Easy Tycoon

Chapter 457 Exhausted physically and mentally

Chapter 457 Exhausted physically and mentally
Yang Jing brought a large-scale map. This map is a large-scale map of the Krasnoyarsk Krai in Russia. It clearly marked many places that cannot be seen on ordinary maps.

In the upper left corner of this map, which is the upper right corner of the Yenisei Bay, the mouth of the Yenisei River, the name of a city called "Dixon" is impressively listed.

Yang Jing pointed to where Dixon was and asked Grid, "You mean here?"

"Well, it's here. Although this place is a small city, there were indigenous people living here a long time ago. Russia set up a weather station here in 1915, and later Russians moved here one after another. To Now, it has developed into a small port city with a population of more than 2500 people."

Yang Jing asked a little puzzled: "What is the relationship between this city and Antonov's treasure transport ship?"

"Of course it has something to do with it. Think about it differently. If you were Antonov, you would be responsible for the important tasks entrusted by General Kolchak, and you would also be pulling two carts of priceless treasures, while the Red Army swept across Russia. Period, then will you be more careful? Do you want to avoid everyone as much as possible?"

Yang Jing touched his chin and nodded, "Well, if I were Antonov, I would definitely do this."

"That's the end of it! Antonov had a heavy responsibility back then, and the two cars behind him were pulling priceless treasures. It can even be said to be the capital of General Kolchak's comeback. Of course, Antonov must be careful." So it is certain that during his journey to the north, he had no choice but to contact some residents in the north during the winter, and even when they passed the winter safely and continued to set off, he would take all of them with him. All the residents who came into contact with them were killed to ensure the confidentiality of their itinerary. But as long as Antonov and the others went up the Yenisei River by boat, they had to avoid Dixon, because that place happened to be stuck with Yenisei. The outlet of the Nise."

After a pause, Grid continued: "And if Antonov goes up the Yenisei River, he will definitely use the inland boats looted from the settlements of the Tunguska generation. This kind of boat cannot leave the coastline too far. So if they want to avoid Dixon, it must be impossible to place East XZ on an island that is too far from the coastline."

"I understand what you mean." Yang Jing said, marked on the map with a ruler, and said after a little calculation: "Then Antonov is unlikely to hide the treasure in the Nordenskjöld Islands." In this area, it is more than 200 kilometers away from the exit of the Yenisei Gulf. It is impossible for inland ships to have such a long voyage in the ocean. Then, the most likely place to hide the treasure is not in Rastorguev Island, but it should be in the Plavnikovye Islands not far east of the Yenisei Gulf, which is more than [-] kilometers away from the Yenisei Gulf. If Antonov is careful, it is still possible to sail along the coastline It ran so far. However, I don’t think I can ignore it here.”

As he said that, Yang Jing patted his forehead and said distressedly: "Such a large place, with so many islands, if you want to find all of them, it will really kill you."

Gege smiled and said, "It's okay, I'll look for it with you."

But this treasure hunt is destined to be a process full of hardships. When Yang Jing boarded the Antarctic Tern with Ge Ge and five or six bodyguards and was about to start searching for nearby islands, a thick cloud rose suddenly on the sea. of heavy fog.
This made Yang Jing very depressed, and there was nothing he could do about it. In the coastal areas of Siberia in summer, this kind of dense fog would often rise, and sometimes this kind of fog could last for several days once it appeared.

The sudden heavy fog delayed Yang Jing and the others for four full days. It was not until the fifth day that the fog cleared and the visibility improved again.

Now that we're here, we can't let go of the surrounding islands. After all, on the treasure map drawn by Antonov, Rastorguev Island is the first target.

But it is obvious that Grid's judgment is very correct. There is no red light coming out of this island with an area of ​​more than 100 square kilometers. That is to say, the black dot marked by Antonov on the treasure map is a cover-up .

In fact, you can tell that this island is not a place to hide treasures without searching the island. This island is too flat, and there are no hills over 50 meters. How can you hide treasures?

Antonov would never be so stupid as to dig a hole in the permafrost to hide treasure, right?That would be sincere and stupid.

Digging holes in this kind of permafrost is not an easy task even now, let alone 100 years ago.Digging here with a shovel is not much easier than walking here from Krasnoyarsk.

Since Rastorguyev Island is not a treasure location, Yang Jing immediately expanded the search area, and searched the larger Nansen Island, Taimer Island, and Russo Island to the north, but it was very difficult. It is a pity that Antonov's treasure troop apparently never reached this area.

