Black Dragon Kingdom

Chapter 571: Jingya Multiverse

This is even more true for revenge and revenge. There are quite a lot of stories about farmers and snakes in every world. There is no world that hopes that after helping a world to reach the top of the multiverse, the other party will kill itself with revenge. I like the world where kindness will be rewarded with revenge. Even if the brain is kicked by a donkey in the infinite and eternal world, it will never let the other party reach the top of the multiverse.

If there is a legend, he has a resource in his hand that can help a person become a strong person.

And in front of him, there are two people waiting for his choice.

One of the grateful people, the kindness of a drop of water is reciprocated by the spring, and after becoming a strong man, he will do his best to help his benefactor.

The other person is a person who repays kindness and revenge. As long as he becomes a strong man, he will kill his benefactor with one blow.

Question: Which one would a legend with a resource choose?

The existence of normal IQ will choose the first person to be grateful.

The six worlds that once climbed to the top of the big world with the help of the infinite eternal world are all rational, emotionally grateful, and willing to give their own resources to help their companions.

When the Alkas Universe was facing the difficulty of destroying the world, several other worlds extended their helping hands one after another to help the Alkas Universe tide over the difficulties.

The same is true for him and his Jingya world.

He is grateful and does not take the help of the infinite and eternal world for granted.

He likes a win-win situation, and everyone earns benefits together.

He puts a lot of emphasis on feelings, plus a little bit of protection.

He is rational, no matter how much pressure there is, he is willing to use reason to solve the problem.

And Jingya regards merit as her own code of conduct. Most of the hopes and resources that Jingya world can reach the top of the multiverse are provided by the infinite eternal world.

If counting work, the work done by the infinite eternal world to Jingya's world is comparable to him.

It is foreseeable that after the Jingya world reaches the top of the multiverse, the Jingya multiverse will definitely become the hardcore of the infinite and eternal world. The relationship between the two parties is quite close, just like the relationship between a mother and a son and a daughter.

In fact, if Jinya's world reaches the top of the multiverse, his performance will definitely be the same as that of the infinite eternal world.

I don't know how far the world of gratitude, the world of love brains, the world of irrationality, and the world of unreasonable things will go.

He still wants to live billions and billions more years.

If the other party wants to climb to the top of the multiverse, he will subconsciously extend his evil hand and quietly suppress the other party. If he really can't suppress the other party, he will personally suppress the other party.

A world that can climb to the top of the multiverse must be a world that is rational, reasonable, and grateful, and will not repay favors.

What worries him more now is that Elena has a big shortcoming, that is, the other party is a little irrational and likes to do things according to her own temper.

This is a little too unfriendly.

The infinite and eternal world will never agree to Elena's ascension to the multiverse.

After all, in the irrational multiverse, just reading words can make countless worlds tremble with fear and scalp numbness.

Facing the reality, he said with some headaches:

Now we can only look at Elena herself. As long as she can really figure it out and truly change herself, the multiverse can definitely reach the top.

With me here, she has more chances. If she can't do it once, she can do it twice; if she can't do it twice, she can do it three times;

The rules of rising, how can she not be missing?

The problem with her own personality is the key that really prevents her from reaching the top of the multiverse.

He raised his eyes and looked towards the downstream of the long river of time constructed by the infinite eternal world.

Just look, originally only one Jade multiverse will be born in the future, and two new multiverses are appearing loomingly.

And they are the Arcas Great Universe, which controls the rules of civilization's eternal life, and the Murisya Great World, which controls the rules of darkness.

These two powerful worlds completely controlled the rules of their own rise and did not share them with anyone.

Compared with those worlds that use the rules of rise that have been split, they have the possibility of surely ascending to the top of the multiverse.

And this possibility, with the help of the long river of time cast by the infinite and eternal world, directly becomes their doomed future of reaching the top of the multiverse world.

With the help of the future self who has climbed to the top of the multiverse in the downstream of the Alkas universe and the Muria world, reaching the top of the multiverse is already a certainty.

Even if the multiverse is only the future, it is still a multiverse.

They can fight from the downstream to the upstream of the long river of time at any time, protecting their former selves.

Even the infinite and eternal world still cannot change this.


In the original space of the infinite and eternal world of whiteness.

A big fur ball is leisurely playing chess with Jingya, which also turned into a big yellow light ball.

While playing chess, they looked at the endless world in the void.

The chess pieces of both sides are constantly being swallowed by the opponent.

Da Mao begged: How far are you from the multiverse? How long will it take?

I'm very much looking forward to your summit.

The big furball opened its big eyes, and the sparkling eyes were full of anticipation.

Jingya, a calm yellow rhubarb ball, gently dropped a chess piece and said calmly: I can create a land of 10 million square kilometers with the energy and matter that can create a land of 10 million square kilometers without relying on beliefs. , after another grain of dust.

I'm already in the multiverse.

It's just not perfect.

And now I have been able to use the energy and matter that created 10 million square kilometers of land to create 10 million square kilometers of land, and another hundred grains of dust.

When I use the energy and matter that created 10 million square kilometers of land to create 20 million square kilometers of land, then I will be a qualified multiverse.

Speaking of this, the calm Jingya trembled in a rare way.

Hearing Jingya's answer, the big fur ball instantly widened its eyes and stopped playing chess.

Rolling in front of Jingya, she said in a pleasant surprise: Since you are already a multiverse, why do you keep it a secret?

As long as you can create even a tiny bit of matter or energy by yourself, then you are already a complete version of the multiverse.

For us, time is just a toy in the palm of our hand. It is not difficult for us to speed up by a thousand billion times, thousands of billions of times.

