Black Dragon Kingdom

Chapter 573 The mother at the source

His avatar is in the same line as him, and reason is higher than emotion.

And now in this world, what he is doing is to slowly make his clone's emotions higher than reason.

Rationally, the avatar knows that he is just an avatar. The matter and energy he possesses belong to Jingya's world. Although it belongs to his own property, half of it belongs to Jingya.

It cannot be given away casually.

For example, up to now, although his avatar has been cheated, it is quite sad.

But he didn't hand over a single atom to the will of the world, the law of love, and refused to give it.

Obviously, although he fell in love with the law of love, the will of the world, his reason has always been higher than emotion.

Seeing that his avatar did not lose his mind, Ace said, Then what are you going to do now?

A war without meaning, we can't do it without you.

Since you disappeared, the gods, the saints, and the Void Behemoth, no one will obey anyone.

Because Jingya wants to climb to the top of the multiverse now, all her power is on the top of the multiverse, and she can't get away from herself and can't lead them.

Under internal fighting, the strength is greatly weakened.

There are so many worlds in Nothing that you conquered, and they are preparing to rebel right now.

The clone Ace lowered his head, dragged his face and said, I don't know what to do anymore.

Can't leave, can't hide, can't forget

The matter between me and her can only be resolved slowly.

The law of love works reciprocally. Whenever I love her more, she loves me more.

Don't worry, I will never suffer.

And, I can't go back, I'm not you anymore, I'm just Ace in this world.

After finishing the last sentence, the avatar Ace fell asleep directly.

He needs a long time to resolve his feelings.

Moreover, he has no way to integrate with the main body now.

After becoming the master of the world and being entangled by the law of love, he has become a new life form.

Just like a sea of ​​atomic metal.

In fact, the reason for this situation is also the ontology's fault.

Although the avatar is separated most of the time, generally speaking, it must be re-fused with the main body after a period of time, and re-integrated into one.

Just like a glass of water, after one drop is poured out, then that drop of water returns and merges with the water in the glass again. water fused together.

The newly dispensed drop of water is a drop of all the water in the cup.

However, if that drop of water does not merge with all the water in a glass of water for a long time, then as time goes by, that drop of water will become different from all the water in a glass of water under the rendering of various substances. of water.

After that, that drop of water has become new water.

Just like water and oil, they can't be mixed together.

That's how he is now.

Looking at the sleeping clone, Ace understood everything thoroughly.

The reason why the avatar was able to command the gods, the saints, and a group of void behemoths before was because he was his avatar of Ace.

But now, under the influence of the law of love, he has become a new life form.

He is no longer him, but another living being named Ace.

The gods, saints, and giant void beasts would never listen to him.

It is precisely because of understanding this that his avatar stays here helplessly.

Because he has no way out.

Even if you want to go back to the void, 80% of the infinite and eternal world will not agree.

For the infinite and eternal world, the world and life in the void are conceived by the void energy gushing out from her. According to the idea that the living and the raising are the mother, the infinite and eternal world is the source of all the worlds and all life in the void on the mother.

From the mother's point of view, it is right for the children of their own family to eat, drink and play at home. The infinite and eternal world only dislikes the children not eating enough and not growing strong enough.

But if outsiders want to come to the house to eat, drink and have fun, then the situation is different.

An outsider who wants to eat me, drink my food, play with me, and even beat my cubs in my house, who do you think you are?

Do you really think I can't lift a knife?

The avatar that has become the master of this world has obviously been classified as an outsider, or an outsider who is dragging a world.

It can only be said that this outsider is somewhat related to the infinite and eternal world.

But that's all.

Relatives can't eat, drink and have fun in other people's homes and beat other people's children, right?

If you are exhausted, you will take the time to visit each other and give each other a red envelope or something.

As for the others, don't even think about it.

Outside, the eight girls who had been fighting for a long time climbed into their big bed and fell asleep in each other's arms.

And Ace, who figured out what was going on, was also full of helplessness in his heart.

For this matter, it is no wonder that the doppelgänger, when people want to capture this world, it is normal to negotiate, and then they are calculated by others.

The most important thing is that this avatar has not been integrated with him for too long.

It was already too far away from him.

If he had merged with the clone once every year or every few decades, this thing would never have happened.

But he also did not expect that in nothingness there would be a world where the law of love is the will of the world.

It's like flowers growing out of steel, outrageous.

He turned his gaze to the eight children outside.

From looking through the memory of the clone, he learned that there were no humans in this world.

There are only endless undead who save resources.

In the midst of life and death, the undead yearn for warmth and love.

They can't ask for it, they can't love it, they can't get it if they want it, and they have given birth to the law of love.

This world is a world of darkness, a world of undead.

Its special structure made him, a dragon who is used to seeing countless worlds in the void, a little surprised.

Extreme coldness breeds extreme love.

No wonder his avatar fell like this.

Human beings are a race bred by his avatar and the law of love.

The human beings in this world are quite special human beings.

The tears they shed because of emotion, after being refined, can extract the purest crystal of light in the world, and the crystal of light can purify the resentment of the undead, let the undead experience the feeling of love and being loved, and happily go to the next life .

Their beliefs can be turned into the light of purification, allowing the undead to experience short-lived love, restore their own rationality as intelligent beings, and stop being muddled.

