Easy Tycoon

Chapter 381

Chapter 381
The battle ended quickly, and the living quarters and the oil refinery were still calm, as if the battle just now had never happened at all.

It's not that the residents here are not afraid, but that the battle ended so quickly that the gunshots outside completely disappeared before the black brothers and sisters had time to react.

In addition, when the gunshots sounded, the surroundings immediately became brightly lit. It was obviously much safer to hide in the house than to go out at this time. No fool would dare to come out at such a time.

Even after the battle was over, no one could not control their curiosity and walked out of the room.

Fatty left the room with Yang Jing and Lin Dan after getting the exact news from Zheng Shuang.

"They're all dead, not a single one left alive!" The fat man spat out a mouthful of phlegm, then shook his head again, "Those guys are quite pitiful, meeting Zheng Shuang and his gang of killing gods."

"Let's go, don't complain, Zheng Shuang and the others are professional soldiers, and in this case, their first duty is to destroy the enemy." Yang Jing patted the fat man on the shoulder, and got into the bulletproof Mercedes-Benz off-road vehicle first.

Although the distance from the living area to the oil refinery is only more than 200 meters, in this case, Yang Jing would not just walk over in such a stupid way. Who knows if there are any snipers of Libyan militants hiding in the darkness in the distance with.Although Zheng Shuang had already sent someone to check those pickup trucks, maybe they would go there by car, but Yang Jing would definitely not go there.

When Yang Jing got off the car, he saw Zheng Shuang standing with Kevin Martin.

Contrary to the imagined tall and burly man, Zheng Shuang is a dark, thin and small guy. If the fat man hadn't introduced him, he would indeed be Zheng Shuang, the captain of the guard. Yang Jing really thought he was an African refugee.

"Mr. Guo!" Zheng Shuang still maintains his style in the army. After all, he has not retired for half a month. A pickup truck." Although Zheng Shuang looked thin, his voice was very low.

This cold voice made Yang Jing involuntarily get goosebumps all over his body.

Accompanied by Zheng Shuang, Kevin Martin, Carl Morris, and Chris, Yang Jing and the others first went to the battlefield on the east side of the road to have a look. After seeing the dead bodies here, Lin Dan vomited. stand up.

Yang Jing and Fatty didn't look very good either, but they endured and continued to walk north. As a result, when they reached the place where the Type 02 14.5mm dual-purpose machine gun was raging, even Fatty couldn't help but vomit. It was dark.

Compared with the situation here, the dead Libyan militants I saw just now are undoubtedly much happier. At least they left a whole body, but the body here is really horrible.

The corpse here can no longer be called "tool", the exact name should be "block".

That's right, these corpses that were ravaged by that heavy machine gun are all piece by piece, not a single whole body.The largest piece of corpse was only the upper body, but the lower body was smashed by the heavy machine gun and flew to nowhere.

The militants who were killed just now left puddles of blood, but here, there are pieces of minced meat and blood stains everywhere.

Now both Yang Jing and Fatty fully understand what is called "Sura Hell".

Yang Jing is better, he didn't spit it out, at least he participated in an operation against the night attack of the Burmese government forces in Myanmar in 12.7, and he used the [-]mm heavy weapon in that defense A person who has fired a shuttle of bullets from a machine gun can be regarded as a person who has experienced war.

But where had Fatty seen such a scene?Hundreds of torn human bodies were laid out in front of him like this, and there was a strong smell of blood, broken bones, scum, and minced meat everywhere, which was worse than a slaughterhouse.

He was able to vomit for a long time without passing out, and he was already relatively strong mentally.

"Damn it! Fucked! I won't watch this kind of scene anymore if I'm killed! His sister, I think he will have nightmares every day in the next few days." The fat man took the tissue handed over by Yang Jing and kept wiping his mouth. mumbled.

Zheng Shuang asked: "Mr. Guo, what to do with these corpses?"

It's okay if Zheng Shuang didn't ask this, but when he asked this, the fat man couldn't help but glance at the pieces, and ran to the side again and vomited wildly.

Yang Jing shook his head and said: "Gather the complete corpses together. As for these fragments, don't we have a forklift? Shovel them all together and find a place far away from the living area to bury them. The appearance of these corpses is really unbearable." Exposed to the public, with a little common sense, one can see that these corpses were shot with large-caliber machine guns. Our 02-type heavy machine guns cannot be exposed, otherwise the police in the Borma Police Station will not be good. Handle."

