Bunker 12

Chapter 7: - Champion

"This is all so messed up!"

He is right. Even though he's sunken into a faithful drunken state, nobody here will argue with him on that. We are all sitting at the bar counter, but the girl in the wheelchair is missing. From what I could grasp from earlier, she wasn't supposed to get out of her hospital bed. I mean, it sounds pretty fair. She was looking awful; she seemed to be in terrible shape.

The bartender is new. They probably switched the last guy. He has been busy serving the loud guy all night. Drink after drink after drink after drink. Nothing seems to fill his thirst. No. He just doesn't want to be filled. He can't let himself. I don't even know why I am here, actually. After that scene in the Coliseum, everyone was shocked. And it seems their natural reaction was to go directly here, in this stinky bar. For some reasons I genuinely ignore, I tagged along. I don't know why, but it felt like that's what I needed to do.

Everyone has been pretty quiet all this time, with the sole exception of that dude. It is crazy though. I'm sitting at the end of the counter and I can clearly see him. What a pitiful sight. Amputated. All wrapped up. Completely given up to alcohol. The others don't seem fine themself, even if they are not as easy to read as this simple-minded moron.

The blond girl looks broken. Her eyes are red from all that crying. She stopped crying a while ago, though. But I think it's only because she has nothing left. She's completely dry. I think she would start crying if she had any tears in the bank. She's shaking too. A lot. But it seems she's trying not to. As if she wants to show to the others and take the lead, show them the example, show them that they need to be strong. That everything is fine. Everything is not fine. Nothing is fine.

"No shit. You think we didn't notice or something you idiot."

That was her response to what he said. She is right. Everyone here realizes how fucked up the situation is. That whole shit is a mess. What even was that? What did Doc do to that nurse? Part of her head just blew up when he pointed at her, and then her body collapsed. I've never seen anything like this. Well, from what my memory can tell me.

But it seems none of these guys ever saw something like that either. That's also the reason they're here. That I'm here. The horror of what we have witnessed plays a major role, obviously. But the confusion is also part of the play. Nobody understands what happened. That alone amplifies the fact why we are so frightened.

I mean look at her. The dense smiley girl. It's hard to see because her dark body is covered under a large cloak. But some traits of her face are showing from under that hood. Her eyes and her smile. I could see them clearly. She still wears that smile on her face. It keeps giving me shivers. That smile holds a weight nobody could possibly even dare try to understand. But also, her eyes. There is nothing in there. They have completely sunk deep into despair. She used to have beautiful and enchanting purple eyes. But now, they're gone. They're lifeless. What we have witnessed was horrifying; it affected them all. She's no exception.

As for me. I'm okay. I wish I wasn't, though. It would have been appropriate to cry the death of that nurse. It would have been appropriate to be scared. I'm not. I'm more like the other guy. The big guy. I'm just assuming he is also affected by all that. I can only speculate, because he doesn't react whatsoever, from what I can see. His face is all covered by bandages, so I can't see what kind of expression he's wearing. But he's not shaking. He's not having any strong physical reaction.

On the surface, he looks calm. I mean, my judgment is also based on our previous encounters. He was always quiet. Relaxed and collected. But I'm pretty sure that it's a safe assumption to make. He's scared.

I don't know how long we've been hanging in that bar. A few Soldiers have been passing by for some drinks. I can't help but feel out of place here. I don't belong with them. I haven't said a word yet. And I don't think they were expecting me to, or even care at all. It's already a miracle the amputee hasn't put on an act yet. It's as though he doesn't even notice I'm here. All I have been doing is thinking. That's all I'm good at. Well, that's the only thing I can do. So I'm pretty much good at it by default.

I have been replaying the scene in my head. All I know is that Doc possesses a dangerously lethal power. But still, how? How is that even possible? That has to be magical or something. That's ridiculous. Hmm. Not really. I have seen something else magical already. That aura. Those Soldiers in the bar rumble. The noisy guy back in the Coliseum; they possess it.

