Different world of Naruto's sexual life

Chapter 5: chapter 5

The cherry blossom and the cosmos were fast asleep on the bed. They hadn't planned on falling asleep but their bodies, comforted by each others warmth, were lulled to a light slumber. They were content to stay like this forever, the softness of each other's skin drawing them into a comfortable realm of dreams…but someone had other plans.

The door to the room opened, and a figure stepped in holding a bucket. He moved silently, taking care not to spill the contents of the bucket while he crept up to the bed. A smirk appeared on his lips as he gazed at the nude forms lying entwined on the mattress, and he raised the bucket. He took a deep breath, and then...



The two girls woke up with a pair of screams and sputters as ice cold water splashed over them. Unfortunately for Sakura, she forgot that she was connected to the bed by a short chain. She gasped as the collar strained against the slim column of her throat, nearly choking her as she thrashed under the cold onslaught. Ino actually fell off the bed with her stomach facing down, her neck being held back by its chain and collar, causing her to choke some as well, though she managed to get back on the bed with some help from her fellow slave-sister.

The girls turned to the thing that woke them up…and saw Naruto grinning at their dripping bodies. He was holding two leashes in his hand and a towel in the other. He tossed the towel to them, and Sakura used it to dry Ino and herself off with a quick tease of Ino's pussy lips thrown in for good measure, and a soft moan from the blonde.

"How long have we been asleep?" Ino asked after she managed to catch her breath. Naruto walked around to her side and started to pet her hair.

"A couple of hours." He said, enjoying the soft feel of the girl`s golden locks. "I let you have an extra hour, but now it's time..." Naruto reached out and cupped her chin. "For my fun." Ino moaned as Naruto pulled her in a deep kiss, his tongue plundering the depths of her mouth. She couldn't help but whimper at what Naruto meant by `fun'. She barely registered as Naruto reached back and unhooked her chain and attached the leash to her. He broke the kiss and did the same to Sakura.

He stood and tugged on the leash, the girls sliding to the floor and kneeling at their master's feet. Sakura, without being told to, bent down and started to kiss her master's feet. Ino gaped at her as the pinkette paid attention to each toe, giving them each lip service as she prostrated herself before their master. As Sakura was kissing, she turned her sights to Ino. Without warning, she reached out, grabbing one of Ino's tits and pulling, forcing Ino to bend down with a cry.

The blonde girl gasped in pain, before turning a betrayed look at the other girl. "Sakura-chan, wha..."

"Kiss his toes." Sakura demanded. "Show him that you are his slave." Sakura resumed kissing her master's feet while Ino looked at them with an unknown expression. Finally, the nude girl gulped, bending down and placing a tentative kiss on his left foot's big toe. Her head was down so she didn't see the smile that was on his face.

Once all toes were attended to, Naruto tugged on the leashes and brought them back to their knees.

"Thank you." That was all he said before he started to walk with his pets following. As Naruto adjusted their direction, Ino suddenly stopped in her tracks, horror appearing on her face.

There, in front of her, was the wooden horse.

Naruto noticed her frozen state. He followed her line of sight and smirked.

"So you figured out our next game my slave." Ino backed up a step as Naruto bent down to whisper in her ear. "You didn't think you were safe from the horse did you? I told you…today, you ride."

That did it. Ino leapt to her feet, bolting from her spot, her leash slipping out of Naruto's hands surprised hands as she ran full speed to the door. She grabbed the doorknob in a horrified panic and tried desperately to open it. Finding the door locked, she pounded on the door, begging and shouting for someone…anyone…to let her out.

Suddenly, she felt a presence behind her and she slowly turned around to face her frowning master. He took a step toward her, frowning even more as she pressed back trying to become one with the door. He walked towards her, slowly, as Sakura looked on in concern. The pinkette made motions with her hands, trying to tell the frightened blond to kneel and plead for forgiveness, but her fellow slave was too hysterical to notice.

Finally, Naruto stood in front of the trembling girl. He sighed, before speaking, his eyes as cold and hard as diamonds.

"Slave, what do you think you're doing?" Naruto grabbed her wrist and Ino freaked. She trashed about, trying to get far away from him. She saw Naruto's other hand reach up to take hold of her, and in an act of desperation, cocked back her hand and sent it flying.


