Easy Tycoon

Chapter 299 Warning

Chapter 299 Warning
After wandering around in the warehouse for a long time, Yang Jing finally walked out of the warehouse with more than 200 pieces of rough glass jadeite.

Yang Jing didn't want to stay here with these glass jadeites, but planned to take them back directly.These rough jadeite stones have to be carried out by elephants - if it wasn't for the statistics of the rough jadeite stones in the warehouse, Yang Jing would have thrown these rough jadeite stones into the storage space and taken them away.

More than 200 pieces of rough jadeite weigh about half a ton, and one elephant cannot pull them away. At least four elephants are needed.

In fact, elephants are not as powerful as people imagine, at least the ability of elephants to carry heavy loads is not enough.Don't look at how an adult elephant can easily roll up half a ton of things with its trunk, and can easily pull two or three tons of things to move forward leisurely, but if you let the elephant carry things, then the elephant is not a good one.

In fact, except for horses and donkeys, which have been domesticated for thousands of years and are specially used for carrying heavy loads, all animals with four legs on the ground are mostly "tofu waists with copper heads and iron tails", whether it is tigers or wolves or It's dogs and cats, most of which have poor carrying capacity.

Elephants may be the largest land animals in the world, but the load of an adult elephant should not exceed 150 kilograms. Elephants' back strength is not strong.

These are also the reasons why Wu Qinmao organized more than 50 elephants to bring food to the workers at the entrance of the field every day.An elephant carries a load of about 50 kilograms, and more than [-] elephants can carry about [-] kilograms of food a day.

If the more than 500 kilograms of rough jadeite were carried out by elephants, at least four elephants would be needed.

In the evening, Wu Qinmao prepared a table of sumptuous dishes, most of which were made from local materials.

Wild boars, pangolins, wild rabbits, pheasants, these wild animals are plentiful in the virgin forest near the Damukan mining area, and there are also proficient hunters in the mining area.These hunters go out with dogs and guns for a long time, and they can bring back a lot of game.

There is no shortage of fish and shrimp here. Walk a few kilometers downstream along the Wulu River and enter the canyon area.Although there are not many fish and shrimps in the mining area, there are still quite a lot of fish and shrimps in the undamaged canyon area.

There was a large table of dishes for dinner, and there were quite a few companions. In addition to Wu Qinmao and the security captain Tunqin, there were also four heads of Master Shixuan and two other security guard vice-captains.

In mining areas, the least valuable people are miners.Although it is helpless and cruel to say so, the reality is like this.

There are hundreds of thousands of miners working in the entire jadeite mining area in northern Myanmar. In Yang Jing's Wumachangkou alone, there are nearly 20 miners working.In the Damukan mining area alone, there are more than [-] farms that are about the same size as Yang Jing's Wuma farm, and there are even more small farms.

Therefore, in the emerald mining area, the status of miners is the lowest.Above the miners, there are security guards and stone selection masters.

The importance of security is self-evident. Although these guys usually have nothing to do, once something really happens, these guys are more fierce than most of the Burmese army.

What these security guards do is the work of mercenaries. They usually eat well and drink well, and they are paid a lot of money. Once there is danger, they also need to step up. When necessary, they have to use their bodies to block loophole.

It can be said that the people who can serve as security guards in the Burmese emerald mining area are a group of desperate desperadoes.Usually, when the Kachin army and government troops encounter these security guards, they usually do nothing to the security guards in the mining area.

As for the stone selection master, the importance in the mining area even exceeds that of security guards.In the emerald mining area, most of the stones dug out by miners do not contain emerald, but there are also emerald-containing stones.How to distinguish it?Then you need these experienced stone selection masters.

Most of these stone selection masters are old miners who have worked in the mining area all their lives.Their experience is very rich, whether there is emerald in a stone, they can judge it by looking at it, touching it or even knocking it to hear the sound.Every piece of stone dug out from the mining area must be selected by the stone selection master.

Moreover, the stone selection master does not select these stones once, but crosses each other and selects at least three times, and finally can determine which stones can be put into storage, and which stones can be thrown into the ore dump.
The value of jadeite is high. If the stone selection master is not capable enough, it is easy to throw away the rough stones containing jadeite as garbage. If this happens, it will naturally cause great losses to the mine owner.

Similarly, if the stone selection master selects too many rough stones without emeralds and puts them in the warehouse, it will also affect the income of the mine owner.

Therefore, how to select the suitable rough jadeite from the dug out ores requires the skill of the stone selection master.Whether a boss at the entrance can make money also depends on the level of Master Shi.

In the mining area of ​​Myanmar, a top-level stone selection master is hard to come by.Compared with the so-called "stone gambling masters" and "stone gambling experts" outside, and the stone selection masters in the mining area, there is an absolute world of difference.

