Different world of Naruto's sexual life

Chapter 6: chapter 6

In the Uzumaki dungeon, Ino was spooning in the arms of her master. Her body was crisscrossed with red welts, and she was crying her eyes out because of the pain that her master put her through during her ride on the horse.

Sakura's head remained on Ino's lap, cooling her heated pussy by blowing cool air on the swollen lips. Naruto comforted the shivering girl as she cried, his gentle hands stroking her smooth golden locks. As time passed, Ino managed to calm down her crying so she could speak.

"Sa-Sakura-cha-chan..." Ino sobbed out, catching the attention of the pink haired girl on her lap.

"Yes?" She replied, looking at the crying girl, already having an idea of what she's going to say.

"I'm sorry…I'm so sorry." Sakura sighed and started to lightly rub Ino's sensitive pussy, running her fingers lightly over the blond girl's soft labia as to try and give her some amount of relief from the pain she was feeling.

"It's alright Ino-chan." She replied, placing a gentle kiss on the girl's belly button, drawing a small giggle from her slave-sister. "I completely understand how you reacted; you were scared and you tried everything you could to get away. It's a completely normal reaction for first timers. There's no need to apologize, but if you want it, you have my forgiveness my sister." Ino gaped at her.

"How can you forgive me so easily?" Ino moaned, her pussy lubricating as Sakura continued to massage it. "I caused you pain, got your feet burned…you should hate me now."

"I could never hate you!" Sakura replied, frowning at Ino, earning a look of confusion from her. "You didn't cause me pain. I did it to myself; I made a mistake and I got punished for it." Sakura nuzzled her face deeper in Ino's thighs, causing to her moan slightly and Naruto to smirk.

Naruto kept quiet at the exchange, knowing that it wasn't his place to speak right now. He watched as Sakura gave light licks to his newest slave's pussy and Ino moaned, the pleasure temporarily overriding the pain. Now he could talk to her.

"It's not too bad." He said, reaching down to toy with one of her nipples. "Your wounds won't take too long to heal."

"HEAL? HOW CAN I HEAL FROM THIS?" Ino burst out in a sudden rush of anger, but her anger didn't last long as a fresh round of pain coursed through her body. Naruto cupped her cheek and turned it to face him while Sakura went back to eating her.

"Do you remember when you shared my bed and I bit you in the neck?" Ino nodded, tears falling from her eyes. "When I bit you, you were granted five gifts, things only your new sister and I share. The first is the ability to heal rapidly. While it is not strong like mine, the healing power will grow over time. The second gift is a chakra capacity equivalent to half of my own; you've seen me only use small portions of my reserves, and you know just how vast they are. Now you and Sakura-chan have half of it. This will enable you to use Kage Bunshin with ease and it will help when I train you in the shinobi arts." Ino moaned, partly at the chance of being trained as a ninja and Sakura's tongue licking at her clit.

Naruto chuckled before continuing. "The third gift is massive stamina. By all rights, you should have been knocked out thirty minutes in when I took you." Ino's eyes widened at that statement. Somehow she knew he was right. She knew that she shouldn't have been able to stay awake for those two hours but she did and for some reason...that scared her.

"The fourth gift I gave you is the ability to use the Kitsune Illusions." He went on, licking her earlobe as Sakura started sliding a finger inside her sensitive tunnel, while her other hand started rubbing at her anus. "Your chakra changed while you slept. You no longer have normal chakra, but Kitsune chakra." He smirked at the look on her face.

"You are no longer quite human my little cosmos. You are now part Kitsune, part Human..." He brought his mouth closer to her ear and whispered. "And all mine." She let out a horrified gasp even as her body started to shake. Her mind started racing as she came to understand her situation; she would never be normal again, never have a normal life for a ninja. "The last gift is enhanced senses. Sound, taste, sight, smell...and touch, as you've found out. All those are enhanced." She cried out as Sakura's tongue finally pushed her over the edge as Naruto stroked her cheek, letting his chakra flow into her, making her sleepy. "Sleep my pet. Sleep and regain your strength…for when you wake, I got some questions I want answered."

Ino found herself unwillingly closing her eyes, letting the darkness take her.

