Black Dragon Kingdom

Chapter 157 Internal Crisis

In another palace just one wall away from the Ace Palace, countless gold coins gathered into a mountain, and a gorgeous throne made of pure gold and inlaid with various gemstone magic crystals was placed on the top of the golden mountain.

Eliza sat on the gorgeous throne, wrinkling her head like a black spar, looking at the crystal screen made of magic in front of her.

Twenty-five million dark creatures!

The breeding is too fast, and the pandaren's planting speed can't keep up.

Eliza was a little annoyed.

In the few months when the legendary monsters were subdued, when the land was distributed by military exploits, the priests, scholars and scholars of all ethnic groups, while recording the land distributed by military exploits, also nodded their heads by the way.

Then they were frightened, and they didn't know if they didn't count their heads. With a few heads, the number exceeded the terrifying number of twenty-five million.

You must know that their current nut tree plantation is only more than 5,000 square kilometers, more than 5 million acres (1 acre = 1,000 square meters).

Based on the current number of people, on average, every acre of land needs to support three dark creatures.

This has reached an extremely dangerous warning line.

When the war was fought, Eliza actually had doubts about the food shortage.

Their Giant Dragon Alliance has a huge nut tree plantation of 5 million acres. According to one acre of land, there are ten nut trees. One nut tree harvests two seasons a year, a total of 0.1 tons of grain. Ten nut trees equals one ton. .

One acre harvests one ton a year, five million acres of nut tree plantations, that is five million tons of grain.

With so much food, how could there be no food to support an army of 10 million to fight outside? After all, on average, almost every dark creature has 0.5 tons of food.

This is not bad, if you count it by the catty, it is a thousand catties.

You must know that most of the more than 10 million dark creatures under their command are weak dark creatures like kobolds, goblins and goblins, but they only need more than three hundred catties of food a year.

There are only about one million big-bellied ogres and trolls who eat a lot.

As for the other orcs, they only need more than 500 catties of food a year. Compared with the food share of 1,000 catties, they are still far behind.

Therefore, she had been wondering for a long time that she could not continue to fight in the face of food shortage.

It's just that she was on the battlefield at the time, and then followed Ace to rob those legendary monsters. She didn't care much about such trivial matters, after all, there was still enough food.

But as the big steward of the dragon alliance, she can't ignore this kind of thing.

So as soon as she came back, she started looking for problems.

Then the problem was easily found out by her.

The millions of dark creatures that were left in the dark swamp because they were not adults and were not pulled into the battlefield, after they became adults, they had nothing to do and desperately gave birth to cubs.

In fact, in a little over two years, the number of their own family groups has doubled, from more than 5 million at the beginning to more than 11 million.

It is precisely because of their soaring numbers that the supply of food begins to run short.

After all, with the start of the war, the expansion of the nut tree plantations had stopped, and all the panda people ran to deliver food and expand the nut tree plantations. Except for them, there were almost no dark creatures capable.

The number of dark creatures has increased, but the area of ​​the nut tree plantations that provide food has not expanded, and a food crisis will naturally arise.

The problem she faced now was that the reproduction speed of the dark race was too fast, and the speed at which the Pandaren expanded their nut tree plantations was simply not as fast as their doubling.

How to do it?

Those guys ate more than one, and the raw ones were especially large.

If this continues, the plantation will be overwhelmed.

Eliza's head was buzzing. Facing the fact that the number of dark races continued to skyrocket, she had no good solution at all.

At this time, she is just like the super empire of the intelligent race that unified one aspect. As the number of intelligent life in the territory continues to increase, the food produced by the cultivation of the territory is simply not enough to feed them.

Regardless of them, they will not let themselves starve to death. Intelligent life has a natural will to survive. In order to survive, they will use knives. When the time comes, civil strife will almost inevitably erupt.

And for a huge force, as long as external threats do not have decisive power, it is difficult to destroy them.

Only internal problems are really big problems.

At this time, their dragon alliance, accompanied by the addition of forty-four legendary monsters, has reached the peak standard of the original super empire.

As long as it is not the gods from the sky descending to earth, even if the demigods come, they will not be afraid, and if they are angry with them, the demigods can't kill them.

There are many ants that can kill elephants, let alone a group of legends who dare to risk their lives for their own interests and future.

The demigods are not afraid of them, and the scattered human beings in the outside world are even less likely to cause a crisis of destruction to them.

Therefore, the only thing that can destroy them at this time is their own internal crisis.

At this time, with the emergence of the food crisis, Eliza keenly felt the emergence of an internal crisis.

If the problem of food is not solved, in order to make their own race stronger, and to obtain more blood sacrifices from members of the same race after becoming the king of the race, conflicts among the dark legends will almost inevitably erupt.

Even if there are three of them pressing down, they will poke secretly, trying to kill each other, and then occupy the resources of the opponent's race, make their own race stronger, and thus gain more blood sacrifice energy.

Eliza can find a bunch of examples by calculating casually in her mind.

Do you want to go to Ace? He is so smart, he should have a solution?

Eliza muttered to herself.

Then she was about to start, but just as she stood up, she sat down again.

She felt that it was unnecessary to call Ace who was resting because of such a trivial matter.

For their giant dragons, they are the most important. What should they do if there are too many dark cubs under their command? The extremely evil dragons swallowed the family member who raised this question with one big mouthful.

Then go to the family members to have a big meal to fill their stomachs well.

In this way, the problem of too many people can be perfectly solved.

Those with a better temper will drive the extra dark race out of their territory with a wave of their hand, leaving them to fend for themselves.

So in the eyes of their evil dragons, this kind of thing is just a trivial matter.

In fact, Eliza also thought about kicking them out directly.

But she discovers that the dark legends are the key.

In order to obtain more blood sacrifice energy when the whole race sacrifices blood for them after becoming the king of the race, so as to make themselves climb to the top in a higher level.

Legends all need more members of the same race. After all, the blood sacrifice requires the blood of the same race.

Without blood, trying to improve one's own strength is a joke.

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