It is no exaggeration to say that those so-called "stone gambling masters" outside who wish to be praised by the stone friends are not even worthy of carrying shoes for the stone selection masters in the mining area.

How many pieces of rough jadeite can the so-called "stone gambling masters" outside have access to in a lifetime?

And what about the stone selection master in the mining area?It is possible to come into contact with hundreds or even thousands of pieces of ore in a day. If these stone selection masters do not see tens of thousands or even 10,000+ pieces of jadeite rough in a year, they are ashamed to call themselves stone selection masters
Yang Jing is not short of money, so Mike Ale told Wu Qinmao very clearly when he instructed Wu Qinmao to open the opening here, as long as he can find a good stone selection master, he will not hesitate to spend any money!

So last year, when Wu Qinmao opened up the Wuma field, he spent a lot of money to dig dozens of stone selection masters from other fields, and even made the entire northern Myanmar emerald mining area famous "Ten God's Eyes" The four stone selection masters from the village were dug up.

The four old men in their 50s in front of them are the four well-known "God Eye" stone selection masters in the mining area of ​​northern Myanmar.

Each of the four of them leads a professional stone selection team composed of seven or eight stone selection masters to select the excavated ores and cross-select each other.A batch of excavated ore needs to be screened four times before it is finally determined which piece can enter the warehouse and which piece will be thrown into the ore dump.

Of course, if you are in doubt, open the window or cut it directly.

This is why there are so many window materials and bright materials on the Burmese public market.Most of these window materials and bright materials are directly wiped out or cut out when the stone selection masters are not sure.

Even Wu Qinmao didn't know what was in the big box that Yang Jing brought when he came.As a result, when Yang Jing took out two boxes of Moutai from the big box, including the four stone selection masters, all of them were happy.

Northern Myanmar is very poor and supplies are extremely scarce. Where have they seen Moutai before?

Everyone was happy after the meal, and the four old men were all put down, but Tun Qin and the other two security guards did not drink too much, which made Yang Jing look a little different.

After eating and drinking enough, Yang Jing moved into Wu Qinmao's big room made of stones.In the mining area, this kind of stone house is only the warehouse and the residence of the mine owner.Of course, following Yang Jing into this stone house, there were more than 200 pieces of selected rough glass jadeite and the big box that Yang Jing brought.

During the day, the mining area is full of chaos, but at night, the mining area immediately becomes very quiet.

Except for the faint sound of diesel generators coming from the warehouse not far away, the entire mining area fell into silence.

Miners who have worked hard all day will plunge their heads into bed and start to sleep after dinner. The exhaustion of the day has exhausted their last ounce of strength, and the next day, there is still work waiting for the same exhaustion. them.

Moreover, in the area where Yang Jing's Wumachangkou is located, apart from a few diesel generators for the warehouse, there is no electricity in other places, let alone entertainment.

Therefore, at night, these miners will fall asleep early, and seize all the time to restore their physical strength.

Yang Jing is usually considered a half-night owl, and it is difficult for him to fall asleep after twelve o'clock at night. Although he drank a lot of wine for dinner, it was only after ten o'clock, and Yang Jing still couldn't fall asleep.

Putting on a coat, Yang Jing opened the door and walked out.A German shepherd at the door ran over when he heard the sound. Yang Jing touched the big guy's head, which made the big guy feel comfortable "woo woo" twice.

This German Shepherd was raised by Wu Qinmao. When eating at night, this German Shepherd often followed Yang Jing's ass to eat good food, so he had already gotten acquainted with Yang Jing.

This German shepherd was specially raised by Wu Qinmao to guard the house. It is very loyal and powerful.

Yang Jing walked a few steps and came to the gate of the courtyard. First, he walked around the courtyard with a flashlight, picked up a lot of stones from the ground and threw them into the storage space. He stopped after picking up more than 200 pieces. , then found a stone and sat down, and the dog obediently lay beside Yang Jing.

Panting slightly, Yang Jing lit a cigarette, and while stroking the dog's soft fur, he looked up at the starry sky.

The weather tonight is very good, there is no moon in the sky, and except for the lights in the warehouse area, the other places are all dark, with little light pollution, so Yang Jing can clearly see the sky Galaxy.

A white jade belt spans the sky, and some bright stars hang in all directions of the sky, making the night sky look extraordinarily gorgeous.

This kind of starry sky can no longer be seen in most of the cities in China in later generations. Whether it is the heavily polluted atmosphere or the ubiquitous light pollution, the gorgeous Milky Way has been completely blocked.

Yang Jing raised his neck and looked at the starry sky greedily, this feeling is very good.

However, not long after he looked at it, he heard the dog next to him suddenly let out a low warning growl, and quickly stood up from the ground, pointing his head in one direction, and started to "wow" in a low voice
PS: Bow and thank you for the 200 tip of "Frozen Octave".

(End of this chapter)

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