Class C: Civil War

Chapter 5: Introductions

An abject silence permeated through the classroom with the advent of personal introductions dropped like an atom bomb into the center of the classroom. Who would be the first to reveal themselves and take the plunge?

"Uhm, I guess we can start from the front then. Hi, I'm Ishizaki Daichi. Nice to meet all you guys!"

A plain guy with a rather boorish face stood up and introduced himself at the front of the class. Props to him, he took initiative. Didn't seem like a bad guy either. The energy amped up in the last part of the introduction, I wonder if I could emulate that... Nah, impossible.

"Then, um next person I guess." It seems the expectations of the crowd put him off, the attention was immediately flung to his neighbor.

The neighbor herself reacted meekly to the sudden spotlight.


"M-My name i-is Morofuji Rika. Nice to m-meet you all...!" A small shy girl which could best be described as mousey attempted to pry herself free from our gazes, hiding her head in her arms after introducing herself. Her hair loosely gathered in a bun sat above her head as two long strands framed the sides of her face. Her chosen hairstyle along with thick rimmed glasses expressed a deep-seated desire for invisibility, and it was successful. Nearly every student turned from her after she finished introducing herself. Despite Morofuji's lack of sociability, or rather because of it I found myself remembering the name in my mind. Like minds gather, I suppose.

The introductions followed along the front row, until an introduction I was waiting for was taking place. The first person on the next row was the girl who was reading a book before the assembly.

"Oh! My apologies! My name is Shiina Hiyori I enjoy reading, mainly mystery books. But I've also read other genres as well. Let's get along." It seems she wasn't ready for the introduction as she was nose-deep in a book before she was called. She could be a contender for first friend, I'll have to remember that.

Eventually the mountain to my immediate north shown signs of moving, which is of course impossible for a mountain. As the mass risen from the chair under the desk the earth rumbled aggressively. (Definitely not an over exaggeration.)

"Albert Yamada." 

A gruff voice had emerged from the titan setting him apart from the children which inhabited the room. His voice also distinctively held an American-like accent which may have been enhanced due to his name being the only words spoken. I wonder if he didn't say more because he can't speak much Japanese? Or maybe he's shy, sometimes appearances can be deceiving. He had also spoken his given name first.

"I guess I'm next! The one and only Nakaizumi Tsumugi! Let's get along!"

This was the girl that had sold her seat just a moment ago. She was rather playful with her language, but her appearance was unassuming. She had short red hair with her bangs clipped back showing her forehead. Otherwise, she was rather petite and gave off a cute feeling like a small animal. No doubt she'd be popular with the boys in the class.

And no other introductions were particularly memorable for a while, until we reached the second person on my row.

"My name's Tokitou Hiroya. My hobby is going to cafe's, unfortunately those are going to be limited the next three years. Nonetheless, I hope to get along with everyone."

"Going to cafe's?... Oh no... You got a thing for maid cafe's huh? Gross~. Changed a lot in such a short time Hiro."

"Say that shit again and I'll smack you, Oda."

"Oh, there's the old Hiro. See, much better."

"Give me a break already."

"Well, seeing as I cut in line I'll just go. Oda Takumi. Make sure to remember it." The student directly behind Tokitou had cut in and decided to introduce himself even if it might complicate the introduction order. He appears to be rather selfish and bullish is what it seems on the front anyway. His introduction along with his appearance was in line with the typical delinquent. Short messy black hair and a small scar on his right eyebrow. The only thing that seemed off was his height which was more similar to some of the girls in class. Was this a case of Napoleon syndrome?

"You can start again, shrimp after Tokitou." Takumi urged the student seated next, although it seemed he was just looking for an excuse to stir up trouble.

Veins were blistering on the side of his head. He stood up and paid no attention to the provocation.

"Okabe Gin, I like playing cards. Other than that, I enjoy most group sports and games. Please take care of me." It was a rather eloquent introduction, if he were taller and stood in the limelight a bit more, he'd probably be the lighthouse which the girls all gathered around in this class.

"I'll be sure to get you a booster seat, chibi. No worries, I got you!"

Okabe didn't humour Takumi's taunts, even if his face was further reddening. From anger or embarrassment, I'm not sure.

"Cards sounds fun, invite me anytime. If you don't mind of course, Okabe." Tokitou seems to have a good nature as well, looking out for Okabe upon Takumi's goading. Although he is familiar with Takumi, I wonder why that is? I assumed students from the same school didn't often get in together, much less the same class. Fortuitous encounter? Tokitou doesn't seem to feel that way at least.

"Sure!" A wonderful friendship.

"Agh, I guess I'm next. Manabe Shiho. Enjoy reality TV, fashion, movies, games etc. etc. etc." She only looked away from her phone for a second whilst addressing the rest of the class.

"Well then next person..." Why is she staring at me like that. Don't do that. Not only does it freak me out, but it also means others are gonna follow suit.

"Hahahaha. No way I totally forgot, you're in our class. Oh my god, this is too good. Oh, my stomach is weak. Haha... ha wait one second." Upon turning she also came to notice Ibuki in the seat directly behind mine.

