Different world of Naruto's sexual life

Chapter 4: chapter 4

There was a strange sensation on Ino's face. It felt like water was falling on her lips…yet it wasn`t. The wet things were warm, and when one fell into her mouth, landing on her tongue, there was a salty flavor to it.

The wet drops of…whatever…continued, drawing the naked blond from her slumber, her eyes opening to a blurry pink image above her. She blinked away the crust around her blue orbs, her vision clearing and leaving her wide eyed to what was going on.

Sakura was above her. The pink haired girl hands resting on each side of her head, and she was kneeling over her middle, her own hairless mound pressing into Ino's taut stomach. It was warm, and very wet, painting Ino`s trembling belly with her juices.

Sakura's face was scrunched up in pain; the wet drops Ino had felt were tears. They were falling from her green eyes, landing on Ino's face and in her mouth which was now open in shock. Ino could also hear her fellow slave whimpering, and she watched -slightly mesmerized by Sakura's swinging tits- as her friend rocked back and forth, moving to some strange rhythm.

Now that she was awake, Ino could hear some kind of noise…a loud smacking sound, coming from behind her nude friend. Ino looked down, trying to keep some slack to the short chain that connected her collar to the bed. Her eyes widened at the sight behind Sakura, and she gasped.

Their master was behind the pink haired girl, holding a red leather riding crop in his hand. He swung the implement in a broad arc, bringing it against Sakura's firm behind. Along with Sakura's whimpers, she heard Naruto counting; he was on number 30 apparently.

Finally, Naruto noticed the Ino's state, and he paused for a moment, running the tip of the crop along Ino`s exposed pussy and making the girl shiver. "Ah good morning my pet." He grinned. "I thought you'd be out a little longer than this. My disobedient slave here is receiving her punishment for being greedy last night. Remember how I said she`d be getting the crop? I never say what I don't mean, my little cosmos - Sakura earned 50 lashes." Naruto grinned at Ino's silent, wide-eyed gaze. "Just wait a few more minutes…we're almost done."

Naruto continued to lash Sakura's ass, switching between each of his first lover's smooth globes down the crevice formed between them. She looked up at Sakura, trying to offer support with her eyes, and she saw a grateful response in the girls own green orbs.

Naruto stopped at 45th stroke, and Ino heard her friend sigh in relief. She looked back to their master, her eyes widening as she caught a smirk appearing on Naruto's lips. She stared in horror as she saw him raise his hand, a faint shimmer of chakra coating the red rod and the hand holding it. Naruto paused, and with a swift swing, brought it down on her ass.

Sakura yelled out in pain as the crop made contact with her arse five more times before Naruto finally stopped, leaving her a panting, sobbing wreck. Sakura collapsed on top of Ino, tears leaking freely from her eyes. Both girls gasped as they heard Naruto growl.

"Get up, we're not done yet." Sakura whimpered, but pushed herself back on her hands and knees. She turned to face Naruto, feeling warm at the pleased smile on his face. "Crawl forward. Sit your ass on Ino's tits, and push that delightful little snatch of yours towards her mouth." Sakura winced with each movement forward, but soon she was sitting on Ino`s chest, feeling the hardened nipples of her friends breasts pressing into her sore ass. Naruto turned to Ino. "Grab each cheek with your hands, and put your lips on her pussy." Ino shuddered, but complied, kissing her friend's wet lower lips. Her hands snaked around Sakura's hips, gliding over the girl's abused rear, taking a handful of ass-meat in her hands. Sakura hissed at the contact, and Ino - taking the initiative - gave her friend`s clit a quick lick, earning a grateful moan in response.

"Now…squeeze Sakura`s ass...hard." Ino gulped and complied, not wanting the same thing happen to her.

Sakura screamed in pain as Ino squeezed her buttocks. Naruto told her to keep up the pressure, ordering her to eat the crying girl out as she did. He told her not to stop until he ordered it.

She kept going, licking Sakura's pussy and squeezing the girl's ass for three full minutes before Naruto told her to stop. Sakura collapsed again, rolling to the side and laying next Ino; on her stomach and slightly above, with tears leaking out of her eyes. Naruto walked to the side of the bed, running a glowing hand over his pink haired lover's red ass and causing her to sigh slightly in relief. He bent down to whisper something in her ear. A minute later, Sakura weakly nodded and Ino heard a faint response come out of her.