Maybe this is what Doc used or something? No. He wasn't covered by that thick cloud. What is it then? How was the alcoholic able to have it? I haven't confirmed it yet, but am I the only person that can see those auras? Maybe I'm just imagining it. No, I don't think so. It looked like they saw it too. But, maybe they really didn't see it? Maybe I'm seeing things other people don't see? I'm just- I have so many questions. They keep coming. My curiosity is too strong.

"Did you see it too?"

… I said it. Out of nowhere. It just came out. Now they all turned their heads and they were staring at me. I don't blame them. I shouldn't have asked. I didn't even want to. It was crude of me. Not that it changes anything. I don't care about what they think about me. But I have to say, I would really appreciate it if I could avoid a clash with the punk. They stared at him for a bit. They looked surprised he didn't say anything. They all turned their heads back like they were before. Silence. I also turned my head. I wasn't expecting an answer anyway.

"Yes. We all did. I even felt it myself."

The blond just answered me. While being covered by this shroud, he touched her, back then. So that means, from what she is saying, not only can we perceive it, we can feel it?

"What is it?"

I just broke the ice, I'm not gonna stop there. I will use them to get as much information as possible. Plus, they seem completely uninterested in picking a fight at the moment. Looks like they found a new enemy.

"Beats me. I have no idea."

She was completely unfazed. She was staring right in front of her, looking at nothing.

"Well, you. Can't you answer me? You had it."

"Hey, dumbass. Do I look like the kind of guy that knows things?"

He immediately engulfed the rest of his drink after answering me. He had his hand on his left eye, the eye covered with medical tapes. He looks in pain because of it.

"Oh? So you're friends with the ballsy creep now?!"

"Shut up! I've just come to realize that a piece of shit like him ain't worth my attention."

There they are. Those charming purple eyes. She's back now. Her playful self has returned. And she can do what she does best.

"Shut up? That's no way to talk to a cute girl like me you know! That's not how you're gonna make me fall for you!"

"I- I'm not trying anything like that! Stop messing with me!"

"Oh come on! Don't give me that! Go on! Buy me a drink already! That's what you are supposed to do when a cute lady sits at the counter next to you!"

"I ain't buying you shit! Pay for yourself!"


She did it again. Now they are all smiling. Well, I can only assume the big guy is smiling too. Just like that, she lightens the mood. She took the weight of all their fear, sadness, and hatred floating in the air, all by herself. She's now carrying all that on her shoulders. I'm looking at her. Eyes closed, smiling. She really is incredible. It's almost scary.

"Oh? It looks pretty lively today!"


As he was saying so, the man took a stance, trying to look heroic and impressive. He was just waiting for everyone in the bar to turn around and look at him. He was waiting for that moment. His moment. As he planned, everyone in the bar turned around to look at the entrance. No exceptions. The few sitting at the tables, the young ones at the counter, the bartender. Everyone was now looking at him, just like he wanted.

He was proud of himself. He was blushing a bit while trying to hold in all the excitement he had. He had a big dumb and naive smirk on his face. Thanks to his black scarf that was covering his lower face, no one could see that childish expression of his. He is a big man, really muscular. He was putting on an act with his exaggerated entrance and his pose. But he still is impressive; he really stands out. His flashy armor was also part of the reason why everyone was looking at him. It resembled traditional samurai garments. But, it was a very light and compact version. The shining red metal was reflecting the few amounts of light present in the bar.

The only thing that could possibly stand out more than this extravagant armor was the ridiculous amount of weapons on him. There were swords, batons, knives and all kinds of other weapons. Some were attached on his back, some in his bags, some hanging on his sides. From the public eye, it looks just like a cumbersome mess, nothing else. After a bit, the Soldiers sitting at the tables hurried to finish the drinks they had. They then left the place, passing next to the strange man standing in the doorway, throwing dreadful glances at him. Only the young ones and the bartender were still there. And there is a simple reason for it. The barman can't leave his job. As for the others, it's only because they don't know the creature that just entered the room. That's why the Soldiers left the room. They know too well who he is.

