Easy Tycoon

Chapter 300 Big guy!

Chapter 300 Big guy!
Hearing the dog's "whooping" sound, Yang Jing shivered for no reason.

He couldn't explain why, but he felt that the hairs all over his body exploded at this moment, and a deep sense of fear immediately choked his throat.
Shaking his head suddenly, Yang Jing knew that there was a danger coming, and it was definitely a great danger, otherwise his instinct would not have such a strong reaction.

Yang Jing immediately supported the dog's head, and quickly lay down on the ground himself, and quickly pressed the almost exhausted cigarette in his hand to the ground. At this time, he didn't care about cleanliness at all. That's it, and then crawled to the back yard with the dog.

Fortunately, there was no electricity here, and when I came out just now, all the oil lamps inside were extinguished, and only Wu Qinmao was sleeping in the room.

Climbed to the door of the house, quietly opened the door, the dog quickly got in, and Yang Jing also crawled in.

After closing the door, Yang Jing stood up and took two quick steps, and came to the two bamboo baskets filled with raw jadeite. He touched them lightly with his left hand, and in the dog's puzzled eyes, the two baskets The emerald rough stones full of them all disappeared.

Yang Jing had another thought, and the next moment, the bamboo basket that had just been emptied was full again.

The reason why Yang Jing went out to pick up those stones scattered all over the place just now was to prepare to replace these rough emerald stones.Even if these rough emerald stones are transported by elephants, they are worried about losing one piece, so it is better to send them all to the storage space, so Yang Jing thought of such a way.

After finishing all this, Yang Jing came to Wu Qinmao's bed and patted the sleeping soundly guy awake.

"Well, boss, what's the matter?" Wu Qinmao was a little dazed after waking up, because he could vaguely see the nervous boss standing in front of him.

"Hush!" Yang Jing made a silent gesture, "An outsider came in at the entrance of the venue, and the situation seems to be a little bit bad."

Wu Qinmao sat up immediately, and asked in a low voice, "Outsider? Are you sure?"

Yang Jing shook his head and said: "I can't confirm it, but it gave me a bad feeling. Baozi's performance just now proved this." The German Shepherd took such a funny name.

"It's broken. Since the buns have warned the police, it means that the person who came here really has bad intentions." Wu Qin put on his shoes briskly, then took out the walkie-talkie from the bedside, turned on the switch and said in a low voice: " Tunqin, Tunqin, answer immediately."

Accompanied by the "rustling" sound of electrical interference from the radio intercom, after a while, Tunqin over there quickly answered.It's just that this guy is using the local dialect, which Yang Jing can't understand, but Yang Jing can tell that this guy seems to have just been woken up.

Wu Qinmao immediately said: "Be careful, someone from outside has come in, you immediately organize everyone to go to the warehouse area, take all the weapons, ammunition and supplies, quietly, and don't make too much noise."

Mining areas often encounter such things, but these mine owners usually rush to the warehouse area at the first time, and guard the warehouse together with the security guards.

After all, in the mining area, except for those rough jadeites, there is nothing valuable at all. As long as the warehouse is well protected, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Putting down the walkie-talkie, Wu Qinmao said, "Boss, let's leave here immediately and go to the warehouse. The warehouse is the safest place in the five or six yards near us. The thick outer walls are strong enough to resist attacks from weapons such as machine guns."

Yang Jing said "wait a minute", walked to his big box, opened the box, and started to take things out from the inside.

The box was actually a cover, there was nothing in it except some drinks, but Yang Jing needed such a box to cover up the existence of storage space.

In the dark, he looked like he was taking things out of the box, but in fact he was taking things out of the storage space.

Seeing that the boss didn't leave, but packed the big box there, Wu Qinmao was also a little curious.But he didn't dare to lean over to see what the boss was taking out, but he could vaguely see the boss taking things out one by one, and they were not too small.

As early as when I met the boss in Mandalay, this big box nearly two meters long followed the boss, and along the way, this big box never left the boss's side.Although Wu Qinmao was curious, he had to refrain from asking what was in the box.The boss's privacy is not something that people like him can ask.

In the darkness, there was a continuous sound of metal clashing, and after a while, Wu Qinmao finally heard the boss speak.

"Come here, let's push this big guy to the warehouse. With this big guy guarding the warehouse, no one can rush in!"

Wu Qinmao walked over, took a closer look and took a deep breath.

"Boss here."

Compared with the individual weapons in the hands of the soldiers of the Kachin Army and the southern government army, what Wu Qinmao saw was an out-and-out "big guy".

The gun body is more than 1.6 meters, the barrel is thick, and there is a large brake in front of the barrel.
"Boss, is this, is this a heavy machine gun?"