Ino's eyes widened and she dropped to the floor, even as Sakura let out a horrified gasp. A second passed before her mind caught up with her body. She gasped and brought her hand to her mouth as her eyes looked at the red mark on Naruto's cheek. Her mind scrambled to figure out what her body just did and when it did, she knew she was dead.

She had just slapped her master...and he was pissed off.

Naruto's head slowly turned to face her. His eyes seemed to darken from their normal vibrant blue, turning more purplish, and the pupils seemed to thin out…almost becoming silted. She trembled as she saw his mad eyes stare at her.

"You realize..." He said with a surprisingly calm voice, after a few minutes of tense silence. "That you are going to pay for that." Ino was still in a state of shock, so she didn't notice his hand reach for her hair, wrapping it around his hand once.

He growled, giving a sharp tug as he started to drag her toward the horse, kicking and screaming. Naruto got halfway to the torture device, when his pink haired pet appeared in front of him, kneeling and bowing her head to the floor.

"Master, please spare her!" Sakura cried out, begging for her friend.

"Why should I?" He asked, no amusement present in his cold tone

"Because, don't you remember my first time on the horse?" She pleaded, keeping her head down and appearing submissive. "I was scared and frantic, just like Ino-chan is now! It's such a terrifying thing the first time…I know she didn't mean it! Please master, please spare her." Naruto stared at her prostrated form. Finally, Naruto took a deep breath and let it out in a sigh.

"You're right Sakura-chan. I do remember your first time." He heard his pink haired slave sigh in relief. "But I also remember what you did to me." Sakura's heart stopped as she heard Naruto walk by her with Ino screaming behind him. There was a pause, followed be the pop of a clone being formed. Suddenly, she was yanked to her feet, her arms twisted cruelly behind her back. Her legs were spread, and she felt the clone roughly paw her sex, rubbing her clit hard and causing her to cry out.

The real Naruto dragged the screaming blonde to a metal frame. Rather than use the manacles already set into the device, Naruto made a clone and had him grab her hands her back. The real Naruto grabbed the screaming Ino's hair, bringing it over the top bar and tied her hands with the golden strands, keeping her there. She was forced to stand on the balls of her feet to try and relieve some of the pressure on her scalp from her new `hair-cuffs'.

He grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at him. "Stay here or your punishment will be even worse than what you have already earned." Ino nodded as Naruto let go, crying out as he slapped her ass to punctuate his order. He and his clone walked to the clone holding Sakura, the girl panting as he pinched and twisted her clitoris. She screamed as Naruto grabbed her hair dragging her to one of the walls. He pulled her onto a table, the clones holding her down while the real one walked to a cabinet and opened it. He rummaged through it, gathering several items before walking back to the struggling Sakura. He put the things down out of her sight and signaled to the clones. He picked her up so she was sitting, Letting Sakura see the bundle of rope in his hands.

Naruto then started dressing her in shibari, using a classic takate-kote harness. He took special care to keep the ropes tight above and below her tits, giving each on a rough squeeze as he finished the knot-work. She started pleading with her master as she saw him making a familiar set of hand seals. Her pleas went unanswered as Naruto put his left hand on her pussy, shoving two fingers in and activating the Pain/Pleasure Switch. She screamed in pain as she felt one of the clones push a huge dildo into her tunnel. She whimpered as a prong on the pleasure tool cupped her clit, the bundle of nerves protesting this treatment. She looked at her master, her green eyes wide and pleading. She silently begged him to stop this.

He looked into her orbs with an expression that clearly said `You deserve this.'

She started to struggle more as she spied another of the clones holding a pair of alligator clamps. She gasped as Naruto took a hold of her left tit, pulling on the nipple and stretching it out before letting the clamp snap shut on the sensitive nub. She cried out, tears starting to swell up in her eyes as her body was racked with pain. She sobbed as the clone repeated the action on her right nipple, the clone groping her small mounds as he finished his assigned task.

She turned her head to the bound Ino. The blonde girl was looking at her with an apologetic gaze. She yelped as she was suddenly picked up and turned over and her legs spread apart.

"No lube for you."