"Yes master." Naruto went out of her sight and Sakura crawled back on top of Ino, pinning her where she was, breast to breast and pussy to pussy. The pink haired girl then grabbed the blonde's arms, moving them to the metal frame above the bound girl's head and securing them in a pair of manacles there.

Ino's eyes traveled down Sakura's neck, noticing a collar now adorned the slim column of skin. Naruto reappeared a moment later, holding a chain that he attached to her collar before hooking the opposite end to Sakura's. He smiled at the sight, dipping his hand between the two girls' splayed legs and running a finger along both of their slits, causing them to shudder.

"I hardly need to say it, but stay here until your breakfast comes..." He began, before the door opened and one of his clones walked in carrying two medium sized bowls of ramen on a tray. "Oh, speak of the devil and he appears." The clone handed the tray over to Naruto before vanishing in a puff of smoke. Naruto walked up to the side of the bed, placing the tray down before grabbing Sakura's chin with his hands and turning her face to face him. "After you rest for a bit, I want you to feed yourself and Ino...using only your mouth, understand?" The pinkette nodded and Naruto drew her into a wet, sloppy kiss before letting go. He walked out of the room, turning to blow a kiss at the two girls before he closed the door.

Sakura made herself comfortable by nuzzling Ino's neck and shoulder, giving light licks to the bite marks on her neck. Ino moaned before Sakura laid her head above Ino's heart, running her pink hair over Ino`s sensitive mounds.

"Are you alright Sakura-chan?" The blonde girl asked, earning a nod.

"I'm fine." Sakura replied, wincing slightly as she adjusted her position. "These welts won't take too long to heal. I`ll be better in an hour or two."

"But are you alright?" She emphasized `you'. Sakura sighed.

"I learned my lesson. I just got greedy that's all." Ino sighed, before raising her head upwards and placing a comforting kiss on her broad forehead. Sakura smiled, burrowing her head back into the junction of Ino's neck again, moaning as Ino's warm breath stirred her pink locks.

After some time passed, and the red marks on Sakura's bottom went away - courtesy of the Kyuubi's healing powers, she explained to the surprised Ino - it was time for breakfast.

Ino had been wondering how Sakura would do this; Naruto had said to use just her mouth...how the hell was Sakura supposed to do that?

The bound girl's eyes widened as she watched Sakura pick up some noodles with her mouth, swallowing them before drinking some of the broth as well. Her stomach rumbled, causing her fellow slave-sister to giggle a bit. "Open your mouth, Ino-chan," Sakura ordered, dipping her face into the bowl again and gathering up some of the noodles.

Ino watched, wide eyed, as Sakura brought it over to her open mouth. She didn't drop it like Ino expected her too, lowering her head until their lips met, and the noodles slipping inside Ino's mouth. Ino closed her mouth around Sakura's lips, and the two girl's blushed at the indirect kiss. Sakura let go of the noodles, letting Ino swallow them and savor the flavor. Sakura repeated the process with the broth, sucking some of it into her mouth, holding it as she bent down over the blonde's mouth, small drops leaking out the sides of her lips.

She got a little more daring this time, dipping her tongue in with the broth and rubbing it over Ino's lips, and drawing a giggle from her friend. Each girl shifted slightly, pressing their pussy's against each other, each enjoying the other girl's warmth.

This continued until the two bowls were empty, leaving Sakura and Ino satisfied - in more ways than one. There was a sudden chuckle and the two girls turned their heads around to see Naruto sitting on a chair looking very pleased, if the hard rod between his legs was any indication. They blushed, realizing that he'd been watching them.

"I knew I was going to like that." Naruto chuckled once more before standing up, walking to the wall and retrieving two leashes. He walked up to them, picking up the bowls and setting them aside before detaching the chains from the bed, and removing Ino's manacles.

He attached the leashes to the collars, giving them a gentle tug, the girls complying with the silent command and slipping out of the bed to kneel at his feet. "Come on my pets. Time for a shower." Naruto started to walk and Sakura and Ino both followed, crawling on their hands and knees behind him.

He led them out of the room and led them into a room that Ino hadn't seen before. Her eyes widened at its contents. This room had chairs, outfits hanging up along with leashes, several different kinds of whips, several objects she couldn't even identify, and some weird half-cone shaped device with a white dildo sticking out the center

There were also two more doors, and Ino wondered what horror's lay beyond them. A tug on her collar brought her out of her musings, and she looked up to Naruto.

