Chapter 7: Springtime of Youth
And another day arrives.
The comfort of the new large double bed did what little it could to wash away the fatigue my body felt after the escapades of yesterday. How did I manage to sleep the entire day and yet feel so drained? Peculiar. My mind insisted on remaining curled up in the covers of bliss, my alarm however, did not share the same sentiment. Languishing in dread my legs finally managed to kick off the comforting quilt and stretched to meet the smooth hard wood floor beneath me. Fingers reaching towards the alarm which remained blaring. Grabbing the implement in hand, what's that only- 7:00? Time to go back to sleep. Just for a minute or two. No, it isn't because I can't be bothered with class again?! How dare you assume I'm that much of a coward. I'm not procrastinating, the bed just won't let me go. It's got me in a chokehold, a really warm, comfortable, embrace...
...Crap. How long did I nap for? I was only there for 5- no 10 minutes most. Couldn't be any more than that. Oh, never mind it's been an hour.
I'm gonna be late. No, no. I've still got time. I'll just have to shower really quick. The uniform is already done. I can just grab the rest on the way out of the shower. I should be able to make it just in time. I can clean this all up later I'll just start getting changed no-...
Close one! I just realised the curtains are open. What if the other dorms could see? That would be a nightmare. Second day in school and my naked body already in another's mind, I'd die of shame.
Quickly shutting the curtains and continuing to the bathroom, I perform my morning routine. The mist from the shower head graces my body delicately, whispering softly to remain inside the warmth and comfort of my room. Alas, that can only be for so long.
Gradually I decide to leave the bathroom and get ready for school. Dripping all the while. The complimentary towels of the school already available on the hanger. Thank God the school takes care of menial stuff like this. Having to buy all those small appliances and cutlery would be a pain.
Drying myself with the soft provided towel I can finally begin to get ready for the day, starting with the shirt, underwear, my skirt and finally the blazer. Finished off with some socks and the provided loafers. Finally, the bow tie... How do I do this again? God, it's their fault for always coddling me. Think how did granny do it? Like this, then this goes over, then... this?
Yeah, no luck. This isn't even functional; the mess is like the clusterfuck that would appear out of your pocket after putting earphones away for an hour. As if some small mischievous being purposely tangled it up. Do I have to watch a video for this shit? That's so embarrassing, not to mention, do I even have the time for it? Forget it, I'll just leave it here. I'm in enough of a rush as it is.
To confirm my fears a quick look at my phone shows that school is about to begin. I haven't even eaten yet! Prepared to become a cliché I buttered some bread and immediately set off with the toast afloat in my mouth. Taking the elevator all the way down from the 13th floor to finally set off from the dorms. No students were around, most likely everyone was already in class awaiting attendance.
It's a bit of a distance from the school, I should probably get a jog on. Following the trail leading between facilities was rather nice, the bread constantly filling my windpipe and choking me whilst I was doing said running wasn't ideal to say the least. Knew I should've just gone hungry. Coughing and wheezing to try and clear the debris, I turned the final corner where the school would be in full view, only to be greeted by an unexpected person.
He's never beating the stalker accusations.
"Are you okay?" He finally decided to ask, after staring at me a few seconds.
"Cough. Cough. Oh, yeah never been better! Cough. So why are you here? Stalking again?"
"I was overexcited and ended up sleeping late." Is excitement even something you feel?
"Hah! What are you a kid!?"
"Then why are you late?"
"...Under excited and overslept."
"..." You lack sleep from overexcitement, I fatigue from oversleeping. We are not the same.
"From that running, I would've thought you were rather excited for school." If I could miss this day I would. Although, that may start the trend of me never actually attending a class...
"As if. Just can't be late on the first day. Who knows what punishments they dish out?"
"That's true. Imagine if the allowance was lowered, I can't imagine anyone would be stepping out of line." I mean they never mentioned anything like that though, I'm sure it'd be outlined in the handbook.
"I doubt it'd be that bad, maybe just changing curfew or detention or something."
"In which case you'd probably be celebrating." Any time taken from my personal time is less time to spend watching something. There's a library of media out there just waiting for me, how could I do that to myself?
"When'd I get the lazy label plastered on me?"
"Ibuki, are you sure you aren't just narcoleptic?"
"Ooh. That might be a convenient excuse to dodge class, should I use it?"
"Before you go all in on that avenue, they can test those things you know?"
"Can't I just pretend to fall asleep in class?"
"No. It'd have to be believable first and foremost. Then there's ways to check the sleep cycle of a person. Finally, they could test neurotransmitter levels to see if you have a deficiency that could cause you to randomly fall asleep. In any case there are plenty ways to disprove a false claim."
"Way to piss on my parade, I wasn't going to actually do it."
