Easy Tycoon

Chapter 380

Chapter 380
This premeditated but sudden battle actually started very quickly and ended very quickly.

The main credit for this comes from the fifteen well-trained "guards" on the refinery side and five mercenaries who have experienced countless battles.

Followed Fatty Guo to Algeria's Oham Oilfield, not only the middle and high-level managers of Rongbao Mining, but also [-] guards.These guards are all retired soldiers recruited from China in name, but who doesn't know what these capable guys do?

Among other things, take Zheng Shuang, the captain of the guard, as an example. Fatty Guo, a guy with a bloody smell all over his body, knows his background very well. He is indeed a retired soldier, but he is becoming a guard. The captain of the team suddenly retired three days ago.

The ghost knows that usually they should be retired in September, when can they be retired in April?

Zheng Shuang is undoubtedly a hero, but how could such a hero suddenly retire?This kind of soldier king is a treasure in any large military region, and those who are officers are absolutely reluctant to let such a soldier king retire.

Except for Zheng Shuang, the other [-] guards have similar experience to Zheng Shuang, and then these [-] soldiers who can be called "heroes" just gathered in this small Oham oil field to serve as guards player.

As for Karl Morris's mercenary team, let alone, they have been working as mercenaries in places like the Middle East for several years, which is enough to show their ability.

Now, a group of malicious Libyan militants, taking advantage of the large number of people, wanted to launch a night attack on the Oham Oilfield, but they hit the steel plate with one end.

This group of Libyan militants has an absolute advantage in numbers. They have more than 70 people, and there are only 20 people on the oil field to defend the refinery.But even so, the battle was over in less than 10 minutes.

Kevin Martin fired the first shot of the battle, and he blasted half of the head of the leader of the Libyan militants, Mohamed Zaire, with one shot.This shot not only killed the commander of this group of militants, but also completely messed them up.

With Kevin Martin's first shot, fourteen guards and four mercenaries occupying the favorable terrain of the oil refinery immediately flashed out from their hiding place, and a series of precise short bursts immediately killed more than 20 armed molecular.

In less than 1 minute, more than 70 Libyan militants lay down a third of them.

Among them, Kevin Martin killed four people alone, one was Mohammed Zaire, and the remaining three were militants carrying three RPGs.The 88-type semi-automatic sniper rifle with ten bullet magazines is almost an unsolvable big killer when it is condescending and there is no obstruction on the opposite side.

This round of ferocious blows immediately made the group of Libyan militants completely confused.Half of the commander's head was missing, and the three partners who carried the most powerful heavy firepower were also on the opposite side with a few precise shots from the sniper.The remaining militants could only lie on the east side of the road, relying on the raised roadbed to resist the bullets from the opposite side.

This move was really good, because the raised roadbed made Zheng Shuang and his weapons useless.

But Zheng Shuang and the others have nothing to do with the militants on the other side of the road. It doesn't mean that Kevin Martin standing on the iron tower and another guard who controls the squad machine gun have nothing to do.

They are located more than 40 meters above the ground. In this position, it is a joke for those militants to hide under the roadbed.

Kevin Martin nodded to his companions, and then took the time to roll call one by one. Of course, his scope never left the three RPG rocket launchers.Whoever dares to touch those three RPGs, Kevin Martin's bullets will definitely smash that person's head in the first place!
As for the guards around him, they excitedly pulled the bolt. The next moment, the unique sound of the heavy machine gun rang out from the iron tower, and the flames ejected from the muzzle were about one meter long.

Bullets fell from the sky like rain, and the militants hiding under the roadbed couldn't resist the heavy machine gun bullets from the sky. In just a few minutes, more than 20 people were hit by heavy machine guns.

At a distance of more than 300 meters, under the illumination of four high-power searchlights, these militants had nowhere to hide.And at this distance, it is the most powerful area of ​​the heavy machine gun. As long as it is hit by a 7.62mm bullet, it will basically have no live head.

In less than 5 minutes, more than 70 people fell down and about 50 people fell, which completely stunned the group of militants.

Especially the devil-like heavy machine gun, it's a nightmare even worse.

The rest of the militants did not know who yelled, and then they raised their guns with one hand and shot indiscriminately, while running towards the living area.

The ferocious counterattack made Zheng Shuang's offensive slightly stagnant. Taking advantage of this gap, the remaining 20 militants ran towards the living area like wild dogs running wild.