"Come on." Naruto tugged on the leash some more and she continued crawling as he lead the girls to one the doors. He opened it, and the blonde gaped.

It was a large bathroom, but it catered to the S & M theme Naruto seemed to love so much. He stepped in and his pets followed, Ino`s eyes darting all over the room.

Her attention turned to the shower; the large size of it, the chains hanging from the ceiling and the additional chains attached to the floor. Along one wall were an assortment of shampoos and soaps, as well as lotions and a bottle of shaving cream (to keep her pussy bald, she assumed).

Along another wall was a collection of dildos that had hose attachments to the bottom. She noticed that the shower head was removable, and she shuddered at the possible games Naruto would play with her in here.

She barely noticed as her master bent down and removed the leashes from both her and Sakura's collars, setting them down on a nearby vanity. "In the shower." He ordered and the blonde and the pinkette crawled forward and into the shower with Naruto following.

Naruto pulled Ino to her feet, capturing her lips in a deep kiss while Sakura rose, gathering the blonde's arms and pulling them upwards. She locked Ino's hands into a pair of manacled chains while Naruto broke the kiss, leaving Ino panting as he bent down and secured her feet to the floor.

"Master?" She asked confused. Naruto smirked before standing up and placing a kiss on her nipples, causing her to moan. Naruto started kissing his way up her chest until he reached her neck, licking the bite marks and whispering in her ear.

"Can you smell yourself?" He asked. "You smell of sex and satisfaction. While I do love that aroma on you, I prefer a fresh start each morning." She gasped as cold water started to rain down on her but it quickly turned warm.

"Nothing like a nice hot shower, huh my little cosmos?" Ino moaned as Naruto's hands started to wash her torso, soaping up her tits and arms while Sakura started washing her legs with a soapy washcloth, running the cloth up and down the quivering blonde`s pussy.

Ino was enjoying what they were doing to her, letting her moans out freely as Sakura and Naruto ran their fingers through her long hair.

"So my pet, did you enjoy last night?" Naruto asked, circling his left index finger around the areola of her right tit, causing her to giggle at the ticklish sensation.

"It was…I…words can't even…begin…to describe it." Ino moaned out as Naruto cleaned her breasts, wiping the remaining soap from the perky mounds.

He chuckled. "I knew you'd love it." He muttered as his pink haired slave run the cloth between his blonde slaves' buttocks. "Sakura-chan loved it too when we first did it…she was out for a day and an half after we finished. In fact, I think if Sakura-chan's little punishment session hadn't woken you up, you would have been out of it for a while." Ino blushed.

Soon, Ino was clean to Naruto's liking. He signaled to Sakura, and she released Ino's hands from their binds, even as the water continued to run. Ino was pushed gently to her knees, before Naruto forced her hands to the floor, leaving her on all fours with her feet still bound. She gasped as she felt Naruto bend over her, his fully erect member touching her ass hole.

"Here's what's going to happen for today and tomorrow." Naruto said, as Sakura slipped underneath the restrained blonde. "Last night was about pleasure. Today it's about my fun…and I am going to have so much fun with you." Ino shuddered at the commanding tone of voice he was using.

"I intend on making you scream, both in pain and in pleasure. And after all the games for today are done…Sakura gets her chance to fuck you senseless." Naruto leaned forward, pushing his erect member into her ass.

Ino groaned.

Tears welled up in her eyes from the strain placed on her back door. She had thought Naruto's cock filled her up before, when he was fucking her the normal way. This sensation…it was excruciating, yet exciting. Painful…yet there was an undercurrent of pleasure…

It was driving her mad.

Naruto's eyes shut in bliss as he enjoyed the vice-like grip Ino's ass had on him. While not as smooth as her pussy, her ass carried a greater heat and tightness to it. It was like his blonde slave's butt was trying to squeeze his cock flat.

He gripped her thighs, slowly sliding his member back out of its new sheath, causing the wet girl to shake and moan in distress. He paused, just before the head of his dick would come out, before he whispered into the panting girl's ear once again.

"Now…scream for me." With that, he rammed himself home.

And scream she did.

Naruto's assault on her poor asshole was relentless. Ino cried and wept with each thrust, tears leaking out of her eyes. The screaming blonde then let out a loud wail of pleasure, as Sakura propped herself on her elbows and - with a display of oral dexterity - started lapping at her entrance.

This strange mixture of pain and pleasure was...intense to say the least. Ino was surprised as her body went stiff and she came all over Sakura's face. Her strength leaving her arms, she collapsed on top of Sakura, while panting and crying at the same time.