Slash. Lieutenant. Not only that, he's one of the best there is. He's in the top 12 Lieutenants of the Foundation. Those are called the 12 Commanders. Ranked 4th, he earned the nickname: The Shogun. Having just recently joined the Foundation, the young Soldiers ignore who he is. They will soon get to know him.

"Ha Ha Ha! Would you look at that? Looks like those lame people couldn't handle my coolness! Oh? There are still kids left? Ha Ha Ha! Hey kids! Did you see my shiny armor?"

Before this intriguing man, the drunkard, the blond young woman, the cloaked soldier, the blind man and the loner all reacted true to themselves.

"So lame."

"Poor man, he looks so sad."

"Wooah!! Your armor is so sick!! I want one!"


"Who are you?"

Those words struck him like arrows, each piercing his heart, one after the other.

Lame? Sad? Who I am? They don't even know who I am?

However, he found someone he had been looking for his entire life: a die-hard fan.

But.. but that girl really has taste!!

"Hey, young lady! You like my armor, don't you? Wanna touch it?"

"Really? I can?"

"Ha Ha Ha! Don't be shy! Come please your heart"

All her friends didn't even realize she wasn't on her stool anymore. In a flash, she was already drooling on her new role model's flamboyant apparel. Her eyes were devouring the polished scarlet. She could see her big bright purple eyes reflecting on the armor. She was close enough for her breath to cover the metal in a warm mist.

"Woooooooooah! So cooooool!"

"Ha Ha Ha! You got some taste!"

After a while of standing there and connecting with his new fan, Slash finally decided to take a seat at the bar, next to the drunker, with one goal in his mind. Winning the other kids' fascination.

"Ha Ha Ha! So, what are you kids up to?"

"None of your business, go fuck off!"

No one was surprised when the drunker said that, as he was waving at the barman to fill his glass for who knows how many times now.

"Ha Ha Ha! Don't give me that! Let me in your little fun!"

In the heat of his extreme and over-the-top emotions, he cranked his arm and landed what was, in his mind, an amicable slap on the back of the mutilated youngster. But from the young Soldier's perspective, it was a violent act that disturbed his personal space. He was already on the edge. He then responded with a totally natural response.

The amputee firmly grabbed the glass that the barman was trying to fill. He then slid the glass on the counter intending to smash it on The Shogun's head, making the barman spill the precious liquid in the bottle he was trying to serve. Such a waste of precious possessions. The man will make sure that the child will pay for his foolish actions.

The drunkard executed this moment in a flash. But it only took this fraction of a second for his body to once again emanate this strange feeling, making the eyes of his friends perceive him as being covered in this aura. This strange feeling seemed to give him some sort of unpredicted boost. The speed at which the young Soldier was able to grab that glass and approach it to his new enemy's face was petrifying.

However, the attack didn't connect. None of his friends understood what happened. The glass was a few millimetres away from the armored Soldier's temple. They didn't notice at first since the young man and his aura were positioned between them and Slash, blocking their view, hiding the warrior and his movements. But it was only a question of seconds before they saw it.

A blade was resting on the now sweating neck of the drunk soldier. The pressure of the sharp steel against his skin made him understand that if he attacked, he would be dead. This blade was one of a lethally sharp katana. This strange and dense man they just met turned out to be more powerful and dangerous than they anticipated. But they are still far from understanding how strong he really is.

"Ha Ha Ha! Hey kid, you should think before acting!"

After speaking those words, he took on a new expression. He dragged down the scarf that was hiding his lower face. Everyone could now see the confident smirk he was wearing.

"Or else, you're gonna end up picking fights you're bound to lose.."

That's a line he practiced over and over. He came up with it one day and he was so proud of it, he knew he needed to use it. But that wasn't just him putting on a show. He has enough strength to back up his words. He wasn't cocky. No. He was just confident. But he was even underestimating himself. He is one of the 12 Commanders. That's a huge feat in its own right. But he was also able to earn a place in the top five. He is a beast. And those children were about to see it.

