Chapter 142: Quick And Easy.

He chose to use pleasure because many people can still concentrate and fight back while feeling pain. In fact, their fight or flight instincts would be engaged because of the pain.

Pleasure on the other hand is good for the body. It is not a threat that will make them resist. In fact, the body will crave more of it. Most importantly, very few people can concentrate on anything when they are feeling intense pleasure.

His move caused their eyes to roll back in their heads. One of them fell to the ground, shaking with euphoria. The other only stumbled and felt dizzy.

Meanwhile, he felt a sharp pain in his head. It is because he had used the ability on two people at a time. The pain was extra bad since Black Widows main attribute was her mind. She had a powerful mind, which granted her a powerful resistance to his ability.

She was the one still standing while Stella was on the ground defenseless. And from the looks of things, she would be able to recover soon.

Unfortunately, he didn't give her the time to recover. He had wanted the two women to be together just so he could take them out at the same time.

He rushed over to the black widow, grabbed her head, and twisted it violently. This caused her neck to snap. She finally fell down dead.

He knew she was dead because he felt her mind fade away from bus influence. The pressure he had been feeling eased off immediately, and he stopped feeling a headache.

The sound of black widow's heavy chest hitting the ground roused Stella. She muttered weakly, "What is going on?"

He shushed her, "Shu shu. Don't you worry. This will be over soon."

He has lied throughout the period of their short encounter, but that promise is the truth. It is a promise that he is willing to do everything in his capabilities to fulfill.

Fortunately, Sasha didn't resist. She was willing to work together with him to bring this encounter to a close in a short order. She did nothing as he dragged her around the house.

The first thing he did was to shut off or destroy the security and surveillance system. The second thing was to get the two of them somewhere private.

When they gained privacy, one thing led to another. Sasha died while he gained another ability. All in all, he kept his promise of making it short, and the two of them were happy through it all.

He left their apartment happy not only because he gained a very strong ability, but because what he feared didn't happen. Diamond Skin didn't require him to open another slot. It fused with the first slot containing Steel Physique and became Myraid Physique.

This cost him 20 game points instead of the 80 game points it would have cost him to open a new slot. So he has 281 game points left.

In exchange, he can freely switch between using diamonds and steel for his physique. It meant he could continue living his life as Riptide without problems.

It is all good news for him. Now he will be able to have another identity that he can use to form a cabal. It will also be a very strong identity.

But the question of hiding himself or going all out remains unanswered. With the Myraid Physique, he has become incredibly difficult to kill. But only difficult to kill, not impossible to kill.

There are still a lot of ways to kill him, such as fire, poison, curses, strangulation, and many omega abilities. So going all out is still filled with danger. Especially with demigods as potential enemies.

He thought about it and decided. "I'll just take things as they come. But first, I must get a good escape ability. The cabal should be able to help with finding one and other powerful targets. The black market is also an option."

He is not sure about that last one because if a slave's escape ability is truly good, they shouldn't be a slave in the first place and should be able to escape. But he is willing to be open-minded about things. After all, it is possible that they fell into a trap.

With his mind made up, he drove to one of his safe houses. Then he changed from his douchebag look into a proper future cabal leader. He wore a black suit and reduced his stature to look thin and weak.

He made all of these preparations in order to look good in the upcoming meeting with his first subordinate. After he was done, he took a cab that drove him to the gate of the city. From there, he used his legs to find his way to the meeting with Red Dream. It is a meeting that she doesn't know she is about to have.

As he was running, he muttered to himself, "This is beneath me. I am a future cabal leader. At the very least, I am a D-rank super now. I should at least look the part of a D-rank hero."

He didn't bring his precious hoverbike because he didn't want it to be recognized. It is also beneath him to ride the equivalent of a scooter to such an important meeting.

D-rank is a threshold for supers. At this level, supers can use their abilities for hours without tiring. It is also the lowest rung of those in the professional league. Anyone who has that kind of power is almost certainly in the professional league.

Those kinds of supers are not to be messed with. They are the ones brave and talented enough to make the rush for demigod. As people who have short life spans, they have to get their way while they are alive, and they are willing to risk death for it.

D-rank supers are taken seriously everywhere, if only for their ambition. But a hoverbike is not something serious. He needs to be riding in convoys of cars surrounded by bodyguards to show his new and improved status.

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