Bunker 12

Chapter 8: - Caucus

This all feels so wrong. I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't be doing that. I should be out on the run. Trying to find a Hollow, my only chance of escaping this hell, my salvation. But no. I'm stuck here, with that annoying little girl pulling on my leg, trying to get my attention. I'm just trying to reflect on my own, at the dining table, but she keeps trying to get me to play with her. Knowing how her older sister hates me, she would have made sure her little sister would have been far away from me.

But she is not here. She told her "big bro", as she calls him, that she'll be preparing their fight outside. It looks like she's looking forward to being able to spar with him. I guess I can understand why. He looks like a formidable swordsman and a worthy opponent. I can tell just by looking at him. He has been talking with the Blacksmith further back in the living room. The man looks worried and conflicted. He made it pretty clear earlier: he doesn't want me here. From what I can figure out, it's probably because I'm implicated in the Foundation. He probably doesn't want any trouble with them, that's why he wants to keep me away. Away from his family, from his daughters. I can understand.

I mean look at her. She's so small and so pure. She's just a child. If I wasn't heartless she would probably get some awe from me. I still can't believe it. She shouldn't be out there. Not her. She's just casually playing with her plush, smiling innocently. Dead. She could have died just now. A Hollow could have come out of nowhere. Destroyed the house, and killed the girl. It's that easy. It's that simple. It can happen anytime.

Well, not that I truly care. She doesn't matter to me. And that's just the truth. But maybe the only involvement I have is reminiscent of my past little sister. Maybe my conscience still laches on her, somehow., even if I have no memory of her. Well, I don't have to think about it anymore. I'm looking back at the men conversing. I can't hear what they are saying. But it's easy to understand what is the topic of the conversation. And I'm at the core of the issue.

"Isn't there any other option?"

"If there was, I wouldn't be talking to you right now."

"Fair enough. But still I just.."

"Look, Forge. We both know too well we can't trust anyone else for this. Don't worry, I swear in my life that nothing will happen to your family. My family. I'll protect them."

Oh. The Blacksmith turned to look at him. He stared for a bit before grunting and looking back at the warrior before him.

"I understand. I trust ya."

The men stood up. It seems they are done talking. It also looks like they have been able to find a consensus. Slash put his hand on Blacksmith's shoulder and gently smiled at him. He is now walking towards me, but he's not looking at me. He has his eyes on the little girl. He crouched and grabbed her from under her arms, and lifted her in the air.

"Ha Ha Ha! You're almost as tall as your sister now! Soon you're gonna pass her!"

She just laughed, carefree and simpleminded that she is. He put her back on her feet, and she immediately ran into the arms of her father. Slash is now looking at me. He has his famous dumb smile on his face.

"Ha Ha Ha! Hey, kiddo! Looks like you're gonna be able to stay here! The old man finally forfeited!"

When he was finally right in front of me, he leaned forward. He closed his eyes and put a hand on my shoulder. He had the same stupid expression on his face, but he didn't have the same mood. What is this feeling? His hand on my shoulder was unbearable. The weight it had was inconceivable. A good thing I was sitting, otherwise I don't think I could've stood on my weak legs, pale in comparison to the pressure in his hand.

I see. It's that aura. He's covered in it, it only took a brief instant for his body to be surrounded by it. I can feel it now. It's incredible. I think I get it now, what he was saying back then. I'm not even sure if it's real in the first place was it? Yeah. I understand now. It's not like I'm feeling a physical cloud of aura touching me. I just, it's like I can only feel it is there, not that it is there.

I can feel the resolve. He is extremely serious. He's also menacing. It's asking me. No. Not even asking. It's obliging me to listen to him and hear what he will say with extreme concentration. To take what he will tell me with the utmost seriousness. I'm looking at his face. He's smiling, eyes closed.

"If anything were to happen to those girls because of you, I'll personally make sure you will never be able to hurt anyone else. Ever. Trust me."

