Chapter 4: Entrance
I slowly slid the door to classroom 1-C open and enter the already brimming classroom. The majority of students were already situated inside, likely due to my medical emergency... No matter, at least we aren't late.
Students here and there were congregated around a few tables conversing excitedly with their seatmates. Were people usually this sociable? Perhaps a few were previously acquainted outside of the school? Initiating such enthusiastic conversation with complete strangers is completely out of the realm of possibility for a loner like me.
Do we just pick any random seat? I'd dislike causing a fuss by accidentally claiming someone's seat. I've already seen how that can play out unfavorably, I'd much rather avoid a second coming.
A seat towards the back would be nice... Of course, seats all along the back and windows were already taken and my classmates were currently socializing atop them.
I spot two metallic plaques atop the seats in the middle of the back two rows, perhaps one has my name on it.
Lo and behold. I have the middle seat. Entirely central, balanced as all things should be. People like to think the protagonist has the back window seat. And I am perfectly fine with that being the current frame of mind, in fact I personally endorse that. Wonderful, that trope has been avoided. Now I just need some normal, considerate seatmates and my life will be bliss.
To my right a decently built boy with shoulder length magenta hair, scruffy uniform and a fierce look in his eyes. His gaze directed at the teacher's podium, no just above it... That look in his eyes is concerning. Any more shenanigans today will just exhaust me, I'll avoid him for now.
Behind me is Ibuki. For better or worse she won't even establish eye-contact and definitely doesn't seem to be in the mood for conversation with anyone, not just me. I'll just give her some time to breathe, hopefully that blows over.
To my immediate left a somewhat average cute high school girl with dyed blonde hair reaching just the nape of her neck. Clips holding her fringe together and a stern face. Is the tomboy look a trend nowadays? I mean not that I'm complaining but a few others in the class have a similar feel to them. I suppose Kushida also had short hair, but she isn't tomboyish. Maybe I'm judging them a bit early, managing shorter hair is easier so that may be the reason. Just like other students in the class she was currently holding a conversation with a few other students. Disturbingly the group of three girls had a little giggle and looked slightly in my direction. Oh God, I haven't done anything wrong have I? My fly wasn't undone, was it? Sparing a fleeting glance downwards, nothing was out of order. However, that made it harder to introduce myself in a different way than my immediate East and South.
However, the North held no escape in sight. A wall. That's the only way you could describe the immense frame of the man immediately in front. So much so that I couldn't see much of the blackboard or teacher at the front. I can't imagine Ibuki at the very back would fare much better. Though, I think that may be a blessing in her case. A large man of African descent, a body only commonplace when cross cultural pollination occurs. Is he truly the same age as us? I have my doubts.
Normal seatmates huh? That may have been hopeless as soon as I decided to attend this school. Oh well, I can always try and make friends with people sitting further away.
Most other people in the class were either conversing or solemnly waiting for time to pass. Either party was equally difficult to call out to and attempt befriending.
I mean how do friendships even form? Surely you need similar hobbies or outlooks on life? Or a mutual respect for their approach to life? But then you'd need to know about these people before interacting to make friends with a similar sort. But even then, how to initiate contact?
For example; at the far side of the classroom next to the open window sat a fellow avid reader. Enveloped in the unfolding mysteries of her current novel she forgets the world around her and gets lost in the pages. Fairylike beauty and an ephemeral figure paint a picture words seldom describe. An ideal match awaits, a cute girl who also shares a similar interest. Unfortunately, the first step towards seizing my youth is also the hardest by far. Can I just walk up to her and introduce myself? Wouldn't that be weird? Wouldn't I just be bothering someone trying to enjoy themselves? I mean what if she reacts violently like a certain seatmate of mine? I dislike the notion of having to protect my family jewels the entirety of my high school life, living in fear of what could be. That being said I can't just act without precaution, or I might make a serious social gaffe. It needs to be natural and subtle.
If only someone could start class introductions, that way I could naturally introduce myself and learn about my classmates. But I suppose if you always wait for someone else to take initiative you won't ever get what you truly want...
As I attempted to muster the strength to my legs and shatter this lack of self-confidence, the homeroom teacher of our class walked in and stood by the podium. Or at least I think he did, can't see much with this giant barrier in the way after all. But I could at least hear his voice.
