Chapter 10: Feverish facade
What the hell is with this situation?!
Here I am minding my business in bed, totally still not sick, by the way...
Eating some miso soup that the robot generously made for me... Well maybe not generously, he might've been programmed for that beforehand... I'm getting off topic.
Now four girls fell onto the floor of the entrance to my room like dominoes in a rube gold-berg machine, the only question was what was going to come tumbling down next? My sanity? Was Ayanokouji about to go haywire? Are the walls of the very building about to collapse in on me right now? How the hell did they even get in? Did he forget to lock the door?
Argh! The more questions pop in my head, the more this headache numbs my senses. I could gradually feel my senses weakening and eyes shut due to the splitting sensation. Better to just not think about... Why that annoying bitch is in my room?!
"...Uhm, what are you all doing on the floor?" My questions exactly, good robot.
In response one of the girls, with black twin tails pretended to be asleep, quite poorly might I add. Another with free-flowing brown hair extending to her mid-back, postured as if to do push-ups, which were... an attempt? At the very least of that action.
"...This is... so much harder... than I thought it'd be..." The physical specimen said between atrocious grunts.
The remaining two intruders just looked on at the two non-plussed. A small shy smile plastered the face of the brunette on the floor, a familiar face from... well I guess it was only a day ago. I met her on the bus... Kushida I think it was? Last but certainly not least needed no introduction, not because they were well known or deserved one. Because I would much rather go the rest of my school days without even acknowledging her existence... What the hell does she want, can I not even sleep in peace?
"...A-As you can see, we were just looking for workout spots and a-a good p-place for a nap!" That verbal garbage flew out from the trash can.
"Manabe-san!" Kushida looked at her with a surprised expression. Keep it down, feels like my head is gonna explode.
"Well then fuck off to your own room, the hell are you doin' in mine! Wait, how did you even know where to look?"
"I'm guessing the receptionist; anyone can ask for a room number after all." Ayanokouji stated matter-of-factly.
"You know I was worried that we were about to walk in on something R-rated, but this actually seems lewder, right Saki-chan?" The brunette with long hair had casually said to the twin tailed girl. I think I'll just go with idiot 1 and 2, for lack of names.
"I was thinking the same. The soup, the apron. It's like a pair of newly-weds. Do you think she just asked him to make miso soup for her every day?" Do these guys just say the first things that pop up in their heads?
"Plus Ibuki-chan has the whole tomboy thing going, so if you squint it's kinda like..."
"OMG, it's like two boys... So immoral... Dirty even..." Idiot number 2 is now on my hit list.
"You said it... Kinda exciting though... Just me?" So is idiot number 1.
"Right here with you, sister." They found solidarity in one another... I guess.
The hell am I listening to? Also, I don't really look like a boy... Do I?
Immediately looking down I notice the oversized shirt and shorts I was wearing that were incredibly comfortable but not at all stylish. So, you wouldn't be out of line saying it didn't scream femininity, but I mean it's not that bad!
"...Nah I just followed the smell of fish and guessed it'd lead me in the right direction, considering you never close those legs of yours..." I'm not even going to entertain her.
Whatever the two idiots were saying was at least less ear-grating than this bitch.
"Besides that, why the hell did you leave the door open?" I gave him the key, so it wasn't as if he was unable to lock it.
"...Just in case of situations like these, it wouldn't be unnatural for someone to suspect the worst... If a man and a woman were locked in a room alone... I don't have to explain further, do I?" What just because we're in a room alone, means we can't even be treated as adults that can make reasonable decisions? I thought we were past the whole supervision bullshit, isn't that the whole point of no contact? This whole academy?
"Ohh please, do enlighten me as to what they might be thinking is happening!" I cannot believe this guy!
"...Just to reiterate, it isn't that I think this would happen. It's just what other eavesdroppers might think. That's all, I have no intentions on making an advance on an ill person. Even if I did, I know I would be rebuffed immediately. Correct, Ibuki?"
"Your actual thoughts leaked out a bit at the end there..."
"I'm just appealing to the explanation that you wanted, I'm only here to make sure you recover. After that you can tell me to leave whenever you desire." That IS the only reason he's here, isn't it?... Yeah, what was I thinking! Remember the mission, just attend and graduate. That's it. Making friends, having fun, making a memorable school life... None of it matters. Too much is at stake if I lose this opportunity, I need that guaranteed employment.
I'm aware of it. I lack abilities that'll be desired in most career paths I choose. I'm good for fighting and sports, that's it. But I have no interest in pursuing those as options even if it were a possibility, I've already seen the path that road leads down...
Continuing this game of charades with the bitch and her posse for three years is too much, I can already tell I'm beginning to slip and eventually I'll just hit her... In which case I'll just give her what she wants.
"In which case all of you get out already!" I glared at everyone in the room.
"Negative, you still haven't recovered sufficiently." Ayanokouji was completely unaffected by my tone and attitude; did he think I was joking?