She continued to whimper as Naruto pounded away at her ass, grunting and growling as he sawed in and out of her. It was almost ten minutes into the torturous fucking before Naruto finally came, coating the insides of her rectum with his hot seed.

Strangely enough, this event triggered another orgasm in the panting girl, causing her to hiss in pleasure, even as Sakura lapped up the spilled juices from her pussy. She barely noticed when Naruto finally withdrew his cock, bending down to whisper in her ear. "My payback starts today. It`s only six in the morning, my little cosmos. We`ve got almost eighteen hours before today is done…and another day after that!"

Ino felt Naruto's hand smack her bottom, and she moaned as Naruto started to rub it. It felt GOOD!

He started to work his way down her slender legs, rubbing and caressing them before moving to the binds on her feet. She felt the chains being unlocked and removed, and a silent moment passed and she heard a faint `click'. She surmised that her master reattached to leash to Sakura's collar. A second passed and there was another click as Naruto put the leash on her as well.

"Now that we are all clean (and warmed up)." Naruto chuckled, running his fingers through Ino's still damp hair, "We can get started with today's games. Sakura-chan, I promised you first pick, did I not?" Sakura spoke from between Ino's legs and Ino could hear the excitement in her voice.

"Yes you did master." Sakura responded, nearly giggling.

"So what will it be?" Sakura's next words caused her blonde friend become very afraid.

"The dunking game master." Naruto grinned.

"I thought you would say that." He said, before standing up. "I got the tub filled with water and ice already…come pets. It's time to play."

A sharp tug to their leashes got the naked girls moving, and he led his pets out of the bathroom, walking toward the room where Ino had been given those enemas. As the two girls crawled behind their master, Ino tried to get some answers.

"Sakura-chan, what are you doing? Are you trying to kill me?" Sakura turned to answer her but Naruto stopped her by tugging on her leash.

"Don't answer her pet. Let her find out for herself." Ino could practically feel the smirk her master had on his face even though his back was turned. "Besides, it won't be that bad, my little slut. I think that this'll become your favorite game, just like the horse is Sakura-chan's."

Naruto opened the door to the room with the mill wheel, blinking as Sakura rushed inside, trying to get there first. Naruto sighed, before giving a sharp pull on her leash, sending her flying back.

Sakura landed in front of him, her ass smacking against the cold stone of the floor, gasping for breath. She looked up at him with a hurt expression.

"Now now Sakura-chan." He chastised the pink haired pet. "You must be patient and let Ino-chan have her turn. Then I'll put you on it." Sakura nodded, rubbing her throat from being pulled too hard.

Naruto tugged on Ino's leash and they started walking to the steps of the small platform that was mounted to the side of the wheel. Ino crawled in front, Naruto in the middle (taking every opportunity to goose the embarrassed girl), and Sakura last.

They slowly ascended the steps, Ino's dread increasing with each step. Finally, they reached the top, and Ino gasped at the sight.

Attached to the mill were several straps, designed to keep the person in one place as it spun. There were additional straps as well, although Ino couldn't figure out what their purpose was.

The lower section of the wheel rested inside a large tub of water. The sides of the tub were clear, and lights dotted along the bottom. Ino nearly screamed as she saw ice chips floating all throughout the small pool.

There was a small tug on her collar, and Ino looked up to see the item now resting in Naruto's hands; he had taken it off.

The blue eyed boy pointed to the wheel. "Stand, and move to the wheel." He ordered. "Raise your hands and lie on your back." She stared at the wheel, becoming increasingly horrified at what would happen to her if she was strapped to it.

"Ino-chan." Sakura called out to her. She turned to see Sakura, her fingers buried in her pussy, and her face almost desperate. "Go on it. You'll be glad you did. I love going on it almost as much as I love the horse."

"But why? Why would you tell him to put me on this?" Sakura opened her mouth to speak but Naruto interrupted her by grabbing Ino's hair with his right hand, his left seeking out one of her nipples and giving it a sharp twist.

She cried out, and Naruto shoved her over to the wheel. He pushed her back against it, wrapping one of the straps around her waist, before securing her arms and legs. A final strap pressed against her forehead, holding her head against the hard wood. Her arms rested above her head, separated so she couldn`t perform jutsu. Naruto smirked at the fear that was on her face.