Naruto smiled as he felt Ino's breathing even out as she fell asleep. He moved her hair and tucked it behind her ear. "She looks so peaceful when she sleeps, doesn't she Sakura-chan?" Sakura looked up from her position between Ino's legs, eyes shifting toward the slumbering blonde's face. She smiled as she saw Ino's peaceful face. "Yes she does master."

Naruto chuckled and just laid back, holding the blonde in her arms. "I am surprised though. I never thought that there would be a girl out there with this kind of sensitivity. It's amazing how much her body reacts to the simplest touch."

Naruto reached down and touched Ino's nipple causing her to moan and toss her head. "I'm surprised too. She's a jewel in the rough."

Naruto chuckled. "You have a way with words Sakura-chan."

Sakura blushed. "Thank you master."

"Let's rest for a while. I'll get you up when it's time for the next game my pet." Sakura smiled and nuzzled her head back into her favorite spot on Ino's body. Sakura fell asleep with the aroma of the blonde's recent orgasm filling her nostrils and the taste of Ino's juices on her tongue. Naruto fell asleep as well, content with the situation, and a smile on his face.


Ino slowly awoke to a faint moaning sound and the feeling that her body was in a weird position. As her senses became more alert, she could take note of her situation. She was standing up, her arms were spread apart above her connected to chains and her feet were chained as well. She opened her eyes halfway and then they snapped open as she caught sight in front of her. She gulped as a small blush crept onto her face. She was getting used to waking up to these kinds of sights, but they were still…hot.

Naruto was sitting in a chair and his face had a look of pure bliss on it. Sakura was in front of him on her knees, with his cock in her mouth and her fingers buried in her pussy. Naruto groaned as he came in her mouth and she gulped it down greedily, savoring his seed. She had grown to love the taste of his cum.

`And so will Ino-chan.' Sakura thought amusedly, a smile gracing her lips. She licked her lips before cleaning Naruto's length with her tongue.

Naruto always loved the feeling of his prick inside the mouth of a girl. He loved the way the tongue felt on the underside of his manhood and the way the smooth lips moved over the skin of his penis and the pleasure her suction gave him. Soon, it'll be Ino's turn to give him oral pleasure. Speaking of which...

"Welcome back Ino-chan." Sakura turned around at Ino's name and smirked when she saw Ino wide awake and had a small blush on her face. She turned around and moved to Naruto's side and he smiled while petting her hair. "How are you doing? You feeling better?" In truth, she was. Ino could feel no pain at all. It's like he didn't whip her in the first place. "You're just in time for the next game." He smirked at the look on her face. "I call it Truth…or Splash." He put his hand on the water hose attached to the chair. "See this water hose? The game works like this…I ask a question, and you answer. Tell the truth, and you'll get a reward after the final game. Tell me a lie, however, and you get blasted with high pressure cold water. Understand?"

Ino nodded. "Yes master."

"Good," he said with a bright smile. "First question; what is your name?" Ino gulped, her mind going back to the last time he asked her that question and she couldn't help but shiver. Realizing that her master was waiting for an answer, she said the name given to her by her master.

"S-slut." Naruto smiled and nodded.

"What are your nicknames?"

"My...nicknames?" Naruto nodded and she thought for a moment. She can't really remember what he called her. She was too busy being tortured, pleasured, or any combination of the two. Racking her brain, she remembered a couple. "My-my pet." Naruto nodded and motioned for her to continue. Ino gulped and said the last one. "M-my little cosmos." Naruto smiled, which caused her to sigh in relief. She wasn't going to get blasted.

"Next question, remember, I want the truth." Ino nodded, wondering why he was reminding her. "What do you think of Sasuke?" Automatically, she was about to preach how great he was, when her mind stopped in its tracks and she began to think about it. What did she think of Sasuke now? It was because of him that she's Naruto's pet. Now that she doesn't go into a fit of giggles every time she hears his name, she could clearly think about what she really thinks about him.

"I think...he's someone who won't give a girl what she wants." She whispered, her heart cracking a little as she started to understand her own feelings. "I think...to him, we're nothing more then breeding stock. He's a spoiled boy who can get anything he wants, just by asking and not have to work for it like everybody else." It was hard for her to say that, but it was the truth that she refused to realize while she was pining for him. A tear went down her cheek as she was forced to acknowledge that Sasuke doesn't have any hidden feelings for her.

