Class C: Civil War

Chapter 2: Departure

School and the springtime of youth.

Plenty books and stories display youth as a rose-colored adventure teeming with endless possibilities, impressive friendships, and passion all-around.

For better or worse I've lived an uneventful life for all 15 years of it, simply waking up handling my responsibilities for the day and then heading to bed ready for the next instance. Human nature requires routine and mine has been set at this frequency for my entire conscious existence.

Whilst the same day-to-day may become dull for most, it was all I had ever known and despite not being dissatisfied with my current state, I still jumped at the occasion to change my life around.

That's how I now find myself in this situation, waiting at the bus stop for transport to my new home and academic institution. Acting as a boarding school, ANHS (Advanced Nurturing Highschool) will be the place of residence and study for the next 3 years of my life. Without much experience in such an informal setting I'm sure I'll have my difficulties, but I should be able to adapt to that soon enough.

Without willing it my heartbeat seemed to accelerate a little, I must be more excited than I thought. Or maybe it's the nerves. I'm somewhat of a recluse so even getting the bus today is different from the norm.

Ah, I can just picture everything going wrong, my lack of communicative abilities causing me to get bullied or perhaps mistaken for a creep. If a cute girl said I was to my face, I don't think I could handle such abuse.

Such actions should be completely inconsequential and have no greater bearing, but at the same time it feels as if these instances are make or break and will continue or end a life at that moment.

Perhaps I don't quite understand myself as deeply as I thought, no I suppose that's been the issue all along. I've never understood myself, never acted with spontaneity or on impulse. I simply relive the same day, every day like a computer set to run a predetermined course.

The first step to changing such a dull existence begins today; romance, friendship, dreams, aspirations all of it lies in the promised land only a bus journey away. Over time I can displace this grimy carapace and finally create a new shiny coat for all to see, even sprout wings to fly freely in this space.

Perhaps, the contents might even change over time due to this metamorphosis, but that may just be wishful thinking. An insect remains an insect no matter how many times it emerges from a cocoon.

The cool spring breeze cares not for my soliloquy and rushes against my body, rustling my uniform and the hair adorning my head. "I should get a haircut soon." The bangs wafting in my face only obstructed my view, it has been a while since my hair was trimmed. Just another downside to my introverted nature, I imagine the school has the facilities to manage it. I could always trim the hair myself, but this is the reason we have a society where everyone specializes differently, I'd rather have someone with skill and knowledge handle my hair.

For my own self-interest and the benefit of others I should aim to manage my appearance so as not to cause discomfort. Especially for friendships and romantic pursuits, no-one actively pursues slovenly people, especially upon a first impression. Someone who places no care upon themselves is even less likely to show care for others.

Whilst deeply contemplating the effects a bad haircut could have on my social life the bus arrived. For some reason another passenger urged forward and held their arm out, I guess this was to signal a desire to board the bus. Was that necessary? Surely the bus knows we want to board simply by virtue of us being here. Or perhaps a pre-emptive gesture just in case other buses also stop at this destination? No matter.

Whilst thinking as such I reach into my right pant pocket and search for the ticket sent via mail by the school. This was to be shown to the driver of the bus to gain free transit to the correct stop, since we have to pass a mandated checkpoint to gain entry. I imagine there are other ways to prove identity of the students admission in the event this is lost, or some other incident occurs.

The doors of the bus close abruptly behind me, the hydraulics of the mechanism make a weak hissing noise as the door shuts fully and the driver prepares to set off for the next stop. Luckily a few seats are open on the bus, unluckily they are all the second seat of the row. Meaning I'll have to sit next to a stranger for the rest of the journey should I choose to sit down.

What a dilemma.

I'm conflicted, on one side I could stand and let my legs grow weary from the journey but remain blissfully ignorant to the fact people are around me. Or I could bite the bullet now and get used to communicating with others. But more importantly also rest my legs, it was a bit of a journey to that bus stop. Involving a tumultuous hike through the Japanese countryside whilst being trailed by agents. Or at least that's how my mind remembered the journey from the Ayanokouji family residence.

