Easy Tycoon

Chapter 379 Ansar Brigade

Chapter 379 Ansar Brigade
Compared with living quarters and oil wells, these militants from Libya prefer the small oil refinery.

These militants are not fools. Of course, they know very well that this kind of living area on the border is actually everyone is a soldier. Almost every household has guns. No matter how strict the Algerian government bans guns, it cannot stop these border residents from self-defense. Determination.

Therefore, relying on dozens of them to raid a living area with two to three hundred people, it can't be said that they are courting death, but it is definitely not good.

As for the oil wells, most of them are scattered in the wilderness. Even if those oil wells are blown up, it will take a few days at most to resume production.But the refinery is different. It is the core of the entire oil field. Even if one of the pipelines is blown up, the refinery can be paralyzed for a long time.

The most important thing is that there are several thousand-ton oil storage tanks in the oil storage area of ​​the refinery. If they can be blown up, the entire refinery will be wiped off the face of the earth!
Therefore, this gang of militants set the target of the attack on the oil refinery early on!

Mohammed Azai is a captain and company commander in the Ansar Brigade, one of the six major armed separatist forces in Libya. Unlike the Ansar Brigade, which mainly operates in eastern Libya, Mohammed Azai The troops led by Azai are mainly active in the Leah border area, attacking pre-scheduled targets.

The Ansar Brigade is a well-known armed separatist force in Libya. It is also the most religious armed force among the six major armed separatist forces in Libya. .

The Ansar brigade is composed of a group of fanatical religious elements who oppose Haftar, the largest armed separatist force in Libya, and do not recognize Haftar's "coup".At the same time, these hot-headed guys do not support the rule of Libya's current Libyan parliament, forming de facto "independence" in eastern Libya.

In September 2012, the US Consulate in Benghazi was attacked, killing four Americans including Ambassador Christopher Stevens.The United States has accused the Ansar Brigade of planning the attack and added it to the list of terrorist organizations.

Later, Haftar forces backed by the United States launched an attack on the base of the Ansar Brigade in Benghazi, causing the Ansar Brigade to suffer many casualties.The Ansar brigade then issued a statement vowing revenge.

Under such circumstances, the Ansar brigade sent many combat units to western Libya, because in Libya, they have no way to retaliate against Haftar's forces on a large scale, but they have a way to cross the border to support Haftar The troops of the United States, Britain, France and other countries retaliated.

The attack on the In Amenas gas plant in 2013 was carried out by members of the Ansar Brigade.

However, due to the bombing of the Amenas natural gas plant, all oil and gas fields and refineries near the Leah border have increased their defenses, which made it impossible for the Ansar brigade to choose one for a long time. A good target strikes again.Later, Muhammad Zaire's subordinates offered advice, saying that the oil and gas fields on the Leah border were well prepared, so why don't we move north and attack those oil fields on the Al-Turkey border?
This time, the team led by Muhammad Zaire is preparing to change targets and launch attacks on some targets in the north.

Originally, they chose the French Oham Oilfield, but the oilfield changed owners some time ago, from the French to the Chinese.

Well, the prestige of the Chinese people here is pretty good, but we spent a lot of money to move from the south to the north with great effort. Since you Chinese people dare to accept things from the French, you have to treat us no matter what. Express it?Give some money, and we can let your oil field go.

As a result, this group of Chinese people refused to enter. When they came to negotiate last time, they were kicked out by those guys with guns.

His sister, my aunt can bear this, but my uncle can't!
Nothing to say, do it!
After several days of preparation, Mohammed Zaire led more than 70 people under his command, crossed the Tunisian border in the dark in more than a dozen pickup trucks, and drove more than 150 kilometers in the desert After that, they crossed the border between Tunisia and Algeria, preparing to attack and retaliate against this "ignorant" Chinese oil field!
This time, in order to stand up again, Mohammad Zaire and his team took out all their wealth - a handful of AK47s, three RPG-7s, eleven dilapidated cars Pickup trucks, as well as grenades, ammunition, and some explosives.

In Mohammad Zaire's view, it is not difficult to break through the defense line consisting of more than a dozen people with the weapons in his hand. Regardless of the weapons those guys hold, they can fight against our great Ansar. brigade fighters compared?
These are real fighters, they have resisted Haftar's usurper's forces, they have been bombed by the "Libyan regular army air force", and they have also survived the air strikes of those hateful Western countries. They all walked away from the flames of war Come out the real warriors.How can those Chinese people who can only gesture with guns on the opposite side compare to us real fighters who have experienced many battles?