"It's hard isn't it?" Naruto started speaking. "Being forced to realize that the person you think you have feelings for has none for you? It's a harsh truth to realize, but sometimes it's necessary to be harsh in order for the healing to begin." Ino sniffed and smiled.

"Yeah, but it's still devastating to a person." She admitted, sighing slightly and another tear falling down her cheek. "…can we continue? I rather not dwell on this." Naruto nodded. He knew that it wasn't good to dwell on this, and even if she had realized this truth, there were still others she needed to accept, so he knew they needed to continue.

He smirked at the next question; this was a question where he KNEW she was going to lie. Ino gulped at the sight of his smirking face.

"Here's the next question." He paused, letting the suspense build up. "Did you enjoy your ride on the horse?"

Ino quickly responded to that. "NO!" She blurted out, but a second later she screamed as high pressured cold water slammed into her. It lasted for 5 seconds before the water shut off and she looked up to face Naruto's smirking face. "What was that for?" Naruto wagged his finger at her.

"I told you not to lie to me."

"I didn't lie!" She screamed as she was blasted again. She looked up with teary eyes to the still smirking Naruto and a small smirk on Sakura. She looked up back at Naruto whose smirk seemed to have gotten bigger.

"Your mouth says no-no, but that tasty wet pussy of yours says yes-yes." He said, staring at the junction between her thighs and causing her to squirm in embarrassment. "Deep down, you love what I'm doing to you. You love being controlled and dominated."

She shook her head, trying to deny his words. Yet, for all her mental denials, all of her vocal protests…she knew he was right. She couldn't stop the blush on her face and the growing wetness that had nothing to do with the water. There was a chuckle from Naruto and a small giggle from Sakura. Ino looked away in embarrassment. "Looks like your body is disagreeing with what you're saying. Care to try again?"

Ino didn't respond at first, she was still trying to come to terms with herself. Did she really want to be controlled? To have all freedom yanked out of her hands? To feel pleasure and pain only at the whims of her master? Somehow, the thought was strangely...appealing.

"I..." Ino started to speak softly and Naruto's ears perked up. "Maybe I...did like it."

Naruto smirked. "What was that? I didn't hear that." Naruto had heard her loud and clear with his sensitive hearing, but he wanted to have a little fun with her first. Besides, it was important for her in the long run.

"I sa-said that I liked it." She said a little louder, a bigger blush on her face.

He smirked and put his hand on his ear. "Still can't hear you."

Ino growled. "I SAID I FUCKING LIKED IT!" There was a moment of silence before Naruto started to laugh. Ino blushed and looked away when she realized that she fell for his trap. She looked at Naruto at the corner of her eyes and saw him calming down.

"Hehe, that's better." Naruto thought for a moment what his next question would be. His mind replayed events until he came across a certain one. A full blown grin made it's onto his face which made Ino gulp. "One year ago, during Valentine's day..." He felt Sakura stiffen in his hand. "Sakura-chan was going to Sasuke's house with a bouquet of roses and a box of chocolates, right?" Ino nodded, getting scared. Naruto could feel Sakura start to shake which made him smirk. "When she got to Sasuke's house and when he opened the door, orange paint fell on her, and embarrassed her in front of her would-be-lover. He said `stupid fan-girl' and slammed the door on her."

Sakura was shaking even more as he talked. She remembered the event clearly...and the events that followed.

"Then you come along, claiming that you saw me setting up the paint trap." Ino started to slightly shake as well. She remembered the event as well and her part in it. "Then she went on a rampage trying to find me. She did eventually find me...at her house trying to get her to be my valentine. Do you know what she did to me when she caught up to me?" Ino hesitantly shook her head, even though she knew what happened. Naruto's eyes narrowed. "She beat the living daylights out of me so much, that I had to go to the hospital. I was lucky enough that the hospital staff didn't see me as a demon. That was the only time that I ever considered getting revenge on her." Naruto started to breathe heavy and his knuckles were starting to turn white from gripping the arms of the chair. Suddenly, Naruto groaned. He put his hands to his head and closed his eyes like he was in pain. He opened them and Ino gasped.

