Class C: Civil War

Chapter 6: Watcher on the roof

My blood was boiling. What felt like white hot fury seeped through my veins as I continued down the narrow hallways of the isolated corridors. I need to get away. Somewhere, anywhere else.

Leaving the school would just mean running into more people, I just want some peace and quiet for a minute, that's all just a minute. That's all I ask. But my brain betrays me and the last few moments in the classroom play in my head again. The jeering and those smug words from that bitch! 

My hands balled up into fists without even thinking, legs tensed they continued to stomp on the floor as I moved towards my destination. Wherever that was...

I just... Yeah, I need some air. That would do some good.

Instinctively, my body had already advanced in the direction of the stairwell. Storming up the stairs one at a time, my footsteps resounded through the building leaving a small echo. Anything immediately in my vision set me off.

The sterile unblemished walls practically begged me to imprint my mark on them. To punch or kick, any method to damage it and relieve these feelings. It isn't worth it... But, that doesn't mean it wouldn't feel so good.

It's just... Why today? Why the first day? Sure, I made a mistake but I tried to make it right. 

Hell, it's not like I even did anything to her!

If anyone has a right to be annoyed it'd be him!

It just feels so... so unfair...

I wonder, does he feel the same as her?

Does he dislike even being in the same room as me?

Did everyone feel the same way?

I could feel their gazes on me as I left. Each and every pair of eyes was digging into me, tearing me apart leaving a hole where I once stood.

Is there just something wrong with me? Am I just inherently unlikable? Do I just attract hatred by existing?

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say I had never had a friend before. Or at least I never remembered any of them. When I was a child, it was possible I had some good interactions but... eventually that dwindled. 

Finally, the door to the rooftop was before my eyes. Just give it a push, please be open!

I put some pressure on the handle, only to be swiftly disappointed.


Can a single thing go right today?!

My patience had already burst.

"Fucking! OPE-!" 

Losing most of my reason I had kicked the door, not expecting anything to change. But for my anger to be quelled at least a little.

To my surprise the door had violently burst open revealing the outside world. Unfortunately for me this world had inhabitants already.

"...You shouldn't go damaging school property y'know." A teacher with long black hair pulled into a ponytail stood smoking by the railings.

Fuck. Just my luck. That crap in the class and now being chewed out by some teacher, what a miserable day.

"...I'll be leaving in a moment. Make sure you close it up behind you when you're done." Wait is she for real?

"...Is it fine for me to be up here?" I shouldn't have even asked, she already offered. I'd be an idiot if she took it back now.

"You aren't gonna jump, are you?" I don't think teachers are allowed to joke about that, are they?

"My day wasn't that bad."

"Good." I have a feeling she only said that because the paperwork would've been a hassle.

She stubbed the cigarette out onto the railing and dropped the remnants on the ground.

"...For now, why don't you take a seat? It's rather peaceful up here." Every word that crept out of her mouth dripped with sarcasm, yet I felt she was actually telling the truth just now. Does she often come here?


Trudging over to the railings I took a seat near the edge of the rooftop, deliberately putting a bit of space between the two of us. Silence spread, but it wasn't particularly uncomfortable. I think we were both there for the same reason. 

Hugging my legs meant the breeze chilled my body less, instead comfort embraced me as I watched the skyline with a passing interest.

"...I come up here every so often. Sometimes to pass the time, sometimes because the day passes me by. By the time I go back down, I seem to forget the reason I even came up here."

Yeah. Looking at the horizon, slowly I begin to realise that most things seem insignificant compared to it.


"So, why are you up here?" Huh?

"Wait, weren't you just on some grand speech about problems not mattering? Why are you asking now?"

"Quicker to sort out your problem before I have a new neighbour up here." I've never felt more unwelcome in my life.


"I'm serious, there's nowhere else to smoke in the school either. Fess up, now."

"..." Forceful bitch. I was beginning to like her as well.

"Haah. What a pain... Whatever, guess I'll just have to get used to visitors. Keep it tidy, brat."

Before I could even react, she had already whisked away through the door. Leaving me alone with my thoughts on the rooftop. Oh, I didn't even ask her name...

I'll ask her next time...





Wiping the drool that leaked from my mouth I found myself on the same rooftop as earlier.

Oh crap, I fell asleep! What time is it?

...5 hours.


I haven't even settled into my room yet! I need to go quick!

They haven't locked the school gates, have they? Please don't tell me I'm stuck in here.

Phew, lucky. The door to the rooftop was still open and I could easily traverse down the stairs. The dark hallways only lit by the ambience outside made a stark contrast to earlier in the day. The atmosphere was much stranger, I had never been to school after it had gotten dark. I wasn't particularly a believer of the occult, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't tense. If a spectre suddenly appeared the only word out of my mouth would be jinkies before I quickly sprint away. 