This can't be good.

"No way, you're in this class as well. What a riot. God is good." 

No, this just proves that God's dead.

"See? this guy's a riot!"

Could've sworn I didn't say that out loud.

"Manabe-chan are these the two you were talking about on the bus?" One of the female students seated behind Manabe said that. Incidentally she was also sat right beside Ibuki, who didn't respond to the attention all too positively.

"Ding-ding. You got it Yabu. I was dying. Honestly, top comedy."

Making such a commotion obviously gathered the attention of most of the class. Even the sleeping dragon seated directly beside me.

"Oi, get to it already. What's so interesting?" The guy next to me had spoken for the first time in a while.

That was more of an order than any sort of request.

"I wish you guys could watch it, it was great. Like being on the set of a movie."

"C'mon, spill already. Ya better not be hyping up garbage!" Takumi was eager as well.

"Well, you see. I witnessed a little confession on the bus earlier."

"Damn, he shooting his shot this early?!"

"That isn't the funny part. As soon as he did, she kicked him... right in the balls!"


"...Pffft. Cough, cough. Uhm... ball-boy, is this true?" Please. God. No.

I'm willing to kill someone if that nickname gets erased.


"Oi, oi. You can hear me can't you, eh?" Is this guy a clown?

Takumi was walking towards me making all sorts of goofy faces, like a child.

"C'mon man. Tch, no fun. Ball-boy, ball-boy, ball-boy, ball-boy ball-boy." He said as if he were chanting some magic spell till, he was red in the face.

Sensei how much is it to wipe violence off of my record? Is what I would've asked if the teacher was still here.

"Knock it off Oda. You aren't a child, don't be going for such low-hanging fruit." Tokitou... I was so nearly saved...


"What!? Oh, no I wasn't-!"

"C'mon Hiro. Don't go busting my balls all of a sudden! Seriously, anymore and I'll go nuts!"

"This fucking idiot." Tokitou muttered to himself. No surprises there, Takumi is a lot to handle.

"Shame you didn't get that seat, huh?" The resident capitalist was still content with manipulating my heart strings.

"Are you selling one outside of this classroom?" It's a zero percent chance, but please be true!

Nakaizumi just giggled whilst shaking her head. Well, there goes that backup plan.

"Well then lovebirds, shouldn't you introduce yourselves to the class?" Apparently, this level of harassment wasn't enough, so Manabe decided to take control of the situation once more.


With an audible sigh.

"It's okay dude we already know your name. What about the girl behind you though?" I'm not being called that for the rest of these three years, just isn't possible.

"Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. I won't be responding to any other names."

"Ayanokouji-kun sorry about that before. It wasn't my intention to-"

"It's fine Tokitou don't worry about it."

"In that case, it's good to meet you Ayanokouji-kun." This is a decent start at the least. I hope this doesn't mean more interaction with Oda though. That just seems like a headache.


"Oh well. Shorty in the back, what's your name?"


"Damn, just one name? Where did you come from, the 16th century?"

Actually, last names were in use way before that and became a cemented cultural phenomenon during the middle ages from the start all the way to the end of that time period. Although, I suppose that's hardly necessary information for a joke.

"Ibuki Mio, happy?"

"Ecstatic. So, seeing as you gave up on ball-boy over here. What say I shoot my shot now as well?"

"If you want the same as him, then go for it."

"Feisty, I like it."

"Speaking of which. Did you help out lover boy over there after ruthlessly destroying his future children?" Manabe's tone shifted to rather aggressive compared to the playful tone she shown earlier.

"I took him to the nurse. Not like it's any of your business, though."

"Oh, really. A girl like you looks like you might I don't know. Give it a little kiss better? I mean those bruises on your knees, where could they have come from?" I take it back, women fighting is much scarier. At least mine was just some terrible puns, this is just cruel.

"Say anything like that to me again and I'll make sure you spend the rest of this year in a wheelchair."

There are other ways to try and kill yourself. Manabe's method isn't one I'd recommend unless you want to go out in a lot of pain. In which case it only caters to a certain crowd.

"OOHH SHIT! CATFIGHT!" Oda with his haemorrhaging brain apparently thought it was a good idea to goad them on, constantly chanting fight towards the two girls.

"Finally get to see something good, on the first day no less." The boy next to me was appreciating the chaos. I half expected him to add on to it or be the centre of it from the start. Instead, he was a mere bystander to the ongoing crisis in the classroom.

"Now, now. Settle down everyone there's no need for-!" Tokitou was trying and failing to stop the ever-growing audience from increasing the tension.

"Whatever. I'm not entertainment for you people. I'm out, see ya." That was probably the most sensible decision that Ibuki could've made in this scenario. I'm almost mad that I hadn't chose to leave earlier myself.

"Yeah, yeah run away." Manabe doesn't know when to stop. Unless she's ready to fight herself, this is going to turn ugly.

Ibuki stopped for a second before leaving. But ended up slamming the sliding door open and closed without a single word.

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