His eyes were red.

Sakura gasped as well and she was immediately in front of him, holding his head with her hands.

"Master, push them back. Push back those urges. That was a long time ago and I atoned for that. Remember what Ero-sennin said." Naruto closed his eyes and took several deep breaths and when he opened them again, the silts were still there but his eyes were blue again. Ino couldn't help herself sigh in relief. "Master, are you alright?" Sakura asked. Naruto smiled and Sakura couldn't help but smile herself.

"I'm alright. Thank you Sakura-chan."

"No problem." She turned around to face Ino's questioning gaze. `I'll tell you later.' She mouthed to her.

"Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, I had to spend the rest of Valentine's day and the day after that in the hospital. Sakura blamed me for ruining her chance with Sasuke right?" Ino nodded. "But that wasn't me was it?" Hesitantly, she shook her head, and she could feel Sakura's eyes boring into her. "Who was it that pranked her?" Ino knew she shouldn't answer but Naruto stroking the handle of the hose convinced her otherwise.

"M-me. I p-pranked her."

"WHAT? THAT WAS YOU?" Sakura screeched out, her body starting shaking.

"And why did you prank her?"

"Be-because I-I wanted to ruin h-her ch-chances with Sasuke." Ino could clearly see Sakura shaking in anger.


She jerked her head toward her master, begging him to let her punish the shaking blonde. He smirked and let her. Ino screamed as the water hit her sensitive skin once again. This time, the water was on for a minute. It was excruciating, like her skin was being poked all over with needles.

Finally the water stopped and tears fell from her blue eyes. Naruto smiled as he turned off the water. Sakura was mad at her blonde friend but she seemed calmer now. She retook her place beside her master.

"You alright? You want me to punish her some more?"

"I'm fine." Sakura huffed out. "You don't have to punish her anymore. I'm satisfied." She responded but Naruto could clearly see that she wanted to punish her more.

"Alright, if you say so." He shrugged, reaching over to pinch one of Sakura's ass cheeks and drawing a cute squeak from the pinkette. He then turned back to the shaking Ino and decided to give her an easy question. "Are you afraid of snakes?" Ino froze. How did he know about that? Naruto smirked. "Are you?" Naruto asked again. Ino gulped before answering.

"Y-yes. H-how did you know?"

Naruto put his hand on her friend's head and started to pet it, causing her to purr a little. "Sakura-chan told me about your encounter with the garden snake when you were 6. That gave me an idea for a new game to use." Naruto chuckled while Sakura shivered. "In her words, it was `disturbing, scary, and fun at the same time'." Naruto picked up her head so that her scared eyes looked into his amused eyes while she remembered the experience. "If I recall correctly, you were disgusted with yourself that you enjoyed having a snake in your pussy and ass."

"I'm still disgusted that I enjoyed such a thing," Sakura said earning another round of shivers. Naruto chuckled and brought his head down to whisper in her ear, but positioned his head so that Ino could clearly read his lips.

"Since you enjoyed it so much, why don't we do it again…this time with your sister?" Sakura gasped along with Ino. Naruto chuckled and pulled back, looked at the terrified Ino. "One last question. Last Thursday, before school...after my attempts to get Sakura-chan to notice me failed, you came up and kicked me in the face. Why?"

Ino gulped, his eyes staring at her, demanding an answer. He caught her at her attempts at lying so far so she was just going to be honest. Whoever said `the truth hurts' got it right on the nail. She just hoped that he goes easy on her.

"I-It was f-fun." Ino closed her eyes in preparation for the pain but there was none. She opened her eyes and yelped as she saw Naruto right in front of her face, with an angry look on his face.

"Fun? You thought it was fun?" Naruto's voice was starting to get strained. "How the hell does kicking people while they're down `fun'?" Ino gulped.

"It-it wasn't at fi-first. You insulted Sa-sasuke and I w-wanted revenge. Over t-time, it be-became a g-game." Ino was stammering her words and her body was shaking, very afraid of what her master would do to her. He didn't say anything at first, just looked at her.