I forgot this guy was so strange. I'll still take strange over aggressive any day.
Thinking about it again has got my stomach acting up. What to do when I enter the class? Maybe they'll all just act as if yesterday never happened and we can get on with our lives. What if she keeps pushing? I mean I could beat the crap out of her, but that doesn't get me anywhere. I could be kicked out of the school immediately, or the entire class might alienate me from the get-go. I don't absolutely need friends but having one or two would be nice.
Sweat dropped from my nose onto my shirt. What am I supposed to do? Why does my shirt seem to be sticking so much? The run wasn't that long, I'm not sweating that badly, am I? Can he smell it? Please don't tell me he can. Can I even go in class like this? Grabbing the blazer and undoing the buttons allows me to breathe a little more and expels the heat. It's not even summer yet, why is it so warm? A brief breeze of relief washed over me, raising my coattails and washing over my body? Why's he covering his eyes?
"What's up?"
"No... Nothing, c'mon we'll be late-" He continued whilst looking up above my eyes, before finally looking down and sighing to himself.
"Yeah, yeah."
Suddenly he grabbed the blazer I had just undone.
"Hey, what are you doing!?" This is a bit out of character...
"...Please just listen to what I have to say and don't immediately hit me..."
"Alright, get to the point already asshole!"
"Are you sure you want to go to class?"
"Huh?" What the hell is this idiot on about? We have to, it's not about wanting to.
"...Just I'm assuming you are unaware. So, look very carefully at yourself before answering me."
Look at myself in what; an objective way? Or is this more introspective spiritual mumbo-jumbo? Look at myself. In the past I would've probably lashed out at her with anger but now, I'm past that. No matter what she does, I won't retaliate with anger, unless absolutely necessary. I can't afford to get expelled from here, absolutely not. Not at any cost. If expulsion weren't on the table though, I think I'd have already socked her. In that case I don't require anything else to attend class.
"Thank you, but I think I'll manage alright."
In response all he does is slaps his hand to his head and sighs further.
"Please look down."
"Just do it."
My shirt is stuck to my skin, I wasn't aware I had sweat that much. Still, that isn't reason enough to avoid the class... Wait, pink. I don't remember wearing a pink bra. Nah, I'm pretty sure I don't even have that colour...! The more I become aware of it the more sensitive I find myself to the breeze and my own internal heat, that heat which steadily rises and flushes my face and eventually spreads throughout my entire body. The varied yet muted expressions and mannerisms of Ayanokouji replay in my head. Covering my body with the blazer, not looking in my direction, telling me to think before I step in the classroom. I can feel my face get flush more as the seconds turn into minutes. This only exacerbated the sweat from my body until the fabric of my shirt felt as if it melded with my skin. I just want to fall into a hole and die.
How long has he known? Has anyone else seen? No, I wasn't sweating before I left, and no other students are around.
"...W-What do I do?!" I could feel tears incoming. I probably looked pathetic right now. If I could pray for one thing and one thing alone, it would be that he takes pity on me and thinks of a solution with that strange brain of his.
"...It's clear that going to class as we are, is a no-go."
"No shit sherlock!"
"In that case, going back to change or feigning sickness and taking the day off would be the next best options."
"Yeah, obviously. But I'm not doing that because they might test me for sickness or ask why I was late. I don't want to explain this mess to them. Unless you want to in my stead?"
"I wouldn't touch that conversation with a ten-foot pole."
"Tch, coward."
Thinking about it, he would have to explain some rather... personal things in the process. No doubt the school might get the wrong idea.
"Then the only other option is to go to the dorms, I can try and explain for you when I get to class." That's nice. The only problem is what exactly he plans to "explain" to the class.
"Forget that, for now we have a bigger problem! How the hell do I get back? What if someone sees!"
"..." I was actually expecting him to say there's no-one around. He might have more tact than I gave him credit for.
"What do you propose then?"
"...C-Come with me."
"What was that?"
"C-come with me, please!"
"...You heard me the first time, didn't you?"
"Not a clue what you're talking about." This jerk thinks he can lie to my face...
A stunned silence spread over our environment as Ayanokouji looked at me for a moment. I couldn't see him anymore as I continue walking. Apparently, his brain once again began working as he slowly approached my side again.
"...No problem."
We pleasantly made our way towards the dorms once again in silence, the only person present being the receptionist at the desk.
"Shouldn't you both be in class now? Why are you back here?"
My body shuddered and I didn't react very quickly. I wasn't sure what to say.
"...It seems she's sick so I brought her back is it possible you could call the school nurse and deliver a message to Sakagami-sensei of class 1-C."
"I see. No problem, I'll let your teacher know. The nurse should arrive in 10 minutes or so. Are you fine taking care of her in the meanwhile?"
