Class C: Civil War

Chapter 3: Arrival

"Are you sure you're, okay?" My own personal guardian angel had nursed me back to health.

"Yeah, it hurts but I'll manage for now. Thank you for your help."

"Hey, c'mon apologize already. I think it was sweet what he said, or maybe you're feeling a little tsun-tsun." The office lady seems to be reprimanding that lioness, last time I compare her to a kitten. She might be the devil incarnate. Although, it seems like she's just riling her up more.

"Go away, or I'll give him the same again." Hey, I'm not even talking to you right now...

The office lady leaned over to the vicious animal and begun to whisper, I couldn't make out what they were discussing though. It's definitely risky getting so close to a violent animal, she should be more careful.




What does this bitch want? God, she's so persistent.

"You should be more careful, you might push him away with that treatment. He's cute right, you should offer him a hand."

"HAH!? As if, that guy said that out of nowhere... he was just covering for himself. He was definitely about to say something rude."

"I mean he seemed pretty sincere to me. Why not give him the benefit of the doubt? After all he went along with you, right?" She isn't wrong, but that's just because I didn't give him much of a choice. Besides I gave him the seat in the first place so surely, I can offer it out after that, right? Right?... Is that how that works? Haaah. Guess I should just admit it.

It was just a compliment, and he did show some interest earlier. That must've been why he was staring, huh? I guess it all makes sense if you look at it that way. Plus, he did go along with my choice and didn't complain after. I suppose my actions were a little...


OKAY, FINE. I'll admit it, I got ahead of myself. That was uncalled for.


"I mean it's just dreamy right? A guy suddenly showing interest in you on a bus and he's good-looking to boot, it's like a shoujo manga!" She excitedly squeals like a schoolgirl. I see, she's just mentally il- I mean projecting. She wants to live her life through me, I can understand the sentiment as a film buff. It'd be like watching someone else turn down becoming an action hero or a spy.

"Oh, it just warms the heart to see young love blossom right in front of me..." And now she's in her own world. I don't even know the guy's name, let alone have any feelings for him.

Either way. I've made a wrong, it's only right that I try and make it up to him.

Oh god. I bet I look like an idiot right now. All those spectator eyes on me, like pins pricking into my skin. The feeling alone is enough to make me want to jump off the bus. Their intense stares shock me into a trance, even taking a simple step towards the boy is an insurmountable task. That's when I feel a push on the small of my back. 

Thank you. Office lady, your help will always be remembered. I am forever in your debt. Now I can right my wrong.

At that moment the bus goes over a rather harsh bump. And of course, not holding onto any handles means I can only freefall through the bus. Bounding towards the unfortunate boy, still lay on the floor. My body hurtles through the air and collides with his. In a rather compromising pose, I lay practically embracing him on the floor. I could feel the surprisingly broad shoulders and defined chest beneath his uniform. His legs well-built as well, although a mass of different texture pressed against my thigh. Noticing as such the boy sputters and lays back once again. 

What is that thing? There's no way- that's just monstrous. 

Oi, he might be in serious danger. Swelling like that should be taken care of.

To confirm my suspicions, I once again glance between the face and groin of the boy, who seems to be fighting back tears and grimaces. Well as much as that robotic face can change.

I've only gone and done it again. I can't tell whether I have the bad fortune or him.

"... I'm... I'm so sorry..." saying the only thing that came to mind, I beg for forgiveness to whatever Gods may be witnessing this tragedy. I think, I might get struck down with the amount of damage I just doled out. I'm surprised he hasn't lost consciousness or cried as well. Hell, he didn't even make a noise. This guy's pretty durable. Unless... he likes this thing... God, I hope not. I'd rather hurt an unsuspecting victim than get caught in some creep's fetish.

"... Please just get off me..." Yeah, that's fair. At least he's alive. And he did break my fall, so I can thank him for that.

The office lady then came to my back and whispered. "Yeah, nah. I think it's over. Nice while it lasted though. See you crazy kids." She then descended from the bus, and I never seen her again. What a wild ride.

