Class C: Civil War

Chapter 9: Failed liaison

I had to hurry. Every second was of the utmost importance. If my goal was to be completed, then efficient use of time was imperative. Especially during the early stages of the school year. The quicker I establish myself; the further word will spread and the more natural my behaviours will become throughout the time at this school. I need every single advantage possible when considering the possibilities… No, I need to get my mind off of that. For now, every single action I take could be under immediate scrutiny if I do even a single thing wrong. Every day works in my favour after I've established my groundworks. After that no matter how much any opposition professes without certain evidence they'll be massacred within seconds. A good offense is a good defence, that's the strategy for now, my specialty. Don't leave the enemy any room to breathe, I'll be damned if school gets ruined a second time. Not a single thing will go out of plan, I'll control it all. Not with an iron fist but with gentle paved roads, gesturing and persuasion. No forcing, but gentle goading that people want to follow.

The first step is to establish a contact in every class. Two lucky figures came to mind immediately, that's my foothold. I'll clinch it immediately.

I quickly bounced into the classroom labelled 'Class 1-C' a few turns away from my own homeroom. Some of the straggling students immediately turned from their conversations to my general direction immediately. Some of the boys near the door quickly assessed my body as if looking at an exhibit, assuming all the while that I noticed nothing.

If I leave it too long the silence will become too awkward and completely ruin my entrance. I still have time. I make a show of looking around the classroom, searching for the enigmatic figures of my two companions on the bus. To no avail, I don't see them. That's fine, a bit of improvisation is expected.

"I'm sorry to bother everyone, my friends are in this class. Have you seen Ayanokouji-kun or Ibuki-san I wanted to grab their numbers. I don't seem to see them here."

The boys immediately in front of me started to whisper amongst themselves.

"Damn, guy's popular. We 'bout to witness a domestic?"

"Lucky bastard…"

"When's my time damnit?!"

They at least make easy pickings.

"Uhm, I'm sorry to bother you three. Do you by any chance know where they might be?" Thanks to my stature it was easy to look pleadingly up at them. Holding my hands close to my chest like a small animal also appealed to the simple boys.

"Uh- m-me? I think Sensei said that Ibuki was sick. I think the other guy is taking care of her."

Sick? On the first day no less. That's just my luck. Share a class with the two nuisances from the bus, my contacts in this class are AWOL. What's next; is a piano going to fall on me?

"O-Oh, I hope she's alright." I appeal once again to the entire class. "I don't suppose anyone knows her room number; I'd at least like to check on them." Judging Ibuki's personality, that chance is so low it might as well be in the negative.

"Damn you might be a freak. You trying to step in on them going at it like animals?" A boy with magenta hair that reached his shoulders spoke up from his desk, leaning back and resting on the table.

"P-Pardon, I'm not quite sure I understand what you're saying-?"

"Really? With a body like that and you don't understand, what a travesty." God, the worst type. At least these other wallflowers keep those ideas in their heads, it's much harder to deal with when someone's forwards with their advances. More so when aggressive like this. I can't deny him too strongly or I look bitchy. Nor can I agree with him otherwise I seem too easy. What a pain.

"I-I'm not so comfortable with comments like that. Umm?" He lifted from the table and begun to move towards me. Confidently striding to the front of the class.

"If you're that upset about being tossed aside, I can take his place if you want." I'd rather commit seppuku with a corkscrew, whether you or Ayanokouji.

"I-I think you have the wrong idea." Just push a little harder, that's all I need.

"Hey, I wouldn't expect it either. But it's the first day and that guy already has skirts chasing him instead of the other way round. Honestly, I'm impressed, at this stage I'm just wondering if the homewrecker is you or blue hair?" His hand came forward and touched my shoulder. Instinctively I begun to slowly shiver my legs and look down.

"Homewrecker?! That's not the relationship I have with him, he's just a friend!" Easy way to appeal. I look down and force slight tears in my eyes just slightly wet, not enough to be bawling. But also, enough for people to notice. It'll seem sudden right now, but as they interact with me more this will seem more natural. Now if they look back on our interactions, it'll seem less out of character. Plus, I can finally get rid of this nuisance. If there's one topic that I can't traverse without implicating myself, it's sex and debauchery. They're completely removed from the idea of the chaste and pure image I intend to portray. If I don't change the topic soon enough then this'll become murkier as time goes on. The easiest way to prevent this is showing discomfort, whether this boy acts on it or the others in the room, I can confidently change the conversation.