"Fine." She moaned as Naruto pulled her into a rough kiss and his free hand reached down and started to finger her. She knew he was mad at her because his touch was rough and it hurt a little. She could feel herself becoming dazed. Naruto broke the kiss and her strength left with Naruto. A few smoky pops later, she was unchained and dragged by her arms to the bed where a new fate awaited her.

There was now a stock attached to the bed.

Ino was thrown on the bed, the clones grabbing her feet and putting them in the stocks. The wooden device was raised in the air slightly, leaving her ass and pussy exposed as well as leaving her feet unprotected. The clones locked the device shut, attaching her hands to the manacles. As she recovered from the rough kiss and fingering, she barely noticed Sakura coming up to her side while she watched Naruto go to the whip table. She whimpered as he picked up the same bamboo cane that he used on her ass and tits.

Her breathing became heavier as he drew near her. She felt Sakura's hand grab hers in an attempt to comfort her, but it didn't really work. Naruto finally reached her and he looked down upon her with cold eyes. He brought the cane to her neck and spoke in a harsh tone.

"This is payback for what you did to me." Naruto removed the cane from her neck and walked to the end of the bed. "Sakura!" Naruto barked and Sakura jumped in fright at the sound of her name.

"Y-yes ma-master?"

"Blindfold her." Sakura nodded and retrieved the blindfold that was on the table next to her and climbed on the bed. Sakura looked at her with worried eyes.

"I'm sorry." She said before putting the blindfold on. Ino couldn't help but start whimpering. With no sight, there was no way to prepare for each strike. She felt Sakura lips capture her own in a soft kiss and she calmed down some. "You can get through this Ino-chan. Just withstand it and scream. That's what he wants, to hear you scream." She felt Sakura climb off the bed and she whimpered at the loss of contact. The seconds passed without any sound except her own breathing.

She let out an adorable squeak as the cane lightly brushed her feet, her eyes already starting to leak tears. The cane left her feet and there was nothing. The seconds passed and she screamed as the cane made contact with her feet…hard. Ino screamed as Naruto set up a rhythm on her feet. He would whip her feet for a minute and then switch to the another one for a minute, then he would switch between them.

After about twenty minutes of this torture, Naruto stopped and the crying blonde let out a shaky sigh of relief. She could feel the welts burning on the bottom of her feet. She let out a soft moan as the binds were released, her master's hands turning her over. She felt her arms being moved behind her back, soft ropes being circled around her chest and arms. When Naruto was finished, her arms were restrained behind her back.

She was turned over on her back again before being lifted off the bed, held against Naruto`s hardened chest. She was carried somewhere and put down, hissing as her feet made contact with the cold floor. She distinctly felt a tug on her pussy but her attention was focused on Naruto as he spoke to her.

"You ready for the next game my sweet?" There was a tug and the blindfold was removed. What met her eyes caused her to be very afraid. A grinning Naruto-clone was standing quite a ways in front of her holding a rope that had knots, at different sizes, at regular intervals. Her eyes followed the rope and she gasped as she spied the rope in between her legs. She shuddered as she felt Naruto's breath in her ear. "Here's how the game works. You are going to walk to the clone over there while riding the rope." Naruto reached down to her feet and gently touched the soles, causing her to hiss at the contact. "But if you fall or cum, you will have to start all over again."

He smirked at her whimpering. Naruto cupped her chin and turned it to face him. He looked in her eyes and saw the fear and the anticipation in her eyes. Fear of the pain that she was going to feel as her feet moved along the ground, and anticipation of the pleasure she'd feel when she started walking.

It was scaring Ino how eager she was to experience this feeling. He smiled as he felt her pussy was getting wet. She moaned as Naruto started to lightly rub it but he captured her moan in a soft kiss. He broke this kiss after a few seconds but it was enough to bring a small smile on her face.

"Now, let the game begin." He said, pressing his hand against her smooth rear, forcing her to step forward. She whimpered as her weight shifted around her feet, the rope digging between her soft pussy lips. "It's alright my pet. The quicker you get through this, the quicker you can get off your feet and let it heal." Ino whimpered as Naruto removed his support and her feet felt the full pressure. She felt a tug on the rope and she saw the clone beckon her to him.