Right after he proudly spoke the phrase he was so fond of, the mood in the bar changed. To understand more what was going on, the brains of the young group of friends did it again. They helped them visualize the peculiar feeling they were sensing. They were able to perceive this phenomenon yet again. However. It was on a whole different scale.

The Shogun's body started to emanate this strange substance, that aura. It was now covering his entire body. It was colliding with the drunkard's aura. Other than the heartless guy who got the chance to see different auras because of his fight in the bar, the others had only seen their mutilated friend's aura. But now they are witnessing a completely different, yet similar occurrence.

The drunkard's aura is childish. It's reckless. Even the witnesses can tell that much. It was even more obvious since it was next to the Commander's shroud. It was polished. Silent. Yet, extremely horrendous and intimidating. It was clashing against the single-armed Soldier. No one knew why they were able to understand it. But anyone could tell by their auras that the young soldier was completely outmatched, him being the first to realize it.

The Shogun drew his katana back and slid it in his sheath. The mutilated kid put the glass on the counter.

"Ha Ha Ha! Smart choice, kid!"

"Shut up! Leave me alone."

"Ha Ha Ha! Come on, man! I just arrived! Don't give me that!"

"Hey, you stupid! Don't be rude towards my sensei!"

It looks like, just by seeing his eccentric entrance, it was enough for the young girl under the cloak to fully acknowledge him as someone to look up to.

"Ha Ha Ha! That's what I'm talking about!"

"How do you do it?"


Everyone was caught off guard. Even the speaker himself. His curiosity was once again stronger than him. He should be used to it by now.

"You know, the aura thing. How do you do it?"

"Ha Ha Ha! Aura? Are you talking about the Funny Bubble Emotion Energy Thingy Cloud Stuff?"

"So lame."

"Such a lack of vocabulary, he's so sad."

"Woah?! You know about the Funny Bubble Emotion Energy Thingy Cloud Stuff?! Teach me about it, sensei!"


"Do you even know what you're talking about yourself?"


Once again, these ruthless teens had severed the heart of this man. His only reflex to survive was to reach for the only one supporting him.

"Ha Ha Ha! Of course, I know about that! You might not know it, but I'm a big deal you know!"

"Woah! Really!? You're so cool sensei! Please teach me how to be as cool as you!"

"Ha Ha Ha! We need more people like you! That's my pupil for you!" 

Before anyone could say anything, the warrior and the smiley girl sat next to each other, and they were now cheering and smashing their pints together. The man completely forgot the question he was asked.

"Hey. You haven't answered me yet."

"Ha Ha Ha! Is that right? Hmmm, well, I don't really know. It's not doing anything. I can also see it on other people, but I'm not even sure if it's real in the first place."

"I see."

"But now that I look at you. Aren't you that new kid? I heard you got a free ticket to join the Foundation!

"How do you know about that?"

"Ha Ha Ha! Don't underestimate, kid! I told you I'm pretty big around here, I know a lot of things. Just like I know you got nowhere to sleep, isn't that right?"

"Hmm, yeah kinda."

"Ha Ha Ha! You're such a lucky kid! I was on my way to see an old friend of mine! Tag along! I'm sure he'll have a place for you!"

"Hmm, ok."


We have left the bar and we're walking outside the Lab. I'm used to this route now. The rocks, the old shelters, the dirty people. Always the same. I don't know where this man is taking me. I don't even know what he's talking about. I'm not listening. He has been showing all his blades and weapons, with his childish, amazed and proud face. The path we are taking is familiar. It's the same I'm taking whenever I go see the Blacksmith. Is there someone else living near him? No, I don't think so. Does that mean…

Yes, that's him. This Soldier's friend is the Blacksmith. We're almost on the porch now. The Soldier doesn't know that the Blacksmith and I already know each other. But, does he truly believe the Blacksmith is going to let me stay here? Well, I guess we'll see. I'm standing a bit behind the Soldier, who's now knocking at the door.

"Who's here? I have no business with anybody. Piss off."