"Kukuku, that's kinda cute. It just makes me want to bully you even more you know?" Eww gross. Dude's been reading too much smut, this ain't fifty shades. And you aren't some sort of dominator, please remove yourself from the premises.

"You can see she dislikes that, knock it off already." The boy that replied to me earlier was walking towards us now. Finally, I wondered how long I'd have to wait. Now I just hope a fight won't start…

"Dislikes it? Oh, right my bad I should've known who I was talking to. You've probably never seen a woman's legs shake from excitement before, I really apologise."

"The fuck'd you say?!"

"Whoa Ishizaki, calm down man! Not in the classroom at least." The two other boys were holding him back from immediately jumping at the wannabe playboy.

"Ooh, lucky boy. You just missed out on an ass whooping, make sure to thank your boyfriends." At the very least he seemed confident he could protect himself, or that a fight wouldn't occur because he didn't even prepare to hit back.

"This bastard!"

"Well, that's enough enjoyment for one day… Oh, right I never did get your name shortstack?"

"Sh-Shortstack? Um, Kushida Kikyou. And you are?"

"Interested, are we? I think I'll leave the mystery for a bit. See ya Kikyou." Get over yourself! I wouldn't ask if I had the option. And I didn't give you permission to use my first name asshole!

Like a storm the boy left from the classroom walking by the three boys leisurely as if it was any normal day occurrence. What an infuriating guy!

One thing's for sure though, that guy wasn't actually all that interested in me myself. The joy that erupted on his face throughout each and every jab he threw was evident more than any of the lascivious gazes he thrown my way. Does he get off on annoying people? Just great, first day and I've met a full-blown sadist creep. What a day.

"T-Thank you, Ishizaki, was it? I wasn't sure exactly what to do." A bit of fanservice is always good. I quickly grab his hand with both of mine and smiled up at him.

"O-Of c-course. It's no issue at all. A-A-Anytime." Simple. But that's not a bad thing.

"Thank you, you're very dependable. Oh, that's right! What are all of your names, I was hoping to make some friends in other classes!"

"Well loose cannon here is Ishizaki Daichi, the goblin next to me is Komiya Kyogo. And I'm Kondou Reo. Nice to meet you Kushida-chan!" A boy with red hair introduced the trio.

"Who's a goblin?" Unfortunately, that nickname was pretty apt for this guy.

"Have you not looked in a mirror recently, like the last 15 years?"

"That's as long as I've been alive!"

"I know, every day I feel bad for you bro."

"That's how you want to play, huh? Kushida did you know 3 years ago Reo over here-" Ooh, I can practically smell something juicy there. I have to know!

"You wouldn't!"


"…Do I really have to do it?"

"You know the drill, dude. Unless you want me to tell her?"

"God damn it…" His hands raised up to the corners of his head. Imitating… cat ears?

"Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie?"

{"Nyanyame nyanyajyuunyanya-do no nyarabi de nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyannyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame."}

Each and every syllable was stretched with a cat like sound, whatever was happening was highly disturbing. Either way that secret must be something crazy, I can barely contain my excitement!

"…" I feel like I've witnessed something I shouldn't have. I don't think bleach could wash that humiliating visage from my eyes.

"Pfft. You're actually getting good at that! Gets me every time!" How many times have you made him do this is my question?

"It's not even clever or funny it's just cringe! I had to do it in front of the class as well, fucking goblin."

"It's funny cos it bothers you so much."

"Trust you to come up with some nerd shit as punishment."

"Are you sure you want me to change it then, I could make it ten times worse."

"It isn't even clever man… Whatever."

"…I'm afraid I'm lost." Well and truly.

"Sigh. Sorry you had to see that Kushida-chan, don't even worry about it… Is what I'd like to say but I imagine that's a difficult sight to remove. It's a reference to some show, apparently, he got the inspiration from my name."

"That just brings up more questions." Leo, I guess you could relate to the cat family. But other than that, I can't really see the reference.

"I told you no one would get it!"

"Oh, come on what's so hard to get! Reo, like Leo aka lion. Then you get cat, boom done. Easy as pie." I don't know whether I should be ashamed that I got it right… Where the hell does the show get involved in this?

"Yeah, if everyone had a brain as smooth as yours then they'd probably get it."

