Easy Tycoon

Chapter 458 Narrowing the Scope

Chapter 458 Narrowing the Scope
"Yang Jing, there seems to be a loophole in our previous search plan." In the cabin where Yang Jing and Ge Ge lived, Ge Ge frowned while rubbing his stomach.

"I said, daughter-in-law, don't worry about this, you are not feeling well, rest is important. Don't waste energy thinking about this kind of thing. If we can't find it in one day, we will use it for a week. If we can't find it in a week, we will use it." I have been looking for it for a month, and I don’t believe I can’t find it! Unless this treasure map is a fake at all.”

Ge Ge smiled, picked up the hot water on the table and took a sip, "I'm fine, it's just the pain of menstrual period, it's an old problem, it will be fine in two days."

Regarding Ge Ge's problem, Yang Jing was a little helpless. The "Taoist medicine" skill can obviously make an old man look 20 years younger, and even cure some diseases that are difficult to treat in medicine, but he is a little helpless for this kind of minor ailment.Yang Jing has treated Ge Ge twice, and every time the treatment is effective immediately, but the pain that should be painful still continues the next day.

"Yang Jing, I haven't followed you out these two days. I'm just here to ponder this matter. Obviously, this treasure map cannot be fake. After all, when you found this treasure map, there was still a Eight precious gems. Antonov will not be bored and use such precious eight gems as a dowry for a fake treasure map, so I think this treasure map must be real. "

Said, Grid raised his left hand, and the pink diamond ring shone brightly under the light. "This kind of top-quality gemstone is obviously not something that Antonov can obtain, but there is such a precious gemstone hidden in the totem pole where you found the treasure map. The only source of these gemstones is from Niguel Only the Russian Tsar at that time was entitled to possess such precious gemstones in the treasure of King Ra II. Obviously, after Antonov finished hiding the treasure, he took eight gemstones from it."

Yang Jing nodded and said, "I know this very well, that's why I always insist that this treasure map is real."

Gege's stomach seemed to feel a little better. She stood up and pointed to the map and said, "Actually, we overlooked an important factor before the search. If we can take this factor into account, we should be able to narrow down the search area a lot."

Yang Jing is very smart. Hearing this, he immediately blurted out subconsciously: "Oil!"

Grid smiled and snapped his fingers, "Bingo! You are right, we all ignored this thing."

"In November 1919, the Soviet Red Army conquered Omsk, and Kolchak's million-strong army was vulnerable to the overwhelming Red Army. Under such circumstances, Kolchak attempted to enter the Farther away in Eastern Siberia, relying on geographical advantages to compete with the Red Army. His idea is very good, but unfortunately, God did not give Kolchak this opportunity. A fierce battle The blizzard killed any hope of Kolchak's comeback."

Yang Jing nodded and said, "That's right. Although the severe snowstorm blocked the Red Army's pursuit, it also completely killed all hopes of Kolchak's comeback."

Gege twisted his waist slightly, and said while twisting: "Under such harsh conditions, Kolchak still asked Antonov to lead fifty soldiers northward to hide the treasure, which is enough to show that Kolchak has great respect for the treasure." We attach great importance to these treasures. But no matter how important they are, Antonov only has fifty men and two military vehicles, and those two military vehicles are mainly used to pull those treasures, and Kolchak’s troops are in In that case, there is also an extreme lack of fuel, so one can imagine how much fuel Antonov's team can carry?"

Grid pointed to the map and continued: "Although I don't know where Antonov's team will spend the winter in the end, whether it is Shiquan Tunguska or Lower Tunguska, the distance from Krasnoyarsk is more than [-] kilometers. The distance between Nizhny Tunguska and Krasnoyarsk is even more than [-] kilometers. But even a distance of [-] kilometers is an almost insurmountable barrier in Siberia in winter. In Siberia in winter, in Yeni When the Sai River is completely frozen, even if they have enough fuel, Antonov can’t run very far with just two military vehicles. Not to mention that they may be extremely short of fuel.”

Yang Jing nodded and said: "Your analysis is quite correct. That is to say, after Antonov and the others left Kolchak's large army, they went northward along the Yenisei River, and finally ended up in Guquan Tunguska or further north. Tunguska overwinters, and after the Yenisei River thaws in the following year, they are likely to use boats to go all the way north along the Yenisei River."

"Yes, it's not possible, but they will definitely do it. Because Antonov's oil does not allow them to go all the way north by land. Even if they reach the coast of the Arctic Ocean from Lower Tunguska, the straight-line distance is more than [-] km, Antonov and the others don’t have enough fuel to go north by land. So, they will definitely go north by boat.”