She gulped and took one step forward, feeling pain in her feet and pleasure in her pussy. A pained moan erupted from her lips as she walked. She took it one step at a time, trying to lessen the pain somehow. She gasped as she reached the first of the knots and the Naruto holding the rope tightened his pull. She let out a shaky moan as she stepped forward, the medium knot digging into her entrance and traveled out.

Tears fell out of her eyes as her feet was throbbed in pain. Each step increased the pain and she was certain that she was never going to get off of the rope. When she took the tenth step, she fell, unable to take it. A strong pair of hands gathered her up and she cried in Naruto's arms.

"It's alright. You got almost halfway. You're doing well." Naruto's voice whispered in her ear as she was taken to the beginning. He reached the start of the rope and gently set Ino's feet on the floor. "Push through the pain." He said to her before letting her go. She whimpered as she felt the pain in her feet and the pleasure on her pussy again. Determined to get through this, she marched forward. She moved forward, pushing through the pain and holding out as best as she could against the pleasure. She got through the halfway knot when her body seized up and her juices came gushing out.

She whimpered as she felt Naruto's hands stop her from moving. "So close." She whimpered as Naruto picked her up once again. At least he wasn't forcing her to walk back. "There now sweetness. Hopefully, the third time's the charm." As Naruto put her back to the starting point, Ino knew this time she would go all the way. She walked, ignoring the burning pain in her feet and holding back the fire in her belly. She passed the point where she came and continued on, tears flowing freely with each step.

"You made it."

Ino collapsed into Naruto's waiting arms, crying her eyes out as she finally made it to the other side. She whimpered in relief as Naruto picked her up and relieved her of the pain in her feet.

"You did a great job. I'm proud of you my little cosmos." Ino smiled in Naruto's arms. He was pleased with her and with that thought, came a sense of fulfillment. "There's one more game next and after that, I'll be satisfied with my payment." Ino couldn't help but whimper at the mention of one more game. Naruto started walking and she couldn't really see where they were going. "Drink this." A bottle of water was put to her lips and she drunk from it. This time, she drank the whole bottle. Ino sighed in relief as the bottle was taken away. The cold water felt good in her. She felt herself being put down on the ground. There were two clicks of manacles being put on her wrists and she looked at Naruto, wondering what he had planned.

Naruto walked up to Sakura who was patiently waiting for his command. He bent down and whispered in her ear.

"Heal her feet and get her in the air. Put a spreader bar on her legs and use the rabbit fur gloves on her. I want you to tease her to hell and make her beg for release. Understand?" Sakura nodded, a small grin appearing on her face. "Good. I'll be back in a bit." Naruto watched her as she crawled over to Ino before leaving the room.

Ino watched her master as he whispered to Sakura. She saw her friend nod and a small grin appear on her face. She couldn't help but gulp at what that grin meant. That grin remained on her face and disappeared when Sakura reached her. The blonde barely noticed Naruto go out of the room in the corner of her eye. Ino's slave sister reached her and took her feet and gently set them onto her lap. She made a few hand signs and green chakra appeared in her hand. Slowly, gently, she began to move the hand around the blonde`s much abused feet. Ino moaned in relief as a smoothing sensation washed over her sore feet. She could feel the pain being swept away, and she sighed as the soreness finally vanished.

There was a question that Ino had been wanting to ask her ever since this started. Now that her mind was clear of the pain, she could voice that question. "Was he this harsh with you when you first started?"

Sakura sighed. "Yeah, if not more. He was learning the ropes on what to do and what not to do and he made a lot of mistakes with me, but he learned from them and he always made it up to me afterwards. He's really a sweet boy and he takes care of me. You couldn't have asked for a better person to be involved with." Ino snorted.

"Somehow, I doubt that." Ino erupted in a bout of giggles as Sakura started tickling one of Ino's healed feet.

"Just wait Ino-chan. You'll see." She watched as Sakura put her feet down on the ground and stood up, feeling a chill run up her spine…it looked like the `fun' was about to start again.

