Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 769: Lanqi's Re-Chapter Little Rock

Chapter 769: Lanqi Returns to Little Rock
When the night was still pitch black, Lanqi drove a reindeer cart with Sieglie and Talia and finally saw the independent city-state called "Gretel Stone Castle".

This city was also the first orc city-state he and Siglei had ever visited, Little Rock.

"I haven't been here for a long time. It seems that the changes from before are not that big."

Lanqi has been a driver in the land of eternal night for several hours, and now it is almost time for him to take a break.

"Indeed, after experiencing war and reconstruction, it seems to have been restored to its original appearance as much as possible."

Siglei also leaned her hands on the backrest of the front seat and looked at Little Rock in front of her.

"very hungry."

Talia said as she touched her belly.

After a long journey, when she saw the outline of the city, she knew that the long-awaited breakfast time was coming.

"Little Rock's specialties are pretty good. After we rest here for half a day, we can buy some snacks to eat on the way."

Sigra immediately sat back down and said to Talia,
"In addition, we have a very good relationship with the orc Lord Algom of Little Rock. The bear-man Lord likes Rocky very much. When he sees him, he can't wait to shout 'friend!' and give him a big hug. If he finds us, he will definitely give us a bunch of specialties."

Although she never thought that Kaliera would one day start to fight directly, Kaliera in a bad state was also very cute, just like a small animal waiting to be fed.

"The friendship forged by repairing the statues is that if you respect their beliefs and help them with all your strength, they will give you back accordingly. This is the case with the orc city-states in the Land of Eternal Night."

Lanci agreed from the front row.

At that time, the Polant Empire was in deep trouble and was facing the pressure from the Honing Empire's army. It was in great need of forming an alliance with the Demon Realm. At the same time, several orc city-states on the road to the Land of Eternal Night were also particularly important as transportation fortresses.

In order to show the sincerity of the royal family of the Polant Empire, Lanqi, as a royal craftsman, repaired the most treasured statues of the orcs for several orc city-states along the way, and gained the friendship of the orcs with his sincerity.

Lord Algom was the leader of the Ursine tribe in the first Orc city-state.

I don’t know what happened to this simple lord after twelve years.

“I’m excited.”

Talia's eyes immediately brightened, and she looked at Little Rock with anticipation.

Darkness enveloped the city, with only the afterglow and lights lighting the way forward.

Under the towering city gate, the white snow spread all over the ground, reflecting the faint light.

A few minutes later, they successfully passed through the Little Rock city gate using their credentials.

You can see the post station as soon as you enter the city.

For a small fee, you can provide a resting place for the mounts of travelers entering the city during their journey.

Sieglie skillfully jumped down from the back seat and handed the Snow Deer and the sled to the Saint Polante Church personnel at the post station.

These caretakers, who seemed to have just taken up their new positions, quickly fed and groomed the deer, ensuring they were well cared for tonight.

"It's clearly seven in the morning, but it's still as if it were twelve o'clock at night. Daytime is really a luxury in the land of eternal night."

Lanqi got off the sled, took out his pocket watch from his pocket, took a look at it and sighed.

In Little Rock, even in the summer there are very few daylight hours, let alone now it is winter.

This is why this snowfield is called the Land of Eternal Night.

Previously, he had traveled to Bandera City, the northernmost city of the Protoss Empire, in the northern continent. If he went further north, he would enter a similar area known as "Eternal Night" by the world.

Asksan comes from "Eternal Night".

If there was a legendary sealer in charge of the land of eternal night in this era, no vampire would dare to set foot on the snowy plains.


"It seems that Lao Sang is really good against the vampires. If the vampire marquis fights against him alone, he might be defeated by Lao Sang."

Talia replied to Lanqi in her heart.

Ever since she figured out what laosang was, she no longer had to listen to Lanqi's riddles every time and could join in his conversation.

"Who are you thinking about?"

Sigley seemed to have discovered that Lanqi was thinking about someone, but she couldn't guess who Lanqi was thinking about.

She was puzzled.

This was the first time she couldn't figure out what the Son was thinking.

His mind seemed a little confused.

"A person who brought me a lot of happiness."

Lanqi replied, unable to hide his smile.


Sigley still couldn't guess.

I didn't delve into this issue.

It must be someone she didn't know, so she couldn't guess it, and it wasn't that the Son of God was seriously ill.

The Holy Son had never been like this before when he was in the Northern Continent. He was always thinking about his teacher in the Southern Continent.

One day she would figure it out.

"Look at the bright side. In the Land of Eternal Night, you can easily fall asleep at any time and won't be easily woken up by the sun. You should have a good rest later. You must have had a hard time driving all the way."

Sigley had already started moving Lanqi's luggage, as if it was muscle memory, and returned to the previous topic.

Since Lanqi did not bring so many tools for repairing the statue this time, the luggage was no longer as heavy as last time. Together with her own luggage, there were two suitcases in total. Kaliela only brought a very light small suitcase, which probably only contained some underwear for changing.

"You don't have to carry it all. Last time when you were a kid, I felt embarrassed to carry four large boxes by yourself."

