Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 768 Sigrid reconciles with the map

Chapter 768 Sigrid reconciles with the map
This night snow is quiet and vast, perhaps it is an untouched corner of the world.

The tall and bright horns of the Snowfield Deer are as crystal clear as ice sculptures, cutting through the white velvet-like snow curtain.

The deer cart gradually slowed down and stopped, waiting for Lanqi and Sigrai to switch positions and sit firmly in each other's original seats.

The moment Lanqi grabbed the reins, all the sense of security returned.

During the more than one month in the northern snowfields of the Protoss Empire in the northern continent in winter, he had to be in charge of the direction to avoid going astray.

"By the way, would you like a couple of bites?"

Siglei, who had just sat down in the back row, took out a wine-smothered naan from the storage box, unscrewed it with one hand, and handed it forward.

Lan Qi's eyes widened.

"Didn't I tell you more than a decade ago that you can't drink alcohol while driving? Not at all. Safe driving starts with the heart, and refusing to drink and drive should be put into practice."

He immediately leaned back a little and said to Sigley in the back row.

"I didn't drink."

Sigre answered very calmly.


"I mean, you can't make me drink it either."

Lanqi was speechless for a moment, feeling that Sigler's logic had pinned him to the ground.

"But this is an empty snowfield, which is defined as an 'uninhabited area'. It is necessary to drink some wine to warm up in such an extremely harsh natural environment. Moreover, according to the regulations of the Holy Spirit Church, this is a non-magic-powered vehicle, so it is not subject to restrictions. Besides, even if you drive normally, if you encounter a snowfield monster, there is no need to avoid it urgently, because there have been many examples of driving accidents caused by avoiding monsters, so the Holy Spirit Church simply removed the protection of animals protected by the Church from the traffic regulations."

Sigler preached to him in all seriousness.

"No, I don't."

The last time they talked about this topic, he easily persuaded Sigley when she was a child.

This time Sigley left him speechless.

Now that the child has grown up, he is a little difficult to deal with.

It's definitely not that he doesn't dare to drink, but alcoholism is harmful to people. He realized this problem since he set out in Nanwantina.

"Then I'll drink it myself."

Sigley stood up, leaned over the back of the front seat and glanced at Lanqi, understanding his look.

He seemed to be able to smell the odor coming from the wine bag through the air. If this continued, he would feel dizzy.

Finally, she sat back in the back seat, took two sips herself, closed the lid of the goat milk wine bag, and put it back in the storage box.

"Call me anytime you want to drink. It's okay if you just focus on the road. I can feed you."

Sigley leaned on the back of the front seat and said to Lanqi with a smile.

"no, I'm fine."

Lanqi could smell the sour, sweet and milky aroma of alcohol coming from Sigler's breath just through the air.

Lao Ge had already told him with his life that he should never drink alcohol for the rest of his life.

"Hold on tight, let's go."

While preparing to drive the Snowfield Hades Deer to set off again, Lanqi briefly glanced at the information about the Eye Shadow World.

[Mission Objective 1: Read the letter from old friend Calliera; go to the demon world purgatory city Pascual. (To be continued)]

[Mission Objective 2: Understand the state of mind of Lanklos of the Black Sun: 0.13%. (Unfinished)]

For a long time afterwards, he had to concentrate on the road conditions and had no time to be distracted by the information from the shadow world.

After leaving the Throne Room of the Pope's Palace, the mission objective changed.

After that, whether it was the encounter with Siglei or the whole journey, there were no more disturbances.

Up to this point, Lanqi still couldn't fully see the connection between the Shadow World missions.

We can only make rough guesses.

The progress of the first mission objective will also cause the second mission objective to begin to change, so if you continue along this journey, the mission will naturally be completed.

He flicked the reins lightly, and the snowfield deer immediately moved.

The Snowfield Dark Deer ran across the snow with its agile figure, its hooves stirring up flakes of snow.

The sled slid on the soft snow, making a rustling sound.

Lanqi skillfully controlled the direction of the sled, and the sled gradually went away, leaving two long traces on the snowfield.

Back row of sleds.

The brief change in speed made Talia wake up with a frown, and she squinted her eyes and looked around.

She accidentally slept for so long that it was already dark.