As long as they break through the defense line of the Chinese people, and then install the C4 bought at a high price from the black market on those huge oil storage tanks, then they can enjoy the huge and splendid fireworks in the distance.

Besides, it's the middle of the night, and the Huaxia people might still be asleep!
In order not to let the Huaxia people find out, under the order of Muhammad Zaire, these guys stopped the car more than 500 meters away from the oil refinery.These broken cars are already broken, and the sound of the engine is too loud. If they drive directly over, they may wake up everyone in the entire living area.

"Well, after this attack, let's see if we can find a few Toyota pickups or off-road vehicles from the living area! The Chinese people are quite rich now, and it shouldn't be a problem to get them a few good cars." Muhammad Zaire thought happily as he led his men secretly towards the refinery.

Unbeknownst to him, his head was actually caught by the aiming star of a sniper rifle hundreds of meters away.

Muhammad Zaire and the others completely underestimated Kevin Martin's vigilance.As a mercenary team that has been active in Libya, Syria, and Iraq for a long time, Kevin Martin, the deputy captain, has enough battlefield experience.Sufficient vigilance at all times has been integrated into his bones.

Even though it was just a routine bodyguard mission this time, Kevin Martin still maintained a high level of vigilance when he was on duty, especially when he learned that there was a watchtower from the members of the oil field guards. , he climbed up without hesitation.

Kevin Martin is still very satisfied with this modified iron tower. There is not only a high-definition infrared telescope fixed on the shelf, but also a sniper rifle that fires 7.62mm bullets and a squad machine gun that fires the same ammunition. What reassured Kevin Martin was that a steel plate with a thickness of [-] millimeters was installed on the outside of the iron tower platform.

Kevin Martin is also quite satisfied with this transformation of the oil field guards.This lofty watchtower directly transformed into a steel fortress gorgeously.

Based on Kevin Martin's experience, it is almost impossible to destroy this platform with heavy steel plates from below the ground. As long as there are two people on it, they can control all the surrounding areas with a radius of 700 meters. area.This area is enough to cover the entire living area and most of the refinery.

Unless the enemy attacked from behind, the enemy would definitely seek death if he wanted to attack from the direction of the border.

As for the RPG-7, which theoretically poses the greatest threat to the security of the tower, with this sniper rifle, there is basically no need to consider that thing.

Although the RPG-7 is very powerful and has a theoretical range of up to 900 meters, in fact, this weapon is no longer accurate beyond 300 meters.And in such an open area, it is simply impossible to carry an RPG-7 within 300 meters of the iron tower - don't take that 88-type sniper rifle as a gun!
With the 88-type sniper rifle, even at night, the sniper rifle equipped with an infrared sight can easily control an area with a radius of 400 meters!

Kevin Martin and another guard on duty stood together on the iron tower platform. Although it was a bit cold, they did this kind of work, and no one complained.

Then, Kevin Martin, who had been on the tower for more than an hour, was startled by the low sound of a car engine coming from a distance.

Compared with the infrared low-light scope on the sniper rifle, this kind of large infrared telescope that can actively turn on the infrared light can see much farther, especially the moonlight is not bad tonight, and in the cold desert area, The pickup trucks driven by the group of militants were as bright as morning stars in the dark night. Looking through the infrared telescope, they were small stoves, so red that it was hard not to notice them.

Kevin Martin immediately reported the discovery to captain Carl Morris. Of course, the communication channels between them were the same. When Carl Morris knew that there was an uninvited guest, Chris and the others also knew about it.

After the report was over, Kevin Martin held the sniper rifle, while another guard member held the grip of the squad machine gun, both of them were waiting for the order to fire.

When Mohammad Zaire and the others were about to reach the road east of the refinery, Kevin Martin could clearly identify the commander of the group of uninvited guests through the scope. The guy's head is in the scope.

A reminder came from the radio that the guards were ready, and an order "you can move freely" was sent from above, so Kevin Martin pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The next moment, through the scope, Kevin Martin could clearly see the guy he was aiming at, and half of his head disappeared in an instant.
(End of this chapter)

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