Easy Tycoon

Chapter 460

Chapter 460
Yang Jing dialed Gege's number with a satellite phone, but he couldn't get through.Clark tried to contact the Blue Whale again by radio, but the interference was extremely serious.

Clark looked up at the sky, shrugged his shoulders and said, "Boss, maybe this time just coincides with the intensification of solar activity. We are within the Arctic Circle. Once the solar activity intensifies, we will be the first place to bear the brunt of the radio interference. Very strong."

Yang Jing also raised his head to look at the sky, but at this time the sun was high, so he couldn't see the aurora.

He shook his head and said, "Forget it, let's call again later."

And at this moment, Clark's communicator rang, and it was Kevin Martin calling. "Boss, Clark, you'd better come here and have a look. Behind the mountain, there are some rocks that look a bit awkward."

The individual radio station between Clark and Kevin Martin uses high-frequency radio waves to communicate. The contact distance of this individual radio station is not very far. It is only a few hundred meters away in the mountainous area, but it is difficult to be detected by some extreme interference.So even though Clark and Yang Jing couldn't contact the Blue Whale, which was a hundred kilometers away, there was no problem in their connection.

Hearing what Kevin Martin said, Yang Jing and Clark stopped contacting the Blue Whale for the time being, but walked quickly to the back of the mountain.

Ten minutes later, when Yang Jing and Kevin Martin met, they saw these huge rocks.

There are five rocks in total, one of which is the largest, as big as half a house, and the other four are smaller, but they weigh at least a dozen tons by visual inspection.

In the eyes of ordinary people, there is absolutely nothing special about these five clustered rocks, but in the eyes of experienced people, these five rocks are very eye-catching.

First of all, the Berlanga Mountains are a very old mountain range. Under the action of glaciers and weathering, except for the boulders that fell from the mountain, they can still maintain a certain edge, and there are no other mountains or others. Angular.

And the five rocks in front of me, although not sharp-edged, are absolutely incompatible with the style of this mountain. Obviously, these five rocks have not existed for a long time, and the ice, snow and wind have not completely modified these five rocks. good.

Second, the placement of the five rocks is odd.You said that if these five rocks were natural rocks that fell off the mountain, they could roll down into the valley no matter what on the slope of the back mountain, and it is absolutely impossible to stay at a position slightly higher than the foot of the mountain.

Obviously, these five rocks did not fall off the mountain naturally!
Combining the above two abnormal places, these five rocks seem to be a little bit wrong.

In fact, after Yang Jing came here, he had already judged that the treasure was buried under these five rocks, because the most precious light was revealed from the underground of these five rocks.

Yang Jing nodded, and Clark immediately said: "Set up a cordon first, Thor, you go to the top of the mountain to set up a guard post, Mark, Sean, you two go to both sides to cooperate with Thor's alert, Kevin, we two find a way to put these few Get a big rock out of the way."

Kevin Martin nodded with a smile, "Clark, I can't wait for the C4 in my bag."

As for the three named by Clark just now, they ran towards their respective positions without hesitation.Especially Thor Reigns, he is the sniper in the team, he naturally wants to go to the highest point, as for Mark and Sean, they built a large triangular temporary position with Thor on the mountainside.

Kevin Martin started to get busy. He took out a few C4 pills from his tactical backpack and began to place appropriate doses of pills on various positions of the five rocks.

Clark accompanied Yang Jing and left here. The explosion after a while was no joke.

In fact, this situation is similar to the Gaddafi treasure that Yang Jing discovered in Libya. The entrance to the treasure location is blocked by huge rocks, which need to be blasted with explosives.

It's just that when he was in Libya, Yang Jing was the only one working alone, and he didn't know anything about blasting, and he couldn't control the amount of explosives placed.

Now that Kevin Martin, the blasting expert, is here, everything becomes very simple.

Of course, Yang Jing also has the trump card of "storage space". As long as he activates the skill of "storage space", he can easily move these boulders away.But it is obviously impossible for him to reveal the secret of the "storage space" in this situation, so let Kevin Martin blow up here honestly.

Anyway, this is a no-man's land in the absolute sense, and you can't even see a person's hair within a range of hundreds of kilometers.