Before I knew it, I was drenched in sweat. My breath was breaking. The pressure he was releasing was crushing my lungs, burning my throat. Because of the pain, I was only able to let out a quick and short answer.

"I understand."

It's not only because my lungs and my throat were in pain that I formulated such a short response. But because there was nothing more to say. That's all I needed to say. All he needed to hear. All there was to it. He took off his intense, burdensome hand off of my shoulder and bent back to a straight posture.

"Hey Big Bro! Come on now! Everything is ready!"

Everybody here just suddenly brought their attention to the front door. The older sibling was standing in the frame.

"Ha Ha Ha! Are you sure that you are ready? I don't think you'll be able to handle my new dope sick style!"

"Oh shut up, stop spouting nonsense just to sound cool. Spoiler, it doesn't sound cool. You sound stupid."

"Ha Ha Ha! You'll have a whole different speech when you witness all its coolness in person!"

"Pfft, we'll see. Just wait until you see my new tricks! I'll kick your ass before you can realize what shit just happened!"

The big man jumped at her and locked his strong muscles around her. She's trying to get out of his hold, but- Yeah, that's what I thought. She can't. He started to rub his fist on the top of her head, making a mess of her hair.

"Ow ow ow!"

Even though she seems in pain from his technique, she looks happy. They look happy. They are laughing as they are getting out of the house. I wish I could. Laugh. I don't know why, but I can't. It's like that for everything, actually. Smile. Cry. Hate. Love. Can't feel anything. That's why there's no need for me to live. Because that's not living. It's just existing. Just being there. I can't kill myself. I won't die, because I'm not alive. That's why I'm looking for a Hollow. It won't kill me, it will just end me. End my pathetic and worthless existence. If I could do it myself, I would. But I already figured out I can't.

Exactly why I need someone else to do it. Something else. But, it seems it'll take longer than expected. Hmm. I could just enter a tunnel and try to bump into a Hollow. That could work. Only if I'm lucky enough. Luck. I'm not sure it's a good idea to bet on that. I might just wander without finding any. It's not as effective and quick as I thought, but I think the Foundation route is the safest one. Well, I just have to wait for Doc's next move.


"James, Adam, despite this year's exceptional pool, we will proceed the same as usual. The Soldiers will undergo the same evaluations as the precedent years.

"Yes Sir!"

The two colleagues responded in harmony. They were standing in front of their superintendent, hand to the forehead, saluting him.

"The Official Foundation's First Round of Tests will begin tomorrow as planned. The preparations are almost completed. You get to choose who will help you on the terrain. You can pick the inferiors of your choice, it doesn't matter. Just ensure they will be able to do the task at hand. Here's the list of the evaluations."

The old man played with his bracelet, using his digits to command the gear to share the needed pieces of information with his men.

"Everything on there needs to be under care by tomorrow. That is all. Proceed."

"Yes Sir"

Doc's underlings left his office. The slender one of the duet looked at his bracelet. He did some maneuvers until a hologram was projected before his eye.

"So, it's just the old classics hun? 100-meter dash, reaction time, aerobic endurance, obstacle course, punching machine, pulling test and Blue's test. Doc seems to be looking forward to this year's cohort. I guess it'll get interesting."

"So the tests are just like always? Why did Doc send me after the 12 Commanders then? They usually have nothing to do with this?"

"Who knows? The old man is always scheming something. No one can possibly guess what's going on in his head."

"I know right? Doc is so smart, he's so cool!"

The taller of the two looked over his shoulder, to get his vision on his partner. His old friend. He has sparkles in his eyes. For him, Doc is a God. Someone to look up to, to worship, to venerate. He would never doubt anything his idol would say. James has no layer. He's just an honest person to the core. The sight he had of his colleague deeply scared Adam.

J. You're so naive and simple-minded. You truly are an imbecile, aren't you?

"Hey, Adam! Wanna go grab a drink? Last time you beat me, but I won't lose this time, believe me! Imma gobble down more than you!"