She gasped as she realized what he was talking about, squirming as she felt the clones prying her smooth cheeks apart to expose her pink rosebud. She screamed as a large, ribbed butt plug made its way into her back entrance. She screamed and groaned as Naruto forcibly pushed it in, twisting it like a screwdriver as it sunk into the depths of her rectum. It was painful, almost burning without the lube to ease its passage. She cried as Naruto finished putting it in all the way. She yelped as Naruto flipped her over on her back to come face to face with the scowling blonde.

"M-master, p-please…forgive me." Sakura pleaded with her angry master. She realized that after she pleaded with Naruto to spare Ino that she had made a mistake. Naruto cupped her chin with his hands then his face changed from scowling to smiling, but for a reason other then what she thinks.

"Shh, Sakura-chan, it's alright." Naruto cooed to his whimpering slave. "You forgot that I hate being reminded of past pains, didn't you?" Sakura nodded, still whimpering. Naruto's other hand started to pet her hair. "I forgive you my pet." She let out a shaky moan at his words. She knew that there was more to it. "But you still need to be punished."

"No, please…" Sakura begged but Naruto would have none of that as he kissed her once last time. He patted her cheek with tears coming out of her eyes.

"Two hours Sakura." His pet stared at him, horrified at her punishment. "Two hours of punishment for you." Sakura screamed as much as she could when Naruto grabbed her hair, forcing her head back as a clone shoved a plastic ball gag into her open mouth. Her cries were muffled by the device, and Naruto started to drag her to a covered object next to the wall. When he reached it, he forced Sakura to face the object. Her eyes widened in fear and she tried to get away when his clones uncovered the object. It was the one thing Sakura was scared of the most.

In front of Sakura was a cage, but this cage was special.

Naruto unlocked the door and threw a screaming Sakura in. She leapt to her feet, trying to get out, sobbing and whimpering as the door was shut and locked. Sakura tried to plead with her master but it come out as only untellable whimpers because of the gag. He put his hand on a control box that was recessed into the wall. There were a pair of knobs on it, one labeled `electricity', while the second was `heat'. He turned the knob marked 'electricity' to the number `three', before looking at Sakura whose face wore a scared look.

"This is what happens when you remind me that you kicked me in the balls, TWICE!"

Naruto hit the on/off switch and immediately, she jumped as the wired floor was charged. Her feet started dancing, trying to keep off of it, but with her hands tied, there was no way that she would be able to stay off the floor. Naruto reached for the remote to the dildos in her and switched them on. She screamed as her body was riddled with pain. This cage is designed to make sure that a person can't stay in the same spot for more then a second.

Naruto stepped back to admire his work. He smiled at the screaming girl who was dancing from the shocking, loving the screams coming from her. He chuckled before turning and walking toward the trembling blonde. He stopped in front of her, releasing her arms from the hair ties and allowing her to collapse on the floor. He bent down to her level, his own eyes hard as he gazed into her pale blue ones.

"Look at her." He ordered. She didn't remove her eyes from Naruto's face, not wanting to see her friend in pain. Naruto frowned, before smacking her across the face. He grabbed her head and forced her to look at the occupied cage. Sakura sobbing in pain, dancing and sweating as she tried to keep her feet off the floor.

"You are the reason why she's in pain." The blonde girl's master continued, holding her face and forcing her to look upon her tormented friend. "You are the reason why she's being punished. All because you hit your master." He jerked her head to look at his face. "Don't ever do that again unless you are prepared to accept the consequences! Understand me?" Ino nodded.

"Good." He said, puling her to her feet. "Let me tell you what your punishment shall be for your actions." Ino's eyes widened as he started to drag her to the horse again, his clones standing next to it already. "Two hours on the horse instead of the 30 minutes I had planned. You will be subject to my lashes, and in a lot pain. I will pay attention to every part of your body; your arms, your legs…your cunt." Ino was horrified at his words.

A set of manacles were lowered from the ceiling, her hands raised to them and fastened into the metal cuffs. The clones grabbed her legs, keeping them spread as she was lifted into the air via the chains on her restraints, and pulled her over the wooden monstrosity, her pussy poised over its metallic edge.

Her master grinned at the trembling girl, smiling as she whimpered in fear. "Are you ready for your ride, my pet?" Ino frantically shook her head, tears starting to leak from her eyes. Naruto just…chuckled.

"Too bad."

She screamed in pain as she was slammed down onto the triangular piece of wood, the cold metal strip pressing the sensitive folds of her pussy. She tried to push herself off the device, her legs thrashing against its polished surface, trying to find leverage. She howled as the clones grabbed her legs, pulling them down and circling her taut thighs with leather straps, securing her to the device.

