Easy Tycoon

Chapter 298 Big Mac

Chapter 298 Big Mac

Maybe it's because of taking a hot bath, or because the precious energy in the Holy Ring has started to circulate in the body, anyway, Yang Jing only feels that he has boundless energy all over his body, and he is very refreshed everywhere.

In the past, Yang Jing was a little nearsighted, with one eye being 1.0 and the other eye only being 0.8, but now, Yang Jing only feels that his eyesight is absolutely fine even if he participates in the pilot selection.

As for strength, Yang Jing also tried a little after returning to his new house.In the new house, there was half of the rebar left over from the construction at that time, with a diameter of 1.2 centimeters. As a result, he held the two ends of the half of rebar with both hands. The steel was instantly bent into a ring.
Yang Jing was also taken aback by his own strength, he hadn't exerted much force yet, how did the rebar become like this.
After seeing a qualitative leap in his physical fitness, Yang Jing was really moved.

"It's been half a year since I got the holy ring. In the past six months, my life has almost revolved around the holy ring. I tried every means to absorb the holy ring. Now, the previous efforts have not been in vain. The holy ring I finally started to make up for myself!"

Compared with the wealth and those antiques obtained through the holy ring, Yang Jing's happiest thing is the substantial improvement of his physical fitness.

And what makes Yang Jing the happiest is that, perhaps because he has already activated the three inheritance skills, he always feels that the attitude of the Holy Ring towards him is much better, at least not as indifferent as before. Now whenever Yang Jing asks questions, Sheng Jie can always answer patiently and meticulously.

But at this time, Yang Jing didn't have time to think about this problem. He needed to teleport to the Mukan mining area immediately. Outside his warehouse, there were still two subordinates waiting for him.

Because Yang Jing remembered the time when he came back, so when he shuttled back, it was only 30 seconds later than that time.So when his figure reappeared in that corner of the warehouse, it was as quiet as before.

Turning on "Inheritance Skill Combination 21" consumed some energy in the natural treasure pool, so Yang Jing did not hesitate to use the emerald rough stones on the fifth wooden shelf in the warehouse to replenish it. [-] pieces of glass jadeite were selected on the wooden frame.

Counting the 77 rough glass jadeite stones selected from the previous four wooden frames, Yang Jing selected a total of 4000 glass jadeite rough stones from the warehouse containing more than 98 rough jadeite stones.

Among them, there are a total of six pieces of glass emperor green alone, all of which can be used as bracelets.Yang Jing also found three pieces of the glass cockscomb red and red jadeite that can bleed jade bracelets, and Yang Jing also found three pieces of the glass chicken oil yellow-yellow jadeite. In addition, Yang Jing even found a big one. The glass species is the ultimate Smurf Sapphire blue jade, and a glass species with purple eyes and purple emeralds that is also not small
Even Yang Jing couldn't help but sigh, the person who eats the first bite of meat really can eat something good!

Among more than 4000 pieces of jadeite, glass species that cost less than 100 yuan were found, and these glass species were all colored glass species, not the colorless and transparent glass species that can be seen everywhere in later generations.The worst color of these glass types is also a piece of spring ribbon color, and it can also produce bracelets.If you put it in later generations, such a spring colored old pit glass bracelet, you don't want to take it without 3000 million!
As for imperial green, cockscomb red, chanterelle yellow, smurfs, and purple eyes, they are even more rare in future generations.

But now, this venue has only just been opened, and there are so many top-quality glass jadeites in such a high proportion!If this probability is revealed in future generations, then a large number of people will die with envy!

In later generations, digging a field for a year may not be able to dig out a few pieces of glass jadeite, but now, I have dug up so many glass jadeites in this field within a year. God specially favored the same.

Moreover, this is just one warehouse, and there are seven more of the same warehouse!

Perhaps the quality of the rough jadeite in the remaining seven warehouses is not as good as that in this warehouse, but that's a big deal.

In this era, ice-type jadeite can only be regarded as mid-to-high-end jadeite, but 30 years later, ice-type jadeite will definitely be high-end jadeite.As for the green glass jadeite, it is usually the treasure of the town store.

Walking to the door, Yang Jing yelled to the outside, Wu Qinmao, Tun Qin and two guards ran over immediately, the four of them worked together to open the door again, and Yang Jing pointed to those who chose The 98 pieces of glass-seeded jade that came out said: "Pack up all these jades for me, and I will take them away."

When the big boss spoke, even Wu Qinmao didn't dare to say anything else. He winked at Tunqin, and Tunqin said a few words into the radio. After a while, four guards were carrying four weapons. A big bamboo basket made of bamboo ran over.

The total weight of 98 pieces of glass jadeite is more than 300 kilograms, which is more than enough to put in a large bamboo basket.

Yang Jing ordered Wu Qinmao to open the second warehouse, and went in again.