And the most miraculous thing about them is that whenever the undead fall in love with humans, they will go to eternal darkness, spend a hundred years of good time in flowers, sunshine, food, and passionate love, and be favored and praised by the world.

And after a hundred years, both parties will die happily.

At that moment, the undead will turn into a bright moon over the city, bringing cool light to the world and soothing the sorrows of human beings and undead.

Human beings will become the sun on a city, illuminating a city and bringing warmth and love to people.

The two sides, one yin and one yang, will give birth to their own offspring human beings in the light.

And their descendants will forge the city in the light and multiply and grow.

It's just that it's a pity that in today's world, there isn't a single brain-dead human who falls in love with an undead.

There is still darkness above the earth.

Only through the faith and tears of human beings, the refined crystallization of light and the light of purification can bring a faint light to this world.

And this trace of crystallization of light and light of purification is what the endless undead who are still living in despair and misery long for.

The undead don't actually want to kill humans.

On the contrary, they love human beings very much. Whenever the dark winter comes, they will rush over to enjoy the light with human beings.

It's just that human beings are not willing to enjoy the light with them, want to eat alone, and don't know the word sharing at all.

In order for humans to share, the undead had to use a little extreme means.

He sighed softly: A miraculous world, miraculous rules, and miraculous human beings.

And this girl named Sophia is even more miraculous.

The blood concentration in his body is similar to mine, and it's almost the same.

Almost my own daughter.

That is to say, this world is too barren and has no magic power at all. Otherwise, this girl who is almost my own daughter has already become a powerful existence that moves mountains and fills seas.

After all, it is connected with my blood, or give her some benefits.

She's had a hard time.

It's nothing to suffer for the avatar, after all, the other party can't die no matter what, at most it's just screaming in pain, it's amazing to be drained.

But this girl with her own blood can't live in too much misery.

This tragedy, people may be gone.

He is so emotional that he doesn't want to let his relatives have a miserable life.

As far as he can, he will not refuse.

This world belongs to the undead. How about giving the other party a Necromancer inheritance?

This is a professional counterpart

Well, let's do that.

After thinking for a while, he instantly found a way to keep Sofia from suffering.

That is to be a strong person.

In the emptiness of the dream, the excited Sophia was grilling row after row of roast mice by the flint fire.

She eats it while grilling.

Delicious, delicious, delicious, delicious!

The roast mouse is delicious, I must eat half full today.

Sophia, who was chomping on the roast mouse, her greatest wish was to eat the roast mouse until she was half full.

As for eating other things or being full, she couldn't even dream about it.

Ace stepped out of the void. His pitch-black dragon wings, black crystal-like dragon scales, and extremely muscular body all showed that he was a terrifying giant beast.

When danger came, Sophia, who was in a daze in her dream, woke up rarely.

She looked at the terrifying monster not far away, more than ten meters high and a hundred meters long.

The little face turned pale in an instant, and without saying a word, he ran towards the distance at the fastest speed.

As for the idea of ​​turning around and fighting the giant beast, she didn't have the slightest idea.

She was a little girl, and she risked her life to fight against a terrifying beast that was a hundred meters long.

I'm afraid that if he didn't rush up, he wouldn't even have enough gaps between his teeth.


Humble reptile!

You are despising the majesty of the dragon.

Ace opened his teeth and claws, smashed a mountain with a slap, and spit out endless flames when he opened his mouth, turning a dark world into dazzling light.

The dense light illuminates the whole world.

Sophia turned her head to look at this miraculous scene, and stopped running, her eyes were full of special light.

At the moment when he was stupefied.

Endless flame soldiers rushed out of the flames in a mighty way, and they rushed like a stream, endlessly.

Every step on the ground will cause a piece of the ground to be burned into darkness.


The deafening sound of fighting resounded through the world.

Sophia was startled awake in an instant, and continued to run forward in a panic.

She is not an idiot, and the large number of flame soldiers behind her must have come to chop her up.

Where does she have time to be dazed?

Just as she was running desperately, a pile of undead magic knowledge suddenly appeared in her mind.

At this time, the flame soldier was getting closer and closer to her, and he was about to hack her to death.

At this moment, she can't control how the knowledge of desperate magic came about?

She opened her mouth and uttered a long string of undead summoning spells.

The heroic undead sleeping under the earth, your loyal friend, Sophia, I pray that you can help her tide over the difficulties.

For this reason, she is willing to warm you with warm love.

May our friendship last forever and last forever.

The long spell resounded across the sky. At this moment, she sincerely regarded the undead as friends and was willing to warm them with her love.

After all, if she is not sincere, she will be hacked to death by a large group of flame soldiers behind.

The sky is big, the earth is big, life is the biggest, and danger lies ahead, so she can't help being insincere.

The spell fell, and an invisible wave penetrated the earth.

And Ace directly changed Sophia's dragon blood, turning it into an undead dragon blood that can swallow the breath of the undead and grow stronger.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

The ground was cracked, and endless undead struggled to crawl out from under the ground.

They felt a special aura, which was the ultimate thing they couldn't wish for, and even death could not stop them from pursuing it.

Ho ho ho ho!


Hundreds of millions of undead went crazy and killed Sophia's enemies.

The endless army of flames and the endless army of undead collided together on the ground with a bang.

Flames flew, and the breath of the undead permeated.

The deafening sound of fighting filled the entire land.

Sophia was completely dazed, she stood tremblingly on the side of the undead, watching the endless undead pass her side, fighting for her.

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