hand where sharp claws appeared and swung at the Elemental.

Zack's entire giant body that was made of fire was sliced to shreds. As the pieces fell down, a giant clawed foot of clouds came in crashing into Crimson Moon and sending him to the ground.

"You missed," Zack's new body, which was made of clouds, tensed and turned around at where the voice came from, only to have his body completely shredded again.

Zack's body regenerated from the winds in front of Brunestud in the air. Creating several blades from Divine Metal and covering them in Runes, Zack sent them flying at the Vampire King only for them to simply bounce off his skin as if the weapons themselves were just rubber.

"Dammit Where's Gil and his treasury when you need it," Zack groaned as he tried to think of a way to fight the vampire King. "I could really use an Ea blast right now."

"Your regeneration is interesting," Crimson Moon's smile widened as he held his hands close to each other. "I wonder... can you still regenrate if there's absolutely nothing left?"

Zack's eyes widened. Before he could do anything, a transparent dome appeared between Brunestud's hands which he ripped apart. The entire area was suddenly completely obliterated with the sole exception of the Vampire King. Nothing from the ground or sky being left.

Brunestud looked around, waiting to see if the Archetype will recover. He didn't see anything resembling Zack. However, the clouds in the distance began shaping and taking form to look like giant spears.

Suddenly, the clouds turned to metal and in their place was giant spears of divine metal. The spears shot forward at Crimson Moon. All the Vampire King did was simply turn slightly, dodging the colossal spears as they stuck themselves at whatever was left of the ground.

"Your aim is awful," Brunestud chuckled. "I wasn't aiming for you," Zack's voice echoed and Brunestud noticed that all the spears had runes in them.

The runes began glowing and the Ultimate One realised the spears were going around him in a circle. Electricity ran between the spears before a colossal lightning bolt struck between them right at Brunestud and reduced the entire area into a smouldering crater.

Zack landed near the crater in his tree element and simply watched as Brunestud walked out of the smoke without a simple scratch.

"Surely you know you cannot defeat me," the vampire King stated.

"Oh, I know. I can feel your magical energy and I honestly can't even tell where it begins and ends," Zack motioned to the area around them and Brunestud saw it was covered with plants. "And its the fact you're leaking so much magical energy that I'm relying on."

The entire area suddenly burst into trees from the Feeder's Seeds that Zack covered the area with. Instead of reaching for the glowing branches, Zack simply moved out of the area and watched as it exploded into a collection of rainbow colors.

Watching as the magical energy exploded to the world around, Zack attempted to spot Crimson Moon. "Did that get him?"


"Should have figured," Zack commented as his body was ripped from the waist. His upper body flew away before his face area was stepped on by Brunestud. (Dammit! That was even more Feeder's Seed than I used on Daji and it didn't even scratch him!)

"I really don't understand you," Brunestud said as he removed his foot from Zack's face, grabbed him by the throat, and held him upwards. "You know why I'm here. You know you cannot defeat me. Yet you protect these humans. Why? Why are you fighting?"

Grabbing the hand holding him, Zack glared. "Because I love to see humanity grow in this beautiful world!"

Zack's body turned to fire and the world around them suddenly was set ablaze, the Elemental turning everything around them, both air and ground, into flames.

A giant fist made of water crashed into the middle of the flames, generating an explosion of heat and steam that created further destruction.

Zack glared at where his fist was, trying to see a sign of Brunestud. Suddenly, a hand grabbed the back of his head and crushed it. A giant version of Brunestud made of light stood behind Zack. Raising his claws, Brunestud destroyed the rest of Zack's body.

As Zack reformed, he groaned as he could barely see from all the steam and waved his hand, causing a powerful gust of wind to clear out the air.

What was once a city covered in castles and surrounded by mountains was now reduced to nothing but a wasteland filled with burning holes. Not even the mountains survived and there was no traces at all of the castles.

"Yeah, this is gonna take a while to fix," Zack groaned.

"You still exist?" Brunestud appeared in front of Zack in a flash of light. Chuckling, the Vampire King closed his eyes and covered them with his hands. "I must praise you. You are the only one who made me use this power since appearing on this planet."