"Sure. Let's see if you're just talk or not."

An idiot for sure. You're still a child, you haven't grown up a bit. A dumbass, but a loveable one. How can one possibly hate you? But you're too careless, J. You're trusting anyone too easily. Doc is using that to his advantage. Be careful, I don't want anything to happen to you.


"Can we just be done with it already? I don't have time for this!"

"Oh shut up, it's not like you're important enough to have something better to do!"

"Stop it, you guys! I didn't sign up just to hear you idiots whining!"

"You dare call them idiots when you're just as bright as them?"

"My, my! Can't we all just get along?"

"I have no intention to get along with any of those idiots. I'm just here to do my job."

"Oh? Since when did you become civilized enough to do something useful in your life?"

"Ahhh.. Some things never change."

"Any of y'all want to get down? Come on, fight me, you weaklings! You don't deserve your titles and I'll prove it right here right now!!"


"Psst! Hey! Come on say something!"


"Ha Ha Ha! Did you all miss me? I bet you did! How did you all survive without my coolness for so long?"

Doc was standing in the hallway. He was looking at the circus of caged animals through the glass walls. He couldn't help but smile before this show. A zookeeper watching over a bestial showdown. The 12 characters were all sitting around the same table. Glances and insults are being tossed around. Their personalities clashing against one another. Doc had his hand on the door handle, both dreading the moment and looking forward to it. A strange mixed feeling was tearing him from the inside.

But his personal feelings didn't matter. He knew this had to be done. This meeting could seem to be chaotic and futile at first. But its importance was immeasurable. Its conclusion holds the prosperity and future of the lab. This meeting holds the fate of humanity in its hands. Doc knew that. That's why he called it in the first place. That's why he was now more resolved, than anytime before, to enter the room.


The old man walked around and sat at a desk, in front of which a "U" shaped table, of great dimension, was positioned. Through that war zone, 12 individuals were sitting next to each other. Doc was in front, of which the branches of the "U" were very slightly closing on both his sides. Making him the center of attention, positioned at the center of everyone's vision field. After hearing the scientist's words, they immediately stopped their ruckus and stood from their chairs. They all took a military attention stance and shouted the same response at the same time.


The old man was trying to keep down his pride and excitement. He failed miserably. He had a vicious smirk on his face. Nothing someone could hide. The soldiers in the room saw it and weren't happy about it. But there was nothing they could do or say. Doc is powerful. That's what they think. That's what he is, but not for the reason they believe. The scientist has complete control over everything, including the 12 Commanders. That's why he was showing a cocky and prideful expression. Soldiers. It's all it took him to refrain their erratic actions and make them stand up. He's resourceful and manipulative. That's his power.

"At ease, Soldiers. You can sit down and relax."

They all followed his directions, but that's because they were planning to do so in the first place. Not ordering them to sit wouldn't have changed anything. They would have sat anyway. Doc knew that. That's why he said it. So it could look like he controlled their actions yet again. The old man is childish in his own way.

"Why did you call me, old man? What's the job? Get over it already, imma be done in no time anyway."

Ranked 12th. The Normie. Blue.

"We would just be done so much faster if everybody would just stop talking."

Ranked 11th. The Mad Scientist. Venom.

"You've always been so fucking lame. We need some fucking action here!"

Ranked 10th. The Junkie. Rowdy.

"Every time you speak, it feels like my will to live just decreases."

Ranked 9th. The Illusionist. Ace.

"Hahaha, you're always so funny! That's my Ace for you!"

Ranked 8th. The Torrent. Gale.

"... I think you're overreacting a bit..."

Ranked 7th. The Necromancer. Wig.

I hate it here

Ranked 6th. The Keeper. Whiff.

"Hey Whiff~ You know what they say right? The silent ones have the biggest dicks. What about you darling? Feel like letting me on that big secret of yours?"