This group of militants can be regarded as a battle-hardened group. They know very well that under the precise strikes of squads using machine guns and sniper rifles and elite soldiers below, the possibility of them wanting to break into the oil refinery is almost zero. Why not break into the living area more than 20 meters away from the north while there are still more than 200 people, and then whether they use the buildings in the living area or take the opportunity to catch a few hostages, the possibility of their escape will be greatly increased.

They had a good chance of escaping, and it happened to be the time when the squad on the iron tower was using the machine gun to change ammunition.

Although Kevin Martin knocked out three more guys, he couldn't stop the remaining less than twenty people from sneaking into the living area.

Seeing that the gang of militants were still about a hundred meters away from the living area, suddenly, there was a low "Tong Tong Tong" sound.

As soon as the sound sounded, the guard who had just installed the bullet chain on the iron tower immediately laughed. He didn't even bother to shoot, and stuck his head out from behind the steel plate to look at the situation over there.

Kevin Martin was also shocked when he heard the voice.As a mercenary who had experienced many battles, of course he could tell that this sound was definitely the sound of a large-caliber machine gun firing.

Compared with the firing speed of the squad machine gun just now, the shooting rhythm of this large-caliber machine gun is not fast, but it is extremely calm.

Kevin Martin stood on the iron tower and could clearly see that the dozen or so militants who were running wildly with their heads lowered within the range of the searchlights suddenly seemed to have bumped into a speeding heavy truck head-on, one by one. They all flew upside down in an extremely weird posture, and almost all their limbs or torsos were inexplicably smashed into pieces
The 02-type 14.5mm high-level dual-purpose machine gun installed by a small number of troops is known as the world's only "titanium alloy heavy machine gun".That's right, this big guy with a total weight of only 73 kg uses a lot of aluminum alloys and titanium alloys. As a result, although this heavy machine gun is the lightest among heavy machine guns of the same caliber, it is also the most expensive.

Even in terms of current economic strength, it is only a powerful high-level dual-purpose heavy machine gun that can only be used as hunting equipment for a small number of elite troops.

And Zheng Shuang's escort team consisting of only 02 people actually brought four of these Type 14.5 [-]mm high-level dual-purpose heavy machine guns.

One of these four big guys was placed in the warehouse as a spare, two of the other three were equipped at key positions in the refinery, and the last one was installed in an unoccupied room in the living area as a Maximum protection for the living area.

Now, this heavy machine gun used to ensure the safety of the living area is finally showing its power.

This 14.5mm high-level dual-purpose heavy machine gun has an effective range of up to 2000 meters. Using the new type 02 tungsten-core shell-piercing armor-piercing incendiary bomb, the muzzle velocity has reached 1450m/s, and it can shoot at a distance of 1000 meters at a 50-degree angle. Wearing 20mm thick homogeneous armor, using armor-piercing blasting shells, even fragments can penetrate 2mm ordinary steel plates, which is twice as powerful as a 12.7mm machine gun. It is almost a small gun, and it is resistant to aircraft and ground light armor targets. Can't live.

This kind of machine gun is used to strike ground targets, and it can only be described by the word "cruel".

Now, the group of militants from Libya has encountered this kind of cruelty that is worse than a nightmare.

The 14.5mm*114mm explosive bomb weighs nearly 1000 grams, and the weight of the warhead alone is close to [-] grams. When this bullet is fired at an initial velocity exceeding [-]m/s, as long as it hits a person, that person is the only one The end is "dead without a whole body".

Defending a small living quarter with such a heavy weapon would be like flaking a mosquito.

But it is a pity that they have just entered here and just taken over this oil field. They urgently need a happy and cruel victory to deter the surrounding area, especially the imminent movement of Libyan militants.

When the shooting sound of this high-level dual-purpose machine gun sounded, all other gunshots disappeared strangely, leaving only the "tongtongtong" sound on the battlefield. Of course, there was also the crisp sound of the AK47 held by Libyan militants. Gunshots, and more of them were the wailing of those militants before they died.
The person who controls this machine gun is obviously a master. This guy can fire a large-caliber high-level dual-purpose machine gun out of the AK47, and the shooting accuracy is still so good, which is enough to prove that this gunner is a master of heavy machine guns. .

A magazine has 150 rounds of ammunition. When the magazine is emptied, no one can stand up in the area covered by the searchlight.
PS: Bow and thank you for the 100 tip of "Frozen Octave".

(End of this chapter)

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