Lanqi didn't leave Sigley alone and took the box from her.

One of the reasons why Secretary Elm had recommended Sigrel to him was that she possessed extraordinary strength and stamina, and could almost ignore the poor visibility and snowy weather at night and deliver her employer to the destination as quickly as possible.

If she acted as the coachman, the two of them could basically stop in an orc city-state every day, a total of six, and they could successfully reach the demon world on the seventh day.

Now that Lanqi has reached the sixth level, he has discovered that after watching and learning from Sigler last time, he can also work as a coachman and build a city in one day.

"I think it's good, because it will make it clear to others that we are employer and driver, not father and daughter."

Sigley stopped and smiled, preaching to Lanqi.

"Caliera, come this way, we'll take a car to the hotel."

She turned around and waved to the gray-haired witch.

In the dream, Siglette was not happy getting along with Rocky when she first came to Little Rock, but the price offered by the other party was too high. As long as she completed that business, the church orphanage would not have to worry about anything for a whole year. Even if war broke out, the nuns could lead the children to flee to neighboring countries and would not have to become refugees.

Looking back now, I feel that the memories of that dream are particularly beautiful.

My mood was different when I came to Little Rock again.

"Okay, Sigley, go buy some ready-made dishes later. After you two finish eating, go to sleep. I'll prepare dinner when you wake up."

Talia, as the person who had rested the longest on the road, is in good condition now, but these two people did not get much rest along the way, so it is time for them to replenish their energy.

I'll ask Sieglie to buy some ready-made specialties of Gretel's Stone Castle later, and they'll be able to eat soon. When Lanqi and Sieglie wake up, she'll also make some more balanced meals, so they can have another nutritious dinner before leaving.

"Hey, Kaliela, can you cook?"

On the way, Sigley heard Lanqi say that the little black cat was about to be optimized, but she didn't take it seriously.

What no one expected was that the chef turned out to be Kaliela.

"Of course, let me take care of your diet for the next period of time."

Thalia nodded.

"What am I dreaming about... that Kaliela cooks for me every day?"

Sieglie covered her face in disbelief, looking up at the sky and talking to herself.

She felt more and more that Calliera had become what she had imagined.

She is totally a beautiful demon girl who is a good wife and mother!


Talia read Sigra's mind.

Why are there so many words of praise?

She had read Lanqi's thoughts so many times that she subconsciously felt that others might be thinking something impolite.

I didn't expect that there would be such an anti-Lanqi person in this world.

"I'll cook for you every day these days."

Talia looked at the treasure girl Sieglei in front of her with emotion and promised.

"I'm so excited. I really want to try your cooking skills. You, a great demon, are going to cook for me."

Sieglie agreed immediately.

Such a gorgeous, rational and moving woman, strong, dignified and gentle, has an unknown virtuous side, and makes cute moves from time to time. I really like her more and more.

"Not to the extent... Really not to the extent..."

Talia lowered her head and spoke weakly.

She didn't dare to read Sieglie's mind. When Sieglie continued to praise her, she began to blush.

Hyperion always praises her, but Hyperion is more reserved and not as fierce as Sigler. This child is too straightforward!
"There aren't even any vampires on the road this time. It's really relaxing. I'm sure I'll get a good night's sleep later."

Sigley sighed.

"I remember that such a young child was able to analyze the war situation clearly at the time and guessed that the blood race might first begin to infiltrate the Fuklo Kingdom and Edith Kingdom on the east and west sides of the Polant Empire. As long as they passed through these two kingdoms, they could reach the snowfield and make arrangements in advance. I felt at the time that she was definitely not an ordinary little genius, but someone who could become a commander."

Lanqi used his palm to indicate the height of eleven-year-old Siglei, and reminisced about the past with the light-haired, purple-eyed woman next to him.

"What are you talking about? I don't understand."

Talia felt left out and complained quietly.

"Ah, what I just talked about was when Rocky and I first met in the Polant Empire."

Sieglie briefly explained to the gray-haired witch.

The three of them chatted as they waited for the vehicle to receive passengers entering the city.

She looked at Lanci again.

"Because I knew that the enemy was not only the Horning Empire but also the Blood Clan, so it was easy to guess the intentions of the Blood Clan behind the Horning Empire. At that time, you didn't know that I had wolf blood, but as a wolf orphan who escaped from the Wolf Clan's sacred place, the Moon Temple, I was very clear about the Blood Clan's cruelty and their all-powerful power."

Sigra replied.

Many of the Prime Minister's political opponents before the war broke out twelve years ago did not believe that the vampires were in the lead, but were more convinced that the Horning Empire was the leader of the war.

"And logically speaking, I don't want to be the commander-in-chief. If you must be the commander-in-chief, give me your Pope. Maybe I will be interested in him. This is a position that suits me."

Sigley continued to talk to Lanqi.

"You can be the emperor if you want. When I return to the Holy Spirit Kingdom, I will give up my position to you."

Lanqi spread his hands casually.

"You'll give it to me if I ask for it?"

Sigray asked in surprise, as if she had discovered something interesting.

After the Son of God mistook her for Siglee, he seemed to think that this would be the last time they would see each other, so he treated her with extra pampering.