"Damn right its smooth, that's how these buttery thought nuggets keep flowing out." His fingers waggled as if imitating water showering down.

"Gross, man. Please never say that again." Seconded.

"Nah, hang on a minute. Weirdly enough doesn't saying you have a wrinkly brain sound like an insult though?" Ishizaki. You waited all that time to contribute. And this is the wisdom you choose to bring?

"See! I knew I was onto something!" Komiya perched up as he spoke.

"Yeah, except Ishizaki isn't the sharpest tool in the shed either."

"Hey, I resent that."

Kondou just shrugged his shoulders in response.

"What would you rather have Kushida-chan? Smooth or wrinkly brain?" Am I really being forced to participate in this conversation? I think I'd rather choose to be brain dead than continue this topic…

"I guess wrinkly… I mean it's better to be smarter, right?"

"Hmm, I thought women tried to avoid getting wrinkles though?" Komiya stood in thought as if that were something deserving contemplation.

"Hahaha, I don't think people tend to see other's brains that often though!" Please kill me. Anyone, intervene in this conversation. Please.

"Well, I'm keeping my smooth one!"

"Don't worry I don't think you'll suddenly develop any wrinkles in your lifetime."

"Thank goodness." Komiya looked genuinely happy about that revelation.

"Ignorance truly is bliss." Kondou whispered under his breath.

Just as a silence was threatening to encroach upon us, I remembered my initial goal.

"Oh, right. Does anyone know Ibuki's room number by any chance?" I once again reached out to the rest of the stragglers. I wasn't exactly hopeful, but I needed to increase contact and establish a good rapport with them sooner rather than later. Before the initiative can be taken from me.

A group of girls towards the back of the classroom perked up and looked towards me.

"Actually, we were thinking of checking on them ourselves. Why don't you come with?"

"Oh, that'd be great! I'll be in your care. Ishizaki-kun, Kondou-kun, Komiya-kun, let's exchange contacts next time!" I could've done it now, but I'll use the excuse of a rush to check on my friends and not delaying Manabe's group for now. In exchange I also have an inconspicuous reason to revisit the classroom next time.

"Nice to meet you all. I'm Kushida Kikyou!"

"Yeah, we heard when you introduced yourself to that nuisance earlier. I'm Manabe Shiho. Introduce yourselves girls." A girl with dirty blonde hair held by clips along her fringe looked towards me, visibly standing at the head of her group. She took the initiative, so she fancies herself the leader of these girls. She was also attempting to establish boundaries by lightly jabbing at my introduction with sarcasm, doesn't take too kindly to my intrusion, I guess. Or just a warning.

"Yabu Nanami, let's get along Kushida-chan." A girl with long flowing brown hair held in place by a hair band said with a plain look on her face. Thrilling.

"I'm Yamashita Saki! Weren't you scared of that guy earlier, he gave me the creeps!" A plain looking girl with black hair pulled into twin tails said with a sweet smile on her face. It didn't seem fake, instead she looked rather simple so to speak. That probably was how she really felt.

"I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it. H-He probably just had the wrong idea!" Whether he was in the wrong or not I need to appear magnanimous. Not even a single off the cuff remark can be said or I'll seem like I talk behind closed doors. That idea can never surface again.

"…You're either optimistic or stupid. Well, whatever let's get going. Haven't got all day." Manabe immediately made for the door without even sparing a glance towards the group. An effort to establish the pecking order. It'd be easy to overturn it but there's no reason to, if anything this is more convenient.

As much as I hate it… There's a job to be done, even if I have to act like a gofer for it. "O-Oh, wait for us!" I say and immediately hurry towards the girl. Deep inside I really wish I could've just stayed in the room with the other two just to see the look on her face…

Exiting the classroom along with the two new "friends" I had made I approached Manabe once again.

"…Still. You're rather cute Kushida-chan, you should be more forceful when turning people down. Or guys like that might take advantage of you…"

"Huh?" What a sudden change of attitude. Is she just the tsundere type? Or did she really think I was letting her take the lead of the group with that one act? Like a 'I take care of my own' type of attitude?

"Whatever. None of my business, I guess. C'mon, let's get going." Is that her way of establishing rapport? How childish. At least she's taking initiative, that makes things much easier.

"Manabe-chan, you're so cute." Her entourage corralled her and stood either side of her body, leaning to peer at her face.