"Well then Class C, I am your homeroom teacher and will be for the next 3 years. My name is Sakagami Kazuma. Pleased to meet you all. If you'll all prepare to leave for the welcoming assembly, then we'll return for introductions and explanations of school rules." His voice was rather cold and systematic, I wouldn't place it as professionalism rather he only sees students as part of his job description as opposed to any personal interest in teaching. It's a tone not all too unfamiliar after all. Despite that, in this moment he is my saviour thus I must pay tribute.
Hooray. Banzai. Go Sakagami-Sensei, Go Sakagami-Sensei.
Phew. Ask and you shall receive, this must be divine providence for all the great deeds I've done. I mean after all, I've... Hmm... No...
Maybe in a past life then, yeah lets go with that.
"File out of the classroom starting from the front and follow me." Not stopping for any needless chatter, he slid the door open and stood outside waiting for the rest of the class to follow.
Slowly all the students arise from their seats and follow the teacher still mingling all the while. The girl reading wasn't so lost in her book she was left behind which is fortunate, well for her not me. It would've been an opportunity to talk to her, but I suppose that can wait.
Ibuki had also heard but wanted to wait for me to leave the classroom before attempting to even stand. Was it really that bad? Need I remind you, you done it to yourself?
I'll just slowly follow behind the group of girls to my left and make way to the hall. The vicious looking boy seated next to me had also stood at the same time and walked out the class not sparing a glance at anyone else.
Sigh. Let's get this over with.
A large auditorium received the first-year student body for the welcoming speech which consisted of large pauses, umms and ahhs from the headmaster of the school. Needless to say, it was rather dull. All four of the first-year classes were lined up ascending from Class D to my immediate left followed by us and then subsequently Class B and Class A to our right. The respective homeroom teachers were also posted at the very rear of each class.
My eyes scanned the other classes, mainly out of boredom. Finally, my eyes rested on a few characters in Class D. Kushida, the Ice Queen from earlier and the bus seat thief all stood in that line. What a wide range of personalities... My thoughts are with you Kushida. What did you do to deserve this?
I didn't know any students in Class B or Class A, well obviously. But they were more mild-mannered compared to the mingling and disruptiveness in our class and that of Class D's line. I would've expected the homeroom teachers to reprimand them. They are only slightly out of line or whispering it must not be deemed worthy a correction.
An even greater mystery is the proportion of cute girls in this school. Seriously, is it my hormones or something? Maybe I have low standards? Even the teachers are exceptionally good looking.
Those as my closing thoughts, we filtered out of the hall in our assorted classes and made way back to class for introductions.
"Alright, I'll leave you all to introduce yourselves in a few minutes. First, lets get the explanation of school rules out of the way, then you have the rest of the day free." I guess he isn't staying for introductions, it fits. Whilst talking he roamed around the class handing devices to each student.
"Here is your student ID. It's a handheld cellular with the implemented technology for basically all of your school needs. It works as your phone, directory, account balance etc. etc. Specific school regulations which we'll get into in a moment can be accessed on the official school site and associated message boards. The phone works just like a credit card simply swipe and the transaction will be completed, this will serve to pay for anything on campus. Provided you have the points for it. 100,000 private points will be distributed to each and every student in the class and the equivalence is 1 point to 1 yen. Points will be distributed on the first of every month. This amount is only natural, the school places pride on merit and accomplishment. Thus, the stipend is what it is. However, due to this any transactions which border on infringements such as bullying or fraud will be strictly prohibited and decisive punishments given to the offenders. There is no need to save points, when you graduate the remaining balance will be returned to the school. Are there any questions?"
Most of the class is in awe of the amount of money given to us all. Simply calculating the sum of money given to this school's students is astronomical. I mean 40 students per class, 4 classes per school year and 3 years in the total student body... makes it 48 million yen per month assuming the number of students distributed in each year and class is standardized. Hard to imagine that much money could be given to us students when asking for little in return.
"That's quite favourable treatment. Say, Teach what if I wanted to buy the right to hit this dumbass sat beside me. Would I have enough for it?" Does he mean me... What brought this on? First Ibuki now this guy, do I just attract violent people?
"Please keep in mind basic human rights. If he bothers, you Ryuuen-kun then you can always move seats." As I thought...
"Would I need to pay for that?" He catches on quick.
"...First and foremost, you should get the confirmation of the other party." Neither affirming nor denying just deflecting. Also...