The real Naruto reached up to paw her right tit, pinching the nipple and drawing a agonized sigh from her. He then reached up, pulling her head forward to stare into her tormented eyes.

"If you're a good girl, maybe I'll reduce Sakura's punishment. Is that good?" She nodded as much as she could with Naruto's hand holding her chin. Naruto smirked, leaning up and planting a chaste kiss on her cheek. "Good girl."

Ino, when Naruto turned his back, instantly tried to relieve pressure on her pussy by raising herself up some, using her arms and putting the strain on them rather than her much abused womanhood. She prayed to Kami-sama that her master wouldn't notice her actions. She didn't see his smile that indicated that he did see. He simply didn't say anything...he already had a means about to take care of this minor act of defiance.

All the clones dispersed save for one. She saw Naruto and the clone walk up to the table where different kinds of whips were laid out.

Her eyes followed his hand as they moved over each one. He was scaring her and her mind kept on imagining the pain each whip would cause. She nearly fainted as he picked up a thick bull whip, giving it an experimental swing, its whip-crack even over powering Sakura's agonized cries.

The blonde rider whimpered in relief when he put it down. She didn't think she'd survive that being used on her tender body.

Finally, Naruto's hand stopped on a cat-o-nine-tails, picking it up and testing its weight in his hands. Her eyes followed it, before they traveled up to her master's smirking face. She didn't notice the clone pick up another cat. She watched as Naruto walk up to her and took his position beside the horse while the clone took the other. He cupped her chin, marveling at how smooth her skin was.

"Your punishment starts now." With a sudden, blurred swing, he brought the lash down on the slave-girl.

Ino screamed as the whips made contact with her thighs. Strike after strike after strike, she screamed at the assault on her smooth limbs. Each strike followed a rhythm like the beats of the drum, with Sakura's screams accompanying it like a musical instrument. With each strike, the strength in her legs faded a bit, forcing more pressure on her arms as they struggled to keep her pussy off the horse. Slowly, very slowly, she started to sink against the metal edge once more…

Naruto was enjoying her cries as the whips made contact with her milky thighs. He could see the start of welts, the marks giving her smooth skin a character and color that he loved. He knew she was holding herself up to relieve pressure on her sensitive pussy. He saw that she was slowly losing strength and dropping down. He heard her whimper as more and more pressure appeared on her soft pussy. He snuck a glance to the cage where his pink haired pet was screaming in pain and moving, never missing a beat as to avoid getting more pain from the wired floor.

He smirked as he whipped Ino's thighs one last time before stopping, giving her a chance to breathe as she let out a pained sigh of relief.

She hissed as Naruto ran his hands over her abused skin, tracing the welts that peppered her thighs. She cried out as Naruto delivered a sharp smack to her left thigh before walking towards the table to retrieve something. She looked to the side and saw Naruto pick up two stools. He walked back and handed the second stool to the clone. They set them down and stood on them, his face now level with the moaning girls own. He was now high enough to reach her arms. She whimpered as she knew what he was planning.

Ino closed her eyes in preparation for the pain. She screamed as the whips came into contact with her arms. She cursed her body for being so sensitive, even more so because of the dunking game her master put her through. Ino screamed with each strike, trying to steel her self against the torment. She tried to anticipate the blows, but found it impossible to do so…this time there was no rhythm.

Naruto finished with her arms, running his hands over the welts, loving the feel of the raised skin. She hissed at the contact and tried to tell him to stop but he wouldn't listen. Naruto and his clone stepped off the stool and put them aside. He took this chance to admire his work so far.

It was like a piece of art that's slowly coming to life.

Naruto smirked before running his hands over her back while the clone did her stomach causing her to wince in expected pain. She shuddered at the touch of his hands, which wasn't a good idea considering how much her pussy was hurting right now. She suddenly screamed in pain as the whip made contact in the back. A second passed before pain was felt on her stomach. She cried as Naruto set up a rhythm for her stomach and back. Each strike caused her to shake, causing her to feel more pain. She noticed that he purposely avoided hitting her tits and her ass, mostly likely saving them for later.