"Don't worry slave." He said, rubbing her sore tit before dipping his hand down to finger her cunt, "You'll love what the cold water will do to you." Naruto heard a whine to his side and turned to face Sakura looking at the mill wheel with longing eyes.

"Master, please!" She begged, crawling forward and licking his ball sack. "You promised…"

"And I always keep my promises, pet." He replied. "I'm going to give Ino a few quick turns, and then I'll strap you to it. You'll love what I have planned." He pressed his member into her mouth, enjoying the wet heat for a few moments before pushing her off. "We've got a lot to do today…be patient or you don't get to fuck our new toy tonight."

Sakura whimpered and nodded, crawling to the side and kneeling with her legs spread.

"M-ma-master…" Ino whimpered, "P-p-please…"

"Just enjoy it, my little cosmos." Naruto replied, pressing a lever. "Just remember…take a deep breath before your head goes under!"

Ino's eyes darted to the tub of ice water, her body trembling as it approached the cold liquid. The wheel was slow - agonizingly slow - and she panted in fear as she approached the liquid.

When her feet sunk in, she screamed.

The cold was like a shock to her body, her legs cramping from the sensation even as the rest of her cried out in protest to the sensation. Her thighs followed slowly, and she strained her body, trying to keep her bald slit away from the awful chill.

When her pussy hit the water, she thought she would die.

It was like someone had shoved an icicle up her cunt, searing and freezing her at the same time. She cried and whimpered as she continued to sink, her pleas turning into mere babble as she sunk deeper into the water.

"DEEP BREATH!" Naruto shouted over her cries. Whether by his order or sheer instinct, Ino complied, sucking down a large mouthful of air as her head slipped under the water.

She couldn't tell how long she was under the oppressively cold water, but she could feel her legs rise out of it. Her chilled cunt and the rest of her body followed, her long blond hair splayed against the wheel as she rotated back around to face her smirking master.

She panted and sobbed, her body trembling like a leaf in the wind.

"That incredible sensitivity of your's will allow you to really enjoy this, my slut." Naruto whispered, walking forward and taking a nipple into his mouth.

Ino screamed again, this time in bliss as she felt a molten heat envelope the crown of her tit. Her nipple, painfully hard, soaked in the heat of her master's tongue like a sponge. The heat traveled through her cold body, working through her and to her pussy, stoking a fire inside her loins.

Naruto pulled back after a few moments, smiling at the moaning girl. "Not so bad, huh sweetie?" He asked, earning a weary glare from her. "Now, this next pass I'll eat you out for a few moments, and then we'll let Sakura-chan join in. Won't that be fun?"

Ino whimpered.

Naruto chuckled as he went back to the lever and Sakura took her place beside him. He pulled the lever and the wheel started moving again. Ino squeaked and tried to free herself from her constraints but with no luck. She heard Naruto chuckle again and she looked at him waving at her.

"Bye-bye." Naruto disappeared from her sight and her eyes went back to the pool. She let out a cry as her feet submerged in the icy water. Tears came out of her eyes as she was lowered. When the water was on her chest, she took a deep breath and finally her entire being was submerged once again.

Gods, it seemed slower this time! The biting, terrifying cold swarmed her senses, and it seemed like forever before she was out of the pool. The spin continued, and soon she was facing the sadistic bastard again.

"Y-y-y-you…f-f-f-fucking b-b-bastarddddd!" She hissed, water continuing to run down her trembling body. Naruto smirked, putting a finger on her neck and dragging it down between the valley of her breasts. The stark contrast between his warm finger and her chilled skin was incredible…it felt like his finger was white hot!

He continued to trail his finger down her stomach, and finally stopped on her swollen clit, giving it a gentle rub and making her shiver.

"My my, what language." He chided, giving her button a playful pinch and causing her to gasp. "That's what I like about you...you're not afraid. It makes breaking you all the sweeter." He bent down, bringing his face to her chilled quim. "Now, I never break a promise, and I did say I'd eat you out after this last pass…so, enjoy my pet."

Ino screamed in pleasure as the smirking blonde gave her quivering pussy a long, slow lick. His tongue felt like hot sandpaper as it lapped at her folds…yet the sensation was exquisite!

Naruto's eyes glanced up at Ino's shaking, moaning form. He chuckled, blowing a puff of hot air at her pussy and drawing a loud moan from her. Naruto smirked again before diving in, once again demonstrating his oral skill on the bound blonde. Within seconds, Ino came all over Naruto's face, her womanly juices practically gushing from her snatch.

