Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 770: Lanqi may begin to understand Black Sun

Chapter 770: Lanqi may begin to understand Black Sun

Vehicles passed through the road paved with bluestone slabs. The low buildings on both sides of the street were bustling with activity. Human residents lived here day and night. Occasionally, there were demons passing through. The downtown area was always brightly lit.

After a long journey, they finally arrived at their accommodation for the night, the most luxurious Snow Bear Palace Hotel in the city-state.

"The most eye-catching building in Little Rock City is the Snow Bear Palace. It's a pity that we didn't pass through Little Rock City when we went from the Demon Realm to the Polant Empire last time. I have long wanted to take you to visit this snowy city-state."

Sieglie introduced Talia enthusiastically and walked quickly forward with her hand.

The exterior of the Snow Bear Hotel looks like a majestic palace.

The two huge white bear statues in front of the door are like loyal guards, guarding this magnificent building.

"Sieglie, walk slower. I won't get lost."

Talia followed Sieglei and whispered.

Sigra's treatment made Talia feel itchy, as if she really had a daughter.

If Hyperion were by her side, Talia would feel that her life was complete.

"Although Kaliela is old, he is still useful enough not to get lost alone."

After paying the driver, Lanqi spoke to Sieglie and Talia.

The two people in front looked back at him without saying anything.

"you really."

Talia didn't know what to say to Lanqi.

This was the reason why she had always been Lanqi's teacher but had never thought of him as a son.

A rebellious disciple who only thinks about rebelling against his master all day long is not a good son to his mother at all.

"Only Kaliela has a good temper and won't mind you talking like that. If it were a female demon with a bad temper, she would have knocked you down by now."

Sigley sighed.

After saying that, she turned around, looked around, and took Kaliela to the hotel again.

Pushing open the heavy oak door, warm lights and comfortable heating rush in, instantly dispelling the coldness from the outside.

In the center of the lobby stands a magical fireplace unique to the Land of Eternal Night. The orange-red flames dance happily in the hearth, illuminating the entire hall with brilliant light.

Siglei went to the counter alone to complete the registration and checked in the three of them.

“It’s still an apartment-style suite.”

Sigley handed the room card to Lanqi and Talia.

This was the kind of house she and Lanqi lived in last time, with multiple separate bedrooms and a shared living room.

The Pope was unexpectedly poor and had almost no personal money, but she had saved a lot of money over the years, so it was no problem for the three of them to enjoy themselves for these twenty days.

Anyway, once you leave the shadow world, the currency in this world will be useless. Just treat her as a rich woman and spend her money.

"I'm sorry to ask you to spend money even though I'm the employer."

Lanqi took the room card and preached.

"How about you help me take the box up there? I'll go buy some delicacies and ingredients from Gretel's Stone Castle. It's worth spending some money to get the Pope status from you."

Sigley handed the suitcase to Lanqi and teased.

"no problem."

Lanci responded with a kind smile.

He realized that after so many years, Siglei no longer regarded him as a noble lord, and she just took it easy.

Sigley walked out of the hotel lobby and noticed that Lanqi was following her.

"Why, is there something else you want to tell me?"

She tilted her head and asked with interest.

Lanqi walked leisurely and seemed to have no intention of walking with her. He just wanted to take this opportunity to take a leisurely walk and chat, and explain some things.

"Remember to buy more food."

Lanqi put his hand to his mouth and whispered.

"How much exactly?"

Sigley took out a small notebook from her pocket, made two notes and then stopped, looking up at Lanqi, waiting for his answer.

"It's a week's worth for both of us."

Lanqi thought about it and confirmed it.

"no problem."

Sieglie didn't ask any more questions. She just wrote it down and put the notepad back.
"I'll be back in half an hour. I won't let you go hungry for too long."

She waved her hand and walked out of the glass door of the Snow Bear Hotel lobby.


Lanqi watched Sigra leave with a smile, then turned around and walked towards Talia, who was sitting on the sofa at the side of the lobby on the first floor of the hotel waiting for him.

"Is it okay to let that kid go out alone?"

Talia looked up at Lanci with a worried look on her face.

She probably shouldn't worry too much, but just like Hyperion when they first met, it was hard for her to let go.

He wished he could keep the child in his sight at all times to protect Siglette.

"Don't worry, she was already very strong at the age of eleven, and now I don't know what level she is at. Let alone the city-state's protective barrier, there should be no one in this Little Rock City who can fight her."