Two minutes later, she felt the rhythm break. She cried out as she felt Naruto's hand caress her back. She winced as Naruto started to rub the welts that have been raised on her back; however, something came to her attention as he rubbed her. His caresses were gentle and caring, just like the one's he'd given her last night…the caresses of a lover. The thought made her whimper. Just what has she gotten herself into? She heard the expression `You hurt the ones you love' but this was ridiculous. The tears wouldn't stop flowing as she felt the pain on her body. She could faintly hear Sakura screaming in the background.

She moaned as the hands went away, but suddenly, a bad feeling crept into her mind. She screamed as the whip hit her back, but this wasn't a normal strike oh no, this strike was reinforced with chakra. Her voice was getting horse from the screaming. She whimpered as Naruto started to rub the front side now. If this was going to become a pattern, then she knew what was next. She knew she was right as thirty seconds later as the chakra-enforced made contact with her stomach. She screamed as she felt the stinging whip hit her very sensitive skin.

A sadistic grin found its way on Naruto's face. He was having a lot of fun with her and he took great pleasure in her screams. This was actually the first time he used this technique. He had had to do some research for this, and Ino was the lab rat even if she didn't know it. He could just imagine Sakura's screams when he eventually did it to her. He repeated the process to her five more times before deciding enough was enough.

Ino panted in exhaustion as she hung by her arms. Her arms hurt, her stomach and back hurt like hell, her pussy was almost burning in its agony. She had never experience such pain before, but as she wearily took stock of her body, she was shocked by something completely unexpected.

She could feel herself growing wet.

Deep down, she found that a part of her was enjoying what he was doing to her…enjoying his dominating and controlling her. The pain was there, true…but it served to highlight the pleasure she could almost feel coming.

It was…disconcerting to say the least.

It seemed like Naruto was finished with her for the moment, and now that her own cries weren't echoing in her ears, Ino could clearly hear her friend's screams from the cage. She didn't dare look in her direction. She felt her master's gentle hands cup her chin and gently turned her tear stained face to face his own smiling, caring visage.

"How you holding up my little cosmos?" he asked, his thumb gently caressing her cheek, just barely touching the corner of her lips.

"It…hurts…so…much." Ino sobbed out.

"Don't worry sweetie, it'll all be over soon." Naruto told his pet, leaning forward to kiss her lips lightly. He walked off and came back with a bottle in his hand. He unscrewed the cap and held the top to her lips, tipping it and letting the cool, refreshing water flow into her mouth and down her throat. She gulped the liquid down as fast as the water came in, savoring the soothing, cool feeling as it surged through her aching body. When half of the water was gone, he removed it from her mouth. She moaned at the loss, only to moan louder as Naruto proceeded to plunder the orifice once again, his tongue rubbing over her own with a soft touch.

Naruto broke the kiss, smiling lovingly at his dazed prize, as he and the clone walked over to the table, placing the cat's down. Ino's eyes followed their movements, widening as each one picked up a long, thin bamboo cane, giving the implements a few experimental swishes through the air. The pair looked at her, smiling as they both walked forward, stepping around her and standing by her sides.

Ino squeaked as the pair of Naruto's each took a handful of her lily white ass, kneading and massaging the firm globes. She whimpered again as one of them snuck a finger between the cheeks, probing her anus and causing her to twitch and rub her sore pussy against the horse a little more.

"You have a lovely ass you know that?" She moaned as Naruto continued to paw her ass. "It's firm, flexed, smooth, and pure." Ino whimpered as she felt herself go deeper, the gropes starting to turn pleasurable. She groaned when the hands left her cheeks, and she turned a questioning gaze to her blonde owner.

"Your ass is like a work of art." He continued, as if oblivious to her enquiring gaze. "But..."

Ino's eyes widened as the familiar sense of dread came back.

"It's…a little too white for my taste."

Ino screamed as the canes made contact with her ass. Each strike came hard, making contact with both cheeks. Her body bounced and caused her more pain because of the pussy digging into the horse. The two Naruto's set up an alternating rhythm, striking first one, then the other, then at the same time. His blonde slave screamed in pain as the canes pounded away at her poor ass.

Ino cried out in pain; the tears wouldn't stop falling, and the strikes wouldn`t stop coming. She begged and pleaded with her master to spare her. She promised him her body, her soul, anything he wanted if he would only spare her this torment. He paused mid-strike and Ino sighed in relief but that relief was short-lived. Naruto brought up the cane to her face and turned it to face him.