Anyway, this guy might need serious medical attention. I put direct force behind the first strike, I didn't intend to fully make contact though. I thought I pulled back at the last moment. Perhaps, men are more prone to injury there than I thought. Or I just made a serious mistake. I only intended to slightly stun him. When I hit him on the floor though, I can't even tell how much power was behind that. It can't have been easy to take that.

"Look, I know it's rich coming from me. But can you stand? I really didn't mean to hurt you that much... I'm really sorry..."

"I'll... manage somewhat. Just forget about it. I'll make sure I never say that again though..."

"Oh, are you saying I'm not beautiful anymore?" For some reason, that mostly apathetic face irks me. So, I decided to torment him a bit more.

"What... do you want from me?"

"Just the truth, dishonest-kun."

"Can't say much for your personality... But yeah, still beautiful... As much as it may pain me to say..." Some demons are known for their good looks after all, that's the founding story for many female Yokai.

"Aww, that's sweet. Can't imagine why it'd pain you, though."

"Just talking... hurts..."

"You know, you said you wouldn't say it again. You realise that's grounds for another, yeah?"

"I feel like... that was a trap either way..." This smartass always has a rebuttal. Our meeting may be under some of the strangest circumstances. But I feel like with him, I can just talk and reply without thinking too much. Even this conversation, I didn't think about what to say or worry. He replies without missing a beat, no obvious hatred in his voice. Although, that was always monotone. Even though he has every reason to dislike me he still responds. Is that just because he has to in this scenario? Part of me wants to know...

"When we get to the school, I'll take you to the school nurse." It's the least I can do after this trip.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? I can take him if you want?" The angel in the room decided to intervene, possibly to save the boy from further damage.

"No. Seriously, it's the least I can do. I need to make things right."

"Will you be alright?" She doesn't trust me with him, no clue why though. Nope, not a single reason could occur to me.

"I don't know, promise you aren't going to attack me on the way there?" Before I could stop myself, a giggle escaped my lips.

"Can't make any promises. Depends what you say on the way there." I really won't but I want to see that guy's reaction.

"Haah... not the most trusting statement. But yeah I'll be fine with her. Thank you for the offer though." He agreed even if his safety wasn't guaranteed. Now I'm unsure what to think. Does he like interacting with me? Is he just not worried? Is he a masochist? Or did he understand me? 

But secretly, I'm a little glad...




As scary as the tomboy might be, she shows genuine concern for my wellbeing. And she probably wouldn't take no for an answer anyway, so I'll just go along with it for now.

"Oh, right I don't even know your names. My name's Kushida Kikyou, nice to meet you both." That sweet voice addressed the two of us as we stood up ready to depart from the bus.

"Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, nice to meet you bo-... Nice to meet you."

"Oi. Is it really that bad meeting me?"

"...No comment."

"Bastard's asking for another kick..."

"Hey, we agreed on a truce."

"I said it depends on what you say, dumbass."

"My lips are sealed."

"Bit late for that, idiot."

A delightful snicker escapes the mouth of our resident angel as she stood watching our interaction.

"Sorry, sorry. You guys seem to get along well."

"As if."/ "As if, moron." Replying in unison only escalated her laugh further. To which I could only muster a sigh, it's going to be a long day.

Wiping a fake tear from her eye, Kushida asks the assailant for her name once more. "And your name is?"

"...Ibuki Mio."

"Well then Ibuki-chan, you might want to give him a hand getting off the bus. Our stop is here." Pointing behind herself to the passengers eagerly awaiting our descent.

"Crap. Yeah, c'mon dumbass. We're blocking the way."

"...Who's fault is that?"

"I thought your lips were sealed?"

"..." I simply looked to the side and whistled nonchalantly. Hobbling to the exit and stepped off the bus.

There all of us were greeted with the huge imposing gates of our new home for the next 3 years.

