Chapter 143: Private Property.
He shook his head and muttered in to the wind, "I don't want to. But this is not about what I want. I need to look the part for the sake of my cabal. At the very least, I have to do something with all the money I will be swimming in soon."
He said that, but a smile was tugging at his lips as he thought about it. He is picturing himself sitting comfortably in a limousine. It would be slow, but it would be nice.
Aleena's parents are D-rank supers, and they too enjoy such luxury. It seems fitting that someone who can snap them like twigs should have better luxury.
While he likes the idea, he understands that he will need to give up more than just money for it. He will become a public figure that others have to watch out for. Many people will investigate him for his strengths and weaknesses.
Eventually he sighed and said, "It will be too much trouble for what it is worth. I will become a peacock for everyone to look at. It is just better to keep myself in the shadows. I already have the Mind Domination Network for that kind of profile."
He knows he is being smart with his choice to hide, but he still felt the loss of the nice vehicles he already has his mind on but won't be able to ride anymore because they are conspicuous.
He eventually made his way to Red Dreams Base. It was the same as before. It was a large walled farm. There were red vine plants all over the field and haggard people tending to them.
He used Myriad Physique before he got close to it. His skin and whole body turned into a transparent crystal. Light went through him and refracted into shimmering colors. He twinked like a star, but with rainbows as light interacted with him.
He became eye-catching in the wilds. After all, he was a diamond man in a suit complete with a tie. So he was noticed before he reached the walls.
Someone called over to him, "Hey, this is private property. Leave immediately."
He didn't leave immediately. He continued to approach his future property with the bravado of its true owner.
He nodded to himself, "At least the guards aren't slacking off." That's good."
He was warned again, "Whoever you are, stop there!"
That was the last warning he got before they opened fire on him. An armor-piercing round shot from a sniper rifle struck his head and caused some sparks. The shot didn't even make him pause. The force of the blow only fueled his Juggernaut's Armament.
But the guards didn't give up just like that. An alarm was switched on, which caused a siren to start blaring. The sound was so loud that it could be heard miles away.
Many men ran up to the walls to join the ones shooting at him. Rocket launchers, grenade launchers, assault rifles of various kinds, sniper rifles, and even sentry guns were activated.
He was covered by an explosion of firepower. The wilds rang with the sounds of alarms and gunshots. Bullets fell around him like rain. His fine suit was torn to pieces. But he didn't stop.
The men were afraid of what they saw, but they continued shooting at him. Their fear turned into panic when he got closer and closer to them.
He reached the gate in no time. It was a large piece of reinforced metal meant to be drawn back for it to open.
But no one opened the gate for him, so he bent down to lift it. The whole gate was torn off its hinges without much issue. The gate itself was strong, but its foundation to the ground was more fragile.
He picked up their gate as if he were pulling a toy. Then he threw it aside and continued on his way to the center of the farm.
He walked slowly so that everyone would have time to gather for his important announcement. They might think that they are fighting a battle, but they have already lost. The only reason why none of them haven't died yet is because it will be bad for business.
He threaded the dirt road that led to the white building at the center of the farm. He already knew the way, as he had been here before. Besides, the road and goal were clear. There was no chance of getting lost.
By the time he reached the base, Red Dream and her lieutenants were already waiting for him. They were on the wall looking down at him.
The wall facing him was also teeming with guys pointing large guns at him. There were even large cannons pointing at him.
They targeted him and lit the fuse of the cannons one by one. The cannons roared loudly as they engorged giant bullets at him with deadly force.
The cannons are not a threat to him, but he chose to dodge the attacks nonetheless. It was just easier to dodge than to take on a ball of death flying at him at a speed that would put a horse to shame.
But he couldn't dodge the shells. Not when they split themselves into smaller copies that possessed as much force as the giant versions.
These copies also didn't fly in a straight line. Instead, they formed into a cloud of metal that flew towards him. It was clear to him that there was a weapon super among them.
This made him smile and think to himself, "There wasn't one the last time I was here. It is good that business is growing."
He couldn't dodge the attack even if he wanted to. So he simply barreled through them. All the bullets struck his skin and exploded at once. The explosion caused a large crater to appear.
The crater in the ground cracked and deepened when he jumped out of it. He flew through the air and landed on the walls, crushing the cannon and the wall beneath him.