Chapter 1: Conflict arises
Two weeks have passed since the introduction ceremony and we students began our new daily lives at this prestigious academy. And, I think most have settled into a fairly enjoyable routine despite the challenges that come with this place.
I must say its rather enjoyable being able to simply enjoy the mundanities of this life. Simply, letting the days pass by uninterrupted, without any necessary input from myself. I don't have to do anything, I can do the bare minimum. I can sleep and slack off when I want. I can explore the island to my own amusement. I could make friends and enjoy the frivolity of youth.
Of course, these jovial thoughts must come to an end at some point.
"Kukuku. Kukukuku." And there it is. Someone's gone insane. Teacher, please remove him from the class I don't feel safe. It doesn't help that his seat is right next to mine. Just sleep. Look away, if you can't see him, he can't see you.
With my flawless logic, I simply execute strategy: Sleeping Dogs Lie.
An incredibly effective and drastic measure when dealing with nuisances. Apologies, insane neighbour. But I'll be ignoring this outburst. No matter what inane things you say.
"As I thought. This school really is interesting. It's more than it shows on the surface that's for sure." Oh good, he started monologuing. Please, whatever God is listening stop him. Don't care how, just do it. I'll forever pledge myself in your service if you do.
"But I bet you dumbasses haven't gathered anything, have you?" Punctuating his question with a slam on his own desk, the surroundings go quiet. Simply staring at the boy as if he was insane. I mean, he is so it's an appropriate response. Me, I'm just going to continue enjoying the cool surface of my own table, whilst executing my own strategy.
"Hah, who the fuck are you talking to, dumbass?" One of the rougher girls from the class spoke up after that dig. Waiting for the boy to elaborate.
Can't you see that's a trap? Just pretend he isn't there, that's the perfect defence.
"Listen up small-fries, I'm gonna take over the class. We'll reach Class A and get the rewards that come with it. You'll all be working for me till then. By the way, this is non-negotiable."
Of course. That caused every one of the more violent students. Of which, there seems to be a skewed amount in this class. To get up and hurl curses towards the idiot that egged them on.
"Kukuku. And the first one I'll get is you."
It's a good thing I can't see where he's pointing, I'm sure that whoever it is will be overcome with grief. My prayers go out to you unfortunate soul.
"I can tell you're awake, you might look dead most of the time, but I can still tell."
That still doesn't prove that he's looking at me... Could be someone else pretending to sleep in the class. I'll just open my eyes slowly and check, careful not to move at all.
I'll just slowly close my eyes again. He didn't see anything. I'm sure.
"You've got guts ignoring me, bastard. Kukuku, let's see how long that goes on."
I hear shuffling around me and feel the slight pressure on the back of my chair. Abruptly, he yanks the chair from underneath me. In an instant my legs flex and support me preventing my fall. Seeing that the jig is up. I feign a yawn, grab my books and prepare to leave the classroom.
"Well, I'll be off."
"Kukuku." Apparently finding some interest in the incredibly bland and unremarkable existence that is myself, he also follows me out of the classroom.
"Oi, sleepyhead. C'mon, you know what I'm talking about don't you? You were there when I noticed those upperclassmen, right?"
"What're you talking about?" Resigning myself to the headache no doubt incoming, I respond to the thorn in my side.
"The three fucking idiots that tried to scam me a week ago. You passed by but pretended to see nothing."
"I'm surprised you remember me from that, but I just passed by. So, I have no idea how that relates to the current situation."
"Well, was there any reason to pass by there? You went in the direction of the school despite it ending. You who has no friends, no bitches, no club. No other facilities were in that direction, so what were you doing?"
"Well, that's..." Come on man, give me a break here...
"No use dumbass, if you think I'll let you run from this then your head's as empty as your eyes." Let's keep the rude comments to ourselves please. After all, I never made the obvious comment on your Karen cut or ridiculous laugh.
Drowning out a sigh I simply look in his vicious eyes, testing the snake.
"Is there a reason I have to explain myself? I simply passed by, other than that whatever you're saying is escaping me."
"See, that's much better. You didn't bother listening in class because you already have an idea about this school. You just don't care I reckon."
"No, I just didn't want to be dragged into whatever death wish you have going on."
"Sorry, but you'll be dragged into it either way. You aren't close to anyone else in class. For better or worse, the person you've interacted the most with is me." Definitely for worse I'd say.
"When all those idiots start antagonizing me, who do you think they'll eventually turn to?" What a pain in the ass.
"I can just tell them the truth. I dislike interacting with you, and you just force me into it." Yeah, I'm sure the kind souls in our class will take me in, might even get some sympathy from them.