"As long as it doesn't violate the principles, try to satisfy them."

Lanci answered frankly.

Anyway, he can only accompany Sigourney in this shadow world for twenty-one days, and he hopes to make Sigourney happy as much as possible.

It stands to reason that the position of Pope Saint Polante could not be given away so lightly as if it were a promise to a child, but this time the shadow world was incredibly comfortable, and Lanqi gradually adapted to this vacation mentality.

"Wolf tribe...?"

Talia murmured as if she had discovered a key word.

She had heard this word in the real world not long ago.

"Sieglie, are you a wolf?"

She asked, staring at Sigra.

"Yes, even Rocky didn't know I was a wolf before. Later, on the seventh day of the journey, when I was about to reach the border of the Demon Realm, I was stopped by the Blood Earl. Only then did he find out that I was a little wolf girl, woooo."

Sieglie raised her hands with a ferocious look on her face, pretending to be a man-eating wolf, and answered Lanci and Talia.


Talia stared at Sigra for a long moment, then looked away and pursed her lips.

It would be great if we could bring Siggle back to the real world.

That way she could save her sister Ifatia.

When Hyperion finds out that it was her favorite Sieglie who saved her mother Ifatia, she will be even more delighted and will cling to her half-sister and not want to let go.

Unfortunately, the more she thought about it, the more Talia realized that the only regret of this Shadow World was that she could not continue to get along with Sieglie.

When the twenty-one-day shadow world ends, she will also separate from this perfect girl.

"Kaliera, why do you look a little lost?"

Sieglie stared at the gray-haired witch and asked her puzzledly.

"It's all those damned vampires who destroyed the Moon Temple. If it weren't for them, if it weren't for them..."

The more Talia thought about it, the more she hated him.

Her sister would be seriously injured, wolves would become extinct in the world, and Siglette would have a miserable childhood, all because of those vampires.

"Alas, this is a peaceful time. It is not appropriate to say something that would destroy world harmony."

Sieglie gestured to silence her.

But she was still very grateful that Kaliela was always willing to share the same hatred with her.

In the past, those nightmares about vampires never stopped, but they haven't appeared recently.

According to the current international conventions and situation, on the eve of the fourth anniversary of the peaceful restoration of the land of Seville, it is not good to say such inflammatory words. As a grassroots staff member in the church in the afternoon, she had already been informed of this.

"It's okay. You won't have to have nightmares about vampires anymore. I'll protect you. Even if there are vampires, I'll make clear arrangements for them."

Talia flipped her hair and said coolly.

She is the strongest.

"Kaliera, my demon mother!"

When Sieglie heard this, she was a little bit unconvinced, and then she happily hugged the gray-haired witch.

It was indeed reassuring to have the ninth-level Kaliela around.

Moreover, the confidence and arrogance of the strongest demon in Kaliera have never changed. Even though Sigrid now has the inexplicable illusion that Kaliera has become weaker, she still has no doubt how powerful Kaliera will be once he gets serious.

"Oh, how can you call me like that..."

Talia looked embarrassed, but couldn't resist Sieglie's cute attack. She could only raise her hand with a slightly blushing cheek and touch Sieglie's head.

Hyperion hadn't called her mother for such a long time, but Sieglie called her mother directly after just a short while, which made Talia feel that life on earth was worth it.

"By the way, do you feel that this city-state is a little different..."

Lanqi had been staring at the street since a while ago, muttering to himself.

"There must be."

Thalia replied.

This is considered a suburb of the little stone city. Even if there are changes, they are not easy to see. Moreover, after twelve years, changes are bound to occur.

"You mean a little bit inconsistent?"

Sigley quickly understood what Lanqi meant.

Normal changes cannot be called violations.

On the contrary, it is some strange changes that can be called discordant.

"Yes, there is an indescribable feeling of disharmony, but I can't explain in detail why the Little Rock I saw is different from before."

Lanci agreed.


Boss Cat poked his head out from the ground and looked around.

The more it heard Lanqi say this, the more panicked it felt.

Lanci's observation and intuition were rarely wrong.

Last time it came to Little Rock with Lanqi and Sigray.

But up to this point, it couldn't figure out what was causing Ranchi to feel uncomfortable.

Chat for a while.

Lanci, Sigra, and Talia waited for a vehicle to arrive in the city. The human driver got off the car, loaded their luggage into the car, and began to take them to tour the new Little Rock.

"Master, let's go to the Snow Bear Hotel."

Lanci said to the driver.

"no problem."

The human driver replied to the three passengers with a smile, and started off.

The scenery outside the window began to pass by.

The appearance of Little Rock's bustling downtown area gradually became clear under the street lights.

Talia looked at the buildings in the city-state. Most of them were built with hard stone and specially treated wood. They had a solid structure and could withstand severe cold and blizzards.

She is looking forward to the delicious food in Little Rock.

To be honest, this was her first time seeing a travel-themed movie world.

She was even assigned two caring tour guides, one who knew the route and drove, and the other who kept her warm.

How come there are so many good things in the world?

(End of this chapter)

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