Black Dragon Kingdom

Chapter 158 Male and Female Separation

She doesn't care much about ordinary dark races, but dark legends are the legendary powerhouses who are most loyal to their dragon alliance.

She had to curb their internal strife and protect their base.

In the power composition of their dragon alliance today.

The three dragons are the well-deserved rulers and are on the first ladder.

As for the dark legends, because they took refuge early and were the most loyal to the dragon alliance, their status was higher than other legends.

The legendary monsters and the legendary elves are united around them because of their interests.

If there were no blood sacrifices and more than one million tons of meat every year, although they would not rebel, it is certain that they will not work hard.

So they are ranked third, in the order that they can be used, but they cannot be completely trusted.

It can be said that in today's power composition, the dark legend is very important to their dragon alliance.

Their infighting will greatly affect the stability of their dragon alliance.

But now their conflicts are irreconcilable.

Their blood sacrifice energy comes from their own clansmen of the same race. The more clansmen of the same race, the more blood sacrifice energy they can get, and the faster their strength can improve.

And if there are too few clansmen, the blood sacrifice will get less energy, which will slow down their strength improvement.

Although they have not yet become the kings of the race because they have not gained much military merit, they are all quite far-sighted in terms of improving their strength.

In other words, those who have no foresight cannot become legends, and the dark legends who can survive to the present are all online.

They almost all understand that the speed of their own strength improvement is all based on their own race. The more dark creatures of the same race, the faster and faster they can improve their strength in the future.

And the resources in the dark swamp are limited, and the dark creatures to feed also have a peak. In order to improve their strength, of course they have to fight.

When they climbed to the top of the legend, which one of them didn't climb up on the heads of countless other dark creatures or dark creatures of the same race.

How can it be possible to think of them as good babies now?

Now, you only need to let your own race grow and grow, and the number becomes more and more, and you can quickly improve your own strength. This kind of temptation is really too great.

They're all a little on the verge of moving.

What makes them feel an eyesore is that there are too many dark legends, and there are too many dark creatures that are not of their own race.

Eat a lot, take up a lot of resources, and my own race is almost out of food, no matter how you look at it, it is not pleasing to the eye.

Eliza lay quietly on the golden throne, and the memory of inheritance flowed across her mind like flowing water.

She quickly glanced at the knowledge left by countless senior dragons for their junior dragons.

In front of her, there were countless runes circulating on the huge crystal screen.

As the inheritor of Rune Demon Dragon, one of the major inheritances left by the ancient dragon.

Her wisdom is determined by how much knowledge she possesses, the more knowledge she has, the stronger her power and the higher her wisdom.

Why isn't there a solution that can be passed down for thousands of years?

Eliza thought about it for a long time, and she also thought about a lot of ways, but all of them could only be alleviated, and none of them could contain the opponent's internal fighting for hundreds of thousands of years.

There are many ways to delay it, but none of them can completely solve this problem.

Interests, especially the contradictions brought about by extraordinary interests that can enhance strength, are much more difficult to resolve than ordinary contradictions.

Waving the magic screen away, Eliza said to the pandaren guarding the door: Call me all the dark legends.

Yes, Your Royal Highness!

Outside the gate, a second-tier pandaren hero said respectfully, and then hurriedly ran outside the castle.

After four or five hourglass hours.

Twenty-seven dark legends walked into Eliza's palace in a daze.

They knelt on one knee at the same time and said, Your Highness, your wisdom is unparalleled.

Eliza asked them to get up casually, and said solemnly: I called you here this time because I have a task for you.

The nut tree plantation needs a lot of shallow water to expand. The water level in some areas is too high, which hinders the expansion of the nut tree plantation. From now on, those dark creatures under your hands can't just eat and work.

One by one, except for the military winners, other adult dark creatures need to work.

After the explanation, Eliza began to assign tasks to them.

She directly divided the twenty-seven dark creatures into three parts, and ten of them led all the slave male dark creatures who were not military achievements, and asked them to go to the north of the nut tree plantation to fill in the dark swamps with relatively deep water levels. waters.

For the other ten, she asked them to lead all the slave female dark creatures who were not military achievements, and let them go to the south of the nut tree plantation, and also fill in the dark swamp waters with relatively deep water levels.

As for the other seven, they are the rulers of the Extraordinary Legion. Eliza asked them to go to the seven key islands not far from the nut tree plantation to build castles and guard the nut tree plantation.

After some distribution, the twenty-seven dark legends were a little confused.

Let the seven extraordinary legions build castles around them to defend against the enemy's destruction of the nut tree plantation, which they can understand.

They are all living on nut tree plantations now, protecting their rations, which they approve with both hands and feet.

But why fill the dark swamp with deep water? What happened to the water depth? Doesn't the expansion of a nut tree plantation only require a large tree of more than 30 meters to expand?

Why fill those deep water areas, isn't it a waste of effort?

Also, how to separate the male dark creatures from the female dark creatures, they are separated, who will give them blood to supply the dark cubs.

Although the dark legends didn't understand, they didn't dare to resist Eliza's order, and obediently went to organize the group of dark creatures who only eat but don't work.

Seeing that everything was arranged, Eliza yawned big.

She hasn't slept for almost three years, and she's just a child who hasn't even reached the age of ten. She fights wars, farms, learns magic, and has to read and think hard in her dreams.

It can be called the zero zero seven version of zero zero seven, and no model worker is as ruthless as her.

Model workers can still rest when they sleep at night, but she, a little dragon, still has to study in her dreams, which is much worse than model workers.

And a certain dragon was particularly cheating. Seeing that she and Elena were growing unhappy, he slapped them on the head with a half-plane blood sacrifice.

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