Ranked 5th. The Contortionist. Swift.

"Ha Ha Ha! Don't say such things, lady! You should train to learn the way of the blade instead! It's way cooler!"

Ranked 4th. The Shogun. Slash.

"Oh. Poor Slash. I see you are still stuck on those rusty weapons. Muscles are a man's best friend. I mean, look at those biceps!"

Ranked 3rd. The Wall. Mohs.

"I see none of you idiots have grown any brain cells since the last time. Truly shameful. You peasants disgust me."

Ranked 2nd. The Father. Mob.

"Lieutenants! Behave yourselves. You are staining the image of the Commanders in front of the man himself."

Ranked 1st. The General. Bowie.

"Quiet, quiet. I understand, I will keep this meeting short. But you shall all understand the length of this gathering will solely depend on your own behaviours."

Once again, he only needed to speak a few words to put his Soldiers back in their places, his pawns under control. They are all Lieutenants. And they are the strongest 12. Their strength and power were beyond any other Lieutenants, let alone any other Soldiers. And yet, Doc has them playing right in the palm of his hand.

The crowd has quieted down at the old man's intervention. They were now more docile. It was in their best interest too. They could leave earlier if they don't disturb the assembly.

"Why did you gather all of us? It's pretty rare. Some serious shit is probably going on."

Ace spouted while having all her attention on her shining coin that had been running through her finger since she arrived.

"Whatever, let's just get out with it."

Blue said as she was playing with her hair.

"Don't act like you have a better place to be. You're useless. Everybody in this room knows you don't deserve to have a seat here."

Rowdie spat, trying to create some feud.

"Enough. Shut it and take it outside later if you want. Stop wasting Doc's time."

Bowie ordered. He was at the top of the Commanders, and it was noticeable. The younger soldiers immediately listened and stopped their confrontation.

"Thank you, Bowie. Your authority is always a blessing in those situations."

Doc let out.

"I'll get straight to the point. I will be using the Trials this year. That's why I called you."

The old man continued with a serious tone, lacking in a smile.

"T- The Trials?! In like... The Trials?!"

Wig shyly stuttered.

"Ha Ha Ha! And here I thought those were merely fairy tales!"

Slash shouted, between two laughs, hands on his belly.

"The Trials, hun? I never thought I'd live long enough to see the day. Wasn't the last time Doc used that goes all the way back to them?"

Mohs thought out loud.

"Hmm, yes. Mob, I believe you were there back then if I am not mistaken."

Bowie calmly stated, looking at the target of his remarks.

"You are correct, Bowie. It seems you are the only person here doing your homework. As the oldest Commander here, I am indeed from the Lucky Year."

Mob let out of his nostalgic grin.

The Lucky Year... The most important year of The Foundation's history.

Whiff thought to himself.

"Well, then. If The Trials were used for those of the Lucky Year... Does that mean this year's recruits are something special?"

Ace spoke out loud to let everyone on her reflexions.

"Yes. I am in no way thinking of speaking the details to you. But for me to organize such events and go out to such extents, you are correct to assume so. This year cultivation was an overwhelming success. Those kids have infinite potential. It would be a shame and a sin to not exploit it. They can become The Foundation's top weapons. And I will do everything to make this possibility a reality."

The old man explained, making sure everyone understood the seriousness of the situation.

"For Doc to say that. Those Recruits must be the real deal. Hahaha! I'm getting excited now!"

Gale said with childish excitement.

"Oh? Hehe! I wonder if there are any cute interesting and inexperienced boys and girls waiting for me..."

Swift melodiously spoke as she was biting her finger.

To say something like that out loud. Huh. You've

changed so much.

Blue thought to herself, with a concerned expression on her face.

"Tsk! Those punks! If they believe they can surpass me. Imma beat them up real good! I won't go easy on them!"

Rowdy spewed after crushing the can, now empty of alcoholic beverages.

