Black Dragon Kingdom

Chapter 572 Reason is more important than emotion


That guy is talking bad about me!

Ace, who was sleeping, suddenly opened his longan eyes, and a huge dragon head looked around.

Just now, his instinct told him that there was a heavyweight guy talking bad about him.

Just say it, he doesn't really care, as long as he doesn't scold him in front of him, he doesn't care about it.

What matters is that when his gut detects when a heavyweight guy talks bad about him, there's a message that's super important to him.

He thought to himself:

Who is speaking ill of me?

Eleanor, it's possible. She was beaten badly by the billions of worlds. It's very normal for her to greet her brother who doesn't help her with cursing.

Eliza, it's impossible. Eliza is developing well now. The strength of the world is increasing day by day. She is almost reaching the top of the big world. The multiverse is in sight. It would be good if she didn't come home to hug me and act coquettishly to thank me.

Could it be the Arcas Great Universe? But that's not right. Ever since I gave some pointers to the other party, the Arcas Great Universe has developed very well. In the downstream of the long river, the Arcas Multiverse has appeared. She is not Maybe they will speak ill of me, and it is possible to abduct me back.

The Great World of Myrisia, the other party is the same as the Great Universe of Arcas. The development is very good. There is already her in the lower reaches of the long river.

After thinking for a while, he ruled out options and heavyweights one after another.

He looked up, down, left, and right, and in the entire void, there were either the fat-bodied younger brothers who followed him to eat, or all the allies with whom he had a relationship of regeneration.

Especially the Arcas Great Universe and the Murisya Great World. The rules for the rise of these two worlds, one is the eternal life rule of civilization created by him, and the other is the dark rule conceived by his absolute militarization rules.

The two sides can be said to be his hard-core allies, the kind who can call them to go up and chop people with a single cry.

Except for these two hard-core allies, the other existences have more or less benefited, and there is no reason to speak ill of him.

After ruling out all the options, he didn't find anyone in the weight class who might speak ill of him.

He frowned and said, It's all my fault that I like to use the win-win principle too much, and I always pull a group of people to get benefits.

Until now, I can't even find a single target.


It's okay to speak ill of me, but what is the news of that weight?

My instinct told me that that news was very important.

It's about my dragon life.

He walked anxiously among the sea of ​​golden books.

He hates this kind of uncontrollable situation the most. Although he has encountered many difficulties along the way.

But every time, he has a solution.

But this time, he couldn't even find the direction, which made him a little helpless.

He calculated in his mind, where is the calculation problem?

In the end, he set his sights on his two doubles.

Two avatars, one avatar in the Alkas universe, are now enjoying the happy days of being taken care of by the Alkas universe.

And the other avatar is leading all the avatars of powerful existence in the entire Jingya world, fighting in the nothing, and has conquered an unknown number of worlds.

It must be that the two of them have offended someone, so he has such an instinct.

And among these two guys, the clone in the Alkas universe is obviously impossible to provoke any powerful guy.

So, he set his sights on nothing.


It was pitch black, without a ray of light on the earth.

In the sky, the sun and the moon are gone, and the stars are not there.

There is only darkness in the world.

However, in this pure darkness, there is a miraculous existence.

People ignite the light, so that this piece of lightless world has light.

City of Light, Lower City.

A tomboy wearing a dirty padded jacket, hat, and dark cheeks, carrying a backpack, quickly headed towards the outermost area of ​​the lower city.

Along the way, on the street illuminated by candlelight, one by one pedestrians were passed by him non-stop.

The alleys between houses are full of greedy eyes, looking for their prey on the street anytime and anywhere.

Whenever such eyes fell on the tomboy's body, the tomboy would involuntarily reveal the scimitar on her waist, and then quickly leave.

Greedy eyes, the moment they see the scimitar, will be disappointed and go to find the next target.

Ten minutes later, the tomboy lifted the manhole cover of a sewer in the outermost area of ​​the lower city, and quickly climbed in.

In the sewer as high as a person, there is a constant stench, and a mouse with scarlet eyes wanders in the dark from time to time.

The tomboy walked along the aisles on both sides of the gutter, and returned to her home as quickly as possible, an underground room that was once a sewer worker and was abandoned after work.

Whirring whirring!

The sound of urgent breathing echoed in the darkness.

The tomboy was exhausted, running all the way from the upper city to the lower city non-stop, and he had to be vigilant at all times for malicious eyes from all directions.

Both mind and body were exhausted, consuming almost all of his energy.

After gasping for a while.

The tomboy carefully lit a small candle, and carefully took out a dragon statue from her backpack.

A faint light shone in this room with an area of ​​no more than thirty square meters.

Under the light, the dragon statue is so lifelike.

Looking at this strange large lizard with wings, pitch-black scales and scarlet eyes, Tomboy's eyes were full of doubts.

What kind of creature is this? Why do I have a strong affinity for this statue?

Even spent more than half of his net worth to buy it.

Sophia said very distressed.

As an orphan, she was very rational, because she was irrational, and she died early on the way to adulthood.

But today, from the moment she saw this statue at a small stall, a dense sense of intimacy gushed out from the deepest part of her heart.

Her family bought this statue uncontrollably.

You know, most of her net worth is not just hers alone, it is she and the other seven sisters, who have caught mice for seven months and used them to store food for the dark winter.

Thinking of this, her heart was full of self-blame.

Boom, boom, boom!

Two long knocks and one short knock on the iron gate outside the house.