Damnit. No use ruminating now. I should get used to talking, even a single sentence is progress. Thinking as such, what would be the most appropriate choice in this scenario. There are a few seats available, but which do I aim for? Should I just grab the one closest or is there some sort of etiquette I don't know about on public transport? For example, the seats on my right are labelled as disabled priority which means they should be reserved for them but what about everywhere else? Am I supposed to just go to the back and look for a seat. I mean that's getting close to segregation, just because I have trouble communicating them doesn't mean I don't have feelings!

I suppose I should at least look at the people in the seats and pick someone who is paying attention, it would be beyond embarrassing to have to repeat my question multiple times for them to hear or worse, for them to just ignore me outright. Thinking as such I glanced around the bus and noticed two girls, both wearing my uniform each with a seat next to them. The one closest to me has short blue hair, a cute face but a glum look adorning it. Her body language is imposing, and she has her blazer and bag settled on the seat next to her. The other girl characterized by her raven black hair, neutral face and cool charming disposition was currently reading a book "Crime and Punishment" by Fyodor Dostoevsky, good taste. Upon noticing my eyes resting on the book she sets a glare my way, which I immediately retreat from. I think she might be reading that book with impure motives. Looking for the quickest escape from the situation I aim to get the seat next to our aloof beauty with her belongings strewn about the seats.

"Mind if I sit here?" Increasing the pitch of my voice slightly toward the end of the sentence to pose the unobtrusive question or at least trying to. The girl regards me with a quite blatantly annoyed look, clicks her tongue and then amazingly enough, swipes her belongings from the seat. Good, thought she'd make a commotion for sure. Although, I honestly had doubts of my efficacy in practice. After all I'm pretty monotone no matter the situation, even when screaming or shouting. Not that it happens often...

"Thanks." Not bothering with my reply or me any longer the girl turns to the right and proceeds to look out the window aiming to pass the time by idly watching the scenery go by until reaching our destination.

Honestly her frame was picturesque. The smooth shoulder-length locks freely swept in the scene due to the open windows on the bus. Her forlorn gaze directed outside the window set its sight on the horizon waiting for the ever-distant sight to arrive. These delicate features and the slender, athletic build of her body were juxtaposed with the overall bearing of her attitude giving a quite unique feel to her presence. Some bruises and slight marks on the luscious skin of her thighs were visible due to the socks she opted for instead of tights, it seems my guess was right on the mark. A penchant for violence and conflict evident from the attitude, physical blemishes, and her aura like that of a hungry lioness. To me she seemed more like a meek kitten though.


- - -


Whyyyy is this dude staring at me for so longgg?!

His face doesn't change the slightest during any of the time either. Gross.

Does he seriously think I wouldn't notice his lingering gaze? Or does he just not care that I've noticed it?

Fuck this... Just stare out the window for as long as the journey requires. If I can't see him, he can't see me. As there's absolutely no flaw in this logic my heart stabilized and I immersed myself with the scenery passing by, completely forgetting about the oddball sat next to me.

Or at least that's what I would've liked. Instead, his gaze only seemed to get more intense. I swear I could feel a hole being drilled through my head.

Seriously, why me? In fact, why did he even ask to sit here? Didn't he see my blazer and bag which I purposely put there to avoid this scenario? Further, why the hell did I LET HIM SIT THERE!? The completely awkward way he asked for a seat with that monotone voice and the eyes of a dead-fish threw me for a loop. I thought in the moment one of my own was here, an awkward person just trying to get by with the day avoiding other people. I hope this isn't a desperate attempt to hit on me otherwise I might hit him.

Seeing as his gaze was the source of my discomfort I slowly turned towards the troublesome boy.

"What do you want?"

"What do you mean?" He posed the question as if he hasn't been staring at me for the last half minute or so. God, it's hard to tell how genuine his answers are due to his voice. It's always the same tone no matter what, his monotone voice before surprised me so much I ended up giving him the seat. His voice sounded empty and hollow, followed by the complete lack of expression or vibrance in his movement honestly gave the impression of a robot or puppet. Wouldn't be surprised if he suddenly said he was from the future and started hunting people down. He doesn't have the overbearing frame of that actor, but his monotonous voice and behaviour were just as exemplary as the film I watched all those years ago.