"Whoa, the school's pretty amazing up close, huh?" Kushida seemed to be immersed in finally experiencing the man-made island for herself rather than observing the limited information online.

"I mean, I've seen pictures but it's really impressive when you're here." The delightful aura surrounding Kushida would be enough to fell the most stoic of men. Unfortunately, the nature of my injury prevents me from partaking in such delights. Almost as if a monk had rinsed himself of worldly desire, I have become a saint. Completely un-tempted by pleasures of the flesh.

"Don't you think so Ayanokouji-kun, Ibuki-san?" Or so I thought. Kushida appeared before us and leaned such that it was unavoidable that a glimpse caught my eye... Several times. Thankfully, I'm hunched over. Although at this rate Ibuki's worry over my swell might become a legitimate concern.

Evasive actions people. All hands-on deck.

"...I'm going to the Nurse's office. I'd rather get this sorted sooner than later."

"Hold your horses, c'mere I'll give you a hand."

"No really its fine, I'll manage."

"I already told you, I'll be helping you. If I have to hit you again to get you to agree, then so be it."

"Hey, doesn't this defeat the purpose of helping me...?"

"Can't help you if you won't let me."

"I don't think that really justifies using violence, though?"

"If I do what I said, then I've righted my wrong. That's all that really matters."

"Even if I end up worse off after?"

"It's the journey that matters right? Not the destination. Just entrust yourself to me."

"If the destination is an early grave I'll refrain."

"I thought you said you'd be fine with me? You chickening out now?"

"Yeah, I was. But I feel a sudden disturbance in the force."

"IT'S NOT A TRAP!!!" All of a sudden Ibuki shouted something that whilst contextual and fitting for the conversation. I seemed to be missing the greater point of it.


"How surprising, you like films Ibuki?" Kushida posed the question.

"...Doesn't everyone?"

"Yeah, but sci-fi and western movies, huh? What's your favorite genre Ibuki-san?"

"...Shut up. Never bring this up."

"My goodness will you three stop being so ridiculously loud. I can barely hear myself think. No-one needs this much noise on their first day."

God, I just need to go to the Nurse. Why has this one suddenly joined us?

The person in question was the female student which previously sent me a glare on the bus. Apparently, my guess was right on the money. She was probably taking personal advice and methods from that book. She fits her attitude to the tee. Cold, calculating eyes, dark black hair extending to her hips and a cool disposition. She was rather mature in appearance, could probably pose as a year or two above our grade. Are the fates on my side or against me today? The sights are certainly welcome, but I can only handle so much stimulation before I lose my cool.

"...I'm going to the Nurse. Bye."

"Wait a moment."

"...What is it?"

"You looked at me when you got on the bus, what was the reason?"

Are you kidding me? Was I misinformed, are all people as aggressive as this? Or maybe this is just a feature of the school. It is a competitive environment, the students must be indicative of that.

"I certainly hope you weren't attempting that disastrous endeavour at flirting, like you did with her."

Against my will a long and arduous sigh escaped my lips.

"I just seen the book you were reading, not to mention I literally just got on the bus. I was looking for a seat. You might be a bit too self-conscious."

"Pffft." Ibuki started snickering at the girl's expense.

"At least I'm not the coward that can't hold eye contact with that self-conscious girl."

"What do you want? To look at you? Not to look at you? Just mail me the answer so I don't have to upset you beforehand."

Ibuki and Kushida seemed to be enjoying the spectacle at our expense. My genuine solution seemed to have elicited more humour unintentionally.

"What exactly are you two snickering about?" The two girls abruptly stopped laughing, Ibuki was ready to fight. I think she always is. Kushida, rather than her usual proactive role is a bit more subdued. I would've thought she would get involved and stop her but instead she sat on the sidelines. Maybe, because it wouldn't escalate much?

Any more of this is just unnecessary.

"Alright, I'm getting going now."

"Ah, wait up Ayanokouji-kun. We've still got to help you!" 