Lanky picked up Talia's suitcase and answered.

"Well, let's go upstairs then."

Talia was very satisfied with Lanqi's boyfriend-like habits. She didn't have to think about anything when she was with him.

It was obvious that Lanqi didn't help her carry things before she went to the Northern Continent.

"Just tell me about the time when we were in Nanwantina Territory at the beginning. I said I wanted to treat you to a meal, but you just gave me the cold shoulder. How could I dare to help you carry the suitcase?"

Lanqi reviewed the situation with her.

"That's true. I'm sorry. I won't do that to you again."

Talia thought about it, smiled slightly, and said to him.


Lanqi was stunned and turned his head to look at her.

He got angry and Talia apologized?
She seemed to be in a very good mood today, and even smiled.

"I'm Kaliyela. Isn't it normal for Kaliyela to be gentle?"

Talia said as a matter of course.

She has come to like the identity of Kaliyela.

She also wants to become a great demon like Kaliela.

"When you put on the veil of the Fallen Heaven and became Kaliela, only your appearance changed to hers, but you are both very beautiful, so it is equivalent to not changing."

Lanci raised his doubts.

Although Taliyah has more skins again.

But he thought it was an invalid skin.

"You're saying that I haven't changed at all, right? I won't argue with you, since you always sincerely think I'm beautiful."

Talia snorted and walked forward.

"You today..."

Lanqi couldn't understand.

If Talia responded like this, it really seemed like she had the demeanor of the ruler of the demon world in Kaliela.

The two walked past the counter towards the magic elevator.

Lanci looked around, taking a quick look at all the employees he could see in the lobby.

"what happened?"

Talia sensed something unusual in Lanci's behavior.

"...During that time, Little Rock City stood at the southernmost tip of the Land of Eternal Night. It was winter all year round, with white snow covering the vast land. It was a community mainly populated by orcs, full of primitive and rugged beauty, and blended with the modernity of a human city-state."

Lanqi told her, stopped, and thought with his chin in his hand.

In addition to doubts, his brows gradually became filled with memories. Among the six city-states along the way, Little Rock City is the southernmost independent city-state in the Land of Eternal Night and the closest to the Polant Empire. The relationship between the orcs and humans there is relatively normal, and there are frequent trade exchanges, which are deeply influenced by human culture.

As you go deeper into the Land of Eternal Night, the environment will become increasingly harsh until you reach the last city-state. You will almost never encounter humans in the city, and even demons may appear.


"Yes, Little Rock is an orc city-state, why are all the people we see now humans and bearmen?"

Talia was aware of the blind spot, too.

She finally understood why Lanqi felt a little uncomfortable when he was waiting for the bus when he first entered the city.

There wasn't a single cute little bear to be seen.

It would have been fine if they were only at the outskirts of the city-state, but all the way to the central city, there was still no trace of the Bear People. Even the Snow Bear Hotel, which the Bear People were so proud of, was deserted with Bear People employees.

"I'll ask."

Lanqi spoke to Talia, and after Talia nodded, they changed direction together.

Walk to the counter in the hotel lobby.

There stood a young woman in uniform, concentrating on sorting documents.

The approach of the two distinguished guests caught her attention.

"Good evening, sir, ma'am, how can I help you?"

The lady at the counter raised her head and gave a professional smile.

"I want to ask, how come there seems to be no bear people in this city?"

Lanci asked thoughtfully.

The smile on the counter lady's face gradually froze until a trace of compassion flashed in her eyes.

She hesitated for a moment, as if considering how to start.


She took a deep breath and said slowly,
"The bear people... have long been extinct."

When Lanqi heard the news, he felt like he was hit by a blow.

"how could be?"

He looked at the lady at the counter and asked, his heart almost being grasped by a pair of invisible hands.

"Six years ago, the Horning Empire and the Blood Clan launched a general attack on Little Rock City. The bear warriors led by Grand Lord Algom swore to resist to the death and would never betray their allies. The price they paid was that after the city-state was breached, they were massacred by the invaders. Whether they were bear warriors or civilians, they were all executed by the Blood Clan by having their stomachs ripped open and hung on the city walls to intimidate other orc city-states..."

The lady at the counter told Lanqi the history of six years ago.

Perhaps only those who have not been to Little Rock for many years don't know these things.

The closer people are to the orc city-state, the more heartbroken they will be when they come to this city-state where there are no bears anymore after the war.