"You've been blatantly staring at me for the last minute or so... so spit it out already."


- - -


That sort of question came my way. Apparently, I must have made her uncomfortable without my noticing, I mean I looked at her a bit, it wasn't that long though, right? What would be the best way to answer? I mean saying that I was mesmerized by her beauty was an option only a pretty boy could take an unremarkable person like me didn't have that luxury. She's sure she seen me staring at her. Maybe I could compliment her attire? But she's wearing the school uniform, that would be weird to point out as good fashion or taste. She doesn't have any accessories on and complimenting her body was a quick way to get reprimanded or in custody on the first day. I suppose just opting to admire the scenery same as her would be the optimal strategy, after all it wouldn't be a lie, the scenery outside was a part of her picturesque scene.

"Sorry, I just liked watching the scenery outside." Hopefully that was believable enough. My blank disposition is a positive in that aspect.

"Well look out one of the other windows you're creeping me out." I didn't think my behaviour was negative, nor did I believe she had the right to prevent my gaze on this window but opted to take her words in. As such I let my gaze wander the other section of the bus. Although, this might just cause more troublesome interactions like the first. Opting to avoid that I slowly shut my eyes and bid my time until the bus reached its penultimate destination.

Of course, I could never settle my nerves in such a situation, nor would I risk complete unconsciousness around a violent seatmate like her, but it was the best option for now. This silent bliss continued for a few stops which harboured an increase in the passengers of the bus until near full capacity. The cacophonous increase in chattering was evidence enough.

Eventually my stupor was broken by a commotion occurring on the bus.

"Excuse me don't you think you should give up your seat?" Is this person talking to me? There are plenty other seats on the bus where this person could ask for, why would they talk to me? Of course, this isn't something just anyone could point out as its quite a confrontational statement and could gather others' ire.

Hypothesizing the best response to not rile up passengers and also keep my seat, I slowly open my eyes prepared to face the contempt of the questioner. Only to realise they weren't talking to me. Ahh, what bliss. I can keep my seat and whoever else can deal with this mess. Seeing as it wouldn't be strange due to the other inhabitants' gazes, I also directed my sight to the commotion. At the centre of which is a sturdy-looking student wearing the same uniform. He had long blonde hair and a confident expression on his face, whilst responding to the other passenger he steadily combs through his hair whilst staring through a pocket-size mirror, seemingly paying absolutely no attention to the looks other passengers are giving him.

"That's a nonsense question lady really, why would I give up this seat?"

"The priority seat you're taking is for the elderly and disabled passengers they have more claim to that seat than anyone else, can't you see that?"

"Certainly, it is a priority seat, however my question is so what? That matter is hardly of importance. If all you need is a seat, then ask any other member of the peanut gallery for such a thing I have no intention of moving right now. Nor does any law require as such of me." As he uttered those words the elderly couple which just entered the bus unsteadily wobbled as the driver set off for the next destination.

"Haven't you learnt to listen to your superiors, just give up the seat so this couple can sit together." Venom was laced in her words, clearly this office-lady had about enough from the blonde-haired trouble-causer.

"The only superiority you people hold over me is in age and that's a debatable topic. Otherwise, I'd say your attitude has been anything but exemplary what with your aggression and demanding tone. Once again ask another passenger, I don't adhere to such norms." Apparently having enough of the conversation, the boy placed an earbud back into each of his ears and started playing music loud enough to drown out the voice of opposition. At this point the passengers, me included thought the argument was over and resigned to wait the rest of the journey in silence with a triumphant victory over the elderly and disabled. Like taking candy from a baby, or in this case like stealing a chair from the handicapped.

This victory was short-lived however as a beige-haired girl with quite monstrous proportions also got involved with the commotion. With a voice descended from the heavens. "Excuse me, I also think you should offer your seat for the couple. They've been unsteadied and will have trouble during the trip. A guy as strong as yourself should be fine standing for a while, so please help them out!"

"It seems I'm rather popular today, as expected of me! Indeed, I may be in peak condition girl but that is of little importance. Standing clearly requires more effort than sitting, in which case why would I willingly tire myself out, perhaps you're asking me to be a bit livelier?"

