Easy Tycoon

Chapter 456 The Misleading Adjutant

Chapter 456 The Misleading Adjutant

In fact, if you observe carefully, you can still see many scenes that are worth laughing along the way.

However, while seeing joy, it is inevitable to see some things that make people feel depressed.

For example, when the Blue Whale was about to reach its destination, Yang Jing and Gege witnessed the cruel side of nature again.

The destination of the Blue Whale is tentatively scheduled to be Rastorguev Island near the coast of Russia. This island is located on a continental shelf. The closest part of the island to the Eurasian continent is only less than 400 meters away. The entire island They are all surrounded by an archipelago.

It is obviously impossible to get close to Rastorguev Island. With the draft of the Blue Whale, even if it sees Rastorguev Island, it can only be at least three kilometers away from the island. Anchor and moor in other sea areas.

This entire area is strictly a no-man's land, without even people. Where is the deep-water port for the Blue Whale to dock?
Therefore, if you want to board Rastorguyev Island, you still have to count on the two assault boats and the Antarctic Tern helicopter.

But even if you want to get close to this island, you have to carefully pass through the densely packed islands in the north. When the Blue Whale slowed down and crossed the archipelago carefully, almost everyone on the ship saw this scene, which was very exciting. Shocking and depressing scene.

A huge sperm whale has been stranded.

I don't know how long this sperm whale has been stranded. Anyway, the huge corpse is just resting on the coast, half of the body is on the shore, and the other half of the body is soaked in sea water.

There was a big ebb just a few days ago, and it is estimated that this huge sperm whale ran aground accidentally at that time.

For huge whales, the biggest killer is probably the coastline.Once they run aground, it usually means death.

This sperm whale, which was estimated to weigh at least 25 tons, died here for this reason.

However, even if it died, its body could not be preserved.

Not because of rotting, but because a group of polar bears are eyeing this huge corpse.

The temperature in spring and summer in the northern hemisphere this year is relatively high, which makes it much more difficult for polar bears to hunt than in previous years.Many polar bears can't eat enough when summer comes, and some polar bears haven't eaten even a little meat and fat for several weeks.

As mentioned earlier, in this case, if the polar bears can no longer catch prey, then the polar bears that cannot replenish enough fat before winter will have more than [-]% chance of dying in the harsh winter.

Just like the six or seven polar bears, obviously like the polar bear that was driven away by the walruses before, they were all starving and skinny. If judged according to the normal trajectory, these polar bears would not be able to survive this winter.

But there is no end to bears, and when these polar bears were about to starve to death, God took advantage of the shallows and the great ebb tide to send these polar bears a big gift, a big gift that was enough to make them survive this winter—— — A stranded sperm whale.

Compared with seals and walruses, whales have more fat in their bodies. Although small whales such as beluga whales are also on the diet of polar bears, it is almost impossible for polar bears to hunt whales in the ocean. Mission impossible.

But once the whale runs aground, it will inevitably attract all the polar bears within a radius of hundreds of kilometers.A sperm whale weighing 25 tons is enough to feed six or seven or even ten polar bears.

It is not even an exaggeration to say that if the sperm whale's carcass does not completely decompose before winter comes, just this sperm whale's carcass can allow ten polar bears to survive a harsh winter.

Nature is so cruel and ruthless, but sometimes it gives a way out.

No wonder the phrase "Life and death in the Arctic are forever intertwined" is so widely circulated in the Arctic Circle.The scene in front of him has already vividly interpreted the true meaning of this sentence.

It's cruel and real, but it makes people feel uncomfortable after watching it.

Along the way, Gege and Yang Jing saw too much joy and sorrow. After the Blue Whale anchored in the sea about three kilometers from the east end of Rastorguev Island, this period lasted for a week. The journey is finally over.

Next, it was time for Yang Jing and the others to search for the legendary treasure of the last tsar according to the treasure map drawn by General Kolchak's adjutant Kuvayevich Antonov.

Just wanting to find the exact burial place of this treasure is not so easy.

The difficulties faced by Yang Jing and the others were even more difficult than searching for Basalomew's treasure some time ago.

The reason why I say this is that the treasure map drawn by Kuvayevich Antonov is really crude, and the scale is surprisingly small. To put it bluntly, don’t look at Kuvayevich’s treasure map. Antonov used to be Kolchak's adjutant, but he didn't know how he got into this position.Among other things, if General Kolchak were to see this hand-painted map, even General Kolchak would not be able to stand it.