Zack realised what the Vampire King was about to do and he got into battle stance. (Crap! He's going to use his Mystic Eyes! What do they do? What do they DO?! All I know is that they're the same rank as the Eyes of Death! I have to be-)


(... My body is gone?) Zack thought as he realised he felt nothing. Not even his own limbs. As soon as Crimson Moon opened his eyes, his body was completely destroyed without a trace. After creating a new body from the wind, Zack couldn't help but look confused. (What did he do?)

"Oh, so you can survive even that," Brunestud commented as he looked over Zack. "This goes beyond mere regeneration. You're recreating your body from nothing using any substance nearby. Your powers are too weak to be an incarnation of the planet, but your immortality is impressive even for us Ultimate Ones."

"Thanks. I take pride in being impossible to get rid of," Zack replied as he desperately thought of any way to fight the Vampire King.

"However, you will never win with your planet refusing to help you," Brunestud added.

(... Are you kidding me?! GAIA IS TAKING HIS SIDE?!) Zack wanted to scream. Fighting Crimson Moon was hard enough with the Ultimate One humouring him, and know he found out that the planet was helping him.

"But I suppose we should start getting serious," Crimson Moon spread his arms... and the whole world changed.

The barren wasteland was now a field covered in white flowers. The Moon grew larger and looked closer to Earth than it should ever be. In the distance, there was giant hill with an absolutely large, fantastical castle that looked like it was made of light stood on top of it.

"Well, crap," Zack groaned as he looked around.

"Ah, so you are aware of where we are?" The Vampire King smiled knowingly as he saw Zack's reaction.

"Yeah, I know about this place," Zack groaned turned to his cloud form. He sent a lightning bolt towards Brunestud only for the Vampire King to catch it and simply throw it back.

Zack jumped away as the bolt exploded where he used to be.

He noticed that he flew way longer than he should have. (Okay, gravity is weaker here. Unsurprising. And either lightning bolts are changed so that people can grab them or he's that strong. Probably both,) he started listing the differences in environment within his mind as he landed.

(I can hardly sense any air around. Wind element is gonna be way weaker than normal. The air is so dry that I'm probably the only source of water in the entire area. That leaves fire, metal, stone and ice, but the fire would be affected by the lack of air.)

Thinking over his options, Zack turned to his Divine Metal form and sharpening his claws. He charged forward and swung at the same time Brunestud did. Zack's hand was completely destroyed.

The Elemental groaned and jumped back. His hand regenerated and he glared with a defeated look at the Vampire King. "Have you finally realised you will never win?"

"To be fair. I never believed I would in the first place," Zack replied. He had only been trying to give the Magus enough time to escape.

Suddenly, a blast of light came crashing into the Vampire King which actually sent him skidding backwards. Zack's eyes widened and he looked at where the blast is to see Ainzel standing there with a blade of light in her arms.

"What are you doing here?!" Zack cried out.

"Helping you," Ainzel replied as she looked at the Vampire King.

Brunestud moved his neck around and looked at Ainzel curiously. "Hmm... I actually felt that. And you don't seem affected by my domain at all. Do you have some ability that protects you from the world's laws?"

"I have nothing to say to you, Vampire," Ainzel replied, remembering how Zack instructed them to keep the secrets of their True Magic from the Ultimate One.

Before Brunestud can say anything, a blast of rainbow lights came in and crashed into him, sending him away from Ainzel and Zack.

"You're in a sorry state," Zelretch commented as he walked in from behind Zack.

"Do you people not understand what 'run away' means?!" Zack cried out.

"This is our best chance to finally take him on. All other Magus have evacuated and Brishisan is having them keep the Ancestors under control. We can't let this chance slip by. Especially with you here to help us," Zelretch explained as Brunestud stood back up.

"Did you get bitten?" Zack asked as he noticed the wound on Zelretch's neck and the fact his eyes had turned red.

The Magician covered his wound with his hand. "That's not important right now. We need your help to fight him and end this once and for all."

"Have you not been watching? I can't even scratch him!" Zack cried out.

"Why not?" Ainzel asked.

