Chapter 9: - Evaluation (Part One)
"Soldiers! Today is the day. You have trained for this. You have sweated for this. You have cried for this. Today is the day. The day to show the results of your labor. Give it everything you got. Go all out. It's time for you to see what you are capable of. And it's time for us to split the weak from the strong. After the examinations, you'll be given a rank. Ranks will follow you for the rest of your days. I don't believe I have to explain to you the importance of those ranks. I'm sure you all know too well already. You'll be under my assistants' care for the day. They are giving the orders. Listen to them as if it was me. Also, since a comrade of yours is in the incapabilities of attending the tests, she will then be given the lowest grade for every evaluation. We also have a new Soldier who will be joining us as of today. That is all. Good luck."
They were all hearing Doc, but none of them were listening. They were all anxious. All 21 of them. All lined up. Unaware of their environments. The stress was draining their concentration. The five friends and the new one who unconsciously joined their group were next to each other. Five of them were thinking about their friend still in her medical bed, while the other was letting his curiosity drive him, wanting to know how strong he was. They were all brought back to reality when a voice spoke the words they had been dreading this whole time.
"Soldiers! I'll be in charge of everything. I don't care about formalities, so let's just finish it quickly and call it a day. I don't give a shit about you newcomers, as you probably don't give a shit about me either. That's okay, I don't care. Just don't fuck around so we can all get out of here and get drunk. The Foundation's First Round of Tests has officially begun."
Part 1: Speed
First Test: 100m Dash
First Wave:
Lane 1: #48
Lane 2: #13
Lane 3: #2
Lane 4: #51
Lane 5: #31
Lane 6: #89
First test: 100-meter dash. This test has been used since the very beginning of the Foundation. It's execution is simple and efficient. Run in a straight line as fast as you can. It's a proficient way for the Foundation to test the rapidity of their Soldiers. They measure the maximum velocity one can achieve. It's pretty straightforward.
The six competitors were standing at the starting line. Looking to their left, a woman was standing on a step, a gear in hand. At the finish line, they could see a man, with a tool in front of him. None of them knew what that tool was or what it did; It was obscure knowledge for them. While in reality, it was just a photo-finish camera, measuring their running time.
They were waiting in their lane, warming up. They were all more determined to crush one another. In the first lane, a young man was standing, looking somewhat normal. He doesn't have any visible handicaps like the others. He was jumping on the spot, relaxing his arms. He was stretching his neck, ready to go. In the second lane, a frail and thin young woman was stretching. She was bending forward, reaching to her ankles with her hands, legs stretched. She was looking at the athletics track under her feet, thinking to herself.
I don't even know why I have to try. I know I'll be ranked at the bottom.
Next to her right, a guy was standing. He had his hands in his pocket, head tilted back, staring at the high ceiling of the coliseum. He was hiding his hands from the others. They were uncontrollably shaking. In the fourth lane, a young woman was going crazy. She ripped her coat off and started to yell.
None of her adversaries are giving her the slightest attention. Her whole body is covered in bandages. On the right of this untamed madwoman, another soldier was in position. She wasn't moving an inch, staring at the finish line. She had bandages covering her mouth. In the last lane, the young man was waiting, arms crossed. He also seemed free of any physical damage. Adam was standing on the side, a pad in his hands.
"It's simple, enough for your stupid brain to understand. On your mark, get set, sound signal. You start to run at the signal, not before. Don't cross the line until the signal. Run to the other line. Don't leave your lane. Easy. There's literally no reason why you would mess that up."
Adam nodded to the woman on the step. She nodded back at him. She started her commands.
The sharp noises of the manual whistle echoed in the Coliseum. The six runners started to rush down the lane. An identical process was seen for the other waves.