"Hah?! Quiet you two nuisances!" Yabu and Yamashita were both pushed away by the blushing leader.

How is it likeable? I just don't understand it. How can you get so comfortable and friendly with someone who professes to the world how much they dislike you? Even if the individual understands that those feelings are false what about the world surrounding you? Doesn't the perception of the environment matter more than a single person? Who would accept someone that throws the rest of the world away?

It's impossible, that's a pointless thought track. Cut it out. Remember why you do it. That road leads nowhere. You aren't some half-hearted tsundere or an ice princess. You are something much worse. Never forget that. Never shed light on it. Leave it in the dark, that's where ugly things belong.

"Thanks, Manabe-chan! I'll keep it in mind!" Quickening my pace to meet the group of girls we continued down the hallways and paved streets towards the dormitory. Sharing some uneventful small talk whilst on the way. Just some simple talk of past middle school and where we lived before this nothing particularly interesting. Unfortunately, my mind still had to work in overdrive to ensure I remembered these pointless pieces of information. I'd have to collate it all for later use, though.

There's no better way to make another person feel unheard than forgetting details on a first meeting. Of course, I always fantasize of pretending to forget names or supposedly interesting stories from people and see the completely disappointed expressions on their faces afterward. More often than not it was boys with the more fragile egos. Forget a detail or two here or compare a story they told with another boy's, and it was easy enough to see argues start and friendships burn. Girls on the other hand can be more of a pain, they communicate too much. Which has its downsides, but it also means very big lies can be traced back almost instantly…

I've done it again. These tangents are getting out of control, need to rein it in. Can't be slipping in the middle of conversation like this. But I can't relieve myself this early either, need to make sure I find a safe place… The stress from sharing her class must be getting to me. Shake it off.

"So, it was Ibuki Mio, from Class 1-C you wanted the number to?"

"Yes, we're classmates so we thought we should check on her." I still wasn't convinced on that. They had waited in class a few minutes before finally moving. They weren't in any sort of hurry a friend would be to meet a sick person, at least until I asked them. That and I doubt Ibuki or Ayanokouji made any friends in such a short amount of time, given their awful social skills. Were they just interested? Or did they really think we were about to walk in on some debauchery this early in the school year?

Even if we did, it's not like it's any of our business. We're highschoolers, I've heard plenty worse even in middle school.

Silently we took the elevator up to the 13th floor as directed by the secretary of the dorms. Having other students in the elevator meant every student practically shut their mouths at the same time. I would just be disruptive at this point; I'll just do the same.

"…Not here, not that one. This! Should be this door here, right?"

"What should we do if a naked Ayanokouji-kun comes to the door?" Yabu continued all the while her face remained placid.

"Call the police. He'd have to be pretty stupid to come to the door like that though." Manabe's retort was realistic in comparison.

"I won't be able to get married anymore! My pure maiden status will be taken." Apparently, that realism couldn't break through the delusions in her head.

"Don't worry I'll take you in that case Yabu-chan!"

"Sakiii!" The two underlings cling to one another like two lovers… Ignoring that.

"Are you going to knock Manabe-chan?"

"Huh? Uh- yeah. I just think I can hear something." Propping her head close to the door, I follow suit as well. I was rather curious, although I seriously doubt what she's anticipating is currently occurring.

"…fuuu- ffuuu… Ayanokouji-kun… that's good…" I could practically hear her breathing heavily. I imagined her blushing heavily and looking up towards him.

"Aren't you tired? Get back on the bed… I'll take care of the rest…" I imagined his husky voice right beside her ear, as they elope back into the bed for another…

Ahh, that's lewd as hell! You can't continue further, Manabe will be changed forever if you continue on! No good. Her face has reddened like a tomato, what should we do? They might actually be going at it!

Inadvertently I pressed my ear closer to the door. Wait, no, why am I trying to hear it better? No, I'm not interested. Not at all. It's just another secret, it could be useful. Yep, that's all it is. The four of us pressed our heads into the door trying to gleam more of the conversation… Hey, stop pushing into me, stop pushing!

Wait… Why are we moving forward?


That was my last thought before the four of us crashed onto the ground in the room in front of the two lovebirds…

She was sat upright on the bed eating, what looked to be soup whilst Ayanokouji stood nearby in an apron…

I hate to say it… But I'm a bit disappointed.

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