Suppose I can only create ten thousand tons of matter per day, and you can only create one ton of matter per day.

Then when you speed up your time by 10,000 times compared to mine, then you can create 10,000 tons of matter in the same time as me.

The difference between multiverse and multiverse is just the difference between zero and one.

When it comes to one, whether it's one, ten thousand or trillion, it's not much different.

At this moment, she really wanted to burst into tears.

How many years had it been since she reached the top of the multiverse?

Endless time, endless resources, and endless effort were spent.

She finally cultivated a world at the same level as herself.

She jumped up happily.

Seeing the big furball bouncing happily, Jingya remained so calm.

The liveliness of the big hairball has already been well known to many people in the world, and she is already very familiar with it.

After a while.

The big hairball rolled to the opposite side of the chessboard again, and calmed down from the overjoy.

At this time, Jingya said: I don't want to hide it, but there is no need to spread it.

The current Jinya world is developing very well. The rules, the gods, the saints, and Ace are all desperately helping the development of the Jinya world.

I don't want to interrupt this process.

Hearing such an answer, the big hairy ball suddenly realized.

Then it occurred to me that she seemed to have done the same thing back then.

At the beginning, when she climbed to the top of the multiverse, she looked at the countless existences in her world who were still struggling, and couldn't bear to interrupt their struggle.

So, she kept it a secret and watched the countless existences who were working hard to build her world better.

On the way, there was still a powerful and powerful divine power who reached the top of the great divine power, so she couldn't hide it.

But if you don't hide it, troubles will come.

The goal of all intelligent life in all civilizations in the entire universe is to help their own world reach the top of the multiverse.

But now that the goal has been accomplished, all civilizations and all intelligent life are overjoyed, and at the same time, they all have the idea that I should take a rest after being busy for so long.

It’s okay for one intelligent life to think this way, it’s okay for one civilization to think this way, it’s even more okay for two intelligent beings to think this way, and it’s not a big deal for two civilizations to think this way.

But when the vast majority of intelligent life and civilization in the universe think this way, this problem will be so big that it has no limit.

Her world has entered the era of lying down.

Except for some gods at the top, who are still vying for the position of great divine power, other civilizations and intelligent life are lying flat.

For those civilized and intelligent beings, their lifespan is eternal, and one by one is rewarded extremely richly by the infinite eternal world.

Ordinary people with even a little credit were sent directly to a universe. What else could they do besides lie flat?

They don't have the confidence to snatch the position of great divine power.

As for their lying down, she was a big hairball in a daze, and she was a little helpless about it.

For her, all civilizations and intelligent life in her world at that time were existences that contributed to the infinite and eternal world.

They have suffered for so long, and finally they have come to the end of their hardships. Enjoy, enjoy, rest and rest. Is there a problem?

No problem at all.

Any boss will think it's okay.

It's because there is no problem, so her big hairball has a big head.

These guys in the world don't work hard, how can the rules become stronger and more perfect, and how can the world become more perfect?

The multiverse can still move forward.

In the beginning, when she copied a continent, she could only obtain one-tenth of a cubic millimeter of matter, which was about the same as Jingya's in the beginning, just like a grain of dust.

But with the continuous evolution of the world, the rules and regulations are becoming more and more perfect, and the original one-tenth of a cubic millimeter of matter is slowly increasing.

After a long and full tens of billions of years, she finally copied a continent and was able to obtain a continent, which is not a small progress.

It was also after she was able to copy a continent, and she was able to obtain a continent, that she could not hide the fact that she reached the top of the multiverse.

The major civilizations and all intelligent life that were struggling to move forward have all entered the era of lying down.

Under such circumstances, the evolution of the world plummeted countless times.

After 10 billion years and 100 billion years, she barely copied a continent and obtained a continent of 1.000001.

Her evolution rate was directly slowed down by many zeros, and she was so angry that she was tearful and helpless.

In the end, she had no choice but to make half of the worlds she copied, let those heroes continue to rule, and half let those worlds develop on their own, which would be much better.

But not much better.

The intelligent beings without grand goals are far inferior to her original group of heroes who struggled for their ideals.

After all, her heroes were not only bred by her world.

That was the result of her devouring the endless worlds of nothingness and condensing the essence of hundreds of millions of worlds.

The time has passed to the present, and when she copies one continent, she will also be able to obtain twelve continents.

And time, trillions of years have passed.

Look at the speed of one grain of dust to one continent in ten billion years, and now, it has only grown to twelve continents in trillions of years, and the growth ratio has directly become one grain of dust to one continent to one to twelve ,

How slow is it? She was too lazy to count, anyway, there were many, many zeros.

She regretted it terribly.

Can't let the heros lie flat.

As soon as they lie down, the one who suffers is the boss.

Seeing how he suffered in the past, the big hairy ball hurriedly talked with Jingya, and told Jingya with his own experience, that the heroes must not be let down.

As for the warning from the big hairball, Jingya very much agrees.

In Jingya's world, not to mention other guys, Ace, the world master of Jingya's world, is a black dragon who likes to lie flat.

If you let him know that Jingya's world has reached the top of the multiverse, he will lie flat as fast as possible and enjoy life happily.

As for hard work, Zero Zero Seven will definitely be thrown out of the world by Ace, no matter how far he is thrown.

Ace will definitely say that I have been busy for so long, and I still can't enjoy it, and I can't rest.

Regarding Ace's character and thoughts, Jingya knew that she could no longer understand, so she did not hesitate to hide it.

It is really with the help of Ace and the heroes that the evolution speed of Jinya's world is too fast, and the speed of evolution is still accelerating.

There is no will in the world that is willing to destroy this beautiful scene.

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