First Wave:
Lane 1: #48: 8.61. Rating: D-
Lane 2: #13: 7.45. Rating: D+
Lane 3: #2: 9.89. Rating: E-
Lane 4: #51: 8.13. Rating: D-
Lane 5: #31: 8.48. Rating: D-
Lane 6: #89: 7.02. Rating: D+
Second Wave:
Lane 1: #43: 6.43. Rating: C
Lane 2: #98: 9.12. Rating: E+
Lane 3: #26: 8.97. Rating: D-
Lane 4: #3: 6.41. Rating: C
Lane 5: #16: 9.79. Rating: E
Third Wave:
Lane 1: #42: 9.53. Rating: E+
Lane 2: #91: 8.04. Rating: D
Lane 3: #35: 5.98. Rating: B-
Lane 4: #84: 6.29. Rating: C-
Lane 5: #67: DSQ. Rating: F
Fourth Wave:
Lane 1: #56
Lane 2: #21
Lane 3: #101
Lane 4: #9
Lane 5: #47
What is happening to me? Why am I so... excited? This is so stupid. But I want to know. I'm so curious. Why am I that curious? Where does that come from? I want to know. I need to know what I'm capable of. Since he told me I was special, I started to see it. At the bar, that wasn't normal. I was taking those hits like nothing. And, I don't know why I can tell but, those hits were not normal either.
And I remember that day. That cursed day. They all took a shot of something. And it's supposed to make them stronger. I didn't get the shot though. Are they stronger than me then? Are they gonna all have that aura? I'm standing here in my lane, looking at the finish line. Are they gonna get there before me? Are they faster than me? I don't understand. I don't want that. I don't want to lose. It's so trivial. I can't let myself get distracted from my goal. I can't let myself get attached to anything. I need to die. If I don't, it's gonna curse me. I'm going to get hurt in the end. There is nothing for me here. Nobody for me. Don't get distracted. There's no reason for me to be here. I can't allow myself to feel attached to this place or its people.
… Why? Why do I feel this way? Why am I so strongly believing in that? Initially, I wanted to find a reason to live. I wanted to learn about my family's death. About me. Why can't it still be that way now? What made me feel otherwise? Oh. That's right. It was probably that night. This horror night. All those horrible deaths. That's it. It must have made me realize. Realize that all that lies ahead in this place, is hell. Everything that is waiting for me in the future is just terror. If I stay, it will get back at me. I can't let my guard down, even if everything seems good.
But… But even with saying that... Why am I feeling like this? Right here right now, I just want to run faster than them and win my wave. I want to know how fast I am. I don't understand where this curiosity comes from but… Is it truly a wrong thing for me to feel like that?
The examinees didn't notice the arrival of an important figure in the tier above the now track field. The old scientist has only recently entered the examination ground. He didn't care about the entries so far. His interest was riveted on one that was about to perform. He was impatient to see the results this kid could pull off. He was sitting alone, grinning like a child.
"Well, Akuma. You have grown quite a lot. More than anyone thought you'd be able to. Now. Show me how strong you have become."
In lane one was standing the young alcoholic, gulping every last drop of booze from his flask, persuaded it would enhance his speed. He was relaxed and focused, or maybe just drunk. Probably just drunk. Shirtless and in black shorts, anyone could see his missing limb, replaced by layers of bandages. His left eye was in a somewhat similar situation.
Next to him, the blond girl was standing over the two written in her lane. She was wearing a long-sleeved blue shirt and long black pants. She was holding her left wrist with her right hand. She was looking nervous and uncomfortable. But it wasn't because of the run. She had her reasons. Reasons marked on her body that she was trying to hide. That shouldn't be seen. Couldn't be seen.
In the third lane was standing the new entry in the friend group. The odd one out. He still wasn't an official member of their relationship, but he was sticking with them. It felt like it was just the way it is now. He was impatient. Under his usual outfit, he was trying his best not to show it, but it was easy to see that he was getting restless. Even easier to see for the pair of eyes that was constantly fixing him from above.
On his right, a beast was lurking. His head was covered in bandages. There's no way he was seeing through them. He was wearing a tight black shirt, and grey pants moulding his muscly legs. He was set to go. In a crouched starting position, head down, one knee on the ground, he's ready to slay the competition. Not a muscle is moving. He knows what he has to do, and he'll execute it with the utmost of his capabilities.
At the end of the lineup was jumping around a huge piece of fabric. The girl underneath it was getting herself pumped up. Her sleeves were moving from her punching the air. Her legs were covered by oversized and baggy fortune pants. A fold of the huge cloak used as a hoodie was covering her head. Only her two bright purple eyes could be seen.