Even if Yang Jing had the Sky Eye skill, it took more than three days to search these dozens of islands, and now they found nothing, so everyone had to move again.

Originally, the Blue Whale planned to turn back and head west to the Plavnikovye Islands to continue searching, but the undead helicopter had something wrong again.

Chris and the others don't think it's easy to fly a helicopter, but they don't understand how to maintain it.The maintenance personnel on board were also helpless for this kind of failure. In desperation, the Blue Whale could only prepare to enter Dixon to dock.

Although Dixon's wharf is not big, it is a deep-water port. It is no problem for the Blue Whale to dock there.It's just that the body of the Blue Whale is even longer than this pier, and the pier has to leave room for the supply ship that transports supplies, so the Blue Whale can only berth on the pier sideways.

Although Dixon is small, the various facilities here are good, and Captain Andre is very familiar with this place, and it didn't take long to find a technician to repair the helicopter.

But there was another day's delay in repairing the helicopter.

If you delay, please delay. Taking advantage of this time, Chris and the others drove down the modified heavy-duty armored off-road vehicle and prepared to drive around to search.

This heavy armored transport vehicle was purchased in the United States and was converted from a military Humvee jeep.The tires are widened and widened, and the chassis and cabin are also heightened and widened in order to adapt to off-road driving in the polar wilderness.

It is difficult to walk in the wilderness of Siberia in summer, especially in Siberia within the Arctic Circle.If you don't see it with your own eyes, it's really hard to imagine how bad the situation here is.

In contrast, the Paris-Dakar Rally is driven from the Sahara Desert, which is like driving on the autobahn.

Siberia in summer is simply a muddy swamp, not to mention the road, even finding a piece of hard land is a luxury.

Especially in this area of ​​Taymyr Peninsula, where rivers are densely covered, and the erosion of glaciers has caused potholes on the ground. It is better in winter, and it is all frozen into a lump here. Let alone running a car, even running Tanks are fine.

But in summer, when the temperature rises and the ice and snow melt, this area will immediately be filled with large and small puddles and lakes. Let alone ordinary cars driving here, it is guaranteed that they will not get stuck even if the driver is a skilled driver. .

Fortunately, there is still permafrost under the melting ice and snow, and there are no large swamps here. With this modified high-horsepower heavy-duty off-road vehicle, it can also advance in the wilderness at an average speed of [-] kilometers per hour.

And this area is flat and refreshing, if it weren't for those damn puddles, it would be more comfortable than the prairie.

After a few days of heavy fog, the weather in this area is fine and intoxicating. Although the temperature is a bit low, this temperature is definitely the most comfortable.

Every time the convoy drove forward for a certain distance, Yang Jing would stand on the roof and observe with binoculars.In this kind of terrain, as long as there are treasures buried under the ground, the red light can be seen tens of kilometers away.

But it is a pity that this area is obviously not an area for hiding treasures.

In fact, if you think about it, you can understand that the situation in this area is not suitable for hiding treasures at all. Apart from puddles, there are rivers and lakes here, and there is still a hard permafrost layer like rocks underneath. With the strength of Antonov and the others back then It is absolutely impossible to hide treasures in this kind of area.

Wandering around Dixon for a day, I didn't find a fart, but it took a lot of fuel.

This modified heavy-duty off-road vehicle has a fuel consumption of nearly [-] liters per [-] kilometers, and a fuel tank that can hold [-] liters of diesel can support this vehicle to run [-] kilometers at most.

Four cars ran for a day, and [-] liters of diesel just evaporated.
Fortunately, the Antarctic Tern was repaired the next day, and Yang Jing spent more than 4 dollars to repair this big guy.

With the Antarctic Tern, the subsequent search work went much smoother immediately.

But unfortunately, except for the rain that consumed two days in the middle, in the following week, after Yang Jing and the others searched all the islands in the Pravnikovye Archipelago, they did not find the treasure. .

The continuous search failed, which not only made Yang Jing and Gege physically and mentally exhausted, but also greatly damaged the morale of everyone.

On this day, heavy fog suddenly fell again, and the helicopter could not take off to continue the search. Everyone got a rare chance to rest, so they got together to discuss the next search plan.

Although I haven't found anything after searching for two weeks, it's already progressed to this point. It would be a pity if I gave up.Therefore, the search work must continue.

PS: Bow down and thank "Shaking the World" for the reward of 1000.

(End of this chapter)

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