"Now why would I spare you?" He asked, his gaze cold and serious as he looked upon the quivering girl. "You promise me your body?…I already own your body. You promise me your soul?…Your soul is well on its way to becoming mine. You say that I can have anything I want?" Here he chuckled, leaning forward and up into her ear. "You're already giving me what I want; your screams as I punish you." He pulled her face towards his, even as his clone stood ready to resume the torture.

"This is your punishment, slave." He whispered. "You exist for my pleasure. You don't get to make promises or requests." With that, he roughly kissed her, pulling her down onto the horse as she sobbed, her only hope crushed. She screamed, her pussy rubbing against the metal strip, as the canes renewed their assault on her ass.

It seemed like forever until Naruto finally stopped. Ino sobbed in relief, wincing as Naruto ran his hands over the freshly made welts. He enjoyed the hisses that Ino made as he traced the hot welts with a loving hand. "There now sweetness, we're almost done." Ino sobbed in relief at the idea of finally getting off the horse.

There was a small pressure on her lips and she opened her eyes. She gasped as she saw the cane in front of her face. She whimpered, thinking she was going to start hitting her face.

"Kiss it." Her eyes widened at his command and she stared at him with tears in her eyes. "Kiss it slave and beg me for more punishment." Fresh tears started falling at his order. "I'll give you even greater pleasure after the games are done...but only if you obey."

Ino sobbed at the humiliation he was forcing her to go through. Even though nobody was there except the screaming Sakura and Naruto...to be made to kiss the implement of her torment?

It was a devastating psychological blow.

Ino reached forward and slowly put her lips on the cane, kissing it up and down while Naruto was turning it. "P-p-p-lea-ase…m-m-mas-st-st-ster…p-p-pun-nish me m-m-more." She whispered, sobs hitching in her throat. "P-pun-n-nish this b-b-b-ba-a-d girl."

Naruto smirked, she was getting closer and closer to being his.

"Alright, if you really want it."

Naruto cocked back the cane and with a sharp swing, struck Ino's right breast above the nipple.

Ino howled in pain, squirming and twisting as Naruto started to lash at her mounds. Some how, despite her movement, he managed to avoid her nipples. Instead, he focused his attentions on the underside of her breasts, causing her to scream and her body to jerk, bouncing with each blow and causing her even more pain as her pussy impacted against the horse.

She couldn't tell how much time passed while Naruto punished her tits, lost in a haze of pain. She couldn't hear anything except the sound of her own screams…couldn't see anything besides the red fog clouding her eyes…couldn`t feel anything but the pain.

Finally, Naruto slowed down, eventually stopping before he reached up to cup her much abused tits. She hissed as she felt Naruto's hands palm her breasts, teasing her nipples and leaving them erect. Ino whimpered at the mix of pleasure and pain that she was feeling.

"You've done well so far sweetness." Her master spoke, licking away some of her tears. "There're only three lashes left before we're done with your breasts." Ino sobbed in relief, grateful that the pain is almost over; however, she didn't notice as Naruto brought his hand back and sent it flying. The cane made contact with her left tit…right on the nipple.

This pain was blinding, and a roar filled Ino's ears as the pain filled her body. Strangely enough, no sound came out of her mouth in reaction to the blow…it hurt too much to even make a noise.

Naruto smiled at the face she was making. He raised the cane again, aiming carefully before he struck at her right nipple. He waited a few seconds to let her adjust to the fresh pain before he stuck her left nipple once again, following it with a fast blow to the right as well. She screamed silently again, starting to slump forward as her consciousness faded away. Naruto noticed this, making a quick motion to the clone.

She screamed as the forgotten clone splashed a bucket of very cold water on her, bringing her back to the world. Her body trembled as the cold permeated her body, highlighting the ache of the welts from her lashings.

"You don't get the pleasure of passing out my slave." The blonde girl heard him say. "There's still a lot more to do before the next game."

An ear piercing scream erupted from her mouth as the two canes made contact with both her nipples and a third clone deliver a chakra enforced cat-o-nine-tails to her very sensitive ass. Her consciousness started to leave again, but Naruto halted that, bringing Ino into a deep kiss. She moaned as Naruto's tongue went into her mouth once more, but Naruto broke the kiss after only a few seconds, which caused her to moan in disappointment.