It is said that the seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister, although you Kuvayevich Antonov is not the gatekeeper for the prime minister, General Kolchak is also an admiral of the Russian navy after all, and his power is not ordinary , but as General Kolchak's adjutant, why is your level so low?Can't even draw a map.

The treasure map drawn by Kuvayevich Antonov is smaller than the treasure map drawn by Sea Snake Bodman, and it is only about the size of a 32-carat paper.Although the topography of Siberia was drawn on it, and the two lines of the Siberian Railway and the Yenisei River were accurately marked, but the final treasure location was drawn vaguely by this guy.

A point is just located near the Taimyr Peninsula, and even a target as large as the Taimyr Peninsula is drawn speciously.

If Yang Jing could see this Kuvayevich Antonov, he would have to spit on this guy a few times.

Can you be more serious?After all, the Taymyr Peninsula is a large peninsula with an area of ​​40 square kilometers, but take a look at what you drew!
But no matter how dissatisfied Yang Jing was, he could only complain, after all, no one even knew where that Mr. Kuvayevich Antonov was buried now.

"I reckon that Mr. Antonov just doesn't want people to find the final treasure burial location. Or simply this guy learned that Kolchak was captured by the Red Army after he hid the treasure, so this guy It was selfish to draw such a plausible map." After seeing the map, Ge Ge firmly gave such a judgment.

"Look at the lower part of this map, how accurate the drawing is, even the Siberian Railway and the Yenisei River are drawn so accurately, so how could this Mr. Antonov fail to draw such a big one? Taimyr Peninsula? This is obviously what he did on purpose. Perhaps when Antonov was drawing this treasure map, he was worried that this map would be discovered. But according to his painting method, this It doesn't matter if the picture is discovered, it is estimated that no one except Antonov himself knows where the specific treasure is located."

Gege's words are very reasonable, let alone Yang Jing at this time, even Chris and the others can see the trickiness of this treasure map.

"I guess when you saw this treasure map, because Antonov was General Kolchak's adjutant, you thought that this guy would hide the treasure in the building named after General Kolchak. On the island? In fact, it is natural for you to guess so, but it is absolutely wrong."

"The reason why Mr. Antonov drew this treasure map at the beginning was probably to mislead others. Otherwise, why didn't he simply mark the location on the island in front of us? This island is not small There are hundreds of square kilometers, how big is a point? Is it difficult to mark it directly?"

Yang Jing shook his head in distress, "Daughter-in-law, what do you mean to say that it was a mistake for us to anchor and stop the boat here?"

"How could it be wrong? Although the treasure map drawn by Antonov at the time was inaccurate, it is roughly within this area. We came here by boat, and there is no place around here for the Blue Whale to dock." We can only anchor here. Don’t we have the Antarctic Tern? It’s enough to go out and search for this guy every day? Anyway, you can see where the treasure is hidden from a long distance away. Eight and nine are inseparable from ten." Ge Ge said with a smile.

These words made Yang Jing very speechless. The "Great Hope Technique" that was fabricated in the Beaumont warehouse auction to hide the Sky Eye skill was taken for real by everyone, even Princess, the daughter-in-law of the Yang family, knew about it.

"In such a large area, even if I have the Great Hopeful Qi Technique, I will be blind! This area is too big, hundreds of thousands of square kilometers."

Grid looked at the parchment treasure map, frowned and thought for a while and said, "In fact, we should judge where this guy might hide the treasure based on the route that Antonov led the soldiers back then."

"You mean the Yenisei?"

"Well, I didn't say that. Didn't Antonov write on the back of the treasure map? He was ordered to lead fifty soldiers and two military vehicles to the northern part of Siberia to hide the treasures. But he left It was the freezing season in Krasnoyarsk, and the Yenisei River must not be able to walk. Therefore, Antonov is likely to follow what Kolchak said first along the Yenisei River. When the Nisei North enters and reaches the Tunguska area, he will be stationed. When the severe cold passes and the Yenisei River opens, he will most likely take the soldiers and the two trucks down the Yenisei River by boat. Otherwise, why did he only draw the Yenisei River so clearly?"

"You mean that Antonov is likely to reach the Arctic Ocean along the thawed Yenisei River? Maybe these treasures are hidden in an island in the Arctic Ocean?"

Grid bit his lower lip and pondered for a while, then said: "There is a possibility, but I don't think it is very likely, because there is still a Dixon at the end of the Yenisei Bay!"

(End of this chapter)

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