"Yeah, stop trying to get out of it."

All three of us moved towards the school building, leaving the raven-haired interloper in our wake. The main hall with the reception where the general map of the facilities was portrayed.

"Seems like it's on the right wing of the first floor. Near some of the other storage rooms and labs." Kushida agreed to help us find the Nurse's office but left the rest to us.

"Then, I'll be off Ayanokouji-kun, Ibuki-san. Let's try and meet up again sometime!" Kushida set off full of cheer.

"Well then, let's get going..."

"You... need a hand?" Under different circumstances I'd gladly jump into her arms, but right now is dangerous. Still riding off the high provided from the stimulus journey that was the bus ride and Kushida's slip up.

"Appreciate it, but I'll be fine. Might need to walk a bit slower than usual."

Eventually, we reached the Nurse's office in relative silence may I add. The door was open, but it seems the Nurse was out for the moment.

"I guess we'll just wait inside..."

I walk inside with Ibuki following just behind. Eventually taking a seat on the bed at the end of the room, awaiting the practitioner. Which hopefully won't be very long.

"How long might they be?"

"Who knows..."

"Are you sure you'll be fine till then?"

"I'll manage, just need to wait."

"But an injury like that... should be seen to sooner rather than later..."

"Not much I can do about that."

"It's just bruising right? Apply ice?"

"I'm sure it's not that serious, let's just wait."

"But... It could have serious effects on your life later on!"

Never really thought about my life later on... I guess if the damage were severe enough, kids and a family could be prevented. Or even lack of correct function in the... organ so to speak. I can understand why she shows such concern, indeed it could be a serious problem.

Unfortunately, what she doesn't know... And what is currently bringing me such plight...

Suddenly the door opens.

"Oh, there's two here. On the first day no less. Seriously, kids. Anyway, what's the problem?"

"Uhm... how to explain...?" Ibuki seemed to be at a loss for words.


"What's got your tongues?"

"She's not pregnant, is she!?"

"WHA- NO!"

"Then, you aren't pregnant, are you?" Apparently, against all odds that question was directed at me. Is this woman qualified in any way whatsoever?

"I am not."

"Huh. Wouldn't be the first time." I hope she means for a female pregnancy, otherwise I fear for any student that comes here in the future.

"So, what's going on?"

"I have a swelling..." It's not a lie...

"Yeah, I have that effect on people." Yeah, I could see that. She was a mature beauty. Well in looks alone, it seems her head was full of sand instead.

"... On the bus... accidentally hit... swelled... Nurse's office..." Ibuki bit off more than she could chew and had difficulty recounting the ridiculousness of our first meeting.

"... I got hit in the groin... a few times..."

"Hey, it was only twice..."

"You guys are a bit young for that sort of play."

"WE WEREN'T PLAYING!" I guess this subject is a weak point for Ibuki. I'll keep that noted for the future. Should definitely invest in protection before that.

"What kind of damage we talking here?"

"A full force kick and diving knee."

"Hey, I tried to pull the kick back. The knee was because I tripped, don't act like I used a finishing move on you."

"I'm more surprised about you. You should be crawling on the floor or crying a little at least. Hmmm..."

"There's not much I can do without seeing the affected area, same for any wound." That was my fear...

"...Oh, what do you know, I'm fully healed... What a miracle."

"If that's the case, were you lying about the injury?"

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

"There's nothing to worry about I don't bite... much." This woman must be off her rocker, seriously how did she get hired?

"...I'd hope you don't at all."

"Don't be nervous, we'll get this done quickly. She can watch if she's worried."


"It has to be done either way."

"You mean... he's gotta... right here?" Ibuki had a mortifying look on her face.

"Nothing to be nervous about, this is for his safety and health foremost. For my intrigue last."

"...Is that something a nurse should be admitting?"

"Well then let me close the curtains, lock that door whilst you're up girl. This would be more than confusing to explain to someone else." True enough.

Now then. How do I get out of this situation? 