Hanging on the city wall, enduring the extreme pain of torture but unable to die, until the blood and intestines were drained, new bear men would be replaced to be hung, and no bear man was spared.


Facing the counter, Lanqi was silent for a long time.

A deep sadness came over him and he felt his throat tighten.

What did the bear man do wrong?
Is it wrong to resist the vampires?

"So, where are those deceased bear people buried?"

Lanqi's voice trembled slightly.

"Behind the original Rock and Sanctuary Temple in the city center, there is a cemetery built specifically for the Ursine Tribe. Many Ursine corpses whose identities cannot be identified are buried there. The Pope personally carved tombstones for them. It is also a place to mourn and remember them."

The lady at the counter pointed in the direction of the north of the city and whispered.

It was hard for her to forget that night when the Pope was like a madman, carving with blood on his hands, crying with guilt as he built a tomb for the bears.

"Thank you."

Lanqi thanked the lady at the counter and then quickly walked out of the hotel.

Talia followed him, worried.

The cold wind mixed with snowflakes blew in his face, but he didn't care.

He walked in only one direction - to the cemetery.

Walking through the increasingly quiet streets.

Lanci came to Little Rock Memorial Park.

In the dark night, a white cemetery appeared before our eyes.

Countless simple tombstones stand in the white snow, like silent sentinels, guarding the eternal sleep of the dead.

Lanqi walked slowly into the cemetery, feeling a biting cold.

His eyes swept across the inscriptionless monument, imagining the appearance of those deceased bear people.

The snowflakes grew heavier and heavier, and soon piled up on the shoulders of Lanqi's coat.

He stood motionless in front of the cemetery like a frozen sculpture, letting the cold snow cover his entire body.

"The blood clan really destroyed even the most important temples and statues of the bear people."

He remembered that this was once the location of the temple.

Today, the temple behind should have been rebuilt by humans.

In silence, I reminisce about the years that will never come back.

He finally figured out why, in history, Lord Black Sun was able to break through the blockade and go to the Demon Realm for support even though the blood clan was planning to cut off the Land of Eternal Night.

If it weren't for the desperate resistance of these orc allies, which delayed the vampire offensive for several days, Lord Heiri would never have had this opportunity.


Talia had no idea what Lanqi was thinking, and she nervously grabbed his coat sleeve and stared at him.

But she felt that for the first time Lanci was wavering.

He might be thinking, is the current peace really fair?
Or is this really the ending that Black Sun Lancross wanted?
The mission information changed a bit at this moment.

[Mission Objective 2: Understand the state of mind of Lanklos of the Black Sun: 2.71%. (Unfinished)]

The moment Talia noticed it inadvertently, a bad premonition arose in her heart.

Understanding Black Sun.

Could it be that the end point of understanding the Black Sun is to become the Black Sun?

in case.

If the true history was that Lancros of the Black Sun defeated the vampires by chance, and the vampires chose to surrender, it would be almost the same as the projection line of the shadow world they are in now.

This beautiful shadow world is not an illusion, nor is it a victory route created exclusively by Lanqi. Peace has truly come to history.

There is a force that makes the shadow world begin to return to the historical line and move towards an unshakable direction.

Talia believed that Lord Black Sun was a kind person. From the Shadow Record of Kaliela, it could be seen that even though his eyes were no longer cloudy like those of a teenager, his tears were still clear.

In the face of this compromise peace.

Lancros of the Black Sun had no intention of creating any more sacrifices.

Ready to fall asleep quietly and alone.

But when he was about to die, he received a farewell letter from the fallen Kaliela.

Decided to finally revisit the place.

What kind of mood would Hei Riqing feel when he saw these along the way?
"Lanqi, don't be at a loss. When you are hesitant, just listen to me."

Talia raised her hand and touched Lanqi's cold cheek, trying to give him some warmth.

But the ends of his hair were wet with snow, and his green eyes could not be seen clearly.

She believed that Lanqi had a flawless heart, a heart that was like glass and seemed not made of flesh and blood. It was the reason why he could always remain calm unlike humans.

Although the death of Inoan may have opened a crack in it, the excellent qualities of Kolanchi have never changed since then.

"Don't worry, Master."

Lanky shook his head, turning Talia's warm hand away from his face.

He looked at the sad-looking Talia, whose expression was still as natural as before, with no discernible difference.

(End of this chapter)

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