As expected, it is easy to feel sleepy after eating carbohydrates, and Lanqi helped her buy one of each kind of burger from the Polant Border. He told her in his heart that he might not have the chance to eat it in the future, and this was the last chance to buy it in the Shadow World.

She thought he was a bit damnable but was still so nice to her, and ate all the Polant Border-style burgers.

I woke up and took a look.

Nothing dangerous.

There was only a pause, and then Sigra sat down next to her.


Talia yawned, picked up the blanket and gave half to Sigra.

If she could lie still like a puppet, her energy consumption would be at its lowest, and it would hardly consume much of Ranchi's mana.

On the contrary, as long as she makes any move, she will start using Ranchi's magic power.

"Thank you."

Sigra naturally would not refuse Kaliela's kindness, and sat much closer to Kaliela, wrapped in a blanket.

She was curious as she watched Calliela paralyzed all the way.

In her eyes, Kaliera was like a beauty in a dream. It was difficult for her to have an impression of her face. She was only clearly certain from the bottom of her heart that Kaliera must have the most heart-warming face.

Now that she was looking at her more closely, Sigrid felt that Kaliela was more and more like the mother she had imagined herself to be when she was a child.

It wasn’t long before I could admire the Kaliera up close.

Unexpectedly, Kaliela's eyes immediately turned to Siegler with doubts.

"Why are you looking at me?"

Talia asked Sigra, tilting her head.

"Kaliela, are you feeling tired?"

Sieglie leaned back in her chair and asked softly.


Talia was actually very comfortable. After becoming a half-magic body, she was always full of energy and would not be disturbed by any physical discomfort.

So if possible, she didn't want to break this state.

"Then why do you look so lazy? You are nothing like the bright and beautiful you used to be."

Sigra felt that Kaliela looked like a retired man now, as if he had been spoiled by someone.

But arrogant demons like Kaliela always give people the feeling that even if they die in her high position, they will not be willing to lower their posture at all, let alone commit themselves to others.

"This...I used to..."

Talia's heart skipped a beat.

Is Kaliera so respectable?
It seemed that Kaliela had maintained her style as a ninth-rank demon until her death. She was revered by the demons of the time, possessed a unique feminine charm, and played an irreplaceable role in the world pattern.

Looking at herself...

Talia had previously been dissatisfied with Lanqi's different evaluations of her and Calliera.

Now she is also a little self-doubting.

Before Talia could explain awkwardly, Sieglie spoke first.

"I've always felt that you were too strict with yourself. You don't owe the demon world anything. To be honest, the demon world owes you everything."

Sieglie said seriously.

When Hyperion first met Cariela, she also felt that Cariela was difficult to talk to and was too strict with her.

Later, Hyperion gradually got to know Calliela and discovered that Calliela was more strict with herself, but very gentle to Hyperion and often turned a blind eye to her.


Talia felt even more ashamed when she heard Sieglie's comforting words.

She was once a princess of the demon world, but after meeting Lanqi, she gradually succumbed to desire. Even...

She couldn't even resist the pleasure of being fed by him.

If this kind of thing gets out, I'd rather die!

Whenever Talia thought of every time she was "spoiled" by Lanqi, she wanted to find a hole in the ground to crawl into.

Lanqi may be 70% responsible for her becoming like this.

But she herself also bears at least 30% of the responsibility.

"But it doesn't matter, you're fine the way you are now.

Sieglie continued.

"Don't you think I'm embarrassed?"

Talia murmured.

Lies don't hurt, truth is the knife.

After meeting her younger sister Ifatia, she finally began to understand that she could not compare with the top geniuses. After losing her status as a princess, she almost lost everything.

"How is that possible? I wish you could put aside your duties and trivial matters in the demon world and accompany me every day."

Sieglie spoke her true thoughts, wrapped herself in a blanket, and sat with the gray-haired witch.

If she could bring Kaliera back to the human world, she would make Kaliera worry-free and lead her to live happily in the Protoss Empire.

Being able to monopolize Kaliela's care so realistically was something that she had never dared to imagine in her previous dreams.

Even if it was only twenty-one days, it was enough for her to cherish it.

"But there's this guy who complains all day long that I can eat, I'm old, and I'm useless."

