Easy Tycoon

Chapter 459

Chapter 459

This discovery made Yang Jing really excited.

Counting from the time I arrived in this sea area in early August, it is now late August, and I have stayed in this sea area for more than 20 days.During the period, the helicopter broke down, and it cost tens of thousands of dollars to repair it.

The most important thing is that after searching for more than 20 days, this treasure finally revealed itself. This is the happiest thing.

Originally, Yang Jing thought that with the "Eye of the Sky" skill, it would be easy to find this treasure, but who would have thought that it would be foggy and foggy, and even if it wasn't foggy, the area to be searched would be too huge. With the cheating search skill of Sky Eye, it is far more difficult than expected to find the treasure hiding place in the vast northern region of Siberia.

If he couldn't find it after searching like this, Yang Jing might really give up.

After all, September is coming soon, and he and Gege still have to go to Yanjing to report.

Now, the trace of this treasure that has been called out for so long is finally revealed, how can this not make Yang Jing excited?

Of course, besides Yang Jing who was excited, there was another guy who was even more excited.

If anyone was the happiest during these days, it would undoubtedly be Dabai who was transported to land by assault boat.

Compared with Ellesmere Island where Alert is located, Siberia is equally desolate, but it is much better than the barren Ellesmere Island.

Here, the archipelago is densely covered, and the distance between the islands is very close. With Dabai's physical strength, he can easily swim through a strait hundreds of meters or even several kilometers wide, from land to an island, and then from this island to other islands.

Many seals and walruses will climb to these islands to bask in the sun during the day, which provides Dabai with a lot of hunting opportunities.

Moreover, there are a large number of arctic foxes and reindeer living on land. Although these things are not easy to catch, especially reindeer, as long as Dabai seizes the opportunity and catches a reindeer, it will be enough for him to eat. .

A few days after Dabai was released, when Yang Jing saw this guy again, he actually gained a lot of weight, gaining more than 100 kilograms in weight!

Dabai successfully replenished enough fat, and Yang Jing discovered the treasure location today, which was a very exciting thing for them.

As for the crew on the Blue Whale, including Captain Andre, they didn't know what Yang Jing and the others were doing in this ghostly place.To be exact, except for the people brought by Yang Jing, no one else knew that Yang Jing and the others came out to hunt for treasure.

The previous itinerary was okay, no matter whether it was in Nuuk, Alert or Longyearbyen, the Blue Whale stopped and stopped, but it was always moving forward. It didn’t look like it was here, it was half a stop from the sea. more than a month.

Having repaired the Antarctic Tern, the Blue Whale left Dixon.In terms of the displacement of the Blue Whale, the docking fee for this giant ship is more than 1000 US dollars when it docks at the small pier in Dixon for one day.

Money is secondary, the most important thing is that Yang Jing doesn't want the Blue Whale to be too eye-catching.Such a polar scientific research ship does not wander around the Arctic Ocean, but has been docked at Port Dixon. This is unreasonable. In addition, the Antarctic Tern takes off and lands inland every day. After a long time, there must be someone They will doubt Yang Jing's whereabouts.

Therefore, in order to avoid trouble, Yang Jing pulled the anchor and left the helicopter the next day after repairing it.

In the end, the Blue Whale anchored in a nearby sea near the Siberian coastline between the Taimyr Peninsula and the Yenisei Gulf, called the Tilo Islands.

There are no towns on the land near the Tilo Islands, nor is it on the main route of the Arctic Ocean, and the straight-line distance from the Beranga Mountains here is less than [-] kilometers, so if the Antarctic Tern takes off and lands here every day, it will still be possible. Can save a lot of time and fuel.

The most important thing is that the Blue Whale stops here, even if someone finds out, it can be prevaricated on the grounds of scientific research.

Since the Blue Whale has been moored here, every day except Yang Jing who will inevitably go out to search, the rest of the people are in rotation.

It seems that the people who followed Yang Jing today were Lin Dan, Chris, Clark, Kevin Martin and three other bodyguards.Grid is not feeling well, and he hasn't come out these days.

Lin Dan was sitting opposite to Yang Jing, seeing the joyful look on Yang Jing's face, he knew something good was going to happen.

"Brother Yang, did you discover something? You are so happy that the corners of your mouth almost go to the back of your head."

Yang Jing nodded, turned his head and patted Chris on the shoulder, and pointed in the direction of ten o'clock ahead.Chris, who was driving the helicopter, nodded, pulled the joystick, and the Antarctic Tern immediately lifted up, then deftly turned its direction in the air, and flew towards the direction pointed by Yang Jing.