Hearing the familiar footsteps and knocking on the door, Sophia came to the door as quickly as possible, holding the knife at her waist in one hand, while using the lens inside the door to observe whether there were people ambushing on both sides of the door.

After careful observation for more than ten seconds, the seven sisters outside were not coerced.

She opened the iron door carefully.

A group of orphaned girls with their heads down entered the room as quickly as possible.

The iron door slammed shut.

Then the seven locks were firmly locked.

Lord of Light, Sister Sophia, we caught fourteen mice today, and we can exchange them for seven Bright Coins.

If we can catch fourteen mice a day, we'll never have to worry about Dark Winter.

Yes yes, we can eat well and drink broth.

A series of chirping voices sounded continuously in the darkness.

Sophia felt extremely uncomfortable, wishing to slap herself dozens of times.

What did she do?

The dark winter is the midsummer of the undead. At the moment it descends, countless undead will rise from the earth and turn into endless waves of darkness.

They will kill every city with light, look forward to the city with light, purify them with light, and help them get rid of eternal pain.

And once their pain cannot be relieved, the endless undead who become angry from embarrassment will angrily make the living become undead like them, and suffer the same pain as them.

And whenever that moment comes, the fall of the city is inevitable.

No city can withstand the attack of the undead rushing like a sea in this piece of land.

If you want to live in the dark winter, you can only ignite the light coins and attract powerful undead as your guardians, so that you can survive the dark winter.

The eight of them need eight hundred Bright Coins every year to ensure that they can survive until the end of the dark winter.

But now, she has used most of her savings to buy this statue, and the remaining Bright Coins in her hand are only three hundred.

The winter of darkness is about to arrive in one month, and there are only thirty days left.

It is impossible for them to obtain more than 500 Guangming coins within 30 days.

She forced a smile and chatted with her sisters.

Inside the black dragon statue, Ace stared at the tomboy who was not far away with a forced smile.

Excitedly said: What did this bastard clone do? Why did I suddenly have a daughter?

Also, how did this guy get sealed?

He turned his head to look at the deepest part of the statue, his avatar that was bound into rice dumplings by dense chains of laws and rules.

A pair of dragon teeth were almost crushed.

He turned around and walked in front of his avatar, and slapped him with a big mouth.


The clone Ace woke up in a daze, and the first moment he opened his eyes, he saw the main body with an extremely gloomy face.

At this moment, he was so excited that he wailed loudly, Ontology, you have to be the master for me.

The will of the world in this world is too immoral, and it's too immoral to be the will of the world.

She actually used a beauty trick on me, letting me do whatever she wanted with her, and then locked me up step by step with the law of love.

You know, I'm very emotional, use the law of love, one for one.

The most important thing is that the other party really loves me wholeheartedly.

woo woo woo woo!

The clone, Ace, was crying.

He is really too miserable. He is clearly the king and hegemony in Nothing, and he is invincible all over the world.

But he stumbled in a medium world, and now he can't leave even if he wants to.

The other party didn't talk about martial arts too much, and changed into the most beautiful appearance in the world, so welcome him into this world.

Satisfied all his desires with flowers, money and sex, and finally even gave himself to him.

That's all, it's not over yet.

The other party cast all the laws and regulations of the entire world into a beautiful crown, personally handed over 99% of the power in the entire world to him, and gave him unparalleled authority and power in the entire world.

But there is only one thing, she didn't give it to him, that is her body, the law of love.

The moment he put on the crown, the law of love wrapped around his heart, and he understood everything.

But he has been firmly entangled by the law of love, and he has fallen in love with the world will of this world.

Can't leave, can't hide, can't forget.

Hearing a sentence in his ear, Ace frowned and said, Since you have become the master of this world, why are you still bound by these rules?

This world is only a medium-sized world, not even a large-scale world, let alone a super-giant world above the large-scale world, the large world.

In such a weak world, it is impossible to restrain his clone.

The face of the clone Ace became even more ashamed, and he said: It's not the rules and regulations that bound me, but I let them bind me.

Every time I see the law of love, the love in my heart grows deeper for him.

In order to prevent me from becoming a love brain, I have no choice but to seal me with rules and regulations, so as to get rid of the meeting between the two parties and keep my sanity.

Emphasis on emotion is an advantage in the void, because it will reassure all the worlds, so that the worlds are willing to invest in him and bring him endless benefits.

And emphasizing feelings outside the void, that is, nothing, is a downright shortcoming.

In Nothing, all matter and energy are non-renewable, a little bit is a little bit, and the definition of mass conservation is particularly stubborn here.

All worlds are struggling to survive, trying their best to plunder the matter and energy of other worlds.

Here, the rule of survival of the fittest has already reached its peak.

Emphasis on feelings or something, not a single world will be affected.

The world where the law of love is the will of the world seems a little helpless in nothingness, and life is quite difficult.

And at this time, he jumped out, still with the local tyrant's golden light that can blind the will of the world of the law of love, and that endless energy and matter filled the tens of thousands of worlds of the will of the world of the law of love. There is an oversized remainder.

On top of that, he is so sentimental.

He who can overthrow an unknown number of great worlds has weaknesses all over his body for the world will of the law of love.

Needless to say what happened after that, from the moment he stepped into this world arrogantly, he couldn't escape.

Looking at the aggrieved clone, Ace sighed deeply.

Although he emphasizes emotion, reason is above emotion.

When emotion and reason conflict, he will choose reason.

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