The door remained closed. He was speaking through it. He had a similar reaction when he initially saw me. He is really precocious and aggressive towards strangers or people coming to his house. He must have his reasons.

"Ha Ha Ha! Haven't changed a bit even after all this time did you? You're always so uncool, Forge!"

"Wha-!! The only fella that still calls me that.."

The door opened with a bang. The big man could now be seen by both of us. His eyes were wide open and sparkling. They were focusing on the friend he obviously hadn't seen in a long time. He didn't notice me. The Blacksmith and the Soldier rushed to hug each other.

"Slash?! Da fuck ya doin' here, bud? It's so cool to see you!"

"Ha Ha Ha! You missed me didn't you, big guy? You probably had a hard time without me around, hun?"

"Oh come on! Shut ya cocky mouth you idiot! You ain't that important! Even though it's really good to see ya safe boy.."

"Ha Ha Ha! See? I knew you missed me! I can't blame you! Who wouldn't?"

"Aight, enough of your foolin' around. Now come on in, the girls will be happy to see y-"

He finally noticed me. His expression of infinite joy collapsed just by looking at me. Now he's getting out of the lousy man's arms and he's coming right at me. With that angry face, it's almost scar- !! *Smack* !! Wha- What happened? He just slapped me in the face! What was that for?

"I'm not too happy with ya, young man. Ya did something I told ya not to. You in danger kid. And I don't like that."

What is he talking about? Oh. Yeah, I'm stupid. I'm with Slash, he's easily able to tell that I messed with the Foundation. Hmm, I get that he's angry about it, but he has nothing to do with me.

"I understand you warned me, but what I do is none of your business."

"Go away. I don't want ya near my house ever again. Now go. I don't want to be obliged to force you outta here."

"Ha Ha Ha! You guys know each other? Well, that will make things easier! Hey Forge, come on man, don't do him like that! Plus, I have something to ask you!"

Slash looked a bit uncomfortable. He was energetically moving his hands while talking, and he was sweating a bit too.

"Ya can ask me about it whenever you want. But for now, I just need that kid to be far away from my daughters."

"Ha Ha Ha! Well… About that…"

All the confidence he had before arriving here seems to be gone. He's scratching the back of his head. He calmly and effectively positioned himself between me and the Blacksmith, He then gently put his hand on his shoulder and made a reassuring smile. Seeing them like that really put their shapes in perspective.

That swordmaster is big. But next to the Blacksmith, he's ridiculously small. The man is taller, larger and more muscular. He's a beast in his own game. The armored man has been talking about this man as his friend. But friendship is not what I'm seeing here. The Blacksmith is clearly older than him. To me, it's more like a father-and-son relationship.

"Hey Dad, is everything oka-! Big Bro?!"

The older daughter rushed through the door.

"Ha Ha Ha! Look at you girl! All grown up and everything! Where's your sister? She should be all big by now!"

"She's inside, but let's not talk about her! Come on, I'll show you how strong I am! I'm sure I can beat your ass now!"

"Sweetie, language! And what were ya thinkin' back then when you taught her how to wield a sword hun? She has been training all this time and begging me to make her a sword! Ya better take responsibility!"

"Ha Ha Ha! Oops?"

"Come on Big Bro, let's do thi-"

She gave me the same look she always does. She's looking at me with disgust and hatred. As if I'm a monster or a murderer or something.

"What is he doing here?"

"Don't worry sweetheart the kiddo was leavin'."

Yeah. I totally get it now. They are like a big family. I don't fit here. I didn't want to be here at all. I will get going now.

"Ha Ha Ha! Don't be so lame! You gotta be cooler you know? Why don't we all go inside and talk this through?"

"Since when did ya get so composed ya cocky brat, it's not like you. Sorry bud, I don't need to talk. The kid is leavin'."

The expression changed on the soldier's face. He was dead serious. With his hand still on the Blacksmith's shoulder, he walked past him towards the entrance door. He whispered something to him on his way, I couldn't hear what he said.

"This kid. You don't understand. We need to talk."

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