"Yes, that's fine."
"Oh, and I'll need both of your names."
"I'm Ayanokouji Kiyotaka and she's Ibuki Mio. Both from class 1-C."
"Great. I'll ensure your teacher gets the message."
"Thank you." All I could do was bow in tandem with his thanks. He handled that pretty well, but what am I going to do when the nurse finally gets here?
We entered the elevator to reach my room once again. Right where the day had begun. It felt so long ago but I was only here 20 or so minutes prior.
"Which floor is it?"
"13." Unceremoniously he presses the button for the higher floors. The boys and girls were separated by floor number, so no boys had rooms above the 6th or 7th floor I believe.
Despite the time the elevator hailed from one of the boys floors, way past the time for lessons to have started. Who exactly was the person leaving now?
The elevator doors opened only to reveal the weird blonde guy from the bus. He stood with a smug grin as our figures were revealed to him. Ayanokouji quickly stepped between us, practically washing the interloper from view. He snickered to himself and stepped inside. He quickly pressed his floor which preceded ours due to the proximity.
"I wasn't expecting any others around at this time. But, aha it seems a few other students have been enjoying the facilities as much as I have. It's nice to see others that enjoy basking in the afterglow, although it is never as spectacular as my own." The doors opened once more as we reached the ground floor only to once again rise to my resident floor.
Enjoying the facilities? What afterglow is this guy on about? What a strange guy.
Good she's out of it. I was prepared for a fight to break out when he said all that. Still, he seems to be rather forthcoming with that behaviour. Was the receptionist also under the same misconception? I mean even the school nurse was rather obvious with explicit jokes and the like. Words filled with all sorts of double-entendres, maybe this sort of behaviour is expected of high-school students.
Ibuki was resting against the wall more and more. This scenario along with the escapades yesterday no doubt had their effect on her physically and emotionally. It was clear attending wasn't a good choice right now.
Finally, we arrived outside her room. She reached for the card to finally enter. Before opening the door, she casually turned around.
"I'm fine from here, go on you can get going." Well, that's heartless. Despite that assurance I can't exactly just leave either.
"No offense, but I'm going to make sure you're actually fine before I go."
"...I appreciate it, but I'm telling you I'm all good."
"Just stay still."
"Wait, what are you doing-!"
I quickly rest my palm atop her forehead to feel the heat emanating. Yeah, it was clear. This wasn't from running or the embarrassment. They were clearly having an effect, but she actually wasn't well.
"Yeah, I thought so."
"Thought what?"
"That you were actually sick. You seem the type to feign being alright when things are bothering you, so it makes sense."
"...Oh please, I'm fine. I mean I even ran to school this morning!"
"Yeah, after sweating that much and coughing up a storm. Forgetting... certain things etc. It should be clear for you to see as well."
"Getting sick what a joke, that's for weak people. I've never been sick in my life. I'm gonna get changed and then we'll go straight to class just to prove it."
"Yeah, they do say idiots never get colds."
"The teacher already knows, and the school nurse is coming, are you going to tell them that we were lying earlier? It's better to just put up with my selfish request."
"Haah? And that request is?"
"Stay home for today. Recover and then come back tomorrow."
"No thanks, besides that what do you think you know about me? You've known me for what, a day? Don't go making choices for me like that!"
"A day is enough for me to notice that you have a problem of saying what you actually think. That some things bother you that you don't want to show on the surface. That you dislike to appear weak, enough so that you would outright pretend to be fine even when running a fever."
"...So, you just know all that?"
"That and above all else, you interest me. Conversation with you is fulfilling, the alienation I feel when conversing with others doesn't seem as present when you're there."
"...Hahaha! What the heck? Does that mean I'm as weird as you are?!"
"Sorry to tell you but that might be the case."
"What a shame? There goes any chance of making other friends then."
"Hey, that's just unnecessarily cruel."
"My bad. My bad. Whatever, just come in."
She finally opened the door to the promised land. The rooms' are practically identical to one another. I suppose favouritism would be brought into question if there were large differences between them. Despite the mirrored nature of the rooms, it feels cleaner and even smells better. Is this just a presupposed bias? I mean the room is actually messier than my own. But I'll overlook the sacred clothing gracing the floor at the foot of the bed.
"For now, get in bed I'll get some water and a small towel so you can cool yourself."
"Look at you taking this so seriously, I'm fine. Just need to nap a bit. I'll be all good in an hour or two."
"Knock, knock." A sultry voice escaped from the door. The same voice we were all too familiar with.
"Oh, my it's already open. Oops, whoopsie daisy. I totally just accidentally opened it, definitely not intruding." This woman...
"I knew it! It's you two perverts again! Seriously, is one time not enough?"