"It may take more effort, but I think you'd be doing a great service for the community. All of us would be thankful for such a kind gesture. After all, we should work together to make life easier for everyone!"

"Doing something for the community has never once crossed my mind at this point, not only that it isn't a kind gesture if its forced by other parties, is it? Isn't this all just a charade for you girl? Waiting for the opportune moment to gather an audience, perhaps?" Incidentally he isn't wrong. A righteous young woman like herself waited until the argument was almost dropped until inserting herself, almost as if waiting for the climax of the situation to claim herself as the saviour. Looking at it in that light is certainly disconcerting. Not that many would even think of such a thing. He's likely just trying to turn the crowd on her. Fat chance of that happening though.

"That... That wasn't my intention... I apologize for trying to force you out of the seat... Excuse me, anyone would you be so kind as to offer your seats for this couple. We'd really appreciate it!"

Against all odds she pleaded to the crowd, and with such determination. The image of an angel is surely in the eyes of the passengers now. Now, who will be the relenting victims of this angelic assault?

Opting for the internal sports commentary, I wanted to see the culmination of such a drastic event. Truly this is one for the ages; "Who will lend a hand to the handicapped?". Many passengers are stirring in their seats. Indeed, she has appealed to the sympathy and good nature of the passengers.

But their cowardice and reluctance are getting in the way. Not only must the person give up their seat, but another sacrifice must be made. Their neighbour must also forfeit their place. They may be forcibly endangering the neighbouring passenger, this is unprecedented. The reluctance paired with shame is evident on their faces, how will this end?! Will anyone be brave enough to take such a leap?!

"You... can have this seat if you want..."

And someone responded to the plea, what a saint! Let's get a look at the gracious passenger.

Hmm... That's strange I can't see anyone standing up around me. Not only that the voice sounded somewhat familiar, but I've only spoke to one person on this bus. Guess I must just be hearing things...

With that hopeful thought the seat next to me rustled and the aggressive Lioness from earlier stood up. Hah... let's just face reality. Although, I may actually be daydreaming after all she looks like she would take glee in depriving people of their seats.

As she stands a brief silence passes by and I pinch myself. Yeah, no its not a dream.

 She sets a pointed glance at me.

Please don't look at me like that, you're scaring me.

I get it, already. Not much to do but relent. Know, that I will remember this, you witch!

"You can have our seats..." Saying as such I gather my bag and swiftly step aside from the seats getting a hold of the suspended handrails.

"Thank you so much! Come, let me help you to your seats." Excitedly thanking and leading the elderly couple to their seats which also pass a thanks to us on the journey.

"Thanks... for giving up your seat as well. That's all I wanted to say." She does have some manners, although you didn't give me much choice.

"Just wondering, why did you pinch yourself? Huh?" Her face betrayed her voice, the look of a demon crept across it whilst searching for my reply. Not good, I'd rather not die on the first day of school.

"Just couldn't believe it..." I didn't think she would give up her seat.

"Oi, it was that unbelievable I gave up my seat. You ass-!"

Oh my God, don't finish the original sentence. This is the worst-case scenario, quickly search your brain for the best solution. If I don't, I may perish today. I don't like the way she's winding her leg back, or that angle of travel. Say something, anything. It doesn't matter what!

"Couldn't believe your beauty..." That's what you chose to say, on this crowded bus no less... Please, so long as I survive it's all good. So long as I survive, I'm the victor.

"THE FUCK ARE YOU SAYIN'?" Whilst saying that the girl completed her trajectory as intended.

Of course, that means her foot came crashing into my groin with the power of a freight train. No amount of training could save a man from that pain. If I'd known the outside world were this dangerous, I would've worn a cup.

"Gross. Pervert." Apparently saying her piece, she stood to the very front of the bus and no longer paid attention to the scene.

And with that my body came crashing down. The pain reached my stomach all at once. A white-hot searing pain bubbling in my stomach, along with a solitary tear straining to come out of my eye. I thought I was past crying, learn something new every day.

"Oh my, are you alright?" A diabetic inducing voice reached my ears and travelled to my side. To see an angel now, I see it was a premonition. Goodbye, cruel world. And with that the rest was a blur...

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