But this time because there is no need to absorb natural treasure energy, Yang Jing did not avoid Wu Qinmao and the others. After wandering around the warehouse for a long time, he used his "Sky Eye" and "Appraisal" skills to pick out another 30 people. Multiple glass jadeite rough stones.
According to Wu Qinmao, the quality of raw jadeite in this warehouse is higher than that of the first warehouse, but in Yang Jing's eyes, it seems that it is lower. Except for the lack of glass jadeite, other The quality of the rough jadeite is still extremely high.

In this warehouse that stores more than 6000 pieces of rough jadeite, except for the more than 30 pieces of glass, almost all of them are ice and high-ice jadeite.Even ice waxy species are rare.

In future generations, ice jadeite that can definitely be regarded as high-grade jadeite, this entire warehouse is full of it!
The third warehouse is not bad either. There are about 5000 pieces of rough glass jadeite, more than 1000 pieces of ice jadeite and high ice jadeite, and more than [-] pieces of ice waxy jadeite.
After looking at three warehouses in a row, Yang Jing didn't find a piece of waxy jadeite.

In this era, waxy jadeite can only be regarded as a low-end mid-range jadeite, unlike 30 years later, even waxy jadeite can be regarded as a mid-to-high-end jadeite.

Some of the rough jadeite excavated at Xinchangkou are of ice type and high ice type, so the waxy type of jadeite is naturally not considered by those stone selection masters.

Of course, this does not mean that Changkou does not pick out waxy jadeite.It's just that the waxy jadeite is not eligible to be put into the first three warehouses.

In the warehouses behind, waxy jadeite and waxy jadeite began to increase, and the size of the rough stone gradually increased.

According to the normal law, the better the texture of the jadeite, the less it will be big.And those jadeites with poor quality often have big material.

It was as if in the last two warehouses, all Yang Jing saw were piles of large materials, most of which were tens of kilograms or even hundreds of kilograms in size.

Of course, the larger "Big Mac" rough stones will not be put into the warehouse.Outside the last two warehouses, Yang Jing saw more than 20 pieces of this "Big Mac" weighing more than one ton. The largest piece of material weighed more than ten tons. There are also a lot of heavy materials.

These Big Macs are all stored outside the warehouse. They are so big that even if you let a thief steal them without machinery, the thief will not be able to steal them.This thing is more worrying than the silver ingots of "Ghost Seeing Worry" in ancient China
The emerald mining area in northern Myanmar was not like this before it was developed. Many people thought that the rough jadeite was dug out from the river and the banks of the river. In fact, this idea is a bit misunderstanding.

The earliest emerald mining area in Myanmar is the old Pagan. Before the entrance of the old Pagan appeared in the [-]th and [-]th centuries, it was just a small village, and the Wulu River meandered among the mountains.There is almost no flat land here, except for river valleys and mountains.

Then emeralds were found here, so people started digging around Old Pagan.After digging, people found that there are more rough jadeite in the mountains than those in the valley.So people started digging.
Don't look at the big pits everywhere at the entrance of the old Pagan field. In fact, these big pits used to be mountains!These big pits only appeared after digging down the mountain.

The rough emerald stones in the Wulu River are all washed down from the upstream mountains.Its nature is the same as that of Hetian jade, which is carried down by the river from the upstream mountains.

After nearly 700 years of excavation, the old pagan field was dug into such a look.The Xiangdong mining area to the west of Lao Pagan was also dug out of the mountain.The Damukan mining area and Houjiangchang area in the west, the Leida mining area in the north and the Huika mining area in the south were all excavated from mountains.

In the process of excavating mountains, large stones often appear. After these large stones are identified by the stone selection master, the qualified ones will be kept, and the unqualified ones will be thrown aside.The remaining "Big Macs" weighing several tons or even more than ten tons are the big ones that Yang Jing sees now.

Especially when the "strange hand" mechanical excavation is widely used in later generations, this kind of big man will appear more. In 2016, the old Pagan dug up a big man weighing 210 tons, which was bigger than two houses
In this era, more than a dozen tons of rough stone is already the limit, no matter how big it is, it can't be pulled out even with an elephant.And in this era, to deal with such a large rough stone, it is usually directly chiseled.If there is something in it, it will naturally stay, but it is just a window material.If there is nothing in it, just throw it away.

These big heads have not had time to be chiseled, and so many big heads are put together, it is indeed very spectacular.

Yang Jing used his identification skills on the biggest big head, and finally shook his head slightly.There is indeed material in this big guy, and there is a lot of it, five or six tons of jade meat.It's a pity that the emerald inside is just a very low-grade bean seed.
Yang Jing appraised these big guys one by one, but Yang Jing was very disappointed in the result, the best piece of them was just a thin white background, so Yang Jing was a little disappointed.

From the looks of it, the kind of adventures in which the protagonist in a novel sees a rough emerald stone weighing several tons and finds a huge amount of ice species, high ice species, and even glass species in it is not suitable for him after all.
(End of this chapter)

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