Talia was touched at first, then said angrily.

The more she compared Lanci with Sieglie, the more Talia felt that Lanci was not a human being.

"Having a good appetite is a good thing. As a warrior, I need to consume a lot of energy during my training, and sometimes I eat a lot. What's there to be embarrassed about?"

Sigra confessed.

"No wonder you're so strong."

Talia was relieved.

Although if she really wanted to fight, Siglee's strength would definitely be insignificant, but considering Siglee's age, it is already beyond the standard.

"As for age, I think older women are definitely more attractive."

Sieglie thought about it seriously and nodded.

"Yes, you think so too?"

Talia only felt a sense of mutual admiration and regret that they had met too late.

How could a little girl like Siglei know so much!

"of course."

Sieglie affirmed.

"As for saying you are useless, it is pure slander. You are the most useful! Even when you are still, you are still beautiful, just like the most beautiful masterpiece of art in the world, the statue."

Sieglei added with a smile to the demon beauty beside her.

It might not be polite to think so, but if Kaliela could be placed in her collection, the entire collection would be greatly enhanced by this demon fairy.

"Woo, Sigley, I haven't heard anything like this in all these years."

Talia finally couldn't help but hug Sieglie, not wanting to let go of this warm and soft body.

Every word is so sincere that it cannot be more sincere.

Even without the magic of liar detection, Talia could see Sieglie's honesty in her eyes.

Where on earth did this little angel come from?

If she could bring Siglee back to the world, she would definitely bring Siglee, who grew up in an orphanage, home and raise her as her own daughter.

It just so happens that Sieglie and Hyperion get along well and are as close as sisters.

Raising one child is the same as raising two children, and it’s just like having more tableware at home.

Lanqi, sitting in the driver's seat of the deer cart, was concentrating on analyzing the road conditions and was oblivious to the harmonious conversation between Talia and Sigra in the back seat.

Until we successfully turned the long curved road under a cliff.

"I said we should turn here. If we go straight down, we will reach the cliff."

Lanqi cheered triumphantly,

"When I finish this trip, I will definitely be able to draw a new version of the map of the Land of Eternal Night that even a 3-year-old child can understand."

As expected, his potential for route recognition was forced out, and now he is a qualified guide.

Siglei, who was still negotiating with Talia in the back seat, suddenly stared at Lanqi.


Sigrid bit her lip.

I am Sigrace now. I am Sigrace now.

she told herself.

The favorability of Siegfried and Sigrid is separate and should be performed realistically.

"what happened?"

Lanqi turned back in confusion.

He seemed to hear Sigra's short voice.

"Your Holiness, do you think this book will sell?"

Sieglei asked, already smiling.

“I don’t think anyone will buy it.”

Talia leaned lazily aside and spoke.

Sigler's body temperature was very warm, like a stove, making her drowsy again in this bumpy, snowy and dark night.

"Maybe it's true. You don't know, but I know someone who is extremely bad at finding his way."

Lanqi turned his head briefly, but before he could turn around completely, Sigley covered his head with her hands.

"Watch the road."

Sieglie instructed.

Since it was the Son of God who taught her to watch the road while driving, he should lead by example.


Lanqi felt Sigley slowly loosen her grip.

He was very surprised.

Unexpectedly, after twelve years, the grown-up Sigley would be so casual with him, always taking advantage of him without him noticing.

When we get to the hotel in the first city-state of Eternal Night later, I will have to talk to her about this issue. She is not that little girl anymore.

"Speaking of which, that 'extremely bad direction finder' must have caused you a lot of trouble, right? Are you always deeply impressed by her tricks?"

Sigley suddenly asked from behind Lanqi.

Hearing this, Lanqi seemed to be recalling something, and then he smiled.

"No, I've always wanted to draw a new version of the world map that a 3-year-old can understand and give it to her, so that she will never get lost again."

He muttered to himself, holding the reins.


Sigrid looked away and huddled in the back seat with her head down.

She covered her chest with her hands, and besides the noisy sound of wind and snow, all she could hear was the sound of her heartbeat.


As expected, I even like his dislikes.

Hearing the sound of her heart being overwhelmed, she wanted so much to hear Lanqi tell her that he felt the same way.

(End of this chapter)

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