Without looking back, Yang Jing continued to take things out of the box, and said, "This is a Type 89 12.7mm heavy machine gun from the Huaxia Military, which is known as the lightest 12.7mm heavy machine gun in the world! Here, put on this, This thing can save your life."

Wu Qinmao hurriedly took a body armor thrown by Yang Jing, looked at it, and immediately put it on.

Seeing the boss fiddling with the heavy machine gun, Wu Qinmao also felt a little drunk.The boss has been carrying this big box all the way from Mandalay, but he didn't expect that it contained a powerful heavy machine gun and body armor.

"Don't be dazed, hurry up and bring that small trolley over, I'll carry this gun and push the ammunition behind me!" Yang Jing shouted in a low voice while putting on the body armor.

Wu Qinmao nodded in a panic, and pushed the small cart containing the original carnation baskets full of emeralds during the day, and moved the big box that was still a bit heavy to the cart. Maung looked down and found that there were all neat ammunition boxes inside, about twenty or thirty of them, and there seemed to be something under the ammunition boxes.

At this time, the buns in the house became even more anxious, and there was a constant warning "woo hoo" sound from their throats, as if the danger outside was getting closer to the house.

"Let's go!" Yang Jing snorted, quietly opened the back door with the heavy machine gun in his arms, and quickly ran towards the warehouse with his back bent. Behind him, Wu Qinmao followed behind him, pushing a small cart. Yang Jing ran.

At this time, Yang Jing felt very happy. He had just obtained the "feedback" skill, and his power became extremely powerful, which will come in handy right now.You must know that the heavy machine gun he is holding in his hand weighs 35 catties. The weight of the machine gun itself is as high as 53 catties including the tripod bracket below.

The weight of a bag of noodles does not seem to be heavy, but if you let you run a distance of more than 100 meters, try it?
But at this time Yang Jing was holding this heavy machine gun with a tripod, but he felt extremely relaxed, and it felt no different from holding an M4A1.

At this moment, dogs barked one after another in the Changkou dormitory area. Obviously, other dogs in the Changkou dormitory area also noticed that someone had come in.

This dormitory area is the place where all the workers in the six surrounding yards live together. In the Damukan mining area, there are several dormitory areas like this, all of which were established in other yards.

What makes Yang Jing a little strange is that the accommodation area in his own field is located in the middle of the Damukan mining area. Whether it is northeast or southwest, there are other accommodation areas in the field.Judging from the direction the enemy came from, these guys obviously broke through from the southwest, but I don't know why there is no movement in the accommodation area in the southwest.

It can be distinguished from the barking of the dogs that the number of enemies that came in this time should be quite a lot, otherwise the dogs would not have such a strong reaction.These dogs are all specially trained to serve as gatekeepers.

Dogs that bite people don’t bark. These dogs are like this. They don’t usually bark. If there is a petty theft, these dogs can basically solve it.But once they are called, it means that there is a big enough danger coming, and they can't deal with it, so they start to call to call their master.

The Wulu River flowing through the Damukan mining area runs from the northeast to the southwest. Yang Jing’s accommodation area is located in the middle, and in the southwest direction of the downstream, there is another accommodation area composed of five entrances, which is no bigger than his accommodation area. The district is small, with tens of thousands of miners living in it, and hundreds of dogs.

But in such a mining area with complex terrain, if outsiders want to get in, they have almost no other way to go except along the river.Even if there is a road, there are special people guarding it. It is almost impossible to get in without making a sound.

But things just happened so strangely.

Yang Jing couldn't care less about investigating the reason, now he and Wu Qinmao could only take the buns to the warehouse area to save their lives.

In the entire mining area, if it is the safest place, apart from Yang Jing's "restricted space-time shuttle" skill to travel back to the original time and space, the warehouse areas established at various entrances are the safest.

When Yang Jing and Wu Qinmao ran to the warehouse area more than 100 meters away, fortunately, the security guards here knew Wu Qinmao and knew that he was the boss of Wumachangkou. The security guards realized that there was danger coming, so they immediately let Yang Jing and Wu Qinmao in.

But at this time, there were no Tunqin and the others, and there was only one vice-captain in the warehouse area who accompanied him to drink at night.

"Bo Gang, immediately organize all of us to guard the warehouse area. In addition, arrange a few people for me to dig a hole behind the gate. I want to put this big guy in front of the hole, and there will be a machine gunner in the hole. Help you defend the warehouse area." Without further ado, Yang Jing gave orders to the deputy captain.

The deputy captain named "Bo Gang" saw the 89-type 12.7mm heavy machine gun in Yang Jing's arms, and his face immediately burst into joy, and he stammered in English: "Boss, with this big guy here, No one can get in."

(End of this chapter)

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