Naruto savored Ino's essence, lapping up every drop he could. He licked his lips before standing again and walking to Ino's side. The girl panted, looking at him with her beautiful, terrified blue eyes.

She was afraid of him. Afraid of this strange power he had over her body…and growing power he seemed to be acquiring over her soul.

Naruto smirked at his new slave's look, before he bent down and whispered in her ear while stroking her head. "Don't be afraid of me Ino-chan. It'll get better soon. Remember this, even if I give you pain…there will always be pleasure to go with it."

With that he captured her lips, diving his tongue deep in her mouth and claiming his prize once again. He could hear a whimper come from her. He broke the kiss and looked her in the eyes while stroking her cheek, gazing down at her with something akin to…possessive affection.

Ino stared back, gazing into his silted blue eyes. There was no malice there…some kind of darkness yes, but no evil. Despite the torture she was going through, and the thought of the other diabolical games to come, Ino couldn't help but think that she was safe with him. It was like she could feel how much he cared for her…it was beyond lusting after her body, or even the desire to dominate and control her.

He wanted her. It was just that simple.

Naruto, sensing her reassurance, gave her a quick peck on the lips, and then moved away from her sight. A few seconds later, she let out an `oof' as Sakura landed on her stomach, her friends warm ass grinding into her own womanhood. Their master then reentered her sight, a satisfied smirk on his lips.

Sakura was trying to catch her breath as Naruto grabbed her hair and spun her around so that she and Ino were face to face. Ino saw a small smile on her friends face, and she gasped as the pinkette began grinding her pussy into the blonde`s. She felt Naruto strapping Sakura to her, but could not voice her opinion as her friend captured her lips with her own.

Sakura moaned as Naruto trailed his hands over her legs, reaching up and cupping her butt. She yelped as Naruto smacked her cheeks, and again as he slapped her across her back. He then strapped her waist to Ino's, and secured her arms to the blonde's as well. Finally, a strap encircled her pink hair, holding it out of the way. He then gave each girl a quick kiss and a grope, before moving to the lever.

"Three turns ought to do it." He said, causing Ino's eyes to widen in fear, while Sakura merely trembled in anticipation.

Naruto pulled the lever, starting the mill wheel. He watched as the girls were turned until they were out of his sight, smiling as a few seconds later, he heard a pair of screams when the two girls hit the water. Two seconds later, he heard another scream as the water hit the girl's pussies.

A short while later, he spied two pairs of feet appearing in his vision. Soon the shivering girls rotated by, disappearing again as the wheel spun for the second time. The screams were…delicious.

The wheel went by for the third time. When the girls appeared in his vision, he stood up, stopping the wheel and walking up to them.

He licked his lips at the sight of his shivering pets. He bent down and stroked Sakura's back, down to her ass, earning a shivered moan from her. "So, did you enjoy it?" He smirked as she shuddered out her answer.

"Y-ye-yes ma-master." He turned to the equally shivering blonde.

"How about you?" She shuddered as she felt Naruto's breath in her ear.

"W-why...wo-would I...enjoy t-this?" Naruto smirked before lowering his head. Sakura and Ino screamed in pleasure as Naruto's hot tongue started to massage their nipples.

"Haven't you figured it out by now?" Naruto asked, even as his newest slave trembled under his ministrations. "The cold makes your body even more sensitive. Ibiki-sempai and I used this method to break an Iwa kuniochi spy who was trying to get one of our cipher codes. She spilled the beans after twelve spins...she`s still in the ANBU Torture and Interrogation department. They`re training her to be a sex-slave for the leader of Takigakure. A gift to help cement the alliance…at least that`s what Anko-sempai says. Personally, I think she just loves making people squirm under her fingers."

After a few seconds of teasing them, Naruto withdrew his tongue, which earned a disappointed moan from both of his pets. There was a poof as a Naruto clone came into existence. The pair of Naruto's un-strapped Sakura, the clone picking her up bridal style as the real one un-strapped Ino. The blonde slave gave him a grateful look at not going under the water again. He gave her a small peck on the lips, lifting her up and carried her down the steps. The clone holding Sakura followed, and the group walked to another part of the room.

There were two pairs on manacles on the floor. Both the Naruto's set their burdens down, securing their hands in the shackles before the clone dispelled in a puff of smoke.