"Do you know what the next game is?" The grin came back on her face and Ino couldn't help but be worried. "It's my turn to play and I think you're going to like this." Sakura walked out of Ino's sight. When Sakura came back, she was holding a spreader bar and a pair of gloves with a grin still on her face. She put down the gloves and attached the spreader bar to her feet and attached the bar to the floor by chains.

She reached for the remote and pressed the button. Ino yelped as the chains jerked and her body was raised in the air. Sakura kept her finger on the button until there was no slack on the chains. She smirked as she saw Ino struggle a little. Putting on the gloves, she walked forward until she was right in front of Ino and held up one of her hands.

"Do you know what these are?" Seeing Ino shake her head, she continued. "These are rabbit fur gloves. You're going to love them. They're so soft to the touch and produce such a nice feeling when felt on the skin but..." Sakura smirked again. "When used during bondage play, it is VERY frustrating on the sub, especially..." Ino moaned slightly as she lightly ran the fur over her left breast and over her nipple. Sakura was right. It is a nice feeling. "Since the feeling isn't enough to `finish the job'." Ino's eyes snapped open as she realized what she meant.

Ino moaned as Sakura included the other gloved hand, slowly running her hands over the bound girl's pale skin, gliding it softly across Ino's sensitive mounds. Ino moaned in pleasure, whimpering in frustration as Sakura avoided her rock hard nipples. Sakura smirked, running the fur over the skin and gently kneading the blonde's tits, just barely touching the fur against the underside of her breasts. Ino gasped at these light caresses, her pussy leaking slowly as her slave-sister ran her gloved hands over her skin.

Sakura spent a good fifteen minutes tormenting the blond with soft caresses, kneading her tits and gliding over her taut stomach. She enjoyed the soft moans and frustrated sighs she evoked from Ino, savoring the sweet sounds as she felt her own pussy leak in response to Ino's vocalizations. She smiled as she thought about the events to come later that evening…she was so looking forward to fucking Ino's brains out. She licked her lips at the thought.

Ino was having mixed feelings about this. The sensations her slave-sister were giving her was exquisite but she knew that this was torture. She knew that the gloves won't give her the height she needed to release. She moaned as she felt the pressure build up in her. She giggled as Sakura ran her hands over her sides, but she let out a disappointed moan as Sakura removed her hands from her body and walked out of her sight and she gasped as she started to work on her bottom. She cursed her body again for being so sensitive, her moans coming out freely as Sakura teased her body.

She whimpered as she could feel herself growing wet. Did she really enjoy this? Did she enjoy having the ability to feel pleasure yanked out of her hands? With that question asked, her mind was close to answering that question.

She let out a loud moan as Sakura moved her hands to the front again, this time the pink haired girl paying attention to her thighs. She became worried as she felt a familiar pressure build up in her, but it wasn't enough. She needed more then this. Her body was aching for release.

Sakura smirked as she ran her gloved fingers into the caverns of her thighs. She knew how this was affecting Ino. She heard a loud moan come from her as she stroked her hairless mound. If she was correct, then Ino would be begging her any second now.


Well, speak of the devil…

"Something you want to say Ino-chan?" Sakura asked in a tone that made Ino whimper.

"S-stop t-teasing me f-for g-g-god sake." Ino let out a loud moan as Sakura made a very light brush over her clit.

She chuckled. "You know what to do." The blonde shook her head, refusing to do it. She whimpered as her torturer lightened her touch even more.

"Pl-please..." Sakura looked up to the crying blonde. "Please make me cum." She whispered out. The pink haired girl smirked once more.

"What was that? I didn't hear you."

That got the reaction she wanted. "For God sake, make me cum! I can't take it!"

Sakura smirked. "Alright, if you really want it." Sakura got on her knees and moved her face toward Ino's dripping pussy. She let out a small breath of air toward it and she twitched and caused her to cry out. She stuck out her tongue and started to lick her entrance. Within five seconds, Ino came with a loud cry all over Sakura. She gulped down her juices as much as she could, licking and sucking as she drove the blonde to a second incredible climax.

As Ino was coming down from her orgasm, she finally knew the answer to her question. Did she really want to be controlled and to be used for the whims of her master? Did she want to be dominated by Naruto?

The answer, to her own great surprise…was yes.

She did want to be controlled and dominated by her master.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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