No such situation came about. In fact, the walk from the rooftop went without incident. Like a horror movie without the jump scare, great atmospheric tension but no payoff. Like a B maybe B+. But in this case a scare may have meant my demise, so the lack of payoff bumps it up to an A. It's a marginal improvement from the start of the day, that's for sure.

Luckily the school building wasn't locked at all. Weird, surely, they don't want students going here after hours, why would they leave this open now?

...Unimportant. But very fortunate.

Which way were the dorms again? It's always strange how different the same place can look under different conditions. Just dim the lights a bit and the scenery looks different. Add some snow or the leaves during autumn and the impression given by the area is completely contrasted. 

I'm getting off track. Does the phone have a map or something?

Looking through the apps on the school provided phone reveals the 'student handbook'. I would hope they have something on here...

...Nope. Just a bunch of arbitrary rules about the spending of points etc. etc.

That's useless.

I'll just walk this way then.

Following the pathway drew me closer to a patch with a few benches overlooking the sea. One of which was occupied. I couldn't exactly make out their features thanks to the direction they were facing.

Hopefully, they'll give me some directions at the very least.

The swing of my step knocked a stone towards the figure, at which they immediately spun their head like an owl. Large orange orbs peered at me through the dark of the night.

"Aaaah! G-g-g-ghooooost!"


"Oh, wait it's just you. Scared the crap out of me!"

"Bit old for accidents, aren't you?"

"Harr, harr. So funny."


A silence lulled between us. 

"...Sooo, what exactly are you doing out at this time?" Meeting the apathetic puppet at this time is probably dangerous. I can think of at least 3 murderous cursed dolls from the top of my head, don't want to add another to the list.

"Could I not ask the same of you?" This guy!

"Could you just answer the question like a normal person?"

"...I wanted some fresh air, I couldn't sleep."

"Gotcha, gotcha. That wasn't so hard, was it?"

"I see that hasn't been a problem for some of us though..."

"Huh, what are you getting at?"

Instead of saying anything he just pointed to at me. Huh, is there something on my face? Feeling around I couldn't notice anything out of place. That was until my hand finally crept up to my hair...

I forgot I fell asleep. Wow it really feels bad, it doesn't look that bad, does it? Please tell me it isn't!

"...That noticeable?"

"Your face doesn't help either." Just because I rejected you doesn't mean you have to say it like that...

"Oi, that was a bit out of order, don't you think?" 

"Oh. Not like that, my bad. Your face is red as if you've been resting on something, that was how I knew." I mean it could also just be flu, or I got hit or... I suppose with the hair as well it makes the most sense.



"Not a word about this to anyone."

"I think I'm getting deja vu."

"If you're remembering anything that didn't happen, I should probably make sure you go to the nurse's office again. Would you like that?"

"Oh wow, what do you know. The feeling magically disappeared, what a miracle."


Hahaha. God, what was I getting all pissy for!?

"Hah. Well then, I'm getting tired, you coming as well?"

"Still tired?"

"Shut up! Didn't happen, anyway coming?"

"...Hmmm. No, I think I'll stay a little longer."



Why can this guy never take a hint?!



"...Ibuki, I thought you were leaving?" He's really going to make me ask!

"...WE-Well you know, it gets dangerous at night y'know. Better to have more people together y'know. Y-yeah, that's it."

"Oh, so you'd act as my protector. That's very kind of you. I'm more worried about a girl out this late at night." In that case why don't you walk me to the dorms, dumbass.

"I'm able to take care of myself and you, idiot." 

Aaaah! Why did I say that? Embarrassing.

"I see, I'll be troubling you then."

"...No problem."

Once again silence permeated for a minute.

"This isn't anything to do with you not knowing your way back to the dorms, is it?"

This bastard, he knew!?

"...I-If you knew then take me there idiot!" I grabbed his earlobe and pulled it towards me to make sure he heard me this time.


"Good, you deserve it."

"Show some mercy."

"Y'know we really have to do something about that tone, it never seems very genuine."

"I assure you I'm genuine. Genuinely scared of your wrath."

"Even that seems like a joke now."

"I'm cursed to be doubted forever."

"...Whatever let's just get going. Ayanokouji."

"I feel like that's the first time you called my name."

"Don't get used to it dumbass. C'mon, I'm tired."

A short walk back to the dorms and I could finally collapse into the warm embrace of my new bed. I hope I don't have to get used to sleeping in a different bed, I was so used to my old one. It's getting me a little nostalgic now. All the room I had as well, I wonder if the dorms are particularly big? Oh, well for now I could do with just getting some shuteye. Prepared for whatever hell awaits tomorrow.

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