Black Dragon Kingdom

Chapter 156 Enfeoffment of Territory

I can barely keep up with that guy Ace's thinking, and it doesn't take much brains.

Putting aside all her troubles, Eliza licked her paws and started to eat fish.

With the addition of forty-four legendary monsters, the three dragons no longer take human threats seriously.

In their words, it is impossible for human beings to come in now, even if they are killed, I am still worried about a hammer.

Your Majesty, Tia Lydia has perfectly completed the task you entrusted. The gorgeous golden castle behind is my newly built residence for you.

Tia Lydia was wearing a gorgeous emerald green dress and knelt on one knee.

In the past six months, she mobilized more than 10 million dark creatures that came back from the battlefield, plus the newborn dark creatures that stayed in the nut tree plantation and multiplied to 10 million after two years.

A total of more than 20 million dark creatures jointly built this huge castle behind her.

With sufficient manpower and the magnificent command of more than 300,000 elves, the castle behind her is now.

It is a kilometer high, 300,000 meters wide, and 500,000 meters long, and the height of each room is no less than 200 meters. It can be called a realistic version of a giant castle.

Not only did she, the legendary saint, participate in this castle, but the other twenty-nine legends also participated.

Relying on the joint casting of more than a thousand mage scholars, twenty-nine legends and countless dark race transcendents in the clan, the quality of this castle is very good.

Not only is the whole body built with pieces of extremely hard gold pyroxene and silver pyroxene weighing ten tons.

All kinds of magic circles are also engraved in the castle.

It can be said that this castle can be squeezed into the top ten even if it is on the mainland.

After all, not everyone can invite tens of thousands of extraordinary people, plus thirty legends, to build a castle together.

Looking at the huge castle reflecting countless golden lights in the distance, Ace was extremely satisfied and said happily: Yes, yes, Tia Lydia, you really lived up to my expectations of you.

I am very satisfied with the castle you built.

At this time, Ace was already happy in his heart.

In the past six months, there have been many good things. First, he blackmailed forty-four legendary monsters and robbed them of gold coins. Now his gold coins can bury ten of them.

Even compared to those old monster-level giant dragons, his property is still considered rich.

While grabbing gold coins, he subdued forty-four legendary monsters, which greatly increased the strength of his subordinates and doubled their combat effectiveness several times.

Now, he no longer has to worry about humans entering the Dark Swamp. With forty-four legendary monsters, he still has the home court advantage of the Dark Swamp. Those timid human legends, he borrowed the courage of the other party, and they dare not come .

This brought him a sufficient sense of security, and he would not have trouble sleeping in the future.

The third good thing is the big castle Tia Lydia built for him.

He is really satisfied with this castle, not only is it big, but it is also very shiny, silver and shining under the sunlight.

He almost thought that the other party was a castle made of gold.

As a dragon who loves gold coins, how does this make him dissatisfied.

After a good compliment to Tia Lydia, he began to arrange sites for forty-four monsters and the swamp kobolds who farmed for them.

Your Majesty, I hope to arrange with my partner.

The legendary tortoise came to the throne with two other legendary tortoises who had a good relationship with him, and bowed his head to beg.

Turtles are amphibious animals, and the terrain of swamps is very suitable for them to survive, and their defense is at the forefront of monsters of the same level.

The three turtles are on the same side, as long as they unite, even if four or five fully armed human legends run over, they won't be able to break their turtle shells.

For the sake of safety, the legendary tortoise wanted to arrange his two tortoises of the same type on both sides of his territory.

Well, of course it's okay, as long as your two companions agree, the three borders, south, east, and north, except for a few places, you can choose whichever you want.

Ace smiled.

Facing this group of legendary monsters who have contributed countless gold coins to him, he naturally would not disagree with a little request.

The legendary Wu Jingui happily retreated with his two companions.

Following the opening of the legendary black golden turtle, the remaining forty-one legendary monsters began to choose sites one after another.

Two hours later, the forty-four legendary beasts had all selected their territory, and they were all cheerful.

next to the map.

Looking at the legendary Warcraft territory that has been connected by the border.

Ace was even more satisfied with this group of legendary monsters. It was obvious that the other party did it on purpose, otherwise the territory they chose would not have just covered the entire border of the Dark Swamp.

In this way, with them guarding the border of the dark swamp, watching and helping each other, it would be difficult for humans to come in.

Ace looked at the kobold scholar Ronnie Stam and said solemnly: For every piece of Warcraft territory, you will send a thousand swamp kobolds there.

In the future, let them multiply there and help these Warcraft brothers run the swamp farm.

Your will, Your Majesty!

Kobold scholar Ronnie Stam slightly brushed his chest, and said with an extremely serious expression.

He is very serious about the tasks assigned by his Majesty, and will do his best.

As a kobold who has received Ace's inheritance, his combat effectiveness is not good, and his wisdom management ability can be thrown away dozens of streets by the legendary saint of the elves, but he is the most serious and loyal.

After dealing with all the things that need him to deal with, Ace entered his golden castle with sleepiness.

In the innermost part of the Golden Castle, in a giant palace as high as 200 meters, Ace was lying on a hill made of gold coins.

Dozens of huge crystal transparent lamps, under the effect of magic, illuminated the entire palace brightly.

Under the light, each gold coin exudes a fascinating golden light.

Feeling the refreshing feeling of rubbing the gold and silver coins below his dragon scales, Ace couldn't help but squinted his longan, feeling extremely comfortable all over his body.

The huge body arched downward, and large pieces of gold coins were squeezed away by him, flowing downward like flowing water.

The sound of gold coins colliding and flowing was endless.

Ace fell into quicksand, and the whole dragon sank into it.

Ten minutes later, Ace had disappeared into the sea of ​​gold coins, leaving only the surging breath of the giant dragon still ringing in the palace.

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