"I dunno, she seems pretty spry to me?" Idiot number one had commented.
I can't believe I'm agreeing with one of the bitches' cronies. But yes! Get out!
"I'll say... Put it on a bit did you, so you'd have him tending to your every need? Whore..." The last word was mouthed under her breath. My hands curled up into fists almost on instinct. God, how I'd love to wipe that smug look off her face!
"And you... What the hell are you doing here? We aren't friends or close in any way, so I don't know what reason you have for coming here. But get the hell away from me!" It was likely just to torment me. Seriously, find something else to do. Anything!
"...Guys I don't think it's necessary to fight, we should all just calm down..." Kushida attempted to break the tension, but I think I've had enough of this.
"I don't want to calm down! I want you guys out of my room, now. You all just decided to barge in here, without any sort of invitation. Get lost."
"...As you heard, could you all please leave now. I need to make sure she gets some rest." I was referring to you as well, robot.
"I said all of you..."
"Sorry but that's not happening." I swear the only time he's ever direct, is when it's annoying to deal with...
"Just like you said a man and a woman can't be trusted in a room together alone, so I'm getting rid of your worries. Everyone leaves." I'm fine now, that was the only reason you came right? Then go.
"Actually... One of them will stay, that way there's no worries." He can't be serious...
"I don't want any of them to stay! I thought I made that very clear."
"Maybe not them. But Kushida you'll stay with us, won't you? I imagine you were looking for us anyway?" Why would she be... She wanted our contact information. I'll just give it her no...
"...O-Of course. I'm sorry girls but would you mind leaving I'll make sure everything's fine here..." Before I could voice my rebuttal, she had already cemented her stay.
"Tch, fine. I wasn't really here to stay anyhow... C'mon girls." The two goons slowly followed behind their leader, strangely enough I didn't feel the same animosity from them.
"Comin' see ya Ibuki." Idiot 1 went for the door with the same placid look on her face which remained from the onset of their interruption.
"Make sure you come see us another time, Kushida-san!" Idiot 2 left with a cheery look on her face despite the otherwise tense atmosphere.
"Will do!" Kushida replied enthusiastically to the group. I don't know why anyone would willingly spend time with that asshole; I suppose the idiots weren't as bad though...
Subsequently the room was left with a wandering silence as the trio had departed.
"A-Ah so I heard you were sick Ibuki-san, is everything okay?"
"As you can see everything was fine, until you guys showed up..." I muttered the last part a bit under my breath. I admittedly was enjoying my time; you know ignoring the slip-ups at the beginning of the day. I found Ayanokouji's presence to be rather calming, as if the barriers I usually put up around people had dissolved naturally, not due to any synthetic means. In fact, I was assured basically anything I done would be accepted by him with little complaint. Our first meeting made that very clear, I had pretty much attacked him. Which I understand wasn't really warranted, to my surprise he continued to interact with me despite that, and even now he was nursing me whilst I was sick...
Because our first meeting was under such duress, acting around him felt much more natural. I just talked as if it were an automatic response rather than the usual deliberated conversations. Thinking about how this person felt about me, how their gazes wandered during the conversation, how immediately on edge they were around me... I never felt at home during a conversation with another person that wasn't a family member. I always remembered the sensation of pin pricks in my skin, and I could tell the feeling was mutual from any party that was present. The only time I really haven't felt that was with Ayanokouji. Do I change when I come into contact with him? Or does he just shake off the pin pricks as if they were formless vapor, incapable of bringing damage?
I wasn't sure and I wanted to know...
But then he just had to go and say that...
Was that really the only reason he interacted with me? Was this just the natural thing you should do with another classmate? Was I weird for expecting more from a person I had only known for a day? Inside my rational mind the answer to all of those questions was a resounding yes. But then when I look back on events, I'm reminded of things that I don't think a normal person would've done in those scenarios.
He was upfront about being attracted to me, on a crowded bus no less. Something I hadn't ever actually been told by a man before... He accepted me coming to the Nurse's office with him, even though I was responsible for that pain. He was there when I needed him, he guided me right to the dorms when I had slept on the roof. If he wasn't there this morning, I wouldn't have realised I didn't... wear my bra... I could've gone straight into the school and have been seen by the entire class.
I'm not a huge believer in it... But is this fate...
I had enjoyed fortune readings before, slowly digested the predictions given and gone through with life with a small sense of skepticism. But when it felt like something else was pushing us together, I had an uncanny feeling it was real.
He's right there every time I need him, almost like it were preordained. I mean what are the chances of him being there, the first person I meet when I'm in need two days in a row? He effectively saved my school life and my innocence today. Could I have carried on in school if that had happened? I honestly don't know.
But that could just be how he is with everyone... Despite his apathetic face he really does give anyone a chance to talk. It was almost as if nothing affected him. I honestly had a hard time imaging his face take any other expression despite making him grimace on our first meeting, even now when I recount it, I can't help thinking it were some sort of fever dream or illusion. The whole situation seems so devoid of what Ayanokouji usually portrays...