"Come on you guys! Let's get this shit done!"
Even in a moment like this, she was able to lighten their mood and brighten it up a bit. The woman on the step told them to get ready. All five participants walked closer to the starting line, other than the animal already on his four legs.
The strident whistling noise was heard by everyone. And in just that instant, the beast had already dug an important distance between himself and the rest of his friends. He was rushing down his lane at an enormous velocity. All his muscles were cut sharp. His quadriceps and calves were trying to break out of the tight fabric. His running technique was perfect. He's athletic.
Behind him, a yelling drunkard and a yelling cloak were trying to beat each other. A bit behind that was the newcomer. He was trying his best, but it wasn't enough. He was starting to realize the difference between him and the soldiers, and he wasn't liking it. He was starting to look mad and unsatisfied. Left alone at the back was the blond girl. She was looking in pain. It was pushing her body to its limit. She knows something is wrong. She was faster during her training back in the rookie days.
Only a few seconds have passed and the beast has already burst through the finish line. The moving cloak is about to finish the run too. The smiley girl has been able to outpace the noisy drinker, who is now panting and trying his best not to pass out. After the three leads had finished, the dark-haired amnesiac finished. Leaving only the blue-eyed soldier behind, who would finish a while after everyone. Doc was still sitting and observing down the Coliseum. He wasn't smiling anymore.
"Hmm. You have let me down, young man. I was expecting more from you. All my surroundings kept telling me I was wasting time on you. Prove them wrong for me, Akuma."
Fourth Wave:
Lane 1: #56: 8.87. Rating: D-
Lane 2: #21: 15.15. Rating: F
Lane 3: #101: 9.75. Rating: E
Lane 4: #9: 3.34. Rating: A
Lane 5: #47: 7.59. Rating: D
First Part: Speed
100m Dash Overall Ranking:
#9: 3.34 - Rating: A
#35: 5.98 - Rating: B-
#84: 6.29 - Rating: C-
#3: 6.41 - Rating: C
#43: 6.43 - Rating: C
#89: 7.02 - Rating: D+
#13: 7.45 - Rating: D+
#47: 7.59 - Rating: D
#91: 8.04 - Rating: D-
#51: 8.13 - Rating: D-
#31: 8.48 - Rating: D-
#48: 8.61 - Rating: D-
#56: 8.87. Rating: D-
#26: 8.97. Rating: D-
#98: 9.12 - Rating: E+
#42: 9.53 - Rating: E+
#101: 9.75 - Rating: E
#16: 9.79 - Rating: E
#2: 9.89 - Rating: E-
#21: 15.15 - Rating: F
#67: DSQ - Rating: F
Why am I so pissed off? I'm nothing compared to them. I don't know how I'm doing against the others, but I was way slower than those in my wave. At the exception of her, of course. I don't know where she is actually. She was in pain and collapsed after the run. Some nurses came to pick her up and they all left. She didn't seem okay.
Why? Why can't she run as fast as the others? I only supposed I couldn't because I didn't take that injection. But she did. Why can't she run faster than me? During my run, I didn't see any of them covered in aura. To be fair, I don't know if they all have that aura, but the annoying dude didn't have it for sure. If he didn't have it now, why was he faster than me? And now what's next? We've been waiting in ranks. Oh. Here he comes.
"Soldiers. Well done. We will now go for the following test. This time you won't be separated into groups. You will take turns individually. The test is simple. You will sit at this desk over there, and you will look at the device in front of you. You will be holding another device in your hand. As soon as the green light appears in front of you, you will press the button on the device in your hand. We want to see how fast your little brains are. Got it? I don't even know why I ask, I'm not planning on repeating. Make a line, the order doesn't matter. That is all. Thank you."
They want to test our reaction speed? Will I be totally annihilated again? I hope not. I don't want to. It's childish, but I don't want to lose again. I just need to be quick. When the light appears, I need to be fast. I'll follow them and get in line. I'll see what happens next.