"Kukuku. I see. Never mind teach, I think I'll stay here for the time being." Nothing but trouble, maybe I should move seat instead...
"Oh! In that case, my seat is up for auction. Highest bidder can have the protagonist seat, open your coffers puh-lease!" A girl of the same age sat in the supposed protagonist seat stretched her hand out to the sky and presented the offer. Everything about her seemed quite average other than the smug grin sported on her face. Despite that her cheerful demeanour would certainly sway some hearts. Not only that... Why would she give up such a seat for money when the school's allowance is so plentiful? Surely a comfortable seat for the year would be more important, for her at least.
"Oh. And this is a one-time offer, if you don't buy it now you never can. So, buy it while it's in stock!" What a salesman. Or I suppose saleswoman. Either way, I'm a bit scared at the prospect of this girl suddenly opening shop in the middle of class as if it were the natural progression. Still, this is the second time my thoughts have conveniently synchronized with the situation. Is someone listening to my thoughts? Scary.
As my thoughts turned to the ever-expanding cosmos and higher powers. A few classmates jumped at the offer, likely hoping that the seat would allow them to doze off in class without suspicion. If the teacher were the only concern, then that would be enough.
"I see... Shall we wrap this up quickly then?" Sakagami-sensei led the proceeding of a sudden auction for the seat. The highest this could possibly go is the allotted 100,000 points given this month, I hesitate to imagine many students would want to go without points for the majority of the month though... The highest should be 40,000 points or so, still a hefty sum.
"Anyone who wants the seat put up your hand, knowing that the start price will be 10,000 private points." A few scattered hands in the class raised, mainly the students towards the front of the class.
"Keep your hands up if you'll pay 30,000 for it." Quite a jump. He really wants to get this over with quickly. Although the price had tripled two students kept their hands up in competition with one another for the promised chair.
I get wanting a comfortable seat, but is it really worth that much? I suppose they don't mind spending money now with the promise of more in the future.
"Since two more remain. Get out your calculator app and place your bid, then place your phone on the desk, the highest bid will win." Both students proceeded through the instructions and Sakagami-Sensei collected their phones.
"42,500 points is the winner, please exchange seats."
"Hold on! If anyone has a higher bid they can make it now, speak or forever hold your peace."
"A winner has already been decided, let's move on already." Sakagami-sensei punctuated with a sigh.
"As the owner of the seat I should decide the proceedings of the auction, don't you think? After all it is mine." She's oddly combative even in spite of her allowance increasing by a factor of 1.5. Is she trying to squeeze more out of this?
"Anyone? What about you, glum face? Do you think you'll be able to survive the year next to that scary boy? Surely you can't see the board from there either, how about it? You just might win if you bid." Glum face? Does she mean me? From scary boy and the wall currently blocking me I could hazard a guess. How cruel. Not only to insult me but also to use my fear against me for profit, now that's capitalism. If I weren't scared out of my wits, I might be impressed. However, it would be incredibly embarrassing to assume that, so I'll just look at her.
"You are alive! And here I thought you already passed on, so gonna' buy it?"
"Oi. Who are you calling scary boy? I'll have you know me and him are going to be the best of friends. Ain't. That. Right." Your face doesn't seem to agree with that sentiment. Is he trying to encourage this?...
Pestering from this guy or becoming the protagonist in exchange for half of my allowance. I think the answer is completely obvious, right?
Well, it isn't to me, as far as I see it it's just a rock and a hard place. But if I had to choose the slightly better option...
"...I don't have any intention of moving."
"Ooh! Aren't you cool? Does that big bad delinquent really not scare you?! Fair enough, sold to the winner from earlier!" Cool? I didn't intend to seem that, I wanted to show discomfort but acceptance. Which is really how I feel. My tone doesn't really allow for nuance though. Or maybe it was the language choice? Either way, I hope he doesn't take that as a front towards him. Dealing with bullying would be annoying.
Auction girl and the winner from the auction swapped places. If I were to map the class roughly on a board... I would be E2, and she would have moved from A1 to F3, directly north of the big bad bully himself. I can only hope he targets her instead of me, my prayers are with you.
"Well, now that that's over. If there are no more questions, I'll leave and let you introduce yourselves." No one raised their hands, so Sakagami-Sensei immediately left the class. Not one for unnecessary involvement, noted.
Who will make the first move...