"You scream so beautifully my little cosmos." He said, smiling at her almost…tenderly. "I could listen to the music of your screams all day…but there are still many more fun things to do." Ino whimpered as he and one of the clones started rubbing her pain-filled nipples, her blue eyes pleading with him to relieve her of this torment.

"M-m-mas…" she started, only for Naruto to put a finger to her lips.

"Shhhh," he said, "We're almost done my pet…there's only fifteen lashes left. They'll be the worst of the lot, but they are the last." Ino eyes widened as she instinctively realized which part of her he was going punish next. It was the only spot that his hand didn't touched.

"Please master, please don't make me feel that. Please spare me the pain. Please..." she started babbling, pleading with him to stop his plans. Naruto silenced her pleading with his index finger.

"Be brave sweetie, anticipate the pleasure you're going to get in a few hours. You just have to withstand this." Ino whimpered but didn't voice anything else. The clones gave the real Naruto their implements. One took hold of the sobbing girl, forcing her to lean back, repositioning her body so the real Naruto could access her core, while the other adjusted her chains to keep her leaning.

The real Naruto took the canes and whip back to the table, putting them down as he picked up his favorite tool…the red leather riding crop. He turned to the cage, smiling as his exhausted first pet continued to dance to the electrical beat he'd set for her, sweat pouring down her aching body even as the dildo and butt plug tormented her pussy and ass. He then walked up to the sobbing Ino, admiring the redness of her bald pussy. He smirked at seeing how wet she was.

He swung the crop, hitting the left lip of Ino's pussy. The blow wasn't `hard', but enough to make her buck and groan. He swung again, striking the lip once more. This time Ino choked out a sob and a pain-filled sigh. Naruto smirked at his next swing, putting a bit more power into it and drawing a sharp cry from the girl. He gave her left pussy lip two more blows, the girl letting out distressed wails as he tormented her already sore womanhood.

After a few minutes he started striking her right pussy lip, the girl howling at this fresh torment. Five blows dotted her wet lips, her body bucking and shaking, her moans echoing throughout the room. Naruto rubbed the crop against her wet petals, covering the tip with her womanly juices. He brought it to his lips, enjoying the musky sent and subtle taste.


Slowly, he lowered the crop to her twitching mound once again, taking careful aim at his target. He was going to enjoy this. He flicked his wrist, snapping the crop down, this time striking just below her clit.

Ino screamed, her body tensing from the electric flash of pain through her body from this new outrage. A surge of adrenalin shot through her body, and with renewed strength she pulled with her arms, raising her cunt off the horse, trying to keep the sensitive mound away from the crop.

It was futile. With another quick flick of his wrist, the leather tool lashed the same spot a second time, igniting a fresh wave of pain in the shuddering girl.

Ino tried to plead to her master - although her words were incomprehensible at this point - to stop the pain. Naruto ignored her, partly because he couldn't understand her, but mostly because it amused him to do so, and stuck again. Ino's eyes widened in shock as her master's blow struck her ABOVE her clit this time. Ino's body slammed down onto the horse, causing her to howl in pain as her pussy dug into the wooden device, her already sore lips practically burning against the cold metal edge. Her teeth clenched together and fresh sobs came from her eyes as Naruto struck her again in the same spot above her clit, her legs and arms straining to try and protect the treasure between her legs.

She begged her master to stop, to end her torture, and was shocked when he looked into her wild eyes with a soft, caring smile. "There's only one more lash for you." he said, smiling at the look on her face as it dawned on her what his intended target was.

It was…pure horror.

Naruto looks up at the exhausted, quivering, and tormented girl. His next words chill her, like shards of ice plunged deep into her soul.

"Beg me for it, slut." He whispered, Ino's eyes widening at his command. "Tell me to strike your cute little clit...beg me to punish you there. If you do, I'll take you off the horse and you won't have to ride it again for a week." His kind smile turned cruel, and he spoke again. "If you don't beg for it, then I'll leave you on it for the rest of the day, and into the night. That pussy of yours will SCREAM as Sakura takes you…and she WILL take you tonight, my sexy little slave." Naruto smirked.

"So beg, Ino...beg me to lash your clit."