The blonde reached for a hanging remote. He pushed a button that had a down arrow on it and two more pairs of shackles came down, each once with a spreader bar between them. He held onto the button until the chains were on the floor. He bent down, securing Sakura's feet to one pair and Ino's to another.

"Master? What are you doing?" Naruto's blonde pet weakly asked. Naruto smiled and cupped her cheek with his hand.

"Don't worry, my cute pet. You'll love this." Naruto stood up and walked back to the remote and pushed the up button. The legs were first, then the body, then the arms. Soon both of his pets were hanging upside down in the air. Their arms had little slack, leaving them stretched taut in the chains.

Ino felt like she would panic at any moment, and she shot a glance at Sakura, trying to gauge her friend's fear of the situation. She frowned as she saw the pinkette's nervous, yet eager face.

*Figures…she gets off on being hung upside down and bare-ass naked.* The blonde girl thought, wincing as the blood started to rush to her head. Naruto chuckled, drawing the attention of the girls to him.

His pets watched him from their awkward positions as he pulled a box from under a nearby table set it down on the tabletop. They stared, confused as Naruto pulled out the contents and set them on the table. Sakura's eyes widened in realization.

"Master, are those..." Sakura asked. Naruto nodded.

"This will be the first time for the both of you to be feeling the wands won't it? It'll be interesting to see how you squirm under these." Naruto finished laying out the items that were in the box. There were several rods with clear orbs on the top of them ranging from very small to large. "Let's start small shall we?" Naruto reached for the wand with the biggest orb.

Ino started to struggle as Naruto admired the wand in front of her, purposely scaring her, and Sakura from her struggles as well, with the size of the orb when he clearly said `small'. Naruto finally glanced up after a moment of stroking the wand and smirked at the struggling girls.

"My my, what's got into you all of a sudden?"

"You're going to kill us!" Ino screamed out and increased her struggles to get free. Naruto pouted.

"Aw, now why would I do that? Why would I kill my two favorite pets?"

"I don't know what's in that sick mind of yours and I don't want to know! All I know is that you're trying to kill me!" Naruto smirked before putting down the wand and walked behind his two struggling pets. He walked behind the inverted girls, and delivered a hard smack to their bottoms. They screamed and struggled more, earning another set of smacks on their asses. This time, they got the message and stopped. Naruto walked to the other side, kneeling down to face Sakura.

"What about you? Why are you trying to get free?" Sakura didn't answer at first, instead just looked away. Naruto saw a tear go down her face.

"Because...I don't want to feel that again."

Instantly, Naruto understood. She was afraid of being shocked again. He sighed, and then grabbed her head, turning her to see his smiling face.

"Sakura-chan, this won't be like that. This is the good kind. I promise." Sakura looked at his face, trying to detect any kind of deception but she couldn't find any. Relieved, Sakura smiled and nodded. Naruto nodded as well and went and retrieved the wands and another one of the same size. "Now close your eyes, the both of you." Sakura closed her eyes at the command and Ino followed shortly after.

The seconds ticked by with nothing happening, but suddenly, there was a sudden jolt of pleasure on their nipples causing them to yelp in pleasure and their bodies to jerk. There was another, and another, each at different spots. The nipples, the breasts, and even sometimes their belly buttons.

The real kicker, however, was the shock to their pussy. They continued to scream in pleasure as Naruto moved the wands up and down their pussy, making a teasing contact with their clit at random times.

After some time of teasing, jerking, and pleasuring, Naruto finally withdrew the two orbs he was using on his girls. They hung there, their limbs making random movements, trying to catch their breath. They turned their attention to a grinning Naruto who noticed the flushed look on their faces.

"So, how was it?" His only answer was moans from his pets. He chuckled. "I'll take that as a good sign. Now, let's kick it up a notch." Naruto put down the wands and picked up a new one, one that has an orb that was half the size of the other one. He turned it on and they could hear the electricity buzzing. Naruto smirked and walked up to the shaking blonde who looked up at him with fearful eyes. She saw him glance down at her before moving his eyes to something on her body. She followed his line of vision and when she realized what he was looking at, she started to squirm.

Naruto smirked and brought the wand to her clit, pausing before making contact. Ino's dread increased and she whimpered as Naruto held it above her.

Finally, Naruto thrust it against the bundle of nerves, and a loud wail erupted from her mouth. Her clit felt like it was being poked with hundreds of needles, yet the intense pleasure from it was greater than any pain there might have been. She wanted it to stop, yet she wanted it to go on.