"Yet, they won't believe you. Think, that stunt you pulled in class. You show me no fear, quickly escaped and never changed your expression. If anything, some of them might be more freaked out by you than me." He does have a point... I was just trying to deescalate the situation and remove myself. But I may have fallen for his trap.
"Never mind the fact that I'd just follow you around, possibly bully and torment you until you eventually give in. I can be very persuasive, you know." I could test that, but I think I'll save myself the trouble.
"So? What exactly do you want from me?"
"Exactly what I said in class."
"Sorry, I was asleep."
"Pain in the ass. You'll work for me to reach Class A and unite this class beneath me. That about sums it up."
"Except a couple things; we can't change classes and why would we even want to? Also, I don't feel like working for someone my entire Highschool life. I'd much rather enjoy myself quietly."
"I wonder, do you word yourself like that purposely? Of course, our class can become Class A. There's no need for the students to change classes, just the ranking. For the last part, you don't want to work for another person but there's no issue with all other students being forced into labour?"
"That's a rather disingenuous interpretation, not to mention a bit of a stretch in logic."
"Are you gaslighting me, Ayanokouji?"
"No, I just never said those things." What the hell is gaslighting?
"I said all these interesting things, yet you don't blink an eye. I mentioned competition, ranking and rewards. Yet, you mentioned none of these things. Are you not curious?"
"That's because you're most likely lying about half of the stuff you talked about."
"Oh, and which part is that?"
"The class rankings and rewards. Forcing the class into subjugation and bullying others seems like your ideal pass time. I have no doubt you were serious about the latter."
"Despite understanding that, you still don't seem too afraid of that."
"You've painted a target on your back, most of our classmates will be aiming for you now. I think it's just a matter of time before they save me from this inconvenience."
"Kukukuku. Inconvenience you say. I'm deadly serious, you know. Bullying is a terrifying thing, it can bring a person to the very brink of death. When done correctly." That feeling was punctuated by the positively devilish smirk on the snake's face.
"Then I'll simply talk to one of the many teachers. Sakagami-sensei for example. He handles class affairs so I'm sure he'll help me." The bait is for the taking.
"He won't help either." Hmm...
"Why is that?"
"So long as the result improves the class standing, he'll allow it."
"What basis do you have for saying that?" I would really like to know...
"How else do you think?" Meaning, he's tried something. He feels confident, although that could be a bluff. I'm not close to many of the students in the class, but none of them seem much different, nor have I heard any great happenings in class. It shouldn't be out of our class either it would cause a huge uproar and likely have negative effects on Ryuuen himself.
"Just so you know, Sakagami will also give information out for the betterment of his class. Of course, there's a price attached but let's say, entrance exam results? That sort of thing. Kukuku."
So that's why he seems so confident in his assessment of me. I didn't anticipate the attention of Ryuuen, it was more to get the attention of the teacher and other staff for the future. Oh well, its done now. Not like, he can do much with the information.
"Exam results? Why bring that up now?"
"Oh, you know, a benevolent man like me has to care for the idiots in our class. You know there's this incredible dumbass in our class that got 50's in every subject. Ring any bells?"
"No. We don't get those results back Ryuuen. But what a coincidence, frightening really."
"Hmm... Yeah, coincidence." He gave me a disgruntled look and seemed to be giving up on life. I must have tired out the persistent snake. Hurrah, banzai.
"Whatever, this cat and mouse is getting boring. What's it gonna take Ayanokouji? If you work with me money, fame, women. All can be easily attained inside and outside this school, so long as I reach the peak. The rest of you will be the horse, and I the generous Commander that allows you to come along for the ride."
"This is the only time this offer stands, otherwise the next time I see you I won't be so friendly."
"This is you friendly, huh?"
"Want me to change my attitude right now?"
"Nah, I'm good."
"Then decide. Now."
I could feign ignorance or even go against him. Simply return to my middling life that I'm somewhat accustomed to now. But he's right. Eventually I'll be brought into the fray. This school isn't exactly as I envisioned. Not only that, refusing him will just become more annoying as time goes on, because he'll no doubt...
Guess I can think about that later. Things will definitely be less boring with him about.
"Hah... Not giving me much of a choice here..."
"That was the point. Violence and coercion are powerful tools Ayanokouji."
Indeed, they are, tools. You might understand them, Ryuuen. But that doesn't mean you've mastered them. Reliance upon one method may increase proficiency, but it also breeds ignorance in another field.
"Fine. If it gets you off my back for a bit."
With that I reached out and a deal was made with the Devil.
"Then, first order of business. I'll have you..."
To the frog in this well that only knows its depths, Ryuuen, I will show you. Make you understand the breadth of the sky beyond that small world. You and everyone else in this school.