Ino sobbed in defeat, her humiliation back in full force. She spoke, knowing that with this submission, she was taking another large step into servitude to this creature.

And deep inside her soul…she was actually eager for it.

"Please…master…I beg you lash my clit." She whispered, staring into his azure eyes, feeling herself drown in their depths. "Punish…my body….. Please punish me for my sins." Naruto smirked, rubbing the tip into her wet folds again, causing her to squirm, before lifting it to her face.

"Lick it slave." He ordered, causing Ino to sob. She stuck her tongue out, licking her own juices from the leather tip of the crop.

Naruto smiled and raised the crop, chakra coating the leather tools tip. He held it in the air for a few moments, letting Ino's trembles build up, her blue eyes wide in fearful anticipation.

Suddenly, with a sharp swish in the air, Naruto brought the crop down on her love button, a loud SMACK echoing throughout the chamber. For a few moments, the only sounds were Sakura's tormented moans from her cage, and Naruto's own deep breathing.

Then, a loud, keening wail erupted from Ino, her body surging upwards in her restraints, the fastenings straining from the force of her body's pull. She felt her pussy clamp down, a rush of sensation flooding her as her mind went white. She barely noticed that her pussy was practically gushing, spilling her juices all over the horse`s frame.

Ino panted and sobbed as Naruto and his clones unhooked her from the horse. The real Naruto picked her up, holding her tenderly as he carried her bridal style towards the bed. Instinctively, she nuzzled against the body holding her. She cried in his arms, not noticing as a clone walked to the cage and shutting the shock floor off. Sweaty and exhausted, Sakura collapsed on the floor, crying her eyes out, her feet covered in welts. The clone comforted her, cooing in her ear as he took off the clamps on her nipples. She sighed in relief as the clone released the Pain/Pleasure Switch, pulling out the dildo and the butt plug, a whimper of pleasure coming from the sweaty girl. The clone picked her up like Ino, and she too nuzzled his chest as he picked moved her to the bed. The real Naruto was already lying there, and Ino was spooning against the jinchuriki, the boy stroking her shivering body, whispering sweet nothings into her ear.

The clone gently set Sakura down, dispersing in a puff of smoke. The pinkette sighed as the silk sheets cooled her own heated flesh, and she crawled up to the nude pair, laying her head in Ino's lap and blowing cool air onto the blonde girl's superheated pussy, drawing a loud moan from the trembling girl.

"How are you doing my little cosmos?" Naruto asked, sliding his hands over her body, his chakra stirring the cool air in the room over the red marks from her session on the horse. He felt her tremble in his arms, and he smiled, licking her ear gently. "You did a good job for your first time on the horse. Normally, your rides won't be so rough my pet, but you need to remember…there is no fleeing me. Your body, your soul, and your heart are mine. You are my property now and I will never let you go, ever." Ino sobbed slightly, burrowing deeper into the boy's embrace. Her voice was hoarse, but she managed to voice a reply.

"Yes…master." Naruto and Sakura smiled as they heard her response. This time, unlike the times before, she didn't force it out of her mouth. This time…

…she meant it.


"So, that's the new girl." A long white haired man said, staring at Sarutobi's crystal orb with a passive face. He'd just come back into town for a little research and to check up on Naruto. Since the incident those months ago, he'd been making regular stops in the village to check his student's seal, and to guide the boy through some of the darker urges the Kyuubi had managed to imprint.

He'd been quite surprised when the Hokage told him that the boy had acquired a new toy. The pair had been watching the events since the dunking game that morning.

And it was only 10 in the morning.

"Yes, that's her." The Hokage said standing beside him, a ring of smoke circling his pointed hat. "Yamanaka Ino…somewhat ironic really. Before Naruto's…change…the two girls were romantic rivals for Uchiha Sasuke. While I'm not happy about HOW they came to be with Naruto-kun, I can't say I'm unhappy that they no longer pursue the Uchiha survivor. It was starting to affect their skills as potential shinobi."

"How did the parents take it?" the white haired man asked, frowning as Sarutobi sighed and blew out a puff of smoke.

"Three squads of ANBU had to restrain them from murdering the boy."

"Ouch." He replied, sighing and turning to walk out the door.

"You're stopping by then, Jiraiya?"

"Yeah." The Toad Sannin said, "I should anyway. It's been a while. I'll visit when things are less heated in there."

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