Hearing what Yang Jing said, Zheng Shuang's eyes lit up, and then he turned his head and explained a few words to the team member following behind him, and the guard immediately turned and left.

Knowing that the guard was driving a forklift, Yang Jing asked Zheng Shuang, "What kind of weapon are we registering at the Borma Police Station?"

Zheng Shuang said: "They are all Bayi bars. Because Bayi bars use 7.62mm bullets and can be used in common with AK47 ammunition, so we chose Bayi bars this time. Well, our sniper rifles are also Some squads use the same ammunition for their machine guns."

Yang Jing nodded and said: "That would be even better. Since they all use 7.62mm bullets, the policemen must not be able to deduce from the ammunition that we have squad machine guns and sniper rifles. We are abroad, so try not to Conflict with the local government department, otherwise we will suffer."

"Understood, I'll let someone dispose of the body."

"Hey, brother Zheng, go slowly, I have something else to ask you. If we publicize this matter, will you and your brothers be sure to block the people who come to revenge?"

When Zheng Shuang heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then he thought for a while and said: "If they come to attack in a fair manner, twenty of us are sure to block one of their reinforcement companies. After all, we have an advantageous location, and our weapons also have an advantage." However, if they attack like today, I can't guarantee it. After all, there is no way to arrange secret sentries to be on duty at night. The weather in the desert is too bad. People can't stand being sent out for years and months."

"Brother Zheng, do you have the kind of automatic warning device that was staged in the movie?"

"Yes, but we didn't install it. That thing is quite expensive, especially the military-grade long-range optical warning equipment that can work for a long time in the harsh conditions of the Sahara Desert. The price is extremely expensive."

Yang Jing turned his head and asked Carl Morris in English: "Carl, do you have a way to get two sets of this military-grade long-range optical warning equipment?"

Carl Morris smiled and snapped his fingers, "Boss, as long as you are willing to pay, let alone such small things, I can get you Tomahawk missiles."

Yang Jing nodded and said: "Carl, you can contact me with two sets later, and let them send it here as soon as possible, money is not a problem!"

"OK, don't worry, the goods will be delivered here within three days."

As the ace scout, Zheng Shuang can understand English, "Mr. Yang, thank you. With these things, brothers can relax."

Yang Jing smiled and said: "Why are you being polite? You have traveled all the way from the country to this ghostly place where birds don't shit and chickens don't lay eggs. This is already hard enough, and you have to risk your life to protect this place. I As a shareholder of Rongbao Mining, I have to solve some problems for my brothers. Don’t worry, as long as the problem can be solved with money, it’s not a problem. Brother Zheng, if you think the weapons here are not strong enough, three Within a few days, I will ask others to send over another batch. American and Russian weapons, I will get you whatever you want."

Zheng Shuang also smiled, "Mr. Yang, don't worry about it, the weapons we brought from China are enough. You have helped us a lot by getting the remote warning system over."

The fat man who had just vomited over there and came back said: "Brother Zheng, don't be too polite with this guy. This guy is a local tyrant. I dare not say anything else, but there is absolutely no shortage of money."

Zheng Shuang said with a smile: "It's enough, it's enough. Mr. Guo and Mr. Yang, don't worry, there won't be any problems here with us."

Accompanied by the sound of "rumbling" engines, the guard who had just left drove over with a loader, and more than a dozen guards were below to help. In a short time, this messy battlefield was cleaned up. , Even the blood-stained sand was shoveled away by that loader.

As for where to bury the fragmentary corpses, this is not Yang Jing's concern.

The remaining more than 50 corpses can be used as evidence to the police station in Borma, and these corpses are relatively complete.

"Brother Zheng, call the police and let the Borma police come over to see what's going on here. Well, Lin Zi, you should also publicize this night's defense battle in the past two days, so as to spread our reputation."

After a pause, Yang Jing said indifferently: "Since we have already taken root here, we must make a name for ourselves. We Chinese people have been bullied abroad all these years, but this doesn't work from us. Here It's the Sahara, and this is the harshest place in the world, so we must make our reputation known, so that those guys who are ready to move will completely dispel the idea of ​​​​taking action against us."

Zheng Shuang said with a serious face: "Mr. Yang, don't worry, as long as we are here, I promise that there will be no damage here!"

(End of this chapter)

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