Yang Jing turned his head and said, "I think that place is very likely to be where the treasure is hidden. Let's go and have a look first."

Although the noise of the helicopter is very loud, they all wear headsets and voice microphones, which does not affect the communication between them.

The Antarctic Tern was very fast, and it didn't take long to arrive at the position Yang Jing pointed out, and began to hover in mid-air.

Below are several peaks with a height of over 500 meters. They are not very high, and they are inconspicuous among the surrounding mountains. If it were not for the fact that there is a red precious light coming out here, Yang Jing would not be sure that this place is buried place of treasure.

These mountains are very ordinary, and there is a valley below. In the valley, there is a small river flowing happily, and patches of green tundra are growing hard.More than ten kilometers to the south is the surging Upper Taymyr River, and about 80 kilometers to the east is Lake Taymyr, which is more than 100 square kilometers larger than Qinghai Lake, the largest lake in China.

From the current height of the helicopter, overlooking the east, the huge lake can be faintly seen.

Chris quickly chose a landing spot. As the Antarctic Tern landed steadily, the loud noise of the helicopter scared away several arctic foxes who were drinking water by the river.At this time, the fur of arctic foxes is not completely white. These small arctic foxes have black or brown hairs on their bodies. This is the "summer dress" of arctic foxes.

In addition to the arctic fox, Yang Jing also saw several reindeer drinking water in the distance when he approached the ground.

The helicopter landed steadily on a relatively flat open space on the west bank of the river, and the treasure-hiding mountain was less than 300 meters away from the landing site.

After getting off the plane, Lin Dan said to Yang Jing: "Brother Yang, do you want me to go back and pick up my sister-in-law?"

Yang Jing nodded and said, "Well, why don't you take a trip and bring your sister-in-law here."

Lin Dan greeted Chris, and the two of them drove the helicopter into the sky again and flew towards the place where the Blue Whale was parked in the north.But Yang Jing and the remaining five bodyguards tidied up and started heading towards the mountain.

The Berlanga Mountains are a very old mountain range. Under the joint action of glaciers and weathering, most of the peaks here have lost their proper edges and corners.Most of the valleys between the peaks are relatively gentle, but because this is a mountainous area, although there are many small rivers here, the ground here is not very muddy.

A group of six stepped on the tundra with their combat boots, and quickly approached the mountain Yang Jing was pointing at.

After getting closer, Yang Jing was more sure that the treasure of the last tsar was buried in this mountain, because from here he could clearly see the red light coming out of the mountain.

The mountain is not steep, on the contrary it looks very gentle.But the mountain is very thick, and green lichen plants grow on the hillside, rendering the whole mountain into a green mountain, which looks vibrant and very beautiful.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to imagine such beauty in places within the Arctic Circle.This is the magic of nature.

Even in the harshest Siberia, once the temperature rises, it is full of life.

Although everything here is very beautiful, it is not a very happy thing for Yang Jing, because he glanced roughly, but he didn't see where the entrance of the treasure hiding place should be.

"Boss, this doesn't look like a place where treasures can be buried. There isn't even a cave. How can treasures be buried? That guy Antonov can't use a shovel to dig holes in the mountains, right?" Chris was no longer by his side. The older Clark is Yang Jing's personal bodyguard.

Yang Jing shook his head and said: "I can be sure that the treasure is hidden here, and my ancestral skills will not deceive me. How about this, Clark, tell Kevin and the others to spread out and search for them. They should be carefully searched for, especially some larger rocks should be paid more attention to. See if there is a hole hidden behind or under the rock.”

Clark blew a loud whistle, and the four of them, Kevin Martin, who was guarding around, ran over immediately.

Clark told them about Yang Jing's arrangement in a low voice, and the four bodyguards immediately dispersed.Clark said with a smile: "Kevin and the others are still very professional. With them protecting you, we can go on vacation with peace of mind even if we are on rotation."

Yang Jing looked at Kevin Martin and the others who were gradually going away, nodded and said, "Take them under my command, I think what I did was quite right."

Clark said: "That's right, Kevin Martin and the others used to be mercenaries after all, and their experience and awareness on the battlefield are very good, but their luck seemed a bit unlucky before, and they could only fight in the Middle East and Africa. But now they After following you, their good days will come, and they themselves know this very well, so you don't have to worry about loyalty."

Yang Jing and Clark just stood there, waiting for Kevin Martin and the others to bring back the exact news.

After all, this mountain is not a small mountain, and it takes several kilometers to go around the foot of the mountain.

After more than an hour, Yang Jing asked a little puzzled: "Linzi went to pick up Gege, why hasn't he come back yet?"

(End of this chapter)

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