After a pause, Grid continued: "Similarly, even if they arrived in the Arctic Ocean by boat, what can they do when they get there? They still don't have enough fuel. After so many days of searching, I am now very confident To judge a result, it is very likely that Antonov and the others did not reach the Arctic Ocean at that time, and they did not even reach the Yenisei Bay. They probably landed somewhere close to the Yenisei Bay. Then they searched for a suitable place to hide the treasure, and finally hid the treasure there."

Yang Jing nodded slightly, "What you said is very reasonable. If I were Antonov, I would probably do the same in that situation."

Yang Jing looked at the map again, and thought about it carefully, "Besides, it is impossible for Antonov and the others to hide treasures in the plains, which cannot be excavated, so the place where they hide the treasures is most likely in the This area."

Yang Jing pointed at a mountain range between the northern coastline of the Taimyr Peninsula and Lake Taimyr, "Belanga Mountains!"

Grid smiled and nodded, "I thought about it with me. In fact, I have been thinking about it for the past two days, and I finally thought of this mountain range."

The Beranga Mountains are not a very large mountain range, but on the Taymyr Peninsula, it is truly the first mountain range.

This mountain range stretches from west to east and divides the entire Taimyr peninsula into two parts.And on the south side of this mountain range is the largest lake on the Taimyr Peninsula-Taymyr Lake.

The mountain range is 1100 kilometers long and 1146 kilometers wide. Generally speaking, it is high in the east and low in the west. It is divided into three sections by the Pinassi River and the Temera River. The highest point of the mountain range is in the east section, with an altitude of 600 meters.The average height of the entire mountain range is more than [-] meters, and the area near the Yenisei River in the west is relatively low. It does not look like a mountain range, but more like a hilly area.

For a mountain range, the average altitude of 600 meters is really not high, but for a treasure location, such a mountain range is the most suitable.

Yang Jing discovered three treasures in total before, whether it was Mu Tianbo's treasure discovered in Myanmar, Gaddafi's treasure discovered in Libya, or the Basalomew's treasure discovered just a while ago, they are all hidden treasures. Inside the cave.

Looking at the treasures discovered in the world, except for shipwrecks and tombs, most of the other treasures were found in caves.

It is really inappropriate to dig pits and hide treasures on flat ground.Caves are the best place to hide treasure.

With the experience of the first three treasures and the fact that they have been searching unsuccessfully for a few days, Yang Jing and Gege narrowed the search area to the middle of the Beranga Mountains, that is, the area between the Pinassi River and the Temera River. Katayama.

The mountains to the west of the Pinaxi River are actually some hills with a height of only 300 meters. The erosion of glaciers has destroyed the terrain here.A few days ago, Yang Jing and the others had already searched this area, but they found nothing at all.

The middle section of the Beranga Mountains is only more than 300 kilometers away from the Yenisei River in a straight line. If Antonov and the others have enough oil, they can still run here from the Yenisei Bay in summer.

There are already some mountains in the middle of the Berlanga Mountains. Most of the mountains here are more than 500 meters above sea level. The mountains all run from east to west, and there are valleys between the mountains.Looking down from a high altitude, it looks like a queue.

The terrain here is very suitable as a treasure location, but also, because the mountains here are high enough, it also brings certain difficulties to Yang Jing's search work.

Treasures will emit precious energy, and if the precious energy is to be emitted through the mountain, first of all, the mountain where the treasure is buried should not be too high or too thick, otherwise the precious light will not be able to show through the mountain at all.

Just like Yang Jing was looking for the treasure of Bartholomew in Alert, that treasure was hidden by Bodman under a cliff hundreds of meters high, and the precious light of the treasure was almost not revealed.

If the treasure is hidden under a mountain with a height of more than a thousand meters, then the treasure light will not be able to penetrate it at all, and Yang Jing will be blind even if he has the skill of sky eye.

The area that Yang Jing and the others searched was more than 150 kilometers wide and 300 kilometers long, with a total area of ​​more than [-] square kilometers.According to Yang Jing's prediction, even with a helicopter, it would be difficult for them to find the exact location of the treasure in a short time.

But the fact is that sometimes it is so provocative. On the second day after Yang Jing narrowed the search scope to this area and started searching, Yang Jing searched from a mountain with a height of more than 500 meters in the south of this mountain area. A faint red light was found on it
(End of this chapter)

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