"Because..." Zack trailed off as he realised something while remembering what Crimson Moon told him earlier. "... Listen. I need you to stall for a while. How long can you do that?"

We can give you fifteen minutes. Twenty if he focuses on Ainzel with her abilities," Zelretch replied and Ainzel got the message. Letting go of her blade, it floated in the air around her with two others appearing besides it as she charged at Brunestud with her blades following close by.

"Okay, good enough," Zack turned around, changed to his wind element, and began flying away, powering through the heavy feeling of having little air to move in.

First POV: Zack

Gotta move! Gotta move! GOTTA MOVE!

I need to do something and I can't do it from Crimson Moon's Reality Marble. I need to do this as fast as I can.

My body felt heavy. I was forcing my wind element to work in an environment where there's little air. But I have to move!

Thankfully, it didn't take me long to reach the edge of the Reality Marble and come out. I can see Magus and Ancestors fighting in the distance but that wasn't my current problem. I landed on the ground and touched it.

"I know you can hear me!" I cried out. "Stop rejecting mel I have to beat him!"

There was nothing for a few seconds but then a very familiar headache came over me.

"Why do you fight the Moon's Proxy?"

"What do you mean 'why?'?! He's trying to end the world!"

"He is following orders. The Ultimate Ones are only doing as I requested."

"He doesn't care about you or your request! He's using it as an excuse! Why do you think he's active while Type Oort is sleeping?! Because he's out for his own goals!"

"Even if what you say is true, Humanity should not be allowed to live as I die."

"You won't die! I promised to fix you! I'll find a way! I'll find a way to help you!"

"And what if Humanity leaves me behind? They are advancing. Soon, they shall travel the stars and leave me."

"No they won't! Do you have any idea how egotistical humans can be of their origin? They'll still declare you their home planet and hold you on a pedestal! They'll treat the ones born naturally on you as royalty!"

"... Do you truly believe that we and Humanity can get along?"

"Do YOU want to keep this endless war where both sides lose instead of coexist with Humanity like you used to? Do you truly want to spend the rest of your life in an endless war?!"


"One chance! Just give me one chance to show you that I can do this and I swear I'll prove it!"


Third POV:

Zelretch groaned as he teleported to dodge another slash from Brunestud. The Vampire King was doing a surprisingly good job at handling both of him and Ainzel at the same time.

He believed that was their fault. Ainzel and Zelretch were not used to fighting together at all since sending one of them on missions was always deemed enough. This was the first time they were forced to send the both of them.

Ainzel was struggling to push back even one of Brunestud's arms with two sword of light, one in each

hand. Zelretch has been keeping his distance,

providing magical blasts as cover fire for Ainzel.

"You two have... odd abilities," Brunestud commented as he flexed his hand which was enough to push Ainzel away. "They almost seem... otherworldly."

Zelretch and Ainzel tensed. Brunestud finding out that what they have isn't simple mage-craft and start understanding what it is was exactly what Zack told

them to avoid.

Suddenly, said Elemental landed nearby in his tree element.

"So, you have returned?" Brunestud chuckled as he looked at Zack. "And here I thought you had wisen up and left."

"Crimson Moon Brunestud," Zack said as he raised his hand to show everyone that he was holding a bright red stone that was leaking black mist. "You have officially overstayed your welcome on Earth!"

Zack began absorbing the stone. However, unlike the usual where his body would change, his body began being covered in cracks that were letting out red light.

Suddenly, Zack's body exploded.

Brunestud, Zelretch, and Ainzel all stood shocked at what just happened. They were even more shocked when crimson energy appeared at the horizon in every direction headed towards them.

The energy came in like a wave but harmed no one. It simply passed through from all directions and gathered on top of the battlefield where Zack's body was destroyed.


A loud heartbeat was heard all around the place,


The mark of the planet Earth covered the sky. Shining in resonance with the heartbeat that seemed to silence all other sounds in the world.

The Magus and Ancestors all stood confused. None but Crimson Moon as an Ultimate One understood what was happening. The Vampire King looked both shocked and excited.

Type Earth has just been born.


Read the Story On Wattpad and Fan-fiction.net

Title :- One with Nature

All credits to XanaShadow

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