Part 1: Speed
Test 2: Reaction Time
As with the other test, this one is also fairly simplistic. Reaction Time. The time needed by one's body to react to a stimulus. In this case, the Foundation and its organization decided to go for a visual signal. All the youngsters are waiting in line for their turn. Most of them are sticking their head out of the line to see what's going on ahead. They analyze the ones doing the test until it's their turn. Two men, under Adam, were in charge of supervising that test. Everything was going smoothly.
#67: 84 ms - Rating: C+
#91: 122 ms - Rating: D-
#2: DSQ - Rating: F
#48: 124 ms - Rating: D-
#26: 169 ms - Rating: E
#42: 115 ms - Rating: D-
"Hey hey! Look at her. She's one hell of a woman! Damn, she's hot."
"What the fuck are you saying man! Shut your mouth you dumb fuck!"
Whenever I go, there are always creeps like those idiots. I hate it so much. I wish I could just tear off my bod-... Shut up, me. Relax. Stay focused. I'm sweating so much. The tool in my hand is all moist and disgusting. That's what you get girl, for wearing long clothes. … No. This is no time to think about all this. Concentrate. Relax. Focus. As soon as the light appears, I just have to press tha- whoa! Shit! I- It happened! So fast! Did I do good? Probably not, I was distracted. What will they say? Wha- Why are they making faces like that? What did I do?
"Oi, Louis. Are you seeing what I see?"
"Y-Yeah. There's no way she-"
#21: 42 ms - Rating: B
The young girl left the desk. She had no idea of what she just accomplished. 42 milliseconds. In that sitting, she just crushed the Foundation record on that test. And by a large bargain. While being mentally distracted and not being at the top of her game, the blond girl was able to pull off a rating of B during The First Round. It didn't take long before the news reached the ears of the man himself.
He was by himself in the seats above the testing grounds when his bracelet emitted a sharp and short noise. He took his eyes off of his promising child to look at his wrist. He moved his fingers above the bracelet and a hologram was now projected. A picture of a blue-eyed blond girl appeared with some information next to it. The old scientist smiled and then started to laugh uncontrollably.
"Haha! Would you look at that? Silly me! It looks like I had my eyes closed this whole time. Thank you young lady for opening them. Sorry young man, but I can't focus on you anymore. It seems there is more frightening than you. Monsters are lurking in those young soldiers' bodies, it would be a shame to not discover them. Maybe they were all right, maybe you are just a waste of time. I'm sad for you young man."
#31: 136 ms - Rating: E+
#84: 112 ms - Rating: D-
#56: 107 ms - Rating: D
#89: 102 ms - Rating: D
#98: 167 ms - Rating: E
#35: 154 ms - Rating: E
"Umm... We might have to call in Chief for that one.."
"Hmmm.. Yeah... Umm.. hey you! I suppose you can't see the screen, right?"
"Answer your upper grades, prick! I mean.. can't you speak too?"
"What's going on here? Why did you call me? We're losing tim- Oh. Bandage Head. I understand. Hmm, Louis, go call in Akari. And tell her to bring the whistle with her."
"Yes Sir!"
"Hey Big Guy, when my man comes back with his colleague, we're gonna use a sound signal for your test. Got it? When you hear the sound you press the button. Simple enough for you, Muscle Man?"
".. of course."
#9: 90 ms - Rating: C+
"Wait. Did that meathead really score that?"
"We had that wheelchair dude, the hottie and now that freak. What are they?"
#51: 178 ms - Rating: E-
#:43: 181 ms - Rating: E-
#101: 153 ms - Rating: E
#16: 184 ms - Rating: E-
#13: 132 ms - Rating: E+
#47: 143 ms - Rating: E+
#3: 147 ms - Rating: E+
"Well, I guess there are still some that are human."
First Part: Speed
Reaction Time Overall Ranking
#21: 42 ms - Rating: B
#67: 64 ms - Rating: C+
#9: 90 ms - Rating: C-
#89: 102 ms - Rating: D
#56: 107 ms - Rating: D
#84: 112 ms - Rating: D-
#42: 115 ms - Rating: D-
#91: 122 ms - Rating: D-
#48: 124 ms - Rating: D-
#13: 132 ms - Rating: E+
#31: 136 ms - Rating: E+
#47: 143 ms - Rating: E+
#3: 147 ms - Rating: E+
#101: 153 ms - Rating: E
#35: 154 ms - Rating: E
#98: 167 ms - Rating: E
#26: 169 ms - Rating: E
#51: 178 ms - Rating: E-
#:43: 181 ms - Rating: E-
#16: 184 ms - Rating: E-
#2: DSQ - Rating: F
I hate that I have no idea how I did. Was I better than the tall guy? Stronger than the smiley girl? The drunkard? I hope I was at least better than that annoying guy. During the run, it was easy to see who was better than me, from my wave at least. But now I have no idea how I scored.