"Sir! Please excuse their behaviour! Could you please explain to me and my idiotic peers what we need to do exactly?"

Bowie firmly said with his heavy and dominating voice.

"Hahaha! What would I do without you? Hmmm. Soldiers. Your mission is simple. The Trials won't take place immediately. From the time being, you are more than welcome to come spectate this year's First Round of Tests. Those will begin tomorrow. After tomorrow, the real preparations will begin. We will have another meeting when the time comes. If I gathered all of you here today, it was only to let you know the situation. But also, it is to make sure that you are all within The Lab's grounds. As you may have figured out, you shall not leave the walls until I say so. That is all. You are all dismissed, except Blue. I have other matters to talk with you. End of the meeting."


The 11 Lieutenants were leaving the room in a fuss. They couldn't help but converse about what they heard. The room was now plunged into silence, as only a young woman and an old man were left behind.

"I won't hold you for too long, Blue. I just wanted to confirm with you that everything was ready for tomorrow's test."

"Yes Sir! I took care of everything, all my preparations are complete."

"Good, good. That's all I wanted with you. You are dismissed."

The girl turned around and started to walk towards the door, but she stopped just before leaving.

"Those kids are special, hun? Can I have permission to go all out tomorrow then?"

Doc was still sitting at his desk, facing the girl's back from across the room. His elbows were on the desk, his hands tied by his fingers crossing. His lower face is hiding behind them, covering a vicious and greedy grimace.

"Permission granted…"


"Tomorrow's the day hun?"




Their dorm was completely dark and quiet. The four friends are lying awake in bed, unable to sleep. Tomorrow's tests are making them a bit anxious. But also a bit excited. Every Soldier has been obliged to join The Foundation. In the majority of the cases, they don't want to be here. They don't want to fight Hollows. It's forced on them.

But it's not always the case. Despite being obliged to become a Soldier, some have a resolve to fight. For some, it's an opportunity. This is the case for this group of teenagers. They all secretly have a reason to risk their lives, that no one knows about. They all have personal reasons to keep on fighting. They all have their goal. And becoming stronger is an important step for everyone's plan. Those tests will show them where they stand right now. Show them how weak they are. Because they all know it. They are weak. That's why they will work to become more powerful.

"I wonder how she's doing…."

She was hiding under her blankets, her gorgeous blue eyes were glowing in the dark. She was thinking about their other friend. The brunette was obliged to stay in check in a medical room, due to her health conditions, leaving the fifth bed of the room vacant. All four of them were thinking about her, worrying.

They couldn't help it. They all met four years ago when they were enrolled. Since their first day, they have spent all their time together. They were sleeping together in that very same dorm. They were eating together. Training together. Sweating together. Crying together. Suffering together. For four years. 

Going through such rough training and tough events really has a whole different effect. It forges a bond stronger than any other friendship. Before they realized it, they all started to need each other. They wouldn't leave each other's side, unconsciously. They grew something beyond their understanding. They still don't see how much they are good friends. Let alone imagine how much closer they would become with time.

"She's doing just fine. She's stronger than that. We need to concentrate on the tests. That's what she would want us to do."

Even within the darkness, her smile and beautiful violet eyes were able to live. Even through her doubts and her concerns for someone else, her smile was lasting, easing everyone's mind. They were now all thinking of the day ahead of them. They didn't know what to expect. It was kept hidden from them. But they all knew one thing for sure. They need to give it their all.

"Y'all better not humiliate me tomorrow! Y'all better ace the tests and beat everyone's ass!"

The young man said as he clung his only fist under the blankets.

"Oh shut up! The only person who will humiliate us is your drunk ass! You better not do anything stupid!"

The blond spoke, a big smile on her face. They all started laughing, except for the one with his face covered. They were all in bed. Lying on their back, facing the ceiling, more determined than ever. In this dark room, right here right now, they all thought of the same thing.

I need to become stronger!

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