A few minutes later, a huge explosion sounded, and a huge cloud of dust hundreds of meters away also flew up.

After the dust fell back, Yang Jing, Clark, and Kevin Martin returned to that place. The five big rocks that were clustered together just now had disappeared, replaced by a cave extending deep into the mountain.

Clark and Kevin were very excited. They also knew that the treasure they were looking for this time was not ordinary. This was the legendary treasure of the last tsar. Although it was only a small part of the treasure of the last tsar, it was definitely not the treasure of pirates in the [-]th century. Comparable.

How many treasures can a group of pirates rob even if they rob for a lifetime?As the emperor of one of the most powerful countries in the world at that time, the treasures that Nicholas II collected back then were not a star and a half.

Didn't you see that people's gold is calculated in tons?And it can easily weigh several hundred tons.

For this alone, how many pirate kings in history can compare?

It is no exaggeration to say that even if all the treasures robbed by pirates in history are added together, it is probably not as much as one-tenth of Nicholas II's treasure!
And this blasted hole is connected to the treasure of Nicholas II!
What could be more exciting than digging such a treasure with your own hands?

Kevin Martin stood at the entrance of the cave and felt it for a while, then said: "Come in, you can feel the flow of air here, which means that there should be other exits or vents in this cave. should be no problem."

Although Kevin Martin was so sure, when the three of them entered the cave, they honestly put on gas masks and small oxygen cylinders.

This cave is always slightly upward, very spacious, even compared to the passage of the secret military base where Gaddafi's treasure is hidden, it is not inferior at all.However, the passage to the secret military base was completely constructed artificially, while this cave was obviously formed naturally.

The Beranga Mountains are mainly composed of gabbro and diabase. The former is a rock formed in the deep crust, and the latter is a rock formed in a shallower crust, but both belong to volcanic rocks. A sort of.When the Beranga Mountains were uplifted during the orogeny, it is not known why such a solid natural cave was formed.

Not long after walking in from the entrance of the cave, a fork appeared in this cave, and there was more than one fork, a total of four forks appeared.One branch is still very wide, and the other three are slightly shorter.

The uncanny workmanship of nature is unimaginable, just like here, if you don’t see it with your own eyes, no one would dare to imagine that there is such a natural cave like a maze under this ordinary-looking mountain.

Faced with this situation, Yang Jing and the three of them did not separate, but chose the tallest passage to move on.

After walking forward for about ten meters, when I came to a slightly larger natural cave hall, I realized that the three forked roads that were diverted just now were reunited here.However, in front of the hall, several forks appeared.

At this time, the three of them felt a little headache.Although Yang Jing has the ability to see the precious aura emanating from the treasure, but he can't choose a correct cave among these forks.

In desperation, the three had no choice but to separate. One person chose a side road to move forward, and returned immediately no matter whether it was at the end or encountered another side road, and at the same time drew a simple travel route.

It is really similar to imagination, this naturally formed underground cave is a labyrinth.There are a lot of forks inside, and I don't know what kind of magic the Creator used here when the mountain was raised, so that such a huge and complicated maze of caves was formed in the mountain.

It took more than half an hour for the three of them to gradually figure out the route of this natural maze.The three people put together their respective road maps, only to find that this seemingly small cave has 38 forks inside.

These 38 fork roads turned several times in the mountain, and finally converged into five caves, and finally gathered in a huge cave hall.And at the end of this huge cave hall, there is another passage stretching into the distance.

Yang Jing and the three of them chose the nearest side road and walked in. Clark made some hidden marks along the way so that he would not get lost when going out.

In the end, when the three of them walked into the cave hall, which was more than 200 square meters in size, they entered the last passage in the depths of the cave hall together.

This passage is not very long, and it has been going up obliquely. After walking about fifteen or six meters, I came to a relatively small cave hall. This cave hall is about sixty to seventy square meters. Turn off the lights, it is absolutely pitch black.

However, the strong lights on the heads and shoulders of the three of Yang Jing and the others were always on, so when they walked into the cave hall, they immediately found a large pile of things covered by dusty tarpaulins
(End of this chapter)

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