Why you ask?

See the truth is, neither of those attacks on the bus made a fulfilling connection. Ibuki is merely forming gaps in memory between making a movement and finally ending at its resting place, my crotch. The kick, I used the momentum of the bus and its small bumps to jump up and back almost exactly as the attack came, the rest was just acting. As bad as mine may be. 

The second was admittedly easier to fake. Ibuki herself wasn't aiming for it, thus she just stringed together the look on my face and the placement of her thigh. That said it wasn't that she had no effect on me. No, she did have an effect. Just not the sentiment she predicted. As a man with limited experience, meaning zero. Having such a cute girl in close proximity, feeling and seeing her up close. Certain body parts start to react in turn.

Of course, in response to that I can't exactly tell her the truth, otherwise I might've been the first student of ANHS to get arrested on their induction day.

That leads us to now, I had played along and continued the charade in a vain effort to prevent damage. But, in another sense this may be worse still. If the Nurse sees the lack of bruising or swelling and my soldier standing at attention this might be the first and last taste of freedom I ever get.

I can't see a single route other than playing along and just hope she's as dense as she makes out.

"Go on then."

With the siren signalling my death blaring I opt to go out with pride and remove my pants and undergarments.

"Holy shi-..."

"What is it? Is everything okay?" Ibuki showed some genuine concern from behind the other side of the curtain.

"Uhm. Excuse me."

With that, I was in for a surprise. Immediately, a gentle hand caressed and moved around that area. With a sense of familiarity might I add. Although, I wouldn't really know, certainly felt that way though. 

"Tell me if its tender anywhere."

This is wrong on so many levels. Shameful. So shameful. I think I'd die if this ever got out. Either I'd end it myself or Ibuki would find me, no doubt about that.

Just think about anything. Anything else other than what's currently happening. Baseball. Baseball. Ball. My ball. My balls. My balls are in the base of her hand. Yeah, nah I can't think of anything else. The sensation overwhelms me and takes me back.

Uh oh...

"Uh... Don't worry about it... totally natural for a boy your age..."

If Kushida and the others weren't bad enough for me, this Nurse is setting a new bar. Of course, needless to say my... "sword" seems to be reacting to this stimulus. To all new heights.

"Well. I mean it's certainly a surprise. You might have some serious "swelling" going on." The double-entendre sold with a wink.

"What! Will he be alright?" In a concerned reaction Ibuki drawn back the curtain without thinking. Of course, that means I was fully exposed.

"Uhm... WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SHOWING ME!?" With that eloquent response she immediately drawn the curtain back.

"Ibuki, you drawn the curtain yourself."

"SHUT UP! You didn't tell me it was that bad. That's seriously swollen!"

"...It doesn't hurt as much as before and it's not tender. There also doesn't seem to be any bruising."

"Is that the usual size?"


"Girlfriend-kun. Ibuki was it? Can you answer me?"

"Why the hell would I know the answer to that!"

"You mean you guys aren't?... You know, linking up?"


"In that case you're brave, aren't you? Pulling back that curtain despite not dating him. Men love girls that make advances."

"I just needed to make sure he wasn't hurt. It was my responsibility!"

"Well either way, it seems for the most part he's fine. There doesn't seem to be anything indicating any long-term side-effects. Minimal swelling, no tenderness and seems to be "operational" so to speak." She said the last with a faint blush.

"If any problems come up in the future, just come back for another check-up. Oh, and not a word of this to anyone. That's for your sakes and mine." Agreed.

"Understood... thanks for your help." God, kill me now.

"You coming... or you want to go separately..."

"...What class are you in?" Yeah, I can see why that would be on her mind.

"Class C."

"Fuck." I guess, that's one way of letting me know.

"Truce, Ibuki?"

"Yeah. Not a word of this to anyone. If you do I swear I'll come and make sure it's never "operational" again. You got me?"


And with that a long, fruitful, blossoming friendship was sure to bloom from the seed planted on this very day.

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