Look at me, what am I saying? 'He usually portrays'? I've known him for not even two days, yet he seems to be the only thing on my mind. This needs to end, not just for my sake but his as well. I'm getting too attached. I enjoy his company, but it isn't right to drag him along with me simply because he's too good-natured to resist. Manabe's persistence will carry on until she gets what she wants. What that is? I have my guesses, and almost all of them revolve around what my next step should be...
You came to see if I were fine? Thank you. You can leave after that, and we'll continue as just classmates after that. After all that's all this really was. I was getting attached to someone kind simply because they were the closest to me. Going forward I would only drag him down from other friends and a meaningful school life, Manabe would see to that. So long as he continued to attempt contact this would continue, better to cut ties before a connection fully develops.
I renewed my resolve and simply sat back in my bed quietly. There's no need for harsh words, no need to put on an act. After all this was the natural state of things, what our relationship was from the start. We'll interact today and after that any sort of contact will be happenstance, merely classmates exchanging random words.
"Ibuki-san are you alright? I know Manabe-san can be rather... choice with her words, but I'm sure she was looking out in her own way. After all she came over here to check on you, same with Yamashita-san and Yabu-san." She had absolutely no good intentions coming here... I honestly wonder if the optimism of Kushida and people like her is due to some sort of brain malfunction. Like, did she just not hear what she was saying? Or did people like her really just assume everyone had good intentions deep inside? It doesn't matter, I won't be interacting with any of them much in the future. What a relief.
"Was the food to your taste?" It was rather strange seeing Ayanokouji ask such a question. He was inquisitive, it felt like every other word out of his mouth was a question regarding something... Although I suppose since he's awkward like me that's just how he makes conversation. Asking so earnestly honestly made me not want to let him down...
"Yeah... It was good. Thanks." It wasn't a lie; it actually did taste rather good. Plain, but he was obviously following someone else's recipe, not taking any creative liberties with it. I appreciated it.
He kind of just stared at me for a moment without saying anything. It was subtle but it almost felt like he let out a sigh of relief. The image made me feel kind of self-conscious he was placing that much importance on my words.
"Well, I've fed you and there's water to rehydrate right next to you. Last thing we need to do is... Cleaning so to speak." He already done that earlier.
"You already cleaned the room?" It was practically spotless.
"You've been in those clothes for a while, due to your fever. No doubt you've accumulated a little sweat. We're going to have to clean you. Well, I say we, but more Kushida."
"H-Huh, Oh sure. That isn't a problem is it Ibuki-san?" Kushida, although surprised by the notion, didn't show any signs of refusal.
"...It wouldn't really be appropriate for me to do it if a woman's in the room." I couldn't tell if I imagined the slight sense of disappointment. No, I definitely didn't imagine it. That would make me the weird one. Ayanokouji is the odd one, definitely.
Passing a small container and a damp cloth to Kushida he quickly backed away once more as she was about to get to work. I didn't really mind him being there, but the idea to tease him was nagging in the back of my head. This was the last time we'd interact like this I thought, I might as well enjoy it.
"Inappropriate to do it, but you still want to watch. You're quite the voyeur aren't you, Ayanokouji? His eyes were on the two of us as Kushida slowly lifted up the back of my oversized shirt revealing me underneath, slowly wiping the damp cloth and cooling my back.
"..." A stunned silence spread over him; his initial gaze lost some of the intensity it usually had.
"Did the idea of Kushida rubbing me down get you excited?" WHAT AM I SAYING?! I said tease, not sexually harass him! E-Excited?! The idea sent the image of what I had seen in the nurse's office into my head once again. I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks and face, I only hoped the fever masked my embarrassment.
"...Alright, I'm going to leave. My bad." Immediately he turned his head and started for the door, practically as if escaping from the room.
"Ayanokouji!" I didn't really know why I stopped him. I think I just wanted this moment I had with him to last a bit longer.
"..." He stopped without turning back to look at me.
"Wait in the bathroom please, Kushida wanted your number remember?" That was the best you could do? He could get that number any other time. God, this is just awkward. Now I look really needy, don't I?
The earlier words I spoke must still be playing in his mind, because he slowly walked towards the bathroom door without a word and disappeared inside.
"Ibuki-san... You're... rather forward, aren't you?" AHHHHH! NOOOOO! Kushida got the wrong idea now! Goddamn this fever!
After wiping the sweat away and exchanging numbers the three of us parted without another word. Ayanokouji and Kushida left the apartment, and I was alone again... Is this what having friends is like?
It's going to be hard to face Ayanokouji for the next while, that should make it easier to avoid him at least. Then things can go back to normal...
What exactly is normal?...
Whatever it is it certainly doesn't involve Manabe's constant interruption, that should end over the next couple weeks. Now as long as those two don't say anything unnecessary we should all be able to enjoy a quiet school life...
Without talking to each other... Is this the ri-?
It's the choice I've made. For the future.