"She's sick." Ibuki physically, this nurse mentally.
"No, I'm not." You aren't helping, Ibuki.
"Ibuki, just sit down and let her do her job."
"Sick, hmm?"
"And pray tell why her clothes are at the end of the bed?"
Instantly, Ibuki jumped from the bed and grabbed the clothes in a split second. That was impressive considering her condition.
"...Did you see?"
"...God damn it." Did you want to me to see it?
"You ain't fooling anyone kiddo. Mind also telling me why she isn't wearing a bra? Also, why her clothes are stuck to her?"
"You guys must've been going pretty hard for it to get to this point. Despite the circumstances, congrats."
"Still, you're a bit young for exhibitionism."
"I don't think anyone is old enough for public exposure."
"A crime's a crime."
"Indeed, it seems you guys' favourite is public indecency."
"You don't seem to be listening. You could take her temperature, that should give some evidence."
"Indeed. Oh no I forgot my most important instrument."
"You forgot a thermometer? What were you planning to do here?"
"Well, I only have this model."
"Is that-?"
"The suppository version."
"Yeah, I'm not sick. Even if I was, you come near me with that I'll hurt you." At least she got a warning.
"Aww man never a fan of that method. Shame. Fine, I've got the normal one's here."
"...You had it there all along."
"Of course, wouldn't really be able to do my job otherwise. Now sit still and lift your arm." Fitting the thin filament between the fabric and the skin she leaves the thermometer for a minute before eventually receding and reading the scale.
"Wow looks like it's pretty bad. You're running a high fever. What were you doing last night, other than him?"
"Yeah, and you aren't sick."
"She was out late in just the school uniform. It was rather cold last night so it seems she probably got cold from then."
"What were you two doing?"
"I didn't meet her until later in the evening, but it seems she fell asleep somewhere on campus before then."
"Sleeping around? You'll make a man jealous like that."
"...I fell ASLEEP on the roof after homeroom. I didn't know the way back to dorms, so I came across him and he led me back to the dorms."
"You know that sounds completely unbelievable, right? Plus, it's usually the guy that does the coming across."
What the hell did I just hear?
"Yeah, that one was a bit too far, my bad. Let's move past that."
"..." All I could do was look at Ibuki who met my eyes. One single conclusion in both our minds. This nurse should definitely be removed from a school zone.
"That's what happened, I even met a teacher up on the roof they could confirm if you want."
"Oh, and who'd that be?"
"...Uh, I don't know her name."
"Mhm. Likely story."
"That's the truth, what's your verdict?"
"...To be honest I don't really care all that much. Messing with you kids is just too fun. That being said, she clearly needs some help. I can't exactly provide that care for a single student. I have my post after all. Plus, you've already sent a message and missed some of the classes, you might as well stay and look after your girlfriend here."
"She's not my girlfriend/He's not my boyfriend!"
"Whatever you say, kids. Anyway, just make sure you resupply her fluids and feed her something she can stomach. Other than that, make sure she's comfortable and gets plenty of rest." The nurse risen from the bed and made way to the door.
"I see. I'll do what I can."
"Finally, don't get too crazy either. Bumping uglies whilst-!"
She turned around outside of the door to begin saying something I couldn't make out as I had accidentally shut it right in her face. What a shame, no longer time to deal with that.
"Urgh, man what a headache. I'm feeling all groggy."
"Yeah, she's certainly a handful. Besides that, are you finally ready to admit that you're sick?"
"I'm not sick, I'm just a teensy bit warmer than average."
"If you're comparing to the average volcano temperature then maybe..."
"You saying that I'm hot?"
"I'll abstain from that; I'd rather not get hit again."
"If you don't believe it then how can you say that I'm sick?" What a dastardly trap.
"...In regard to thermodynamic laws and the express temperature of a substance in which case the subject matter is the human known as Ibuki Mio. Then yes you are hot in terms of temperature."
"I'm starting to believe you just like to hurt me."
"...Only now and again."
"That revelation makes it so much better."
"...So, what now?"
That is my question exactly. I can provide basic first aid and some therapeutic techniques in theory, but any practice is lost on me. I've only ever focused on taking care of myself, never mind a girl of the same age in their room. This is completely out of my realm of comfort I might as well have stepped into a different dimension entirely. As such I was lost. I could give the best advice that would apply to this situation, but whether they were appropriate to say to a girl in this situation was a different concept entirely.
For example, stripping, wiping off the sweat and cooling the patient would be the most common practice. However, that would involve me asking the girl to strip! Even without mentioning the extra hurdle of her forgetting to wear a bra underneath the shirt, it's a rather impossible step to be taking. A single wrong step and either my family jewels are once again under attack, or I find myself escorted off campus in some handcuffs. What a pain.