"Soldiers, congrats. You have finished the speed tests. I will now proceed to explain the next test. But before I do so, I will have to ask everyone to leave the Coliseum Ground. Don't go anywhere, I don't have time to play hide and seek with you children. It won't take long anyway, so just stay near. That is all for now. Proceed."
All 21 examinees were standing outside the entrance of the Coliseum. What they were witnessing was common knowledge for all but for one Soldier. In the others' cases, they spent four years here. They know this place too well. So they knew what was going on. But for the eyes of the young black-haired man, it was incredible. It was directly poking into his insatiable curiosity. A loud deep noise resonated in the entire area. White smoke started to leak up through the edges of the floor. Suddenly, the ground started to sink into the ground, revealing an immense empty underground.
After a while, something was coming up. An entirely new floor. It was filled with gym machines and all kinds of weights. Once the new floor was in place, another loud noise was heard, something resembling a clicking noise. The floor was all set. All the examiners and the person in charge started to walk in the new place. Adam was in the center, and started to wave at the young soldiers, asking them to join him.
"Alright listen up young folks. We've tested your speed. Now we're gonna test your strength. We want to see how much y'all are packing a punch."
In the calm of the Foundation areas, faint noises could be heard coming from the Training Ground. Slash was now at the entrance. He stopped to take a look inside. All he was seeing was a black and blue spot erratically moving around a punching bag. The noises were produced by the quick, sharp and powerful hits thrown on the hanging sandbag. The silhouette that was overwhelmingly assaulting the lifeless target was one of a deadly weapon. Slash couldn't help but smile with excitement at the sight he had of that beast in action. But he was also feeling uneasy. He thought to himself.
The armored warrior finally started walking into the beast's environment. Once he was relatively close, he could see the animal better. Before, her movements were so fast that his eyes couldn't keep up. But now he can distinguish its movements. The sounds produced by the bandaged knuckles and legs on the surface of the punching bag were deafening. He could also perceive the beast breathing out sharp and quick amounts of air at each hit. The speed of the attacks, and their surgical precision, were leaving the Shogun speechless. The Commander had nothing but praise in his eyes, looking at his comrade lower in rank.
"Ha Ha Ha! Look at you go! I see you're at the top of your game again today, Blue!"
The fighter stopped her high kick abruptly, a few millimeters before hitting her helpless sand-filled victim. The pressure of the air produced by the high velocity of this heavy kick pushed back the punching bag back a bit, making the chains clang. She put her blue shoe back on the ground and dropped her arms that were forming a guard in front of her. She then gently wiped the sweat pearly on her forehead. Heavily breathing, she took off her blue headphones and rested them around her neck. Her blue athletic bra was enabling her musculature to be seen by all. From the heavy training she had undergone for a while, all her muscles were swole, showing off her cut-sharp muscles. Sweat rolling down and pearling on her abs, she brought her hands to her bun to free it into a ponytail. Her black hair was dyed blue at the tips. She turned around to look at the swordsman.
"Ha Ha Ha! You never seem to stop improving. If you were trading me for this poor punching bag as a training buddy, I would get my ass whooped Ha Ha Ha!".
"Stop lying Slash, you know I hate fake modesty. We both know I wouldn't even be able to land a hit on you. Well, not that I wouldn't try, you know I like a good fight."
"Ha Ha Ha! You sure do! So tell me Blue. I know you're warming up for your rookie exam later, and you say you like a good fight. But, that's something you know more than me none of those recruits can give you. So, why are you so excited?"
"Eh? I don't get it?"
The Normie pinched the edge of her cap mounting her head, frowning with confusion.
"Why would I need a reason to enjoy destroying some Rookies?"