The feeling didn't last as the orb was removed after only 5 seconds, but it was five seconds of intense pleasure.

She just hung there, trying to recover the breath that she lost when she was screaming. A second later, she heard Sakura scream in pleasure as Naruto went to work on her. Ino moaned as a hand started to fondle her breast, toying with the nipple a little before sliding up to her pussy. She moaned as Naruto slipped a finger in her and started to slowly move in and out, letting out an even louder moan came out as Naruto put in another finger.

"You ready Ino-chan?" Ino just groaned out her answer. Naruto chuckled and he went silent. Three seconds later, the orb made contact on the crown of the nipple, purposely teasing her to hell as she let out a wail of pleasure. She barely registered Sakura's keen as the orb circled around her painfully hard nipples.

"M-ma-master..." Ino barely managed to get out of her wails.

"Yes my pet?" Ino wanted more. She knew her master was purposely teasing her.

"M-mo-more." She could somehow sense a grin on his face right now.

"What's that my little cosmos? You want more?" Ino nodded. "Beg for it." Ino shook her head, refusing to beg for pleasure. Ino whimpered as he withdrew his both of his hands from her body. Ino whimpered at the loss of contact.


"If you want it, beg for it." Ino shook her head, and then saw Naruto shrug and turned to walk away.

"Wait!" Naruto stopped and looked over his shoulder to see his pet's desperate face.


"P-please gi-give me more." Ino quietly said. Naruto smirked before turned around all the way.

"What was that? I didn't hear that." Ino gulped, feeling her mouth dry. Naruto seeing her discomfort, went and retrieved a bottle of water and unscrewed it, kneeling down and holding it to her lips, letting the water flow into her mouth. Ino happily gulped down the water. After Ino had her fill, Naruto removed the water and tossed it to the Naruto who was doing Sakura, the pinkette moaning as the clone fingered her ass. "Now, what do you want to say to me?"

"Please give me more pleasure." Ino said loud enough for him to hear. Naruto smirked again. He stood, running his hands along Ino's side causing her to shiver. She gasped as Naruto slipped his fingers back inside of her and she moaned as he pumped them. Five seconds in, Ino cried out as the orb made contact with her nipple, this time on the opposite breast.

Within a few minutes of Naruto shocking her breast, and pumping his fingers, Ino came with a loud cry. Her body went limp as all the strength left her. Naruto chuckled and licked his fingers clean. After Naruto licked his lips cleaned, he put his toys away. While Naruto was busy, Ino took a sneaking glance to see how her friend was doing.

She was exhausted as she was apparently.

The blonde saw the flushed look on her face and her juices sliding down her stomach from her soaking cunt. Sakura, perhaps sensing her gaze, picked up her head and looked at Ino. She gave her a small smile silently saying that she was alright. Ino smiled back, grateful for the assurance.

Sakura and Ino both let out a yelp as the chains jerked and they were lowered down. Their hands touched the floor but with basically no strength left in their bodies, they were nothing more then noodles at this point.

Finally their legs came to rest on the cold floor, and there was a small tug on their necks as Naruto and his clone refastened their collars. They felt Naruto detached the chains attached to them and they felt themselves being picked up and put down on a bed where Naruto attached the bed chain to Sakura, using a smaller chain to connect Ino to Sakura, keeping them together.

"Sakura-chan, Ino-chan." The two slaves opened their eyes and saw their master looking at them. After he was sure he had their attention, he continued. "Stay here and rest for about an hour or so and get your strength back." Here Naruto cupped Ino's chin and a hard look came on his face. "Because when I come back for you my slave, that is when the pain starts for you." Ino gulped, becoming scared. Naruto let go of her chin, stood up, and walked out of the room.

Ino's eyes followed him out, her mind starting to wonder what he had planned for her. A small whimper came out of her at some of the scarier images, but it was loud enough for Sakura to hear. Sakura gathered her up in her arms, cuddling against the whimpering girl.

"It's alright Ino-chan." Sakura tried to reassure her…but as she spoke, she couldn't hide her own whimpers and the shaking of her body. Ino, feeling the shaking of the body pressed up against her own, wasn't reassured.

"What-what's going to happen?"

"He's going to be harsh. He's going to be harsh on you just like he was on me. This is the worst part of our enslavement. This is where he pays us back for what we dealt to him." Sakura tightened her grip on the blonde and tears started to come out. Ino started to cry as she realized what was in store for her.

There they laid, waiting for their master to come and take them to their next torment.

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